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Show - ,, -- - - ' '- -'. '.:' , ' ' , -- ' . ' ; - - ',' - ..74tr.714 .$17.'r, - ... . ---- - ' - .. -- ' .. .. - .. Solt L'alti City, Tuosday, Juno 9, 1953 DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, ---...---- ' . , , . ' ' , - rI--...,,--,,- ' c7 lb.' - S. Eccles, namic economy like oursmust Salt Lake City banker and for-- have a comparable expansion in OGDENMarriner , - , - ,,t , . NalAr i t gales is 100e IClosel Chg. I ' Se - 1 Almirld Air Rod 1 IS 354- IS3- 4- ta Alden. 71 33 AU I, EU! 1111 37 Milod St I )' ( 1......... I ' ------, 'Sales -- : 100e iCiossi Chg. Di- IDurant East Air . East Nod. -- Mita ILI, Aut 1. NG - 1 EtE Pa 431- 4- IC Ernes 13 SI I 201 SO I 1 Vs I 44 34 -- 1 DO ..;-:;- - le 41 Ewalt Gs - '1 81156 Amor Pk mn AirL PI ;3.?' 111 . Ms Am Bd P 23 1434 l Ain Can ' 18 341 I.- - 1 1,4 24 45 Car Am 1 Z4e Am Slli It'it Am fre: s is Am Mot ;4 24 13 Ain Rd ''' QUOTATIONS - ' '' ,, . , '. ,S011iii4....::,V. --, -- 1 72 11 .. . - ' , MOt.két.',e.tio.,L.owor; , ----- . YORK, Jtme 9 IMA selling wive Mt the stocx morket Titisday::, Losses- of a point were common and . soniO, oils and , railroads dropped 2 to'3 points or more. . ----ivo".:- -Volume expanded Is the selling progressed. Elliiis , NEW 29 33 1 113 $ 12 814t v4 136 11 i 115 ... , ' OwfllO. Pao01113 0 PAWAPac , ' ..., Sales ta 100a ICIeeel Chg. Ohie IrAt lel 3441- - I 311 50UalItti Ohio Oil SI 1144L Oliver CP III 391. IOUs El I I 14 - :--- . - ' ' ; - York Stock Market TUESDAY'S 251 :P , ' - "'" - .. - For Revival of Gold . . . I.':, , .. 4''"'''"'''.4"'''''I'"'c:'"'''''''''''I' . ccies...Aissal s Rao lie . ... .. .. - - , . - - . , V . -- - ' t--- -- .,,,..,.., ,., - - ... . ' : 4 001 1 544.4:. the money supply to prevent AL f i 1 .. c ,..,0: Ed 01 ad ssi .... ,. 15 - ra Pare Pict 15 art., .... -1, .. i,..,,) k , - 1 deflationary developments. We tvorshro 1,,-1 10 254it AL ' 21 : - 1 P.nnyJC it 12 Penn R R 89 should no more put a ceiling on I, 1 , -, 24114 - Tnn I I , PPM Cola 103 13 ' LaldndFQ1: 7. ; madelittle covery out total znoney- - supply than progress. 32 ,tr)(4-444 Dod M I's F. ..:' :,'S f,., 3.111101 ii- - Va - 11 5934 -- 1244 Phip Peace! r 117 Mkt drop in rail stocks sent , , Iriresion upon the total production and ' .4' ,N , - 11 MARKETS IN BRIEF. railTheaverages Philo 7 13 , ;. !Pollan SU to a new low for , I 201sm 491 Ap Am otP1 16 Nor Phil 1,4 t4 employment." 114 Mac rood NRW 61 334 YORK. (A.14;15 June 52 Am SU 36 Phill Pet Frotat Su 11 4514 - 1 .1. 32El Tunnies- - to the 'tar.. Some Wall Street Stocks 11 2714 - 1 Am Oil Lower; ., TAT Sound moneydoes not always ,c's.''t-- : Y ' looses ,..', Plym Pt '1' ''' k,' 14. mars then II point. 1 101Pros St sourtes said this might bring - 139 6924:4, :: ' . 61172ehml..2...Tr 17 1 12 'arm; corporates Am44,0,1);(4241 41 depend on a balanced budget, ! . I Bonde7Governmente ProcgsGa '' 's 4. ' I 12 tower. in more selling, from traders 2044 3 26 ,'' Pb So Col X' ; N: I .:,....p.. V4 1. ,::.:::: he continued "Sometimes a ,;r".,t:- - 5,, I,; ::. ' 7 14 8 39 Cotton -- . Warren; trade, and textile and investors who Iiirs Zinc .'. 41 Geo 14.11 3 52 -- i4 Pullman ,, : , t,.,.p buy and sell, 50 4712 - 312 Oil Purs ...' .., 33354 ,2,1inn oi ;, budgetary surplus may be re-- .:.:..,:::i...,': I ,..., ! 1.,. 21; -... 311. 17 11 RKO Pie on the basis of the market's ,Armco s CHICAGO ''' '''' : '. i .' . .; a , ::.V.:: 2044 ''' ... and times other budget1044 , Tle "'n ...... RK0 Armour quired "'" 14 --- - technical - position-Andustr- ial -WheatKaort valid selling pre - 14 Radio .. 103 224 - i ...; ) .,:' ,1 312 33: ary deficit, depending upon the .a.' i...,.1.., 1 ContItasel tear Manor 'Dominoes; 34 15 - Vs R03,01kiff ! , .....,: , ... .t.741:... ,,d,..4 averages set a new low for the ' core 10 snarktinfic 113 . state of the economy and the IlL4,..1Adii, ',I lk ,s,r",...s1,- -, 2.......k.,,' - 1:1 Raythn :',. ,.. '',i, with : 16 15 ' OatsEaov Rein Rnd week. last 84N:h271 ::::,P, year 739 Ivughcf. , 58 712 ..01' ::':H.' 43 31 'supply of money. Debt, both Rep- Atm t HorsS5 to 110e lower; top OCRS. 11 2012 ii,i '',''..,:1 Volume for the first four ,.44c4..(,:,034 :,,.'' 