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Show - , , - , , - - - - . DESERET NEWS AND TELiGRAM, ... . . . .., , . Juno 9, 1951 , , , , Laf.CitTu.sdoy, Salt . callo.9.1,90ifr4.-:0.oe:- t S. L Clergymen . ft, ' , . , r . t i ' Utah Atty. Gen. R. Cells- - business' organization which ter Jr. ruled Tuesday that a "regularly ' supplies the public owned sewer system privately -some commodity or sem '4, such as the one-a- t Kearns town. with - ,,, t , -- , '1',, Is ' 4 . site is a public utility and comes Ice- is a public utility. ., 7 I , t 11 under the Jurisdiction of the In the case in question, Mr.' , Public Service Commission. , Canister said, Kearns Townsitn 4 . . ,, ,, ' ', The opinion, written by Mr. is a private corporation, owning ','', ,' . Canister- - and -- Peter- IL - Lowe, allof Abe sewerfacilities,at deputy attorney general, was re- - Kearns. The" facilities serve ,,..... - . quested by frank A. yonmans, all of the homecnow at, Kearns are MOTS than adequate to cumin secretary of the pub. and serve anticipated future needs: lie Service CornMilliOn Sewer services are offered Ito In his opinion, tin attorney , out that Kearns all residents. of the area who general pointed ' , occupied a Unkille position, wish to connect and to pay a 1 since it is the only community reasonable monthly charge. The ( ' , 1 in the state in which a private corporation itself desires to Ibe ' corporation owns and , operates classed as a public- utility and " under PSCU 1regulation. a sewer system. Tule , -- -Although there sic'on), ffve ,.. i, , eases in the United States letaI Theft Reported . i ,' records 'on which to base In Clothing I opinion, Mr. Canister said there Jolla L Priest at Iowa 'rue Wu no doubt that the privately ,day told Salt Lake police that . owned sewer was a public MVO brown leather Vaditons bag' WOOD R. WORBLIT 4,:th . containing clothing valued at beads new Klwanis Club under Utah law. - -- - taken- - from his parked I Ue saidtberels no allembrae- - I50-wa- s W. .14Iorth Temple car at a definition of , utility, In public ing , but Utah statutes describe any Monday. 1111 . , ' - - 1 headquarters.- t ,- ) -- 'I' ' N - BEGINNEI1S - and EXPEIIIENCED ' ,, , ," - -- . . , - - - - - - :, Wood It: Worsley, , ' - CMCIITEIC-- W. Juno- ' ---, . - - - - - , , ON' SOY Ork Ili , . . - - , - ,- . 1 - ' 1 :-- .i; A Ad)L - -- -- e Taw nmeog wielty - ' J2JI is-- , . . .r... - - .. , , , - , . , . . , .. e.. .. . . - ' - - - . ' . , N. .....: :,.. ,, - ,. i., - - ' ' .. , . - - - . .. . --- -- ' ' , ' .. . - - . . . . - - . - ' , . , . .10,......ogel , ,.. . . - . - .... - -- -- . ' , , '. , . II 1)11 - , .. - - - , .. . . , . ) 111111-- i'. 1111111 rttrill II - Mustn u Trifle With Truffles, ; o. yo u May Dto - - - - -- -. - , - , - - ' - . , ' ' ' -' '- - , He who trifles with 'truffles - , . ,,. : , , , , .. V' , k , ,. I-II-U- it , . , ' . II 1111 ...11- . iti'' - . - , . .. Hill Family Anna reSaturday. Juno IS. Lagoon. ' own nimbi Ito cream and turniahad. Prograin at 130 sus. - . . . ' - -.- ' .. , ' .... 2.. . . IFamllyRounion 0 , '14,41.4 4k if - - - . . I. trifling with the muffled - .) - , . ' - - Wilson, Bth East, Brigham City, said she found some truffle-lik- e - , - - . ' , ' ' , -- '''' f,' ' 4,... . - .. ,,, - -- '' .' , ' - , - . , r h. .. . , ,, , . - - ' . - , - , - ''.' i . I - ' . 1 ; '''' 't t - - - . . -- . - Leonard A. Clark, secretary; Marlow R. Peacock, treasurer, and the following directors; 8. Morgan Sorensen, George T. Kingdon, William G. Dokos, Wayne- L. Sandberg, Nathan B. Bale,- Mu Lewis and Lester shuffle of pallbearers. Bo say the experts. They came up with, the warning Tuesday after a truffle-lik- e vegetable ' -was discovered ' ' - Mrs. Charles 658 EL : - .. - - , , . s . - ,4,I,,.:: , Other new officers installed a , , . .. , wire Vernon W. Mackay, first vice president; D. Curti; Jenkins, seond vice pretddent; ::u -- - J II . ,, . - - .. union ' s . a . , wr 111610 . - , a ' , - - , " , , , .2n 0 $S0 o t, c,rrop, - s ....... $139,5 OFF DOWN PAYMENT. a 1 40capon. 'Now, E -: E;1 r eto APPROVA- L- . t 1111 . - No - 2 .. ', . 1 it 1 .....,.. . . ,, . ' ' , TOWtt . . - Ioremelary, , , ihni-1- -- $30995 . - . -. is -- - - beads elgrgy grouP , , . 1162 Arbor was Installed as president of the' newly organized Kiwanis Club Of Sugar Rouse at a meet,. ing Monday night Darwin A. Smith, field representative for Kiwanis International, was installing officer, and the ' Bonneville Kiwahis Club was sponsor for the new , N : , Lint, Salt take City attorney, - J - Kwanis Elects . (71 ,,,,,,........, - - , , L-- DISots Lill- ', .. - 1 ,,,,,,,,. ALLOWANCE . SERVICE 1 . 