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Show , 12s, , - DESERET NEWS, Imo AND TREGRAM, Salt Ititto City, :ruttsday, - 9, 1953 - 54Money to Ison . 49AMusic , Rad, Tslovision 53Ffurniture Wanted CIAAppliances - SSAutomobiles - SIGNA,TURE model. 880. 1100 A,- WE TOP THEM ALL 7 I.spd., .. discount on new blond automatic changer. recodeitioned , , - cirAtsil E. with atigist scratch. Man, 1144.95. 115 dn.. $5 per month. att,114 taipor,i)Gt CO. Stir,used portables. At. and bat. -- her new and used bargains. TRADEINs MINOS POR ALL PAID G. eve. TV Loather. L Uri,. $19.95; Zenith, Lee's Shop. URNITUREA HOUSEHOLD UP TO electronic Organi 1 coODS,RILIG s GAS RANGES, 2 model ironer& MINSCHELL 152 ALLSTATE '6', R., H. manual. 1 oetave pedals. A real E're. ASK FOR, MIL WILLIAMb G. Shunter,. $14.115 to buy. Blond or mahog, finish. gen- - OR MR. MADSEN. 131 S. STATE. by '52 ALLSTATE 141, KR. 1Dexter. tam ning's afoot, Co., 28' IL 1111 66' used furniture,' buys 14 DJAL-3-27Blackstone. r conditioned, $25 to Need not bit tiwe best. Also rags. 151 HENRY .1 see 0111. R., H. 34434. PIANOS sold. what have you. bought. exchanged, iron, WM.BRINTON CTRIC Convenient Monthly Paymants Tuning and repairing. COMPLETE boo yoto temitun ' pay too "49 FORD 4792 S. State Ph. Mut'. 101 plANu RESTTLINti, Homo Seri,-- wg oleo. t4004. tee Co., 45 W. 3rd South. tip to 24 Months USED WASHER s . !moat mw: '. CROSLEY STA. wgN. '50 BEAUTIFUL Baldwin Grand piano. 54-1- Ittto Also Mad. Loans Secured 0. L. Dexter, hor U,Liole Trade-in- s ft. 8 In. Mahon. finish. like on Laundr Mate , 1 LITZ: Tras or Come I50 CHEV R., H. . new. TOrMA. Will trade. Phone ,,, , Bargain prices t or ALL APPLIANCE CO..122 . 3rd S. 148 BUICK RDMSTER APT. washer with wringer and RENT an instrument for summer Ge-' ... '47 HUDSON R. and guar. Dip d'a at Levitre's. 144 E. lind So. 4.7930. pump. Whauled COMPANY 42 E. 8 h So. APPiY rent tnrbuy. Inc -, ---SED.. R.. H. -81'HARDMAN ipri,ht piano. ,orol. PI' State Finance Co. et Utah ' 494urnitoro or 'Solo 11-Ck. Room 415. Walker Bank Bldg. cond. Very reasonably . priced. -, , 2nd S. and Maio St. Phone ' SIGI'4ATURE ONLY (I) BRANCH IN OGDEN BASEMENT & WAREHOUSE ca 324 Eccles Bldg. Goods Phone , (z Atno or BIG DIScOUNT ClearanceNew Fir. Samples - ,,Sporting Wanted 54WMoney FURNtTURE (3) Ff13 E 'One-of-a-Kin- d, Slightly Used Wr;i''T1-(7vat; from DAYS ONLY 3 New SIMMONS HIDEA-BED- , 7on $1 500 ' mat aim, 8195. New BLOND M sale value. 130.000. Writs Box with MR. and S48 this paper DRESSER, $98.50: new 11110 You Like Bed the Plan Choose ' KITCHEN SETS, Clittoms secured by small new Plat the Payments to Fit Your . 69.50; i Profitable business and 00118t ;toter, An BEACITYREST 1169.11TaSIMMONS itral. 64359. Bodge proof to borrowS1.000 WANTED en SPRING. slight rub in shipping. , A Friendly, Private Service wilt second mortgage. Good security. limited number, $54.50 each: 1129 at , Like Will pay 7 interest. 64103. new STUDIO COUCH. $419,Mi: now apply. USED CAR LOT 11275 LIVING ROOM SUITES (3 NEED 15.000. Will pay 1100 per Savo Time Phone First for only) frieze covers. 11189i new at 8 mo. N hit. or your terms. SOUTH-MAIBEDS BUNK . complete with Box Collateral. this paper. , , '751 D Mt. SPRINGS and MATTRESS. , ONE-TRI- P -- ....-. SERVICE 404 N. 2N-- IVST 280 Ext. Pew CHEST DRAWERS. 14.95; 5465 , 54XAutomobilles Wanted r.mtN1f7R11,1,1 Tilliil BU0 BIG SALE ' ET FINANCE COMPANY (Utah) and ShieldBach chairs, Big-Heart- ed Bland lam Above 11300 made by beauty, 11185, new MOO LOV SEAT. GRAY FRIEZE COVER I SUPPLIES MARINE BOATS AND sample, $89: now LAMP. END We ars moving July tat Toa CITYE 'NANCE CORP. TABLES, and - NEEDS Good Cars Bad oteiv location and ars cleaning PICKUP BASE RUGS, each: COCKTI , COLLME, Mgr. out our stock. Hers- la , YOUI .NOT CORNER $4.95; or out Local tiros. of 'tato, paid for or Hem", duty SHELP. , lilt 50,' 11170 limo oak mince for bargain. 