1,4 1741 CattleStoody to 15e looter. Rep SU GirtliratA0 ' 1 31 .1) public and private, can be a 33 - 1: CP :''''' '',..31144 Revor I hours '. wu 1,150,000 shares and .; 1 do aa34 11 441.4 31 pf In ,Ray ' ' . an ' evil. virtue as well as 'Ns ''''' : so 49 'IA Hoyden , i. ., 44 RIch Oil 12 S 52 for the day was expected to be BarbrOil i .., IA. Holland 14 .' -- .,. r '' i ' 31 35 order to have savings, there LIVESTOCKMARKETS k 'Sideway & S lb about 2,000,000. Monday, only 674 -- ,.. ,64 Jos 14 IV4414 3 3412 143aeat317,1 ., ,, , : .,., mi Hctrl Sus , must be an offiet, which is in; 9.164)45'. disti': 1512 0 St Reg Pa 1109 194 ' soornistALT LASS. Juno-0 tenrlitM 14 37 Homest 15. 1,000,000 shares changed hands. 17 3314 ,I, 1 L, amiable, ., 1; 5314 Schenley .., ,...,., debtedness on" the 'part of some- - ::... '" ,, ,,,,I..r ....... House - r IL a 58 calves 10. not onoush doss earl, to 112 In late Sears Ro wider losses , liteetrrn , .:'..' - ;434 Share 3 emir SU Ile tilt market.small SUPPLY fed -steers included: afternoon, ,., Hillow 2d onethe government through ,...,.,...,, 11'' 4t,,,;:,,4,' Amerada Petroleum, 314 Mot Oil Shell fewhood .,,,,,....:, ::.',...unsold and heifers, early; .1,, 51: j.,,,,:; . 231 35rot 12 ,Simmons bonds, individuals through 9 12 Ida Pwr moors. and Holstein tom. off 5 ; utility at 1514 Denver:8g Rio - 3 'Sinclair r0 III Cris 24 , f, morcial heiferi brought $18.1104016; odd and home mortgages . , other ' . .,, - 1 Socny 19 at BointAr, . 444 361- 2- 2, III 'Pier utility cows. 11120131 roamer and Grande Western, down 3 334 - 1,4 Mad ri Cal So lio 1 Borden Ind 544. Ray debts" , , : cutter. S811; odd commorcia bulls. LOAN GROUP ELECTSNewly elected officials of the Sthrn Co ra It 11 7512 - 112 Inger' off 4 s R 3 89 BoreWar Railway, of- 76; Southern .1 no choice or 8150111; good realm Sou Pao 10 13 36 1314 12 Inso Cop bider present conditions, the Pacific Northwest Conference of'Savings and Loan Ass. Bdept34 at 87; Seaboard Air Line Rail. fered. few commercial. 1122023.50. SMith Ry , 44 In 4 - v4, innt(11:114 salablo 13. market to5 314 rir";41,1--.1- : Ittil- 4 Sperry ,. 13 41 eiations include; from left, Paul P. Reeves, W. I). Hop. Mar- Corp. board chair, at 108,A; rirstSecurity 35c lower on butchers. sows steady to road, down 2 2714 Std Brnds 401 17 28 --- -Bue'rEri June idth for furnishing athletic soon& man declared, governMent ilk Intliart e C. Duvallof 31 nook. medium to choice No. 1 batch-or- Central, down ' 24 at it. Ogden. ping, and WorthW.Wright 13 Int Nick 143 39 Bucidece- - .. swot and googlies as per specification ew , $24412450t-fto Oil 190 Sid 19 Shoe I 44 1, 3834 i second from right, Is outgoing secretary. , 'turrets ,'. si is612 r.":". Int Oil i at choke, light orsight sows. 111740111.50; Northern Pacifie, deern 3veins in thethooffice rt;h4tmdersigned. debtedness held by the banking Int TAT I 147 1714 - 12 SU1 3 69 Oi NJ Bottoc,.. 450 lb... Std over 350 to 450 re-$150173 lbs.. ' cannot ' be A31 ' 4S' 12 system down V- at materially ' 1 231- 2- mi Johns 00;---all quotations. Std Oil I 38 32kit 14 $ill and under. . Jon Si U 05 21 - 11 Sid 41 aye CallitlutZ, 6 214 A certified cheek.- - hi the amount of duced without 1 ''- onseri- Sheep...Nothing is olds Ay to test 7011; Zenith. down VA--at 6534; 40'1334 -- 1 Il 111,1 - 11 market - Joy Mfg Strl Dru CanDnr '.. 49 '11 tke per cent of the bid. must &mom. ous deflation. bringing 11 Such action, he 3314 ' Stn & W Land Trust, off CanPae - . 102 25 Tens Pac 411 Pang the proposal. T cot; i ... 04101111;41Int 1111HalaMSDA,ivestoo... Studebkr 14 Johason )044 CaseJ1 . 38 17 .. - Pero hating Agent.Erick8 A. said would mean a contraction at 118,and Republic Steel, rialablo . 150; stromely light swirls 2 Kern CV 5 7012 2 Sun Oil 34 3. A C. Logan 10 52 CatreUT ,. - 14 slaughter 17 43 Sunray 01I cattle offered. nominally 5 3,1m - at 46. 143 254412 Koppers Celanese in ptir, money SUPPLY created to weak with Mondaell close. law down Kress -. ---- t 3: . 14 steady ii- - 14 Snaltin,1 . atom,: 16 : tryt ;61 ii;;;;-,.A PROCLAMATION commercial .laughter moors. Sign when banks purchased-governme,., 41 WHEREAS the spring season has 17.80; cannot and matter cows. S94112; -- II11334 :1112 Co 50 securities. 