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Show E 77,7,r4r75-77-1T3,07:",7Vf- ItiJ.AT 50,000 at .1 1 Army Reverses Earlier. Decision Expects i 't0.4.: '00.Rdlie.p- 'Dance Event :1 Washington- - - Bureau i III am pleased to inform you that headquarters and head. B and C. have been designated combat quarters batteries units within the meaning of the combat duty pay !id," Bergin wrote Dawson. "Members.present and serving with these batteries during the months of April, May, October and November, 1951, are now eligible for combat pay for each of these months." The congressman's office estimated bout 800 men the ars re. quested to submit applications to the adjutant general, U. S. Army, Washington 25. t Those who have not obtained application forms may get them from the office of Rep. William A. Dawson, New House Office Bldg., Washington 25. - 213th Field months' combat Battalion four pay in qualified for Artillery an Army decision Tuesday, reversing an earlier ruling. 4100 4litterans of the National Guard unit should re-- , ceive 2144,000 in "fight" pay for the months of April,, Mat, October and November, 1951, Adj. Gen. William E. Bergin I -- Colorful hist Slated a .1huuday, Friday WASHINGTON--Utah's la i.'06e.e::.J101r-4.01- presidentially-cite- d --. it ould-qualify-for , Dawson requested that the Pentagon recheck records of By HENRY A. SMITH , More than 50,000 people are the 213th and an Investigation started last March. Many veterans of the unit had complained over, the initial decision that expected to witness the great ' dance spectacle planned for only forward observer personnel of headquarters batteries for 'combat pay. Thursday and Friday nights this qualified week as a highlight of the 54th annual conference of the Mu. tual Improvement 'Associations of the Church of Jesus---Christ of -Latter-da- y Saints. The huge- - dance festival is but one of several spectacular I events planned for the instruction and entertainment of the 1! ) will attend 'many thousands who the conference. ' activities get SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH', TUESDAY, JUNE '4:: under: way L.Wednesday and , , Thursday, with the acutal M I A wooloatomotemoKoriolosonootatemosvisommaictialFS4111mkili4444.4AA 4:.9, conference sessions planned for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. T. BUILDING DEDICATEDSecy.- of Apiculture Erni Taft Benson, daughter Barbara The opening conference adof on and Mn. Benson admire landscaping at new Rome Living Center University will be delivered by Pres!. dress Utah campus. Sect'. Benson dedicated the building Monday night. This sesdent David Q. sion is set for 9:30 a.m.yriday in the Tabernacle. U. Coromony This meeting will also feature greetings to the thousands of M I A delegates by General Superintendent Elbert R. Curtis :'.kldet:. p.,00$01.!: and General President Bertha S. ii,i.iiit:.i.:-76:0;;;Reeder. -- Assisting Mein in the conduct of the conference will :,,D..00icolos',..i,. be their counselors, A. Walter Stevenson and David B. King in the YMMIA and Emily H. .:..H:60.':::(éittet.,... Bennett and LaRue C. Longden , "Be Not Deceived" was announced Tuesday as the title in the YW M!A Because' of experiences the Secretary of Apiculture Ezra of Secy. ofe Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson's address to UniverTaft Benson dedicated Univer- sity of Utsh's 1053 graduates Tuesday night. past two years in turning away All major construction jobs in the state were at a AEA', sity of Utah's new $300,000 , The 84th annual commencement exercises will be held in many thousands unable to Home Lixing Center Monde Ike Ute Stadium Bowl, weather permittinv l'he procession of crowd into the University of 'f The shutdown came as the result of action by Associated UtalLstadium, tQl Itm- dance fek 1."k .1.. regents,- faculty- - and - graduates bight -. General Contractors who have regarded strike actions at two The home economics practice Into .the stadium is to begin at vocation, after which Pres. A. tival, provisions are- made this '::...:'17.:,"projects in the state as a strike against the entire association. house wu built for the univer- 8:15 p.m., and the program Will Ray Olpin will year to hold the spectacle two his Allan E. Mecham, counsel for present of -:, at 7 p.m.' nights, Thursday and Friday. sity with gifts of money and A G C, said all major con- , nual report. the witLast materials - from approximately 30,000 year people Will Sing Anthem Gus P. Backman, executive 41 stniction k Orchestra to Play , ars down festinOW 200 Utah business firms and innessed the dance projects of the Salt Lake Processional music will be 'and win remain down until we dividuals; These donors were furnished The , University' Symphony val and more than 5,000 were secretary Chamber