711 Conti ntal Bonk Building not. tied! .ovettl .par rub differ, 4inad. trans.. whoola,agno. CHINA CABINET, modern plate . . i or once. take difference ANCHOR S. 'Phone St. Main BOAT 200 o d ors 1184.$0, WARDROBE! $24 50; beautiful 1 ALL MAKES-A- LL MODELS DINING, ROOM SUITE, 1149; -- -- -CRA Mgr. a n 0 STUDIO COUCH 2pc. STEEL' CC) SALT LAKES CHAIR,freizt1131ILcover. ISO,' CHINA ' Sugar Housto - ' . -----5pc. CHROME 372,r- - It: stars citaltirr, ph: Over Wolgron HIGHEST BIDDER S9.50; COMPLETE lino Of Behind 824.50: DRESSER, SET, tackle; uN,R40,,,,, Room sulTpL, llth-to- tt 21246 Pho 11162 W . a hirl Goodall. waY Zebco, Aires, - tp,.. $SOI STUDIO obtains outfits, trolling Stanch in Ogden For Your BEST DEAL used. 224.50: CHEST -mint. Assorted lures. COMO and St.Ph. 110; PLAY PEN, $7.50; SEDAN DELIVERY Drive Into Our 'BIG Lot sea the NEw Coleman campint Teeninas by appointment FLAT-TOOFFICE DESK, 249.50; 41,1499 ahowiachairs. Viral talitTELEVNION 6229 MOTOROLA EQUIPPED W1Th BLANDSOTER'S FET,Itsod 5 months, 21401 FRIG- JnAtB REFRIGERATOR. 51 N. Main, Midvale, Ph. Mid, $121 LANG CO. OVERDRIV! , 112, S ti,e M iltrotrf wbOttret 64010ft ;VA; W,91y,bp9,4M2011, other Muir triltx1;cirati. Lona Star Boats, CAPITOL FURNITURE CO.Big Savings on Fishing Tockis On Signature", Furniture, Cot 1 36 so. STATE ST. Cosh fore Shotguns, rifles, pistols., FOR GOOD USED CARS PERSONAL AT Its Vmntikis Bros. 2010 S. State. 74272, First Door SO. Lyric Theatre promptly to employed p.opI. MORGkNI MOTOR or married single. CAMPING, Itishins Headquarters One-visGRANITE delivers everYwhere losn phone Tackle 20 to 40 Oil 825 S. STATE S. Main 714 date. bed Parment Filed group Zou -N bed and mattress$14129:50" Outboard service. WA-1930.-51. Lk Ai51tLAc Guns, Archery Motors, Wide variety or stamina plans. 19.50 su4 mith,o9 ' MOD. 75, 7.PASSENGEJI LIMOUOluipmentTishint License oak drawsi.e.. 119.50 letween payday loans. SINE. PH. 4.7761. MIL.PARKIN. Mut. M2 Lunch hour 5.00 'DUCE. 3450 S. State Studios or $ofas $9.50 chairs genic. .. .. Ir AtLSTATE 'LOANS $1400 malt: -- - , Phone Arranged , -- a Cash'Loan STATE FINANCE - i ---- GLASS re SE - r f - - " BiF ' $25 to 5--7 CASH J BLAND srm , studio couch with chair 39.50 ELK, deer tanned. Jackets, gloves. MIAS Eimer c .n0(.01311111 tailored. Leather Jacklea bed coal range iTjO eta cleaned. repaired. zippered. S SO . , pt. gal range lined. Buckskin Dan. 293614 S lablo top gap or wee. rang.. 29.30 state. alum. boat, pipe boat trail- krakegrlewIttspruanr' ;11; er, g it.p. Mercury motor. Finest vo 50 Bier, win dry hoot trailer Anchor Boat Co. and 2114 South. E. year )06314 makes. LATE model Evinrude 33 h.p. out. board motor. Excellent condition. Chrome Provo Loan and Jewelry, Provo., Phone 10d-Kitchen Set 14-IRCHCRAFT with 40 ma- rine motor, trailer. A good bur. Ph. 'MOUNTAIN LION RUG with bowl mountedWill-swa- p for guns. or $T DOWNEASY TERMS sell for cash. Ph, EVINRUDE 54 lip. 4 eyl. trot, HANCO FURNITURE plate and stand. good cond. wtst se. State Cheap. 014 E. 48th So. Mur. 11094. Remington pump model 870 Wingmastor. Like new. Ream. after P.m. NEW 13.8. boat. Canvas covered, bull, pcialtiveLy leak Looking for used furniture, proof. Ph. Mid. 4285. MARK BROWN will sell you any living room suite in LIVRFIgAhlY425t 4.181rtrriloigittl. pow his stock for 11148. Only dig down NEW PIPE BOAT TRAILERS with easy monthly Pty Mont& Clearance. $65. Call BtfL 1042. Mark .boat with trailer. 3 he Bray', 2607,So. State METAL Sea King motor AU 8125. 84104. Wizard fibreglass boat. 2593 Z. 3820 South. t A STUDIO COUCH OR SOPA SOAComeros,--Equipmen.1122-5New berry gala rugs FINANCE CO. SALT OGDEN-385-- bradigragt dine tPr. 'set stook-,- '. rm. chre. 'Honed Sowers lag WESTERN $S- . S. ashen; Stata and up up g - SI9-5- USED ANNE)r"'"-- E. - LOANS BILLS --- REPAIRS HOUSEHOLD Finance Corporation USED CAMERA. EINIKIL 50 B. MAIN- .