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Show Southern Salt Lake COUNTY ENTERPRISE . REBEL LEADER CAPTURED 1 BY AMERICAN W. D. 8. Harrhigton, U turn Jug KJ!to. RANDY, j A LITTLE HINT 10 XT An, 0 yea Beautiful ABSORB PERSIA Doty! Z'nt General Camps and His Staff Crosse the American Line and Are Now Prisoners of United States (sag UTAH STATE NEWS NECESSITY OF PRESERVING ORIt Is estimated that between 7,000 DER IN INTERESTS OF TRADE wnd 10,000 persons viaited Brigham THE REASONS ADVANCED. City on Peach day, the 18th. J. Q. Gsderdeak, aged 05, slipped In front of a rapidly morlng street ear la 8aIt Lake City and was Instant Russian Foreign Minister Conferring With British Statesmen Regarding ly killed. Division of Buffer State, Which Is The Hccles lnterurbaa line between Forecast by British Newspapers. Logan and Hyde Park was formally opened on the 17th. Over 1,000 people gathered at Hyde Park to celebraie. London. The practical division of The Ogden factory of the Amalgamated 8ugar company will be placed Persia between Great Britain and RusIn operation Monday morning If there sia appears almost assured as a rela a sufficient quantity of beets on sult of the conference which Sergius Bazonoff, the Russian foreign minishand at that time. The annual fair at Cedar City has ter, has had wttih British statesmen. been a great success, the weather j All the British newspapers in the clos-est touch with the foreign office, par being ideal and the attendance all that re-- ; could be desired, while the exhibits Ocularly the Times, looked upon were the best In the history of the oently aa Sir Edward Grey's mouthpiece, are forecasting this arrangelair. ment and are apparently preparing ownThe barn and 100 tons of hay the public mind for H. The necessity ed by Stephen Ellis of South Bountiof preserving order in the Interests of ful were destroyed by fire. The loss trade la the principal reason advanIs estimated at $2,000, with no Insur- ced. ance. Beys started the conflagration Some of the Liberal papers bewail by playing with matches. the disappearance of Persia as the Arnold Deardall, the boy shot al buffer state and foresee a great InHelper by Edward B. Johnson, Is crease In the British military estabSeveral bone lishment when the Brltish-Russla- n rapidly Improving. splinters have been removed from the boundary is drawn across the middle wound. It la not thought that ampu- of what is now Persia. tation of his leg will be necessary. TWO VICTIMS OF BUND GOD. The police of Logan one day last week raided two hotels, n cafe and a barrels of Youtn and Woman Drive Automobile B00TLE6GERS AMBUSH livery stable, twenty-onOver Seventy-fiv- e Foot Bluff. beer and a considerable quantity of while the AND MURDER OFFICERS confiscated, Los Angeles. Niles C. Folsom, a whisky being a proprietors of the places were arrest- lawyer twenty-twformed old, years ed. death pact with Thelma Bartee of San The police have been asked to in- Diego and Saturday carried out their vestigate the circumstances connected purpose by driving an automobile off Two United 8tatee Marshals Killed on a feet high a few with the explosion of a kitchen range s bluff sevenlr-fiv- e Border by tho ad the heme of Mrs. Alice Emerson, miles from the city. Illicit Liquor Dealers. at Ogdea. It is believed that the exInvestigation disclosed the fact that plosion resnlted from dynamite placed the woman, who war forty years old, wbs madly infatuated with the young in the oeaL Coffeyville, Kan. Two United States more deaths man, who was in love with Ethel Jones, marshals are dead and a deputy UnitThere were forty-nin- e s chorus girl playing at one of the ed States marshal and the chief of poreported last month than during July, local theatres. The girl did not recipaccording to the monthly report ol of Lenapah were dangerously rocate the love of the young lawyer lice for of board health tbs atate Utah wounded Friday as a result of a clash the month of August. The deaths Iasi and he confided hla troubles to the with supposed bootleggers whom the month totalled 281. During July they woman. She made an effort to bring officers were trying to trap carrying the young man and the object of his totalled 232. liquor across the Kansas-Oklahom- a regard together and when she found border. Kelton of Patterson Jeanette Miss she could not do so she proposed that The four officers were ambushed as was thrown from an automobile three love-crazwere patrolling roads Into Oklamllea south of Brigham City and her they die together, and the they her offer. homa from Kansas. shoulder broken. The car tipped over youth accepted. A score of deputies and dtlsens are when the driver steered the machine CUBA FACES CRISIS. scouring the countryside. It Is said Into the electric line tracks to avoid the slayers escaped to the Osage collision with a buggy. Treasury is Empty and Heavy Bills mountains, where capture Is almost Imfor years Diehl, forty Christopher Remain Unpaid. possible. They stole an automobile In grand seonetary of the grand lodge of which Havana. the officers had been riding. her Cuba, and empty and Free Masons, treasury Accepted Utah, Bootleggers have been active In the oldest Masonic grand lodge secre- and the improbability of an honeat tary la the world in point of years and and orderly presidential election be- transporting liquor Into Oklahoma for service, died at his home In Salt Lake, ing held, is facing the most serious several months and national, state financial crisis which has confronted