112 ,. al taw litz:::a, not bean unusuahcAnr in mod sections of stocker and loodor trade fully 48 - 1 Gli, Pd Mee ê 0 38 35 33 the tablishod. tato Monday few loads stock L OF G1 13 311 --, W. D. Hopping, Tacoma, GII SI 3,1 89 - 1 CMSP&P 32 18 it June 1 matte the bo- WHIMRAS, rows with calves at side. 01110148 Lib MeN 15 ' 812 ,. Firm 39 Util do 73 4314 use of 11,4 rd. increased human of P air. 13 75 7 LigghtLY Wash., was elected president of rmoid Ch&NIV 13 10 trhtt to foresta and watersheds& SO. le Moody 'wawa Lockheed 51 29 14 SI Thmps Pr do Pl. 15 3016 114 Loaves I. J. Whitnei the conference for 1953, sucNOW THEREFORE, Wink. commercial realer,. 111823.118- .41 RB Tin - 4319 1112 of the 29 70 314 Lone Flo yd. Chief butchore hogs and 98 - I C 3812 1341 Transmr State of 'Utah. Sows 5075c lower. bulk choice, 1 to I by virtue Of the author. ceeding J. H. Andrews of Ogden. Chrysler W A Tr ya n 11,4Lorillard 45 2541, 12 veded-ime by law, and with the Worth D. cnt Ifin ---- 45 butcher 180 to SO lbs.. 42450034-13- ; $0 14 Tri Coot of Idaho Falls N Lou 2 6034 161 it Wright - CHICAGO. Juno and 14 OPPTOVILI of the board of Foredry 70 w.E4 Mack Trk 8 emit 20th Cent 281 10 - 14 few choice 1 and I butchorn, 1135 25.25; 'soybean s 24i 1112 exploration In Uintah about 20 miles southwest of Cities contracts finned IPS the Iloard Fire Control. do hereby proclaim and was' elected vice presidents and Climax M 01 314 6 151 42 11,4 medium. MACON; choice 330 to 500 S&P lin -4 Macy .-Trade Tuoeday. but the root of the of declare that all lands within the sevis the Oil Gulf It 3014 Vernal34 5P Cluett ..r 1 the be will in 417 Corp. If expanded secretary-tCounty Cli P. Paul Magic the Reeves, Tacoma, market had a rausod and outer - 3r12 234 eral fire districts composingareailclosed 3 42 6 15 37 - 1 sows. $10031. Colgate Magma 1 posranoc counties of the State of Utah reasurer. 4 11 , ,. 314 Tacoma was se- item future with the drilling of unit operator, and GUlf, Carter Collinag4 Pao blo ,S. market net stabblank CI 44 1234 - 12 lin Wheat cloud to late lemon Ji pro. beginning June 1. 1953. 1 further 17 Collr&Ir 32 of161102 Co. Un Petroleum ... and undevelYank scattered iota two few a on lishod. wells wildcat oil soli Phillips 15 35 - 12 Maiaeon 1954 convention. 1 and declare that they shall 03;41 torn lected the tte for mgr.-Juldein closed I. B A Col 10 40 2 1 , Unit Aire fered. 7 McK & 7 3434 until October 31, 1933, and a lower le ate 111.114121.541 .Mi. oil. Co. all have acreage in the Col Cu. 44 13 -1 26 M Unit A L 8 2112 LOS ANSIOLIS. June g 00.1111101)--- lusher, July 71el rye. Miami C WITNESSETH that during said closed Norman Strunk, Chicago, ex- oped leasing units, majorTueso to late ,.. 14 011 33 Cr 1 35 located at Township 7 Conti 1A00. 5634 - 114 Unit Bise disclosed Libaral Mid 14 Cattle: season as provided by the law of the Saloblo. Cent unit, lower. supply July gas companies soybeans is 111.431.43; Corn! Sol 125 8 - 14 ail Mamas. demand narrow. early sales loner to be le - 1 Minn Him 27 5614 - 1 Unit Cp State of Utah it shall be unlawful to ecutive vice president, United ittehor. July lain tOS.110 20 in 1.intah COP 41 314 191 Cons 51 17 East, 44 South, Un Range Fruit on set to be fire M on odd utility and commorcial Moors and lard Be lotror to tie oat on fire or cause 18 43 - 134 intedred Loan day. States Savings and . Cons Edis 141 35 -- 14 Minn Un Gas C, 134 ,34 ,. ono cows and load and about 3412 Mirints&L 4 any inflammable materials en any Co.'s Pounds AO. steady; , Oil Sun .hdr well on higher. County. First Cons Val 771 17 34 US&Plett .351 - 1 grass land, 17 2914 Minton utility and commercial Moors gored land, brush land. - 1 301 37 - 1 o aroundload1.100 R. W. Chase, acting area man- Containr or rangeland, grain. stubble or hay League, predicted growth gains Firewarter Canyon unit in the lbs. S1S.80017.80; visitor 19l 8012 - 74 USGsys ,105 Monsanto 131 22 Cont Bak 34 Mont rW US Rub 60 251,4 --- , 2 to $15; ball load Whits land or to get on fire for the purPOse for the Intermountain savings extreme down Moors 2634 ' 91 48 - 914 southwestern corner ager for Gulf, said his firm Cold Can 30 ' Mont Wd of clearing either We owe or the