- GANN above 2300 mad IN House. hold Finance Corp of Utah) 111.1. view camera. Practically trew."with Gimp 87. TWO BRANCHES 417.N. 2nd West. SALT LAKE OMEGA 11.4 enlarger with Kodak Bldg.. 1nd ne. Judge I. g. tor, Main and 3rd Scutt 4.5 lens. 6110. Monnahan, 9.8741. tablo modal TV ,... SRO SO lot. liv. rm. sot ......,... 1149 30 ew $ala re Ste tat rhone - tudio rotten hit 1434 Washinarod Blvd Ogge xta felt base nu( 508Ftwolty,--, Diamootts ,. Phone 127 S. STATE REDUCE YOUR corder. Provo Loan and Ir,CTIONAL couch and chair, $50. Co.. Provo. Phone 706-W- . Jewelry MONTHLY EXPENSES Blonde stand and eoffes table. $13. Sall rug and pad, 125. Gas mite.. SOCClothing, Furs ' SO. Rettig.. 1130. $30, 'S40 BollrWood bed. 0, 16 and 111. $IS. ft unpainted chests of draw- DRESSES. plitt MORE 3 9. Call dresses U. $S. table $20. Terms ers, debts. -Night CASH available. Salt E. Center Bt.. Mid.. ;rr earEXTRA 51Storo, Oftlso Eqvipotont taxes. or other mews vale. repairs In one low-co- st convenient DON'T OWE YOUR DENTISTS ATTENTION URE AWAY. CALL THALES M. DERRICK. AUCTIONEER. I WILL ComPlete !avoid of dental quite. BUY IT FOR sroT CASH OR ' ment including chair. unit, cabiy SELL FOR YOU ON COMMISnet. instruments. machine. SATISFACe MON, GUARANTEE ,dirveloping tank. air compressor. OR .TION. DIAL Called in Navy, Take it all for, OWNER Ask for Jock Borg or At Fletcher leaving city. 'Will pae. 61,800. Phone ot write J, H. Shaw. bedrin. set. bog 'Penni 241 DOliglag St. Ph. 54416. liv. rm. get; ColdsPot refris. FRAC. new l. sods fountain, All in A.I cond. 82885. 2830 complete with modern counter 2880 South. bet. p.m. and 8 stools. This la a complete 13EALITIF1Jt new bedrm. suite. fountain setup. Also Bobtail lotto. Phorto Mr. and Mrs. dresser. Spec made tam. Make offer. See at 68 S. 2nd 837 So. Main matt. and spas. Also beautiful Vied. i FORCED to move. Sacrifice for Vrgotdithes. Se" I" immediate sale. Complete office, VOTCERI . N bedrm sets blond equipment, incl. desks, chairs. TV console with drs.; Chinese red posting machine, adding chenille runner 3x13 IL; tall rug: tables, machine. vett cooler. etc, Igo. blond coffee table with glass WE BUY AND SELL cosh regis- FOR ANY GOOD PURPOSE legs. 808 Westminster. ters, add. machines. Pale. office FT. of fine furniture Including equipment. INTERMOUNTAIN MERCII. RCP. grneaauelifirlialghttillnet?".. wbtuittnek M E. 4th South Dial ...house range.. ets 1388 11.14th a. , CASH FOR FIXTURES FINANCE CO. OF UTAH Safes, Desks, Showcases etc. Sale on 9x12 rugs. Now $elf. 3rd So., 3rd IL MERCHANTS SALVAGE "Thrifty.' VURNITURE--Ne- w GROCERY an triTeit market . used. abused. 21 East New. used. Well trade. Terms. 2nal,South , ppts 1 to 1:30. Also furn repair. .......... . r" 1ikosL. LOAN- to $3,000 , $50 t LOANS MODERN Wm. E. Bills, 38 W. 1st S. GREY fretse love seat Brand new,' $85 Modern green floor East 3760 So. Ph. ...231110 d 4 RMS. furniture. washer, get, radio. everything to keep house for 9200. !BABY bed, (Prints, Matt., like new: skirt YOOKY SIM top. stool. . eq. LAKE CABINET 116 S. West Temple Ph. 331107 Frigidaire frigerator. Very real. - 12591. 53Wonted to BuyMisc. VVrE BUY old gold, silve7,--amonde. GIFnNS. Barnett Weiss. - credit Wider', PEOPLE'S LOANS rri end CASH ?OR ANYTHING 39552. 48183. Pahl's. 31 S. West Temple DINING rm. set. 923,419 Holly- NEED household furMsltings. wood Ave. 74356. tiques. 29 S. W, Temple. ELECTRIC.. RANGES. $39 and up. TYPE.'AD MACH. and COMPLETE 940 30. 3rd So.. 3rd E. office furnishings. walnut dining room set.1 53AJunk Batterki - bid kiNGLE-SIZ- I and 'PHU. aft. hIGH ehoir. 