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Show . - '' ' The . ' ' " ; ., , - , . , . . - - , Amer icon Scene . ' ' ' - B art ., , Gni 'its ' . ' , ' .. ' ' Excuse Alcopted WALTHAM, MASS.- "- ' . Mrs. , -- - 1 I I , .........., ' - i 3) I . .10' I, Easy to see who eats . - - . - , . . - - ' --- I 111 I,I ,- - ' ' . Baked without shortening of , any kind, Slender:Way Bread - -- can mean a real difference ini is your figure. Slender-Wa- y rich in protein for energy, and ' ' Its buttery, nut-lik- e flavor is -- ,,,,, e, so satisfying. It's easier to be ,doessK ,..N. 2 -- , , slenderewith Slender-Way- ..,tts,..21Silkio ' . -- - at , ' . . --- - -- ,6,..C10';'!'',;-".7,'- kk ,T, , SAFE1VAY ,. , k - t -, - -- -- . - , , ..... nt et - AN ' ,, , '' . W ESTERN AUTO .... : . . - . , , , COI SUPP ' - - - - . . , , , , .. . , , ..- . , . k , , , ,, - , . , , r , . . , . - . , , - ' :- , '.. 71',I T''',' -- t -- - ' I. , - -- WASHER . 0 , 5 - , glift,a4 lint7c,,,g:)Gric . -,- 0 i ,,,' - , ,, ., ' . ' :'-- - ,' - - - - . , ' , !- - -- - - ' - -- latilI C tNIG s t . , , . , ': , ..., - '''' 1,,'' ' A , , , 1 - ..- - -- e,,.,. Waoltei, .. .. - . - , t s - . k. - ' "' ' ' . .....,"-- -'' , .. 00.-- " ', , ' ,'. . , - '4111111 - ' ., ,, ,,, . P ' , - - 1 Ceztpl::3 THE NEVI 0 ., .. , - - - DOwNo. ... Payable , - , er . ' ,,,4 As . My coutoritode wastati ..... , with ninor consrloefosy - - - - Viredelit egookri $ t12995 ' ,. - .. iini41111 Mk Mb . -- - 1 1 k . t .1o, !, 41,11 otti..,' ''.'".'.' 41111 if u tc Ett - Vt if,, I ttiii4t3,11't ,,,,,. , - ' AIL ilk Al alith tiocwirs ab. mh Mk Mb al dai aill AI Mk, Ali Allb " - Alk 41111.dfil, a' - . l'illVii," ,1,10;, tatiti,1 . Ant mon. - O' i CO ... t , :. 11 E171 ; III allik Ilik . alb all Mk 'al AIL Mçp.Lookip Their Best) - . - . - S. I . , ' 1 . -- - '' ' - . :. , , : , . , - - - , . , ' . , - ! - , , II. , - au . ' - - , , . , a .,. . :, . . , Hoover Cleaners . , the Makers of Famous - . . . ,..,., .. , - 5 , ... .... i ,,. .. ' , 1 ' ' . , , . . i , , , , . . ;,, , . . ,... , ' .. .. , . . i ..--- , ' ' , . , ..!;:4:-...- ,.,..i. . t' , . ..".'''''-'"- " - ' t12::, - ' . 14' - , , , .1', , , Ironing 0 , , I , , . , ateom Finishing . , ' For Pressing ' . ., . - . - 1 , , '- '' - , 1 - ill ,,, 4 ' 41116 . , - - I . d , , . 0.1,4- ;,,111 - .. a , - ' . - --; i --- - - 7'7:- U ,, , - FREss, sults, i shirt'. slacks o faster. easier. !!DePI them look- .from came ing like they "lust the presser's shop." : ' , ,, . - i - , ' - ' I tam sic . v 4410 1 iw ,. 4 121110W .,dwor . -- , . c ,..7. ....,,,,,, N,..1,,,z-'43- - -- - AA ISON 6 - . $o light and easy tohandle for - - , , - . ' : all Meet k lar family 'sender.- - reardW 'eats rayon lintook' to heevio!le linens and wink 'Motile. - - -- ''' ' - , steaming! ALL - .' - - , , - Down,5 se PS .na--- , - ' montnsy On Our. ., .onven ent Payment Plan , ,, - THE PARIS 2, ----. . ,.., , - .. , . ' : . 1 .. , . ' . i . - ' ...-- -- ,. 71',P1.4 , t:3i412 . , APPLIANCESStreet Floor , , .2 , . , 44 0116- . , .- , d,,.-,A- .. . ... .. .,,, 1 - , , ,...- - . aA , ' ' .. - . ., . c . ., - 1 , , dresses. Big safety set dial! , , ' , - . , , your ironing, pressing and Do your regular ironing, then Press the switch a;11'd you're alll set for the .., .., : toughest pressing jobor the lightest touch of steam to freshen up your , . ' ' , -- , .? ''447...3.'"1: 10'3 0 , ,00,...: .......-ge....5.