13 ri-- , , , - . TODAY AT THE - - - la- - - I rtoprósontativo , , , - the ssip Booing I: Sugar House ' . VI Or 01V 00 0 At 'Swat, Wnshington, Plants ' ' I , - ,'' . 7. P.M. DAILY TILL ,n ru7, - .. Aircrait -, , , OPEN .,- - . li, - T , , ' entaauan Lynn S. Lyon, , ' , . , .I - A; , - - , - ' Church, vice president; thi Rev. Bowe, retired executive sin. A. R. Dennis, retired Methodist retarottheSa1tLak.Yj1CA, . , minister, secretary, and Vernon treasurer. . Protestant clergy- - - The Rev. Chester, red- or of men named the Rev. Mortimer St Paul's Episcopal Church, Chester president of the Minis, succeeds tha Rev., Guy 11. Assembly terial Assn; chains a .monthly Heath, pastor of the . ' God Church. nleeting Monday in YWCA lie will serve. with the Rev. - - -- i. 0 tricers t OC s - - , ip. ' . - t , -- - , ;; ' ' '.. . '''.4.-- C 4 , . ---- -.. , . . ,, ' , , . ,, r:,,,,.,, : ' ', , ...,. ' t. ., - r' - , ' .. . , t. '' ' ', - . S. f . t 44 ,'', - . - l' vegetables while working in her garden. Believing them to be truffles, she looked them up in the dictionary. They matched the definition. However, experts say there's a possibility that the inexperienced might confuse other types of fungus growth for truffles. Truffles are considered a 'delicacy by gourmets. But if you get the wrong type, they may be dangerous, experts warned. O- - , ' -- - , ole ' '',:, It- --- 41f.r,..:"";"- .- -- - - ss y $ , , ., . it,'"'""N - , . , , , - -y f 9,,-NOV rit, ' '.' , ., 1... . , S s , 1 k . 5 r , ...., - , a ''' ' ' . N , .." -..---J ,.... , , , . - - - - OOMMINIENEMIIMPUM. mingnalm ...- -, ,.. -- ' Z .. - ' -' ....et ,,,,kt, , ... ... ' , .., s ,4 1 . 1 A I ,,,, ' .:.." .. ' "M"Otttlortwtow4mtswowass.....imiwom,4.24,,,,..... Lifty . . , --- 4 itt, .tri'ir. . , -- 44,71- ---- -- . k 1 - i1j - 4;11 0 ' ( , - , , 4- ,- , , - ---,.. - - - ,- ' ' ' - -, - - .. -- - - - - 14', - - - - .4 - --77, - '' - . , ',. - is now completely for,mode mg, - - powered ' - ,'- , , , , Savings - - - , - - , , - 4 , , ' - r t , - . ' n00 ' . , -- ,4,. - - , - - seat - ' ' fie points of superw frity in the ftne , , car ld; - PROVE iTi 1 ' - k' I ' ' ' ' - -- ' - - - - ' . --- -- . - - - - - z. ' - - - ' , ' i ' ' - ' - ' . - . -- ci.diaalcc -. , it ,.. - , , - 1... ,, - -- - - - --- - --- -- I : , - - - tv - ': , . . '''--, I -- 1- i' I , - , , , - ' V-2- 05 test a Lincoln , - Take the wheel steered by power ... e touch the brakes assisted ' .. , , ' ... tread on poWer treadle the by gently harnisiing -- horsepower'. t Read - - , that adjusts up and down as well as backwards and forwards. , . , - an - , 1111:10010.1c.10E2Ca 17C0 Z5E1 EJOAE2001i1, - -- has won loud and unanimous praise of the autortiotive industrythe automotive from the critics . . . writers. Repeatedly these writers have pointed out Lincoln's . , - ' -- , - V , , , , 0, , ' - - great test of automotive'engineering and THIRD RECORD: Lincoln . .. ' 1 - - -- - ' ' over all competition. , superionty power and performance , . , - . h.p. Linco Inwon the first V-2- 05 - , - The Pfleniy Sirs'ett loZtatoiloa 125 South Main Thos. T. TaylociPteo.. ' The new - Pan-Americ- - - - - , Runanother per rmance. ' four positions in the stock car division of the 2000- Road Racea conclusive demonstration of Lincoln's - . 0 omy --- -- -- --- - has ciefeated all cars-i- 4 - -- -- Federal s, - - ' Prudential - , -- --;- .- , 4 " esigned for modern liv' Lincoln, the one fine car deliberately - FIRST RECORD: , . ,- 0;,1Z1010a ,, . breath-takin- g -- . '-- ' , ' , - V-2- 05 - , a - , t- - performance of Lincoln's new engine corabinedwith its superb design and custom ' in the fine leadership elegance are giving Lincoln undisputed . car field. Quickly the news is spreading to all parts of Araerica: introduced. The ,, ' I :- n' ,, ' . ords throughout the nation. A gigantic wave of popularity has swept Ilicoln sales more than 50 ahead pf the pace set last , Lincoln- lot the third consecutive-yea- - r, the fine tar field in the Mobilgas- Econ-- : SECOND RECORD: y ear when the first of the new ,t, Modern Living" Lincolns was , .-f-or ' - - -- - all savings received tomorrow'', . will participate in earnings . from Jane 1st. - rec--, ' 't1'115.14 t,.1.1.9,411 t141 . THE LATEST: Lhicoln has broken all of its previous sales . , -- - - 1 |