1115. Call ernoons and evenings 49A 1 fo, ' Radio t Television TELEVISION - EtlisEALLINT19tIci - $100 to $5,000 . - 1 L, Si - our Monthly 114t e 12 Moe. ! Mos. 11 tit 9.50 11 moo .78 53.34 5:958$ 2.89 34844 el 10.501 1 ;1 .00 1.75 -- Mel .36 la.44 140371.265.34 Lot! II ss' ot S ins $ ss I I l le Mot t 1 tel :FINANCE PEOPLE'S JUNK- - CARS. WANTED LOANONE PLACE TO PAT Scrap iron; cast, metal and bat, ONE 151 terms Will pick up. $ &tato...Phone 34500 I METAL ,,ALvAGE CO. 180 W. 13th South - ' Home Demonstration. LIGHT IRON FOR BALING Sir- - Emerson full-do1NTERMOUNTAIN STEEL console' ....Beautiful matt. cabinet,We 349 W. 7th South allow uo to $150 trade-ion your JUNK CARS Used TV, radio or radio-phonNew R C A Victor 48823 n 150 trade-iallowance op your ILICH old radio, working or price paid for Iron, pink Other good values tin TV. new citrdneeituntth. LaiL 1 and need. Phone 5:4604 re- double-door LOANS $50 la Kew &UsedEasy 357 IL and South - 44321 --53CClothing MNO PARKING WORRIES UTAH MUSIC CO. $:5 i0 fdli-- EN'S SUITS 714 S.'Main Home of Kimball Pianos tools an. guns, radios, - 01 & - Paill2sapew Evenings by APPollitorent. lig Weld SMALL beautiful piano. Bargain,. Totrple 3.1 S. lth East. Terms. Gold Wanted 1iv, slightly used. Itaraain. Terms. '30Diamonds, -- 2233 S. '7th Yost. HIGHEST cask prices for poss Mr. diamonds old PIANO gold. weirs, Ter $907Bargain. add First Security Bldg White. 2233 S. Ith East. I if I TITI:rsto ' 84209 TSun. Will pay cash. -- -SP11.-;EPIANO Wilt RENT HART BROS. MUSIC CO. USED spinetHighest offer takes. SUGAR HOUSE MUSIC CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Hart Bros. Music ACCORDION Soprani down. 65 a month. 44275. sPINET piano for rent $I per mo Summerheys Music Co. 7STEINWAy grand, rebuilt. Ester electric Organ, 8409, - , - - lifERSON restyle.,- Very small. - New finish. 641359. riNt piano. Vote and Son upright. ....,.$2C1114.9911) ANCONA Pluto oceor14;11" old. 1251 RidgedaLa Ln. -- - - MORGAN LOAN CO. Wanted SAL 44127 mcm organ. small plat, 146 ' ly,"-rur- " ' 'I nt """ vre An t'd Call American. Furniture LI change. 59 S. W. Temple. at one ',Fop gash prices paid tor washers. au rangest htra.. rugs. Pianos toll sPrings. - Mattresses.- WOULD LIKE PRIVATE COM- TO BUY RIGHT---AWA-Y PLETE HOUSEFUL. FLAN TURE. RUBS, ANTIQUES, BM. ALIRAC. DISHES, TOOLS, 15 ,01 also buy A. lit0.18. ET951, OR 3 CASH CALL PRIVATE PARTY WANTS USED EURN,ITURE. ANTIQuEING onns, r..NDS BUY PAY MORE 5.5770. USED FURNITURE $ ELL wait PRE d South Stet& itillea tca God t, r. . $1,100 HUDSON Overhauled motor. ported. , Radio, Matey, - hydraulic .. $690 - ' ' ..S398 C&C CHEN. 112 FORD CHEV. Panel $1,098 ....$198 40 Others 1Ready,for Works CO. CHEVROLET MAIN AT 5TH SO. 150 STUDE CHAMP DDC Radio. climotinr, goofontood. low miloogi', OPEN EVENINGS $975 - Grant E. - Your Downtown Ford Car and Truck -Headquarters Southwest Corner Of othSouth and Main ( Hayes - 50 BUICK 441r. Special TIP Tone, one owner. 11.. H. 41,395 Pontiac Chief. it- and B. klydragdatie, 111.745 tone Windsor club " .111,545 eve. S95 48 FORD r. R. end B. 11 Iso CHRYSLER $10'PER DAY -- -: 'Vritil CHEV. Con,verL i2,260 Red finish, rend s. radio. leieter 6.000 actual miles. like '52 '52 MM. Radio and beater. near kn,e,Ttf,' r. '51 CHEN. g 0.1w Of. Sold 8, Price See and Buy One of These '49 6' Sedan Super Quality SAVE $200 TO $500 '50 HUDSON 4t,660 r. 71 REDUCED - 470 S. MAIN CHRYS. Wind. $1,100 An IinmacuIatEunWthatr was sold new and has been serviced Radio. heater. ail oritUtal. us. Equipped by fORD-.Cust,-Se1 15 ;tevitglititrilatvg. beater,eL $1,300 overdrtvs. 'SI HUDSON $1,360 gold unit is the best buy in this Overdrive. radio. heater. 1 Owner. MOTOR CO, : : CitYT CHRYS. Y. and heater. radio N. '49 So. Ph. Nur. 236 4750 Super State Hyl. $1,300 NOW $1,365 '48 CAD. Convert. ..,$1,760 WAS' $1,545, radio. heater. 1 Owner. '50 CHRYSLER Windsor NewHydra-MattBUICK '50 New $1,200 heater. radio, top. Spec. r. port. R.. H. turn signals. Completely overhauled. Radio. heater. dynaflow. like new. whitewalls $1.696 750 So. Main 47 CHEV. Aare R.. L. H.-'51 PLYM. r. $1,200 H., orig. liMah. 