Pron.. and loan business in excess of I commercial grass bettors 1117.801 1391 88 and 131 US Smelt i CASH GRAIN dia said fire 44 9 Mot US Steel 1501 cows test to Cent would drill an 8,000-foarty if another atwithin 3141 (7.. Motorola 33 part. load youthful oominercial ,1 securhth a written that for the national as a whole. of Uintah County will be drilled 1 32 Cent 011 do pl.. CHICAGO. hano two loads mostly commercial 411384f 14 tide without whosto 1912 - - 12 Murray (AftCosh or formaGreen Firowarden River Co. lower 1 This District the 18 Corn 1 Gas the Natural 191Prd 1.020 lb.. 15,8001th balance utility and Nobel Coro U. I yellow. SUOMI sots permit front by El Paso --, SO 12 UnPkCK Nash Kele one of his deputies and complying with Population and real income in 39 - 44 Nat Aviat 18 21 29 and No. S boors white. 7cj oaskoho Strode commercial cows 1112 115; 7 9012- 1- 1341 Ut P&L about 25,000 tion, upon final government Crane conditions thereof. Crn WI the berme andWHITNEY '34 Nat Bite 119011 mostly. odd sales $ill; hoary white. Vinad . 111 38 - 1 cutter. 1 35141--, the areain 1980 will top the unit comprises 29 FLOYD, Cm J. 1 u St pf 79 Mookors and toed-or-s U. S. naval approval of the unit. Vick Ch Bartow sonsialth WHIP& SI..30111LINO bull salsa the lacking; R 112 acres, adjoining C Nst 1 483 Chief 7 Cudahy national growth average by 10 . about Moody; inferior and common food 1111.13. 14 - 34 Walgreen Nat C Las 7 Curt Wr Signature of J. Whitney Floyd ebb. oil shale reserve. 7 17 Moors 11134114; seamen to good froder ... Walwrth 2 5712 6 Nat me the to before sworn 20 Dairy and per cent, respectively, he 35 peribed and 13 111417. hollers B feeder Warner '11 17 will 150 For this project,!! Paso ' of May 1933. 32 Sata Dori Cis 34 Nat Dist 16 10 , Pioneer Line Closes Calves; Salable. 200. Slow. taroak to - des FOSTER R. ALLEM 44 West A L Nat Lead 43 30 ' predicted. 9 Deem t SI 'elven soots $IN lower: ono lot use the drilling rig currently GRAIN FUTURES 053 - 112 choice 19 4234 134 West Pat Nat SU 23 Deer. Notary Public. 190 to 200 lb. "odors $234 good Un 22 1 40 West Notes Phenomenal Growth 14 34 - 112 Nat Sup 77 - 2 & It engaged in completing a prom-- , Pioneer Pipe Line Co. Tues- D do CHICAGO. lune fallS1 and sealers 115 B 12 and choir light -, A (AnWest 1. & 13 4012 NJP 83 1 Pt e conunercial and good glt ia; NOTICE 4214 - 1 you IMO Lew Mos 11Today the savings and loan ising gas well at the Peters day shut down its 19 -, 12 Westng Z Nit Ar Br 20 Derb 011 1wboa- -, culls down to 1112. -- 1 $1921 N 1' Cent 348 2212 - 112 Wheel :mob Hauptman, being first duly business in the six Northwest Point 28 Sdis "n 38 400. Moderato', on 3417 1E84 04 Salable. Boa: Unit, across,the Green petroleum products line. from Del 2.0114 11.0514' 15 212 11 19 39 NYC141., Willys MOM deposes and says that be is an 28 Dims Alk tire. 25 to 80e Iowan ono lot choice Saul. Ole- -. 3474 2.011 tin Wilson 11 individual located and doing business in states has assets of $900,000,000, River in northeastern Carbon Sinclair, Wyo., to Salt Lake Dian Str 1084 11 Nor( di W 29 43 -113 2.13 3.12 that the PennlYIYallia; 43 - 12 LIM lb.. 1138; choice No. 1 and I 1911 Dec. 132,4 ' M Vs No A Avn 43 Dome IPA Is Philadelphia, to 223 lb.. $25,75i choir No. I and 3 11.10 21741" 237 3.18 281 30 N Am Co 98 19 r., said Jacob H111114M1111 Ii the exclusive as compared to 6175,000,000 in County, according to Warren City to complete installation of Dow atm Wrihnstn 14 7 to ' odium 227 1125535.10; 190 to lb.. 3.10 I.18 2.1844 2.12 owner of the trade name. mark andier 1940," he said. 38 234 Young Sh No Pao 29 6634 Sin18 Dress a section between the 3111 Paso El lbs. inta "Considering choice ouslity MO to " superintendent Taylor, device described h rein. and is in use Zenith ..1 141 M - S14 choice sows 3011 to OS lbs. S190110. , by him in the business of selling carpets tremendous prospects for the 1.5514 1.244 1.54 July PM Casing pipe has been set in clair and Pilot Butte. Officials Salable. 33. Stead, to Arcata ahem Total stook solo Moodily. 1.200,000 diaroin 1963 to data. lid 41411173. 