- ', ' and blouses (ideal for delicate new synthetic martian). Fluff 'civet and corduroy. . , ,,, ,t,.4101---- ' ' 0 STEAL! FINISH dresses . . . , i ( , - , s 's N. ' 7 - u., 7 , s- ' , - - ,' ::- - -- , , N - - )) Titi ' '' : -a , - - - - ix,0,1011 - Dritliestr..Preseurs saw -- -- - 4100111,6. etre , . ,,,,. .4'''EffiesAkze.. , ...gm - 0 tk4v , . ' inedielne friend sad aid le look etwawassoi. , , bkered tr, Meow (toe Ireland. It dependable May 'NOM abOlast eit Yet. - - .. , . ever B3a4d.t, due Se minor Kidney sad Bbidder irritation, sek your druksiet about INSTIL Such arawkoad sidtwat tit Iota et sleep and that yen tired and doniveuid- - Pspilsr tit:reline ClinfIX frequently brings &nekton tenet through its action as s art. nary bacteriaitat inanasaido gone bikini. an tor) in sold toms' pain reliever). thar PO MST endarinfotar stand. AskSabletadsduagtvadro sad - . Wallan116101 wed et Mingkartritsialtke)' , . ., ! , .4 , , - - tiCEILICEE ' $2.5.srs.tratLt- ' Kidnoy Irritation May Ceu:3 '. , ADVEMSEMENT , ' - , , , they. of washday work. Twins will .swro 91 - . . kismakal twin le ihe CORONADO washer;- -, --- ,-- washday drudgery for CORONADO 7 leisur-e- l CORONADO h , completely automatic from start to : finish4st, let the dial, then - watch clothes conic' cleaner, I brighter than 'ever before.' Approved by Underwrjtore Laboratories, one , year Warranty. 1 EI:ttrit:D:1111E1 . , in . . , --, I . , Trade . . MIRACLE FABRICS , . kl, ' ,. 1 , ; ' i. ' r , - . - . . - - higNey IIS ' ' - ; the-lates- , , Home Laundry AUTOMATIC ---- C.,,,,,,.... ' -- ' 1 ' TVIINS . . , & ..qual ' Monthly - Washes Clean with Agitator 'Action 4 positive Rinses, Spray-PowAction 0 Buzzer Rings When Clothes ' CORONADO ' k P ,, ! ,,--. THE gm , , .4---- -:- 1 - cuidamp-dr- y , r IF lid a . , t . . - - - ' ' Pot Weoh, S12)00 . five-----.- iselefn - , - -- . Easy to Large Water. Capacity , f , ., ; , . . ,' , , "- - h.of . - . - ''' . - , , - ' ' Pins's aethes .. - , 69 '' ' ., C1 -,-- ' - )) ) evost , , - ' ,l ... - , ' - , .. . . , ", '''', - - - ',- , . last-ditc- .. ' , - , . f2''t SY AM . . , .. - - iv:,..., ' I rent - AND -,, - . , - r;) - , . - ' ell WI Ceatraat i UIVIIVEZ .. 'I - . dir , 1. , . ,i, rl - - - - - . t ' ...4,10 . Fot...1(.c'eping . .. . , - '' , , ' , , : , . outsTopio -0 ro!! ' WASHINGTON (UP) Atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Tuesday asked the Supreme Court for the fourth time to save them from the elec- tric chair, Their attorneys sent a new appeal to the high court by mes- senger from New York. Since the Supreme Court turned them down for the third time on May 25, counsel for the doomed pair have failed in h Maneuvers in several lower courts. District Only Monday Federal Kaufman de- Judge Irving R.--nenied-the- re-'s w-trial on grounds of newlydiscovered--- . . evidence. The Rosenliergi,are -- eche& uled to die in New York's Sing Sing prison at 11 p.m. June-1-8 their 14th wedding inniver- gary The Supreme Court Will ;mob; t ,ably-sc- i, sm. petition next Monday,' its last meeting day of the current term. The fourth appeal was based hirgelr On further...insistence that testimony . given against them :, by Mrs. Rosenberg's was brotherDav perjured. The petition also reviewed again the claim- that the defendants were prejudiced by the timing of the indictment of William Peri, former Columbia Universityphysic; instrue tor since convicted of perjury. EA R li, , " id:Th-01."4ightl- - , , 4 ing4410 Was - - By Rosenbergs . nil -- - , e 0 IW on ' , - up . ' - , I of - . ,..., . ., . ' -- Crillfilitlilktee7 . , - - - Fourth Appeal Sonflop Court . ":,!, .. , . ; .., ,,,. . ,..., ' ' . 1, .. . ' . '., ,-- ,.. i ''. :, ,,. , - - A , - R FIFE ,, ,, t . . - . . . , 'gel ' ; - - MOO - , Ii.,4. - .a- - , , , 1 . -- ' -- ,,, .. : ' , - nOti4iTOP to hrs YCZ,7on DC04 Maingners . .. - . ' Uri ITGD- FLY . - Fill or Empty ' By .. (..) . '' . -- , I , ileguiar,Tap Water ' t , - Fill-With- , - . , : ' -- . . ... UNS.EW- ..., . i - del'legate.lo thefUnited , , I 'Nations expressed confidence tia,1 night that Red China - - -- Monday would not gain' admission to - CROSSES- ATLAN'rIC the ;world organization.