'scent Radio. heater. original throughout. clean $ 795 S. MAIN 679 .46 PLYM. good tires $ 596 $475 '47 PINK r. PLYM. 4417. A steal 81,195 Very food. special priced. '50 PONTIAC S $1,345 , CUMBERLEDGE -- 1: STRONG "537 '50 FORD WI HUDSON H. Comm. 41. INC. E '52 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan thee. near-ne- steal At, 8 P.M. G and MOTOR CONDITION CAR EAST 45 E. Slit South 642584 3751 WHOLESALE GALORE BARGAINS CLEAN LATE MODELE CHEVS, each 11150. 273 dn. 1941 DE SOTO, 2100. $50 dn. offer accepted. reasonable Any Cheva. Fords. Modes.. etc. 1946 NASH club. repos.-9395- . MOTORS MOO down. METROPOLITAN 1947 FORD panel. repro.. 6395, Corner 2nd So. 2nd East 2100 dn. Will trade for any- CALDWELL '52 DODGE MOTOR CO. Coronet Sedan Driven only 9.286 smiles, dark "Your Chryslor-Plymout- h finish, Gxromatic gliinve!geDolgo do luxe radio and 33 E. 21st South ' near new car at a heater. whale dbA a' low price. Onb, ONE-HOUR,1P I 1 Awir 841543 - SPECIAL 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. "bar 610 So. MAIN OPEN - TILL '50 CHEV. - 8 P.M. Sedan heater. radio. Visor, $1,059 - CHEN. FORD Dix,181 ....$795 -Radio.' .beater, overN Lux Sun. drive. original. Special solo price. Radio heater visor. clean.... -- 3 P.M. TO 4 P.M. 10 sensational bersaino at whole. TRY-ABEAT THIS AL CONTA CHEVROLET' CO. , sale. Muxt ba cold thic week. 844231 1211 S. Main '52 BUICK Special 4201 So. State. Ph. 64412. 147 DE SOTO AT STH SO. vs. tires. H. H.. loaded. '49 MAIN iv. blue. condiin excellent CADILLAC, .1950 $I CAD. mune.. U. S. Royal --- New -- tires. brake lining,. Master whitewalls. t,795. Con. 51 PIYM. club cPC. in Ant tion. to Must this car two Seat eovere. Rider trade. Mid. 227-or cond. R.. H., clean inside and appreciate. 3093 Mt. Air Drive. Radio. heater. Fluid drive. Mr. Stevan.. outs Beautiful black paint, 21.195. -.CHEVROLET CO. Terms. Cell 873517. 442 DODGE DR. $295 R. and convert. FORD 1050 epe. .$495 148'NASI-- ' O'dr. Chartreuse. new black top . MAIN AT STH SO. Very clean. 389 E. 344 South. De Clip; . vs.e.w. tires, runs like 20 Gazelle 78481 sr 33884. -(No. 224) ask IlL293- Mur, Mk boys. Only Custorli- geriet, radio. heate-r-0BY OWNER-1- 948 Chrysler for Stiles. mechanican" Per'48 BUICKSeacri Windsor. Clean. Perfect history'. fect, I ),1E-HOUR " CHEVROLET CO. MODEL A Never had accident. 94357 or (No. 283) $995 MAIN AT STN. so. extra clean . runs good. '48 CHRYS. 51 OLDS "98'' a beautiful 1215 So. Main Cpe. $945 $85. $4037 after 10. out. eat inside and Fully equip. '49. Owner TO 10 CHEV. late 9 AM convert., LIFETIME (No. IN A.M. 287) A ONCE Priced right. Will trade. in Orrice. Very good cond. eve, 7.8400. 338 E. South Temple. 41495. BARGAIN 151 NASH , r. sedan. cHrintotrr Apt. No. 11. Heater. seat covers, rwlio '49 Do Soto 2nd aeries' It. and It. sedan. 1949 ceosLEY Club Coupe R. H. New tires. orig. paint, now tire. and battery. Excel. all end guaranteed condition 0.000 mileslow mileage. Exceptionally clean. , dos' Sundav and evenings. after cond. Very rites. ,11 AM TO 12 NOON 12 p.m, 1992 CHEVROLET 5.7571 633 So. Main 'eclat). Radio. btater seat rover, ouar1947 Chey. itetsAmcvR. special PONT. I anteed condition all '51 BUICK CONVERT. H.. full price 11265. NEW sod.. day Sunday and evenings. 4280 I. State, Itur. 1120. Convertible PRICE ONLY $1,995 BY OWNER--19- 52 t. Pontiac ISASH "IOW Orig. finish, meek. Chieftain. Hydra-Man- e. R. IL, A SHOWROOM CONDITION CAR perfect. good looking. very Icon. turn signals, other evtras. 111,450. CHEVROLET CO EAST Mon. 4385. gun. In best condition. Hi& 4230. S3751 CONVERT. '46 kacac" all access-serie- s MAIN AT STH SO. '40 BUICE Roadmaster edit. Needs w. w tiros. it. and H. motor overhaul. some fender FORD WAGON sedan with only STATION 1190 II. eta test. "Biggest Little Dealer ' work. $50 or offer. 715 Genesee of 37,057 milts and hundreds in the West". .50 Plymouth. full, 1140 CHEN. Stylise 441r R., 11.. dollars So.. (bet. W.). CO. worth of accessories. Ras V- CHEVROLET offer Pk. Bost now conditake& In showroom tie... equipped. $75 DOWN buys me '49 Hudson O'dr., R. and H., nearly now white MAIN AT STH SO.' - ' tion. Terms available. 