of Commerce, Tuesof the by University t A' turned away. special guests at the dedication Utah Band, directed !No. get this thing settled if it takes day told Salt Lake businessmen by Ronald Orchestra, directed by Prof. , The dance festival Thursday that the services and A buffet supper D. ' of was all summer , Utah Schubert's will The economy Robertson, play Gregory.' graduating followed. which and open house at 8:30 p.m. will feature dancers In top condition to meet the No. 5 in ' audience class will and "Symphony G A The C , sing has based its from the stakes of Northern challenge of a world at peace. Secretary Benson, who is a Major," and Secretary Benson, action on an April, 1952, State member of the Council of the "The Star Spangled Banner," with Utah Utah, beginning directed Prof. Leroy J. Rob- - who is also a member of the Employement in the state is Supreme Court ruling which Twelve, Church of Jesus Christ ertson. by , Council of the Twelve, Church County. Spectators for this at an atime high; projects are agreed with its own view that Latter-day dedicated same of come the Saints, will from night Latter-day Dr. Franklin L. West, coin. of Jesus Christ of now lathe stage of develop- "a strike against one member of stakes. , the building "to the' furthering missioner of education for the Saints, will give- his address to the association is a strike Park parallel in one easY ment, planning or building (lour and preservation of the spirit on same at the Friday Church of Jesus Christ of tat. the graduates. will add some $100,000,- which against all members." e life." movement of ter-da- y Dr. David A., Shand will di- the same program will be pre- 000 in new capital, and the in offer the will Saints, From 15,00Q to 20,000 trade That is to the tribute He paid special from the rest dancers sented Salt behind by the Coltheory rect the University of Utah market to be served by Utah members of the American Lake of the stakes and missions of newest parking 'persons whose "sacrifice and W. Musicum C. and .,,pity's (TOM) is legium Symphony he said. products expanding, Federation of ,,,labor , are afSAIrlit spirit of pioneering" made the 'plan,' and Traffic Engineer Sty-- Orchestra in Handel's, "Let the Church. Spectators will als0 presents awards.' fected by the shutdown. Speaking before the Salt building possible, and he asked be from the same area as the moor S. (Sam) Taylor says It Celestial All Concerts Their s "A payroll of about a million works like a charm. for inspiration from the Lord See M I ken Page B-- Lake Rotary Club, Mr. BackUnite." diman sal& will that every year since dollars a week is going down Instead for those 'persons who of marking of spaces the end of 'World War II there Awarding of Degrees rect the studies and work done the drain for these men until 22 feet one for each ear long, ' has been new in deof In thi Home Living Center. is $190,000,000 this Awarding graduate settled," Mr., of , thing 17400t average length, the ' In Utah was for certificates will be Mecham said Tuesday. capital spent The building "We new expanpresented grees and sion of basic, industries.. handled by Pres. Olpin and have made very ' substantial in plan calls for 84400t spaces to the university by Dr. Adam which two ears park bumper. CAMP W. G. WILLIAMS L. Since the war, processors deans of the various colleges of offers to those fellows arid they S. Bennion in behalf of the "no park, Ten-foPillraw of Individual of each dehave was the material want to don't But donors. It if by the training, accepted spent, university. Honorary accept , are in being'. spaces placed ' oil $125,000,000; offers are not accepted soon tween liam J. O'Connor, present soldier took up most of the grees will be awarded to Secrecompanies, The no parking spaces Chemical with-man of the board of regents. $100,000,000; be. win Charles concerns, Benson; they probably ' tary NaMabey, .flayTuesday as the Utah are painted red. Eire plugs, $75,0003,000; utilities, $125,000,- Dr. Bennion praised the work drawn.' of Utah, and tional Guard encampment former governor sileYwaYs and other no parkmg .. and for 000, of members manufatof the responsitaa expansion the Sterling-Wet persons ,Meanwhile, Silt- former chair., are utilized for the 10-went at into its sicond . concerns it that noted and new 'day and indus'The 'let George do it' feeling AFL union locals have been areas the structure, man of the U. Board of Regents. turing foot intervals and other no buildstarted out as a $30,000 tries, $150,000,000. Baccalaureate' degrees and Camp Williams. Is on its way out and there has balloting on the offers made by areas are utilized for , This new Utah Council parking Legislative C A G the into in last money certificates will be conferred negotiations ing but that the generosity