5.834 133 and rugs. He claims said trade name. 1.225 1.52 one lot choice to ,prians wring Doe. under area, it is entirely reasonable this well to a depth of 4530 estimate the shutdown 'would 1.4744 1.4744 1.44 1.44 mark andor device is the dine manu' lamb 128.50; ono lot choice 1184b. Mat. 1.53 1.83 1.50 1.50 which goods or merchandise are weeks. three extend doufor sands no assets to will these but , expect producing feet, goring lambs SSC 133 LIM 1.23 factured. "revers d. handled. add or 1.1134 M11; The section involved Was left ble within seven years. Within were encountered in coring to distributed by him. &sob Hauptman 1 31 Jul, 324 - 31 In- a Tuesday morning depth of uncovered when the line was 1 Bout Subscribed anti- sworn to before me 10 years, our employes will 2 .71 .31 CLEARINGS BANK 1953. Doe. In the 4 .7 4te r. .73 TUILIDAIrl QUOTATIONS 1952,Bor Ibis 12th day of Mar. past or Mille 4750 completed feet. crease to , .74 from bole, up 50,000 30,000 Higher 715 Molts IL Rancher Mar. a qv, 73 .74 3540 11114.MADSOb has line been bank 4ebits the opermillion 100e two 1001 a in 100t Sales Kenday's month, In Chi. ICloost flow galog nioael Chg. of Week Chg. Notary Public . 60,000." Pagel however, .70 .754é .72 .7346 -14403Ana 00 Marn,;:z Same dap kit pear My Oontmissiots Expires February S. - Alt SG Du Lab At Ith 12 31,000,080141 Marinas I Tuesday's Other Tuesday speakers were cubic feet of gas per day was ating at its capacity of 12,000 Itrass rw 411 2:44- 11.42 14214 1.42 July 1.433.4 13 I A 10301.401.73 3 2314 - 1 !, Same dap last pear Specification 1.40 ST&I'l Ill 37 E 44 1.48 Supt. 1.404 1.47 14 ,118 Eureka Si 1001 Frederick W. Ruble, San Fran- reported from previous drilling barrels daily. 1441: TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCZRN: Dee. 1.55 , 1.53 st , re, 1.534 14 Pae Feder , VI 1034 -85 lit tests. BE IT KNOWN THAT Jacob Haupt-loa- n Mar. of the 1.50;41 1.11740 MO 121 2 COUNTER 14 54 14 president OVER cisco,outgoing THI Pa Hill Bunk Titer Fly ill tewP Ts of Philadelphia. Pc. being engaged Sayiee0will Ott be wildcat 0second -The 44 I Mc Gide 18 5 1! 04 514 1141 Ca COG 8 in the business of 'sling carnets and Federal Home Loan Bank; Paul ;w Sul" ... MI well Promising TUESDAY'S a utyratioss 804 230 2.0040 3 VA SO Heel M Ca n S 0 114 a trade name. A. new Brennan 11 3.74 ' 2.741 Mill adopted for his use which 2.74 , 2.754 '4 Sonotone Sept. 13 Std P&L Johnson, Great Falls savings drilled in the 10,887-acr- e Can Care 4 . 14 Numb Oil the fol, 4 Admit Di4 Nov. niark andor device. of 3.87 reInformation 1074 235 area 2.284 Petroleum Iii Cla Ca MI 11 215"4 and loan executive, and Joseph Bottom bit a Jam. Inning is a description. or facsimile: 28141 2.7014 170 1 114 2.70 5, Igantato", let Iposi 11 lie 011.75 tiV1,111 A scroll enclosing a colonial intildlna Mar. . Itt Anta 173 1273 ported 'that the Peterson lio.t 1 Creole 14 S. Francom and R. T. Harris, 30 I 1.40 t OW. di) Pt Cub AU 8 ,f1 $elrgb: kTifm hi .41 It g Vino well 43 , in Wy- Doback, $ Ut Id lodl Ashley I IMP too 11.ft too Lake July Salt 5.20 , MIARINO IA& agency OP 111 advertising t7S 3 bonnettle 301 NOTICI 11S Molybda 'Ill 404 1 Wright 1030 10.01 lout. ...10.211 18.10 .00 1.00 oming's South Mimderson area tagliah Oil IftYlICII IS HEREBY GIVEN that on executives. Oil, .1040 1040 10.11 10.22 1040 3100 Total Aosorican 'locks Tuesday,. 1140.000 sham; 1953 to 4412.110.92MM , LealW a of has shown Thureday. June 15ln. 1953. tit 10110 1,000 potential No0 2.01 .01 .05 too too ,, Uintak and Grind las 1 . A stockholders meeting of the 'clock AM. is Room 301 at, AO .60 10.45 sour 38.4 of will barrels Indopendent a cell gravity bearing public Building. Cmdi Federal 30.41 of Loan Bank Home Jam. ....1040 - r ...... Pet 10.41 Juothoint Commisof Board be held before the crude daily. The operator is A3 Mayflower . , . ioners on the following Promised San Francisco was held follow-- , .091 .05 Morgan Gas Is tests flow aaames to the Zoning Ordinance: continuing 60.25 Mountain nal "aging 10 50 It is proposed to change the follow- ing the conference sessions. Ben Local Bank Stocks 3.25 tO0 Oil Inc on various sized chokes, accordTUISDAY'S .1101ATIONS ' tng described property from Residential A. Perham, .18 .74 Wash., Ma.. Yakima, '13.2 to Residential Press. TUESDAY, QUOTATIONS Associated to the .04 ing VintabWyoming i 110001Cloo Ch11 Utah Moms Tire Ms. Sales In '100010060i Chg.t Sales in 111000iClooef Chg. dole commencing at a point 33 feet east chairman of the board, presided. 