333 IL 3rd 34371 or Stn. 109-W-. Adelson tires. densest. turn sigSuper I sedan. Runs perfect. East. 53751, Radio. heater, nals. fog lights, custom steering '50 FORD R H. 228 Westminster Ave. o'drive, very clean. Good buy. wheel, spotlight backup lishts. .,LONE-HOU- R sun 'Wort litirts and 3 rear-vieMUST sral, AuTC NO "DOWN PAYMENT in very beg of condi1950 Hudson Commodore radio. 1948 V-- Ford sedan. Radio, mirrors. 1.105. Will trade and tion. 17,000 Clean. overdrive. heater. tires. RR Mr. heater. tinted good slam or tv,uuliti- Tsm,41 t oak Call 1053. for finance. blur. See at Make MAGNA 2000 offer. 1803 748 miles. W. MOO. North. 5th or P. offer. naPan trod. Coy 1117star. Pan Rob. estminster. Call 74009 BEL AIRS Chevrolet. 1950. Radio, CONVVRTIRTY'Rt rhe0 R.. P 1 white-wal- l E 11 TO AM. A.M. tires. BUICK SPEC. heater. perfect sw,or. 41 404 'Curt ton 143 JFEP . , Chev. Convert-condition. iR Air ' - south. - . -.- '49 motor. 6373. '42 Dodze-1117- 5. Show Room Condition FORD club cp.. R.. R. o'drive. - - 6r464 no. white too. oritinal FORD '51 de luxe Id and both Just o'hauled. May take 1949 161 04PN. Jet- black finish. sharpest in town. Will take trade. Mace If . many extras Perfect car. i trade. Call Midvale 57041 dm new motor. EAST , offer. Ph. 111.215. Terms. 4459. -Coupe 113751 or 2260 E. 7400 South. Low mi., 1215 So. Main $995 '52 BUICK Riviera 11.CSACRIFICE 1951huick su- 751'P131tD43MATIC.ci;Tir-11at-7- 4 Ikettiont finish. low miles. ' 5 new white suiewall tires.' nylon per ronvertihie. R. and IL Perfect ' 150 Chev., Dix. r.. te, aide walla. R. and H. CMI 5-- 3930 or $1 199 condition 22.3910. '51 GMC $1,095 , Turn Indicators., backup lights, '41 PLYM. eve., 48 motor, new 114 OLDS 88 sEnAmrrrr window washers. LON actual Show Room Condition, Like new condition W. 8150. tires. excel. cond.. R. and H. Very nice.. 9995 full miles. or 1148141. STkEATOR--- 7 DEVIEY WOODS lith South. Phone EAST - or price. GEN. MOTORS executive private 0.3751 84407 842584 elms-WindsoI South-TAXowner. 1947 SI E. 31st 1950 ST1TDERART3t Dix. Pewee. BY originalft and New car. '52 Chev,, DE SOTO Sedan, excelleni H. Good rubber. CHENIROLET CO motor. $um.,OVER, contract on Ext. 315. glide. Heatero radio. white walla. New paint. Runs or 74959. Booster - puree. liery low mg.. $115. 3017 E. 20th rut. 64257. -- and time. Beds. nice for fishing or if - motor new. 0175. and looks like Ave. No. I. 34777. MUST sell '41 Chet eonvert. Newl you like to star overnight. 22.0053. WOK AT STH SO. 1951 HILLMAN Minx-- 9195. Very 75-5th -white too. R., It. Very oleo& 41 Will take oldor cu as down Phone 54631, good condition.152 SUPER 88 OLDS. luxe; CHEV.4 52 Powerglide Ext. 283. or rind. Soo at 1133 t. 1st So. CADILLAC throughout. Oneowner.Like new. .- All 'ems. Exec. "'Mk- .- Muse M G 1952. 5,000 mt.; radio.. Groom MUST sell '31 Dodo. elm, Rae. - ---167 FORD SEDAN Small trade considered. 111.785tith this week end. 1204 --DOOR' leather. Excel . cell& with tires and mtr $05 er highest cash 1 sea trees See at 184 S Street. 54980. os ...94.. 121 North- - Pk...22-008, , , Vary good condition. 1511 st,aso, Dr. Mosinahatt, 04n41. This immaculate ,ear sparkle ' 01911R CHEN'. 59 tlIss sod., rims good. r52 FORD. R.. M. Fordomarie. 1 DEWEY ANOODS; 49 rosrrrAc tonvevt. R .7M . Inside 3 end out. Finished in itax,1 10441'CAVV, K.. R.. new PrOC. Lew Needs new. tires like new. fl1Lt w..w.152. 11.000 Like tires owner. 1.005. miles. Ph. urtous Naisau blue. it reflects Paint. seat covers. Full Ph. 44765. r. 21st South . 84-0- 7 48. price rall.."?......eA.11:1,Mtrilaceeoe Ig Icel. , Mut'. ---1901. the meticulous care given it 1 0.165. 1949 FORD - Tudor. $440. ... 3967 KATE IYOWNER--'413fickar- t1 Complete with most of the lux- 1952 Ph. Nur. 1120. 