and county officers hare united to September 17, at the age of 82. Island since It became a republic. break up this traffic. the The atate game warden declares South Coffeyville Is notorious for its The last dollar of the $16,500,000 has weather cold hat the early dives and It Is declared to be the disbeen has loan while the spent, arougbt about great Improvement In Speyer and center for many cities In of for tributing Havana, paving sewering and of ducks, the health conditions where bootleggers are acwhich Oklahoma, is was the loan purpose made, that the sport of duck hunting this tive. is half of in finished and only danger of the as as that season will be good best seasons heretofore experienced. being abandoned. Receipts from the customs house and the lottery have Beet growers of Weber county have ' reached their ebb. The Gomes been notified to start digging the administration lowest has $140,000,000 spent (beets this week and transport the In Its two and one-hayears of exist-- ! same to the loading stations aq'soon must cut down her as possible. The company officials ence, and atCuba least 50 per cent before believe that the crop in Weber county expenses she can hope to break even. is so heavy this year that it will reof to run a dispose quire long factory Slim Diet Results In Illness. the beets. R. Conn. Middletown, George The ralafall In Utah varies from Ward, known all over the state for his inches annually at six to tweaty-fiv- e (eats of pedestrianlsm, and who last stations between 2,800 and 7,000 feet, summer announced that he has cut and it is probable that as much as his expenditures for food down to 26 thirty inches or more falls at same cents a week, was taken from his places at the higher levels. The sta- apartments to a local hospital on Suntions on the western slopes receive day In a serious condition as a result, more nioistare than those on the east- the physicians say, of his method of ern slopes. living. Electric lights were turned on In King Manuel Plans Trip. Morgan City and vicinity for the first time on September 11. The Como Manuel of Portugal Paris, Light Development company, to ful- end Prince Louise of Orleans are nefill their contract with residents of gotiating for the charter of a large Morgan City, were compelled to erect seagoing steam yacht. If the owner a temporary plant which is generat- meets the terms offered by the agents of king and prince, the two throne-les- s ing power at the present time. of water More than 25,000 acre-fee- t potentates will sail around the will lie stored in tha Mute reservoir world, visiting San Francisco, Manila next spring, accodlng to Joseph Jen- and other Pacific ports. j sen, engineer in charge of construc; Former Utah Jurist Dead. tion work of the Piute dam. He says j ' and B. next Twins, Kansas CT.y. be will dam spring ready the Stephen t acre-feein than will store 15,000 more formerly a federal court justice Utah, died here Saturday after a linthe reservoir contained last year. Convinced by the dying statement gering illness. He was 85 years old. Mr. Twiss was appointed associate Jus--' of Brigham Taylor, the eighteen-year-olboy who was shot ly former De- tlce of the suprem court of the ter-- ' puty Sheriff E. B. Johnston near Help- riuory of Utah by President Hayes in er, 'hat the killing was lacking in 1880 and served until 18S5, when he provocation, the county attorney at retired. Price is preparing to charge the j Urged to Recognize China. slayer with murder in the first degree. York. The China society of New Next Christmas day will mark the one hundred and fourth birthday ot America on Sunday addressed to PresMrs. Margaret Burch Goff of Sprlng-rille- , ident Taft an open letter sppeailiig one of the oldest surviving pio- for recognition or the new Chinese r- esir William Ramsay, who Is conald neers of Utah. Mrs. Goff was born public. The letter is signed by Louis ered tha greatest living English Seaman, preslde.u or the list, has been attending the congrcai at Uni della, Del.. December 23, 1808. sf applied chemistry In Washington. Since the opening of the Weber organisation. school for the at year Ogden academy j 8idna Alien to bo Tried. Sneed 8eeke Release. the total registration for of 1912-1doxen a Roanoke, by Ani:iriIl0i more an of increase shows week TexanApidicatlon for a the Sidna Allen, charged with uf habeas corpus has been agreed than fifty students over the number detectives, up of U upon i,y f.oungej aa nexj fltep to enrolled during the first week of last murder in the "shooting court at lllllsvllle, waa on Sunday gPC1,re the release of J. Real Snead, year. Indictment here for the murder (taken to the scene of the crime for The horticultural Inspector for We- trial. Allen has retained attorneys. .under 0f Al U. Boyce, Jr. ber county Is very optimistic regardStats Militia In Control. Bubonic Plague in Hawaii. ing the fruit situation in his territory of wind the the denies that high ini buCharleston. W. Va The state milof Washington. Indications past few days caused any great amount itia has tightened the lines in the bonic plague have been discovered In of damage. In fact he believes that martial law district of Kanlwhs the Hawaiian islands. Capture of jo the extent of thinning out the fruit, ty and state officials from Governor one plague-infecterat at Olaa. Slassiock down are apparently the wind was beneficial. Island of Hawaii, 250 miles fioin ..I'- a long siege. Honolulu, Is reported. j e -- 'w&r REBELLION IN MEXICO. IN IT6 FINAL STAGES