-- - The in 1"14"t yacht. delegate, Henry Cabot ,Lodge could be obtained - on a'sea Jr., said the U. S. would do "everything necessary" ,to keep voyage. Mrs.Davison left England her out alone in May of 1952. It has Speaking hi respites taken her since that time to Lodge indicated the U. S. reach the Bahamas in-might even use the veto to bar yacht She is believed to be the Communist China if it could be first woman in history to make legally invoked. He mid he had such a trip. not , gone. Into that question . thoroughly. The State Department so far has takenthe position that the question of seating representatives of the Peiping. government in U. N. organizations is a prcceduritl matter and therefore not subject to the veto. Lodge also expressed the , opinion that the question of Chinese representation in. the U. N..should not be discussed at the Far Eastern political conference scheduled : to be called after a Korean armistke. He said the "normal expectation" was that such a political eonference "woidd oonfine It aelf to Korea. ',,. . , Delegate lays. - , , . , --, ,,, I , , . ....A11111:-- con 1i nri IIII .. - ,,,--- '' . ; ' ' 111212 (1.1P),Tves Cairon's house was burglarized of 91,400 Saturday. Tuesday he found the entire 1 . under a sum neatly placed stone on his front steps by the repentant thief. , , thief 7. - . ' - .. " ,,,,,.4..'f''' a 4 , 0' - e China Seat, - ,,1 ....,. , .,,.,. A 1- i 1 Ar" ..., - ',! .....,-, . - , -- -- , , - 1,1'.kook , : Thief Returns Money VICAUR-CERTRANCE 23-fo- COMING . , - - TS . IN., , -- ' LIAlre. . . - , , actions be taken' openly and III Deny 1 , meeting. The provisions do ' x ....13KT ,, --- . ,, , ' - - lia, - ,. -,,,,- - . ,. , . - , ' I. f-t-, 1 - , , ") , EI P ,,, - U. U. ' - , itil., cornpletebr' cued. :-'' -;- a' , - , ', $' , i, , u . -spe - ! ' 't ,,,, letNt authority, do not give their pub. lie servants the - -- '1 ' A r ed - - ? . -- $ , ' : . 04,- - , not apply to state agencies. The assembly agreed to the. a Senate amendments and sent the bill to the governor for his expected signature. , In addition to the regulatory ' measure carries the features, this statement Of policy: "In enacting this chapter, the Legislature findi and declares that the public commissions, . boards and councils and the other public agencies in this state exist-t- Sid in the conduct of the people's business. It is - -, -- - VIENNA'tain guards rescued two Albanian refugees , last week end in the Karawanken Mountains between Austria and , Yugoslavia. The peke- - a student and a through Yugoslavia on their- flight to the west . but lost their way the border moue- high up-i-n , - dal , ,",,, EATI'lhatYoutrxe ' , , do. W1th litrt SourStomach to openly, te "The people of ,this-stanot yield their sovereignty , the, agencies which serve them. ,I1,1,1,a,m6romer ao- - . that their deliberations be eonI ' ducted 01-r'r- he legislative television-stationtrot-ser- ' ' 13111 . 1011 4 'H. lir '' . igt-- Aus- , - I ll A At - . , , I 2 Albanian Refugees . Rescued in Mountains - A - ' - - , -- . - - younet 44.444 , them to know.- - The people In- , gist on remaining informed so , that they may retain control Over the instruments they have , treated.''