11.00 25.50 I Did t and 123 feet north of the southwest J. Alston o 19.50 15.00 Fire Utah Clay 144 21 14 03 president-ele7114 NYC Ed Corn S. 3 98 Adams, 11 AT&T .., Five Acre corner of Lot 31, Ilk. 25.00 Utah Oil Refinhts WA, Continental Sank ê Tr $ 501 le 50 4a 70 1524 Con Id E 3144 43.114 do Bu(INS)-;Th- e 3 do DENVER t Plat A'.. Big raid Survey; thence east of the bank, was present at Oil Official Resigns 9940 Utah Pew & Light CAL 20.00 First Security' Corp.. 3 12 DR 414 110 we 51 STSIP 444 287 do 3 ; 15433 feet along the north bounder, 14.00 lt0214 Strut 14a tienal Sold' , - 110 Utah "catboat OIL 111 00 20 54 1 87 1 do do Dow C 3o 177 04 & 0 as reau of Mines announced 'rues-da- y P. H. of the existing Residential 'WV Di.- Tuesday's meetings. .13 .15 11 Utak 355 Pao 00 73 Va Erie Sallnige 11 412 13 es Trill 78 9 SInctOU. vice do Bohart, thence 3361 president feet; 11214 Val, Nat Bk. Phoenix . 2.1774 tricti then north Utehrtaolltaains . 7 70 3 94 la 00 SoPoc VA GT N do 4a 82 88 IN100 west 186711 feet; thence south 30113 9400 Valles State Mask.... $5.00 44 31 10 Colorado', 'production in charge of the Tulsa produc- Celanese do or Int GN do 10 65 --, Ili V SSWalker Sank feet te the point of beginning. Oil Col 2 do it V & Chem 33106 lot 90 a at 0 535 and zinc of lead folremained : dividend. , Lake lot. Of ' tion division. ofGult MCorp., CP4SP Se to Board Bducation of Salt Also to consider changing the Zions Saviniii.litêt.. 42 214 1o3.00$ 2 104 llo P 54no 1 94 ,i PrOPeril from Rest. City at its meeting Mat 12. 1953. adoptao SI - 2 61104 -- 44444 LIW Poo , Sh 44 111 5646 43,4s do level In 1952despite has announced thatA. W. Me- - do 41As rdnZ described Ma. dielden4.- ed a tentative budget for the tiirAl high 'S." to 'Commercial': no 1446 2 211 61;4 do INVESTING-112AS-do., a coot of which k on shan't price declines that closed Coy of Tulsa has resigned as commencing at a point 12.3 feet north year Total bead sides Theodor. $4801.000; 1963 to date 113B1.181.04tt. f the southweet corner of Lot 3. Ilk. file for yobbo inspection in Room 105, ' TUESDAYS suoTAtiooss assistafit manager of explore-sma- ll 1. Plat A. Salt Lake City Survey; Administration Building. 440 Bast let I number of thence north 10 feet; thence oast 1403 South Street. Salt Lake City. Utah. I et Bid I Asked L is effective June McCoy tion, producers. will on the west bold be A 30 thence feet; fedi thence south public hearing Stock-Mark1ORK--- S, LEE on Meader. 340.4 fest to the place of beginning. 4.79 Affiliated Tunds Ins budget for the year The total value. of lead, a former Salt Laker. Sill' 4.1 Tho question of classification of these June 9, 1953, at 7:30 p.m. in the Board 3.84 Ara Itatainsas Shares and silver, districts will be taken up at this meet- Room of said Administration Building. zinc, copper, gold 10.25 1.43 AseHoushlon A TUESDAY'S aUOTATIONS the public meeting, the based on the average selling 21.91 23.71 Bolton Fund ing. and all persons interested and Following III COMFORT WITH A 10.77 1111 present at said meeting will be given Board will, at its regular seasion on Canadian Flout I Askdd i I Bid Bid Asked declined refined to and consider of an same beard this in be date. metal, further either 1.14 Invest LH opportunity price ,Connnonwealth r., taros of or assinet said changes. 2.01' 1.13 adopt a Ferinariesii.. Budget for the to $35,997,231 in 1952. The 1951 .09 .00 'Dividend Shares .0014 Plena , .. , .0214 41 .0311 Horn Sin Hill Bin , and transact such By order of the Board of Commis-- school year 30.25 32.34 .011 18 .23 Prince Con .00 Eaton è Howard Howell .0412 Bonanza loners of Salt Lake City. Utah. this other business as may ProPerit toms total was $38,931,539. .01 Preer 0.11 Al .011.11 1 .01 2213 ; 34.11 do Sik Indian Qs Brsti Sivr .";4 Ric Mint 3.00 1.90 4th day- of June. 1953. before the meeting. End 2.47 Tnel Ind Fund .07 3.71 .11 044to Kennebec .04 Bullion inhad Lead output, which DIMA P. IITNER. 't K O n .08 111COTP By order of the Board of Mutation 10.31 1120 .05ii ; .071A Sav .47 Salt Lake City. Std. We44 each-ye.21 .35 City Recorder . 