and poured by members were probing Tuesday in perbeen a great ,Since most of the guard the 101oot intervals to save elof the Persons Friday. So far, all have voted tip state has helped stoput sonal interest resurgence units are artillery outfits, fir- Pres. Olpin, and the senior morning to find passible rev- Ittah's in the fective parking space. ' preserving final On the resulted in concerned a fooling economy class members will be welcomed against accepting., enue sources from which to firm enough to face "It can be awfully difficult ' which - began Into the in the - No more negotiations are exing exercises, American of life way withUtah of peace plans for a $300,000 unit. ,University to parallel 'park in the bolster the depleted state uni- out fear of a business recesThe building contains a large Wednesday- will take up a Alumni Assn. by Richard until after few pected Wednesday years." ' form sihool fund without levy- sion, Mr. Backman said. And past g especially if the, ear k This was the declaration of night when union balloting ts space, community type Evans, president of the organgood share of ,the tax. she& of you are behind you has state a ' property ing small six and area prache the C. vice W, added, no shows (Tom) completed. presiSawyer, ization.. growth parked a little bit over his Wm," Meetings,of the taxation sub- signs of slackening. , the apartnients which are man- encampment. dent of Freedoms Foundation, - Richard S. Roberts, secretary Mr. Military Rites Live ammunition Will be committee headed by Sen. Taylor said., "Also, you can of the Lake Re Salt in to Pa., aged by home economics stupointed Building -Tuesday expansion Valley Forge, be at the curb, and have Parked Awarding of bachelor de- Alonzo F. Hopldn CD., 'Wood- moves planned by k stay in used In the exercises, and Trades offidents during a informed when Lake Salt he where Council, City, nearly all the ears move in front and behind and cedificates,and, com- ruff) and of the education subof the said local industries don't ciated of at shutdown, radar screens will be set up to grees an major presentation covering missions to military reserve of committee headed by Sen. RanBoth Dr.,. Bennion and Mr. warn of Freedoms Foundation awards see the need of the lookout you se close that you can't get approaching planes. ficers will be the next order of dall N. Mabey (R., Bountiful) segments of the economy. the difficulty O'Connor paid high tribute to at the Hotel Utah. They are extending the strike. Out I think it is a meeting Of the full 'Additional firing is slated for business of maneuvering a car into a too. preceded B-of b chairman W. on See'STRIBE of Sill, "Since the the Sterling Page beginning , I small space which makes paral- The Rev. James G. Baynes council at 1 p.m. foundation lour years ago the the board of regents when the Friday of this week, and the was little There let parking unpopalar."! doubt of Bethel will Church Baptist project was begun and 'tbe Monday, Tueiday, Wednesday people of our country have real offer the benediction, and the council would recommend that The syktern of someto ized , man who almat do got and Friday next week. they've THIS SECTION IN a Lee call Gov. Bracken .1, speleaves recessional music will ample be parallel parking played o raised the money and got the about the which Retreat parades,.-tway thing preserving room for getting in and out of U. Symphony Orchestra. cial session of the Legislature we desire," Mr. Sawyer life of pledges ofthe donors to make ' the public is invited, are by the B--2 Robert Condick will play organ promptly to deal with pressing to B4 narking spaces at all times.- - It said Sports the building possible." . being held each evening, ex- music school finance problems. while diplomas are being B5 sliould relieve a great deal of The organization has but one Financial News University Pres. A. Ray Olpht, cept Mondays, at 5:30 p.m discussion point' was H Major , awarded. CutComics out.B4 the congestion on the streets. Dr. and be "That Sill. Ift. purpose, Virghtli pointed Engineering unita were get, to - be whether the " expected caused by .cars taking a long the commencement asCutler Is Following to Dr. to stimulate Radio; Ty logs the people ler spoke. briefly. ting practice Monday and exercises ' council would recommend a Salt Lake -- City's 19534954 sume B--7 time to work their way into the 1.11' department be will and Obituaries B4 the graduates their head is of ,of ., responsibility a building , Tuesday , definite legislative program on school budget - will be L aired ----,' a. thekin Taylor believes curb.; B41 Will d 'road from .tha guestsAdsAssn. at Action Alum! 