'Z1;71-81-7-85.tiftll. Ext. 314. or 1.4949. A BUY REAL I w. a. R. CHEVROLET w. 4:dr. sedan.' tires. I, urious Cadilise appointments and Seat covers heater. and H., spot and fog lots. 150 to 'f'won; 4ranc:;!ggilyozner anteed A4 condition.radio. Guar. below market. Ph. s 1'5 1 OLDS. CNV RT. i DEE NEW. 51 crt.:ziPlh- - Ono $100 all 341 Rosewood Ave. IMO OLIAMOBILF twdan. 212.5. Sunday and evenings. R & S MOTOR , soli. owner. Cali Must black. light blue leather up. , 1248 E. 4400 south. 1947 FORD good Very STATION WAGON CHEV, 2822 Connor. For The Values : P;t7d. hotgory: 84321198.2562. condition throughout. 1450. 3.5271. 1102 So. 4Main 22 4881 111.. H. 1030 Learned Ave. 1951. lilts new, 10400 sel.. sod. Pb. Mt:rutin. Champ. Regal de axe MUST SELL MS Nash eve. rYdr... R.. Mt seat Very ttood Inside and out, 11885. 1948 DODGE. 1750. 1 owner. Ex. 1941 BUICK tett Rd.. her. 2800. 1 access. Phone 44380. Starlit, 'BARGAIN ...by. crorner747Cidillat 3088-22r- d East Ph. . owner. Hilicrest Apt. No. 2. 3088dir, 1030 CHEVROLET H. and Cairracej ntot r 1.0109117 cellent OW"Vneg. convert. WIMP. 81395. condition. Carryall. New -trian R. h.. motor new tires. Will sell cheap. LATE eerie 49 PiYttl r. '39 PLYMOUTH, makeWeld offer extras. 3.1175. r4IFORD roue top. 9. c. Make ream. offer. Mid. 3317. 851 N. 7th After 5.30 p.m. 3103 So. 7th East, 1940 PLYMOUTH sedan. Now mo'49 OLDS. 98 5ED.,-S1,24- 5 R., H., 9350. all 94804. convert r, Good 11.. FORD. KAISER Goad war'47, 11., "8". 1949 condition., still in tor. and tiros excel. TRAVELER., battery '5.2 CHEN,. dig. Powergl. Excel. cond. Alt good Make, offer. Ph. motor. 1.41 ml. Rees. condition. Ph. ?dor. 214, ranty. Sy owner. 10395. tires. 5:0631, nab' onnin. 5,009 int -- eat 211, cell-750AI R chev. Make eller 1951 R L $100-3-4- 835 i., OLDS. 1939 . KUM' SELL '47 CADILLAC 413 S 2nd West 5.3317. '50 PLYM. R . Murray 0410.115 YOU CAN'T BEAT THE 1941 FORD club opti. R., 17re.. 1'41 PLY: do 10,144, L and Perfoct condition. R.. h... low I SHARP .50 Reasonable. 54745. Willac1474. (rade. Ad. 2317 IMO IL 33rd South I. veg. excel. cond. 1925. 340541. ' club roe. Very clean. I '50 BUICKA-- SEDANITIV R. H. I IMIDGVT tie car, ready for trick. 47 FORD It, IL oaceLl I '50By CIIIV owner. I condition. 2,9251. owner. No , dealers. cond. $725. s thing of value. Ph. , '49 - SPECIAL $1,129, - RED .HOTI $599 Soto SIR EATOR - - BALLARD'S SPECIAL $1,249 '48 STREATOR $889 OLDSMOBILES STREATOR PAULOS 10Pr' it '''' OMPANY. t , '48 - '50 '52 - Etr. 4r. Clipper. - tr Jai a (A toar ALTHeor4 ozt 7TT .LOW PRICES FIZMNP---0TI-P CID6tR oo Whim, Sorms0 lAsi 1 beam m loth Mai One - toaltif .1 VS mAY 1PPramettr. bompon....1 - t i tM ,,, ; ,,i:te -- A ,,, ,, 'ilk :A , t4.1.1Z --- -- - SAWM.000 ' MACASKE r rys mnRAL r , , PROPP-- ....,.., ,( .0, 1( J1, ,,1 - -- , , ,r,,971..,;.1,0.,,..111. e - J 1,:i 14.'0640(11 dr 101 fi'41 AL ',.. ' 47 '46 ...IF:. , .A1 ,'4I' '36 ke- )0y . '50 '50 '50 '49 recoVezN . ,-'- ' '...;..;1 .011111. p:at - AT I LESS1AYLOR'S $OTO club coupe R. and H., backup lites, etc. coups. Just like sew, lowi mileage DODGE 4door Coronet. R. and H, gyromatic. . PACKARD R. and H. ultramatio, nke. CHEV. seri. good buy, PLYM. 4door sod. 08,000 miles, sharp. .. .. . . P. and H., runs good. . MM. PACKARD sett. It and H. overdrive. V. ; DODGE business cps R. and 4.1.-nemat covers, R. and h PONTIAC original paint. med. I. and DODGE .. . very FORD sedan 'led New time PLYtty s CUSTOMER SATISFACTION" , 1. Your Dealer or IS year DE f PLY11. club 'SO pi Wishes SI '51 49 - i;'4111011k. gefiing for 2 latfal-- It 17 - - 4 P.M. TO 5 P.M. ONE-HOU- R '50 , SPECIAL Co. KEN GARFF - ONE-HOU- R Dooloto-- S n E SHOWROOM 50OTHERS-- 50 All Exceptional Values SPECIAL M 180 MP. Big ' K. CRESTLINER SEDAN Here's a 24olte red and black as any '53 beauty that's as clean modl in town and has all leathRadio. heater nt! r interior. $ 996 2001 So. Main - ;" ' Tan finish, rodio. baton, '46 GMC.112 Stake :.$498 '52 'FORD Panel , .. $1,698 '46 '49 CHB. 112 C&C $1,098 I '49 CHB,. Sed. Del.., $848 48 '50 alEv. Y2 Pickup....