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Show Scrapbook Prepared By Thursday, May 9, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Pace 6 Taylorsville News Jaycee-ette- s The last meeting of the Granger to be held under their Jaycee-ette- s nld officers took place Wednesday, !May. 1, at the home of Karmon Lanfhere, 3911 Hallmark Drive. The girls brought newspaper clippings, pictures, and other items to make a scrapbook of their past years activities. They will enter the book in competition at the 'State Convention to be held this month jn Vernal. The book will then to presented to the her memento of ikeep as a year as president. The next meeting of the Jaycee- - The building program adopted by the Taylorsville Stake is expected to begin in the very near future. Because of the population explosion in this area, new chapels are needed very badly. First on the schedule is an addition to the stake center, remodeling of the Bennion Ward Chapel and construction of a three-war- d chapel. Labor and monies from en(jre stake will be pooled and heje past-preside- nt River trip instead of the Bennion group. Remember! The next polio clinic will be on May I and 19 at the same therefore make it possible to get places as before. Land has been purchased from started on the new building proDave Frame for a new stake center. gram much sooner. Everyone in the The building will house three wards stake will be helping each other. and have the regional gymnasium. The students from the TaylorsThe Mothers and Daughters Banville, Granger and Plymouth Elementary Schools presented a very quet and Fashion Show will be held, fine musical program last Friday this 'Friday for the Valley Jr. High at the Valley Jr. High School. There School. was a capacity audience and a very The Stake Rose Prom will be held enjoyable evening was had by all. Saturday at :30 in the stake center. Mr. Lon H. Kennard, teacher for The Granger High School dance instrumental music at the three band will furnish the music. It is schools and Mrs, Corinne S. Bark- sponsored by the and er, director of the chorus from Explorers of the stake. Everyone Plymouth- School, should- be com- Is Invited to attend. mended for the outstanding work All primaries in the stake will they have done with these young people. RALPH ' ettes will be held May 15 at the home of Bobby Mros, 5717 West 3600 South. Mia-Mai- ds - A child who keeps himself busy with music will not become a de- linquent child. He will not have time to be delinquent. Music enriches their lives. It is a means of self expression which cannot be gained by any other means. Parents, the music in the school is free. They begin the student in the fourth grade. Encourage your youngsters to have the desire for a musical education along with his regular schooling. It will provide many dividends and rewards as well as pleasure. Music is the international language. have their mother parties this week. The 3rd Ward Relief Society will make corsages and floral arrangements for the home at this weeks meeting. 2ssmasr. DRAPERIES by Donna JENSEN (COUNTRY CARPETS 1962 WEST 3500 SOUTH (266-142- 298-861- 1 8 CHINE'S SINCLAIR SERVICE 1950 WEST 3500 SOUTH EXPERT TUNE-U- GET YOUR CAR P INSPECTED by Before The Rush APPOINTMENT k The Taylorsville 4th Ward elders and their partners will have a smorgasbord dinner and program Friday. A building fund dinner was held Friday in the Taylorsville 4th Ward. The tumbling team from the Valley Jr. High School provided the enter-men- t. Qflk 02 FRIDAY CUSTOMER Congratuations to Lee and Mary Horton on the arrival of a baby girl. They have four other children. Sorry to hear that the Hortons are moving away from this area. They will be moving on the east side, where its closer to Lees work. NO NEED TO SWELTER THROUGH ANOTHER HOT SPELL AIR CONDITIONING They will be missed by all who know them. 35THISOUTH ggB COOL OFF WITH x LeRoy and Doris Jones are the proud parents of a baby girl. The Jones now have three girls and three boys. Congratulations to the happy family. uiir3D (!0?0 9 I MARTIN'S The Taylorsville 3rd Ward Elders Quorum had a successful fund-rai- s ing campaign. ' t 5363 SO. 4220 WEST 9 . 01 (STORE ADDRESS) (PHONE NO.) IMF Phone 4774 South Redwood Rood WE'RE MOVING SHOP YOUR CONVENIENT B.F. GOODRICH STORE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ; CORRECTION: An explorer group from one of the Granger Wards is the group going on the Colorado '(Next to Post Office ) CY 9 . - 266-443- 3 1 MAY 15th NEW LOCATION T! mm HT PREMIUM BIG EDGE SIEVE b These Big Edge "HT Silvertown tires pack extra rubber on the edges-gi- ve you a big edge in mileage and safety! all-nylo- n (Just East of Kearns Bowling Lanes) fi TO YOUR ACCEPTANCE DUE MOVING TO LARGER QUARTERS ALL POPULAR SIZES ...ONE LOW PRICE! DRIVE IN WINDOW (Save Time When You Make Payments) ($.70x15; 7.50x14; 7.10x15; 8.00x14) larger sizes (7.60x15; 8.50x14) only 527.50 $! paces plus tax and tire WE ARE OF OUR SERVICES off your car. Whitewalls only J4 00 more CY 8-35- 94 PLENTY OF PARKING PRIVATE CONSULTATION BOOTHS UTAH FINANCE CO. OF KEARNS CY 8-3- 594 |