'FREEDOMS on to B43 economies and :See home of tago , 'amp to ths the annual buffet ,supper and how to raise additional achool Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the the training program at revenue ,or whether to leave it Board of Education 'offiees," 440 dance in the Union Bldg. the new Rome Living Center. Up to the Legislature how to East First South St raise the money. Up for consideration at the The plan worked out by the public meeting will be a tempocouncil staff would change the rarily approved school outlay SWIM policy of school financing, shift- of $6,230,700 for the coining WL1JJWL Jw J fliUWW ing major responsibility to local school year, Discussion is ex' districts. DOUOLV TROUBLE PICTURESQUE SPEECH pected to center on the Iwo-pose- d , n Public School Survey service cuts necessary to modbe could who Salt A A Callfornht woraan, , take couple recently bought a members recommended keep the schools within their teeter-totte- r se "rather described visited plump," chiland for their three erately swing earlier this spring that the state budget-- , Utah recently to attend the graduation of her dren. The first day the things were up the continue to assume major re . Major. of these economy. son at UtahRtate Agricultural College. children .stayed Jong' playing until 10 p.111. sponsibility for supporting and moves is a proposed cut in second , AU along the way she was taking special See COUNCIL on Page 117 grade classes to half-da- y cats of a new hat she had bought for the trip. When the father got up at 5:30 a.m. the next schedule!. Others Mclude dropshe at to bus When children Ely, Nev, hung the to her go stopped work, morning got up ,' ping elementary school instruher hat .above the seat and went into the, too, to get an earttstart at the awing and mental music classes- and high U. station for a hamburger,: She returned to ' teeter totter school driver training educe-Th- e the seat to eat the sandwich and, to her horThe mother called the father at work a , she felt settled as she ror, down, something tittle later to report that as the children budget Sets up $3,987,200 crush beneath her. -, Kim was streamed out the door, Warshaw was named for salaries as compared with Maurice She got up asItquickly as possible and for last year. found she bad crushed her hat. She laid the heard to exclaim: "I'm so excited, my heart president of the Utah Associa- $3,925,200 , Representatives of the Is just screaming!' ' Utah What to she tion could did tot the United down Nations and sandwich Parent-Teache, Monday , during the annual Taxpayers Association, straighten out her bonnet. Then the hung it THZ ZITIA Toucn Association, Salt Lake board time Univtcto. find at down settled the, meeting againthis upend Teacher's Union (AFL) and the t sity,Club. she bad flattened the hamburger on the seat.. Salt Lake wornart who' recently hal a R. Trevi- League of Women Voters are He succeeds David throat oteretion, sod she aidn't refaest'st, hest thick, Salt Lake City postmas- expected to be on hand at the " OBSERVATIONS , the doctor. thologhttsdly , larked where ' her ter.. public meeting. Dr. Franklin S. Harris was pearls tell ea her throat aNd made the scum U,i Collrns 'Look et those poor little kids .in Aar winter coetsend here is is June named,first vice Chairman. Mrs: there lime vihesi she wears the pearls, the i0057100;i4Nli:, , ' scar is Vivian Snow was named second To completely tddes. , I Nurse in asentallospstal: "The vice chairman. is ...Treasurer the tdon't get heor most Iron patients it, Mrs. George C. Hatch. Mrs. ,UTAII STATE PRiSoNThe spaces In ANEUVERParking two cars bumper to bumper, with SWENONYMS Salt L4ke ON of hers, go crazy.". . Clair M. Senior is recording State Board of G'orreetions will between each pair, makea parallel parking much easier and relieves congestion.- ae . hots:mile: Life is just a constant fight quilts& Mouth: Another thing that's often opened secretary. Mrs. John D. Stookey bold its monthly meeting here cording to Sam Taylor, Salt Lake City traffic engineer. The system is new to Salt Lake , , . dirt is the corresponding secretary. Thursday at 9:30 a.M. by raistaks. fee City,' but is Used successfully :In many other cities.. 7 ', - I k 11 I , - foOsvaacglIÈ)lim00 ''.....(ti.ra(sp:sle.:0.. ;ilm Fete at Stadiu oliar?tao )37 AGC Bases Its Action On High Court Ruling illph Viewed Ready for World Peace , an-beg- , - Parallel Part(lag one-nig- ht , 41!41,. Made Easy by '1. . flew Space Plan' 1 real-hom- ' ,Utah Guardsmen 7 Get Individual Training at Camp -- Council Seeks , - Foundation Aid - In S. Hew Sources Presents Freedom Prizes Of School Funds , - - ' 22-fo- - kitchen-dininglivin- two-wee- - - six-wee- - 7 single-handedl- iSchoot Budget y o Hearing Set Tuesday Night , , -- riiiit(4.9or e , di-re- -- - , 1 - Ti) , SCENE TOD, MUSED U- Corn-missio- - ' , Utah N. Group Chooses Officers . r ' Hold Meotini 10-fo- 4 a 77 ;' : |