$948 '49 ,,CHEV. li Pickup . $848 '41 $1,129 ' Clb. $1.390 '88 $410 '49 DODGE or . Radio and boats,. 50 OLDS. BETTER USED TRUCKS WE'LL MAKE THE DEAL XOUR WAY , or co. pf:trniturn, antiques rugs. household .good, ...$625 '46 , , !two EAST 5.3497 FINAL CLOSEOUT! 333 THAT VOUR 011N 16 tiKeLY PLI10411, wrrol TAR Ate .WE NEED FURNITURE healer. Black finish, MIDTOWN A '8' Overdrive and bastar. 148 FOR Sta. Wga. $720 Radio. baster. tad, whitewall& , .$500 V4 motor with 'Torque converter. Chrysler finest radio and air conCorp.s 51 BUCK CONVERT. ditionerheater unit. Just like new. Can be men at .1782 S. Gorgeous sport car with beautiful new black top. Premium State...64179. w.w windows and elec. tires, '621 '47 CADILLAC seat covers.' Radio, beater, and MOTORS. REPOSSESSION A REAL BUY Dyne flow. Everything perfect. ' 41,095 PRICE ONLY,$1,995 1967 S. MAIN Till OPEN sell at once. 1048 Pontiac convert. R., 4... fog lights, nylon best covers, new tires. excellent cond. 11940. Easy terms to quill. fled buyer. 1057 S. Ilth E. WILL trade equity in '47 Chev. club coupe for older ear or sell $300 equity for 850. 74189 after 5 or 3444 So. Main. '41 FORD convert. Excel. cond., skirts, leaded. R. and W. spot. Must sell immediately. Make of. for--178512 Downington. '50 AUSTIN You -- z- - ...$160 '50 hosier. STREATOR 511 SO. STATE GorrA GO CHEV. Has '46 DODGE . - $2,000 - TermsRentals KEN GARFF CO: - 141 ..$750 '49 PONT. Coilvert$1300 1III PINK O b. Cpa, $1,190 I; 6,RadiA.Nplierhydra.soehteir hearcdontineniiiillior FORD r Radio. boater. (Ittihad. CHEV. CARLISLE-MILN- 98 CASH WANTEDJunk esmand wreck& .!:imitecliate Confidential Service and Cl N. Main. Midvale Mid. 912 AUTO REFINANCING SELL us that wreck. Mid. 47. 7- PIANO BARGAINS 7. SOTER'S STUDE. COM. - $110(?5 MUST OVERDUE BILLS VACATION EXPENSES , lend Cruiser Smart hide green finish, auto. trans., perfeet motor and low mileage. Previously owned Iv a faculty member of the Faxellezit in IliVarl way. ol sedan Windsor do luxe. '49 De Soto club coup., wholesale price. Sf them. Priv. tely owned, , 8(19 Harrison Ave. Yoncan borrow $20 to 111,500 corn. in at H F C. Phone for ins Gans ma toodort DOCTOR '50 Regardless of the Weather 825 S. Main on Signature Only - SPgCIAL '50 Cad. De Ville tYPit coe. 112.895 '51 Mere. club op... DIX 81.595 '52 Dodge r. Sett IL, 11.,, 191.730 '52 Ford Ranch Wigan 1111,014 '52 Ford Fordomatie $1,895 JERRY JEREMY The Diplomat of Main St." ONE'S ...... - 1.1250 tilditirrseAtifiltict LOW ANCE ON YOUR --- Pb. 5573 St. , SPECIAL SALE Ph. 62,1 Center St. Loans Oval. 11300 and Up to 34 Months to Repay Made bY Personal Industrial Loan Corp. (An Affiliated. Corporation) STOP $10 BUYS:. (2 24th PROVO-- 13 1. GlIA-1- SSAutomobiles for Solo Continental Rink Bldg. Ph. 44311 43 Last BroadwaY Ph. 44841 $79.,50 -- CITY LAKE k more cash menet for your automobile.. Salt Lake Auto Auction 3403 S. State. 0908. HIGHEST euh price for any mod. car. truck 5.7307 170 E. 5tb So' PERSONAL , .... - SO WE Write or toms in TODAY. HUDSOSA2-doo- '47 PONT. ado beater, mar, demi. : - at LOANS I'' $1,195 -- De Luxe - - . 149 6 pm. to 7 p.m..- '50 5SAvtentobilts ler Sale ,, SPECIAL - EV. t -- '51 FORD 4 2316 ONE-HOU- R SEARS GRAY'S 4 86S &State- - I T:..p..,.,..i.:..'::...:T.U...':.-,...P.U13,,4T,C.,'.ti'l.ir...:.',-'':- Payments Sta pies AAotor 425 0 ,,t),, TradesE-- Liberal SSAutomobiles feral& Sa t - $ WISEBUYS- '51 OLDS. '811" Sue. Sed. ,.$1.595 Radio. heater. Rydra. end whites, '51 CHEV. Style. Olx. Radio beater. looks like new. Sad. ..$1,295 '50 OLDS. ,alr 49 CHVIS, Wind. Sed.' '50 CHEV.,Style. Dix. ...,.$1,095 '50 FORD Cult. Set rrS1,095 x 3595 .48 CHEN. Sed., 11, 48 SUICK Sedan 'rid MDR. Champion vnTou. r - 5SAviimobiles for for Salo for Solo 2261S., State Ph. 6-87- 26 4, ... r .. $1.795 $1,295 $ 1,345 81,245 $1,095 $1,14$ $1,045 $1,045 .. 745 - 695 S 'S .": '- .693 193 95 - Ext 31 2 , |