25.41 Hesston since .0314 Keystone 3611 1947, .0144 r414 Cntrl (7i7r.re..7i704.D' 4 . creased R Y GRAY. ubflc.fte June lab 1953 23.71 2512 do 11. Chief Con iligsrghstd toil.t Laten Mon it was off only 1 per cent from . . 11.41 ... Remodeling-30.14 do 1,44 40.6 rubiliatton lith, 1963. Jeitt ,Littie J3 Clytn Kw Mns .02 Sioux .03 Mai 10.17 0294 .... do 1111 Al toe' ',swage the 1951 high. Zinc production .01 So Ir Si Al 11.11 1710 At Median ries do Anti Coln Bull - AI So Stand .0tri moo tk.n, Completion Of a $150,000 15 , Minlia ,2b1 38.91 1111 do Cmbad Md .17 dropped 5 per cent, butas still ' Oil .03 Mal Sundano , J5 'V 7 r4-33.21 31.33 4 cis any-yecomet thairin C .02 -modeling Sansea higher prathe-Neo""1,, 14-syr, titremiA 17 24 - 1113 n .cia4iXitt . Tar -- house RealtyCo.Building, 53 ecr, 1110 - MIS do Y44 front 1918 through 1950. Gold 234 .04 .01 .01 Tintio Con .ens ?Cars .081,4 7.42 8.11 do Miami Mno 44 &Lie 25 .01 load.07 announced Tintio Lead civet,. E. was. 4th the noted South, The bureau 20.11 1114 Man Invest 'Fr .. Moscow intle Sid - .93 .04141 CrAb Mt Ste 2413 Mutual Inv Fund 1110 me Pran.tIn Oil or zincprice,drop was .1 severe Monday at the'. firm's annual Mtn View 16.31 Nation Atilde Sal Fund 1514. .01 Con Utah 21 blow to the mining districts, meeting. Nondriver Soo PM N 1 Stk 14 Titorraor 4,41 getialli 1.1Wd am 3.10 1125 '.00'"; Ts NeTh,Gld LIG 4.71 do Ilie0111111 1 be occupleci a. 11bret 10.23 10,6214 do 9,M supplies, , All New Park particularly sine ,k 1.21 L71 do Stock on .30 C .A13 24 Putnam !..01 Intshela. Nw- Quin :1 remained when the Freed - Finance- Co. (Goo) Fund . 17.111 - 11.41 SAO Untd P Min 1.90 IE. ow fogii equipment and wages North Lily .33 .34 Uns. A244 1.11 1.11 Tochnical Fund .01 - .01 N. fitandrd . 03 .03;4 Victor Con at high levels and the fixed moves in July 1, said Holman J. Era" .0414 ..05 Bin 11.11 Euroks Mad 11.39 WollInstos Wool Alloy .03 ..014 oil .33 .34 fieeur 051,11 .04 Eureka 14 , West Toled .011 .00 Pk Binshm, .04 .03 prices for gold and silver were )yaters, president.' .03 .021a 22 Wilbert Pk Cy Con 24 .21 Stockholders of thecompany Eureka M low in comparison with costs. ismou Pk Konoid Oil 37 .02 Will 3 29 034 n eltSt MI untitumrioN ,, Er:17k! all officers and Pk Nelson' .02 Yankee Con .02 .04 .034 hesitated to Some operators Phew, fay Pk Printer .03 "Va .04 Zuma 22 , SEDANS 22 .35 Pimbic Min, ,down only 'because of rectors and approved reduction Zr4dwuystetzu pews Day' -Week. MS his I - of ,capital stock par value from deterioraT maintenance expense, PLASTIC-SEACOVERS '$ ALBS PRODUCE MARKET , tion, and the high cost of UP to $15 a, share. The firm Cardiff. LOOS at 211e. Stelforfool Okromos, Rt.. Stelaprea Hotel Newhouse , reowns the and crew a SOO at Tles ice at Plc. CHICAGO. MPSProduce-June reassembling - of SOWN proms. Drain:As: Li:a pagan:vs Harkin Mead:. IS .. ., 3.000 " 614c. --- opening in the event prices Building and some 30 other trucks. ..'- -' ' - Preforrot Stick Bows& Low at 110s. ihartgee sine Mondays advanced to a profitable level. structures in Salt Lake City. littlish Pm e Ducks: Ducklings. Ilbs lb. at 240 MOO at Little Mu. LO The Mc. , mer chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, in a speech here Tuesday, attacked the gold standard and called for an ex- pansion In the nation's money supply to prevent deflation: Mr. Eccles addressed the coneluding 'session of the two-da- y Pacific Northwest Conference of Saving and Loan Associations in the Ben Lomond Hotel. tong-- foe of the gold standard, Mr. Eccles ,challenged with this flat statement the present movement to restore it: "The gold standard, or convertibility of our, money. into gold, would give no assurance of either sotmd money or economic sta. bility." Turning to the problem of controlling deflationary trends, said:. "A growing and dy- ' - 1 ., ... i :, ;; ,, , ' 411 . 74- ; - .. t - . - . 1- .. 13,444 '' 41 - , ;..,' - ' .!. . ,11.,., 3d55 P....21r;St 4 2- c ,...:.s.ve ' 444 - , .... ... .., ,r 3347114 re813,,,, ,AA:DGrilthiaosiodis .., 11214 , . 1137 0011111 t131 - ..s. i ,'".... LalitiLuktiltlir:p0 4423114 .1, . I T. - -' : -- . : .",, st4 -- , t , . 