. , 24-ho- ,";, . I right to .decide 161111V II Wel.11,,,'5-- .. s' what is good for the people to Kens, The Measure requires Asa. - TIMISKILUN I notice to newspapers, radio and know.and what is not good for , ' 4 AS , ''. freedom-of-informatio- L- ' . n tion - on a which prohibits ilgs 61Ic'e111 goventmenral zneeitine - , !: L - -- , .A.34e1)1!. Monday Calif"nr - . ' . Cal SACRAMENTO; six-mal- well-dresse- full-size- . . ' ' , , . . , - - - ' , , ARRIVZS FOR WORk al4!ImiAldding. -d goat A bucket of red Paint spilled but it's true. A over the vehicle when Shannon arrives 'at New 'York's Ziegfeld - ,' , , t -- - . , and-there'- tr),,,k. I i lit. -- - - ffe, kil ( - i. 1,4 ...I? j o- ,.. - KAN - FRANCISCO - Patrol- Man David Shannon's squad ..,r was painted fire engine red , - . , . - Coast Body Approves - , 4.,,- 1, r..4., 1 Gots Paint, Job frets - - ,.; - - , . - Cot Ufdllill , - i Man, Son Learn Weaker Sex Good Freedom-ofaDat- a Pollie ,'Officers , ' . ' , - -- - Constance C. Leyland of Wellesley, Mass, pleaded guilty to a speeding charge Monday, but the judge agreed she had ' a legitimate excuse. She was arrested May 8 while rushing to a hospital to have a baby, - :. . . '" 0 ' , - - . , - ft - June 9, 1953 City,-Toesda- as--b- ,. . : - s' ' g , Scitt Lake - n n . - . - - ,1,1119 YORKPassersby may 'Mink iheieeyes In amazement, !"-''''- , , . ' , l'''..-- No Kidding.-. , ,. . , NEW YORK WI ,. . Theater every day in time for ordered a bottle of wine' from Gianariano-anhis son, Richwork a'nd leaves in the evening Clerk Marvin Kern. learned have it doesn't ard, ' ' . ' after work. , the While Kern wait' wrapping the always pay, to trifle with There's I good explanation, purchase the custqpier,AsiKeci:, ,.'' , weaker sex. - '',. though;''The goat, whose name "Do you, keep a gun around ''''rwo policewomen -- Ann is Jeboh, ,is a. featured player here?" Gilchrist, 27, and Joan Hoo,, in Vorgyand Bess," now Play; 29seized the father. ter, "No, ing at the Ziegfeld Theater. Monday at his Manhattan me have let that "In ease,in- He's never 'missed' a perform all the dough you've got," the home ,in it bookmaking Ince' edrew-- a pistol ,.fluirILTho man-si- dd , went to the his pocket. Soft Drinks Allowed , tiom pound father. over Kern handed $75. The women officers wres-..' ',- - - SACRAMENTO, CAL.The and- hauled the father Aieee tied 'son assembly of t h e iCalifornia Crossos Atlantic to the sidewalk outand ' Legislature has approved a bill NASSAU, TH'E BAHAMA- S- side the home. Then the 115- that would permit patrons- - of Food tastes mighty. good : to pound Miss Gilchrist left to barber shops to sip cold drinks , Mn. Ann Davison these days summon e aid. She returned while getting a trim. s a good reason. For with of icess to find I .to overThe bill is designed 13 months she's been d ss Roder the throw a ruling by the state at- the past to a diet of whatever firmly restricted two prise' her ' gripping outlawing-the torney general - , eller& kale of soft , drinks . in buber, 4,,. Rocco Glanarlano,- 48; was ;',,' '',5k; ' .' : 4 , shops. ' ,' ' ' held on a bookMaking charge, - 25.year.old - IOU - 011,-11- ' Cafftiour Robber ' ; his ,,; 1 . assault , count , ' : NEW YORKA d "1" ' ' ' ,,,..; ',.'.;, , .,....,..----.. enter&a...liquor ' store here Monday night and ; '' - , ",, ''''' . , --- - - 0 . Costs ' ... , . ,,, rushed to the aid of Patrick Brogan, a painter whose ace. fold had , blown. loos. ' ' N'lio - DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, - ' , ,-- . , - . , -- NEW YORKA holdup man fleeing from a robbery Monday fired a shot to scare pursuers and wounded his partner who was carrying-th- e 11,200 payroll the two 'men had stolen from '' 46 , , Ernest Oppenheimer. Frank Hall; 20, the wounded , man, was taken to Harlem Boa. ,pital with a bullet in the ab, domes. . ' - i , . . , ' , . , - , , .. , ' . . M7"'"wm77 , , , ,, , ,.. - L. - , . , . , |