74 ' , , --Cattle-tatimatod 1- -- ... , ,, lk 23 , 35344:41 BeBB.soicklihttr.csudat:: r -- , i t ,- -- ated . I Std-fo- lit 12- - E- -- - I,(L 3- r.7 - Bushiéà I .-- 1.1 -- - I - , i KK 3439 "" , -- 1- - A, - Cert-tee- d i ...:.:.:Two:::Ultitah:...Units::: Forester-Thewarde- 73; 340-1h- ti-- -- Soybeans Are On Grain Market Cahno--Saleb- Hoga-Sal- ablo -,- . 011-ga- l'AP1-0- - - 3 - Shoop-Sala- y , - , r - -,- . r Foreeter-Pireward- -- 011111111111111 . tz .1 : Cut-Ha- 300-mil- 1 1 3131 60-mi- - Amiiii00:.:Oc':.gxchoo-g- r. , f , 1- : ott -- t Wycol-Governme- nt Colorado '52 Mine utput ", .-- t d ... New York. Bonds nne-hou- r. , At High Level " .. .. .1 Strewn-Paterso- ct 11,, 11,1 ; ' Se-094-0- 11 ,- ) 1953-5- - mines,-principall- Al Salt Lake 1953-5- 4 Newhouse Recity Announces Of 1953-5- ar I I - . -- . Ktky-Uta- 4 , - 4 .iLJ NFO 4 re-w- - W 1 411O j 02,,,A4b iht 0 1 Ari95 r e-- - 144-.100- A y - :6612 ,- di-sh-ut - 17 ' Y .."l'I.""'e-s...,.,,......ss.- - .... . , - 411'N'tia: ..:' 0 VA . :7) ' 'I I, ' ,- -.- . lt t ity:641141.110 , ,., . I Oil I) 4104 nut .. - - .111St ' - '1 A. ' ' 4k le .,,,1 'NY , 41 ' ' - , - , . : ., 41, 14t - le : 171-0,- ' i fillti taloaotos REGULAR 22135 "Ito it 0 (14vitit-t3'- ..4 ..... ,11t ' 11 . ' . . .. 4 BEIYALIT: 4 -- . , , - Ithtet. a.. ..,Noon 120. MST 3900 SOUTHPAURRAY 261--Jit 4, Al 4 4 4 4 4 . , : 4 Lin. ,.. , ...,...., 4 , ifrOf0'-23155..1- 1 1.1100,000 ,, 'mum vot. 1113.38 . NM Now Lowe .1 o ...,-- -- ---- - t .,. Righ- tow 2cos ' .39 40 Scrubs 298.14 362 90 99 28 10 Huh Grade Rails , . 99.5S 102 79 ,, 9 49 41 44 10 Sucorid Grade &ails 4 49 II 10 Public Veils. ,,...,,,,-- ; 104.75 Rem 10133 -' t....... 93 NI 9204 090 9145 , 1 Preferred Stock. $1.1212 per share on the 412 Convertible Preferred Stock. , I oo' , 42 -- 115 ... ,.. 23 -,- II ,. MILTON L. SELBY., Seorr;ory , joss 2.1933 toot at tome! -- Work letter, tiro totter vitas Mask Get that lanald:flos. Pot ; 4 Stock sad dlill Coavestible Preferred Stock are payable Jab l 1953 to stockholder" of record at the dose of bow Mem jute 17. IS'S 4. , s '. ' $1.00 per share on the . tramways Stock divIdeeds sad divides& ott the 4 Preferred .. . --- 470 - lewd MINrectort of Safevrt7 Stores. Incorporated. to 2,, 1953. declared be followlegourredydivideodst ' 600 per share co di $5.00 par value coto----- -- hies Moniker of New York Stock No. goes. Trado0 ..... ......I.234 yo Advances - ,, ,,.,,,.,,,.. , Deanna' ., 149 Non:shrill! WI; I and ki.d. 182,500 20 JRails 147,100 is Villa. 54,400 SI idocki.1114.000 SO Ile. at 210 Vol. Indus. Rails 180,000 ka7 85 102.70 410,000 200 29 101 53 .......1 ?otal, --, - ". 1 2 , 1102 at 11140. AVerades Averages co.. riehanse J. L'Iloale 11Purniab00 by - Howl, i Bes t Buy I n Town We Say Ws the Call Us ei Drop n and SEE WHY! , , 1 - , Turkeyst Hens. Cheese: Single daisies. 4004112 lb.: New Park. 100 at longhorns. 40:142e; processed loot. 311 6.800 Sitict Swiss grade A. 41043ci B. Park City' Con.. 800 - 31140e: D. 38038c. at 20c. Butter: 1,787,700 ibe. "sestet steady. Royston. 6,000 at- 8e. 93 score.- - Sac its.t N seer Silver Standard.- 1,000 at 2WW"-:-- --1141et, SO TIntic Standard. 100 at Inc. more. act SS score. 6:P4ct carlotat SO West Toledo, 2000 at 1c. score. 63c: 119 score..S7c. CURD SALLRenorted too late int Basin ULM cases. market 'Wadi to ss, firm. white terse extras. $O to 80-- Par yesterday: TOO ;0.1 at ne. cent A end over. 10. dos.; mixed large Dragon. extras. SO to OA per cent A and over. , cyas SALIM mediums. SO to SDI per cent A 48e: and over. 47c; standards 4541es current Bristol illyar. 1,100 at Sc. 31,40. Shield. at 10,000 Silver receipts. 42es dirties. SOPsci checki. 'Mate Standard. 1.000 at 03c. 212c. Nadboon :04.;ts...Fuit4t;;:.-- -- - . 4g -- VALLEY', HEATING CO. 11 ,0: ., ''' -- ' 14g 1' :, I'Vie Doi Wears Jumping With Joy, About the Now 1953 . itoil ) - If ireolliboised6... et , IJ,- 04 Q 4t Smart Casco Grand Prix Modal '''''' Wire Wbeel Hubs 1 '195 2 COM U Se b Gorpootti AtitiviD , t,,I ' '. it; i it' - ins tad to - Let's bet It In yogi' office or tom& tors . reatHatto and C-I- eke-vide- , , som000r- at dm office tie air. ' . Clot nor, , 4 4:1 L ".."'-'-'- " n....litt ;11i; .0'PP li , |