ACCORDING TO LATEST REPORTS. Rebela Net Dlepoeed ernment Forces In Where They Can Small Town Arisona After a chess Sonora by federal northern through troops, following his raid on mining camps snd the lines of the Southern Pacific railroad, Emilio P. Campa, the rebel leader, and his staff crossed the American line 'south of here snd now are prisoners of the United States authorities. The identity of the rebel leader waa not known until Monday morning, when, after a positive Identification by Dr. Ruffo, who calls himself the Marquis of Scllla, he admitted his Identity snd said he waa tired ot Tucson, to Meet the Gov Action Except Attack Some or Camp. Further Evidence ol Washington. the weakening of the Orozco rebellion is conveyed to the state and war departments la the latest reports from army officers snd consuls of the movements of the various rebel leaders operating in northern Mexico. These movements are so irresoluti as to satisfy the officials that no longer are the various generals acting under common leadership. Officials hers say reports show that nowhere do the rebels feel disposed to meet the government forces in so tion except where they can attach some small town or mining camp gar rlsoned by a force much smaller thai their own. It is reported this sort ol warfare may be kept up several weeks or even months, in view of th superior mobility of the ed rebels, who are living on the country snd are free from heavy equip ment or artillery. Colonel Pascusl Orozco, Sr., and other rebel officers captured by Cap MARKED UPWARD TREND tain Mitchell at Presidio, Texas, hav been turned over to the United St&tei OF THE COST CF LIVING civil authorities at Marfa. fighting. Hard pressed by the pursuing federal and practically destitute of ammunition, Campa decided to seek safety In the United States with the faint hope that he might be able to get ammunition at Casas Grandes or Gila Bend, west of Tucson. Stories that Campa got out with $300,000 as the result of his campaign of loot through northern Sonora are scouted by the United States authorities. FAMOUS OUTLAW IN MORGUE. Harvey Cols Killed In California by Man Whom Ho Attempted to Rotx Fresno, Cal. A dead highwayman whose body has bees lying in the morgue since September 19, when he was shot by Thomas Ragan, whom he attempted to hold up, was identia fied Monday by James Mullen, miner and engineer, as Harvey Cole, an outlaw, who had carried on a car nival of crime from Idaho to Mexico Mullen declare! he is familiar with Cole's record, and that be saw Cole kill two Chinese in Mexico. He says that Cole escaped twice while serving sentence la sa Idaho penia ten-yetentiary for murder, aad thereafte' started a career of robberlca in Wyoming, where he robbed a gamb ling den, and in Arizona, where be robbed a restaurant and was wounded with a cleaver by the cook. According to Mullen, Cole killed two Chinese in Idaho. well-mou- o Kaneas-Oklahom- ed lf - ' d ' sclsn-Lovfngst- j 3, Va.-Cu- arded j I d pro-paiii.- -; - SOLDIERS WILL SIGN COVENANT. Federal Bureau of Labor's Report of Unionists of Northern Ireland to Reg Investigation of Prices Shows EveryIster Defiance of Home Rule. thing at Top, Nothing on Declint. London. On Saturday, September 2 Unionists of the northern counties ol Ireland propose to register their forma, Washington. The most marked up- defiance of home rule. ward tread of the cost of living Is Gathering In hails, market placet disclosed In ithe federal bureau of lab- and churches, the men of Ulster wit ors report of an Investigation of sign s covenant pledging themselvei prices for the last ten years conduct- never to submit to any government ed In the important Industrial centers from Dublin which may be imposed of thirty-twstates. upon the country by the Asquith-Re- d Fifteen important articles of food, mond home Tule bill passed By th Strike for Suffrage Projected. s as well as coal, comprising house of commons. of a workingman's needs were investiBrussels. is the design atioi Belgium. A general strike Ulster day gated. In many cities the lnvestlga-gathere- d chosen for this remarkable politics is projected by Socialists of Belgium statements of mer-o- n sacrament, In support of a universal suffrage the cost of living and specii r amendment to the constitution. HosBloodhounds Trail Firebugs. mens of these are published In the tilities against the government which report. Charleston, W. Va. Scores of sol has resolutely set Its face against the On June 15, 1912, the report shows dlera with bloodhounds are searching desired legislation, will begin in No fourteen of the fifteen articles of food the mountains at the head of Carboi j vember. Half a million workers, it it were higher than a year before, and creek for the men who tried to fire calculated, will he involved In tbe ten had advanced In the last ten years the tipple of the South Carbon Coal strike, which it is proposed shall last more than fifty per cent over the aver- company, and the residence of Chsrlei six weeks at a cost to their funds es age price for the preceding ten years. Cable, superintendent of the mine t! mated at $10,000,000. During the last decade, prices of po- Bloodhounds were brought up from tatoes changed most and sugar the military headquarters at Pratt, anc Battleship Wyoming Ready. leasL Their advances were 111.9 and early Friday they stmek two trails The battleship WyoPhiladelphia. 8.5 per cent respectively. During the which are being followed over the ming waa turned over to the governlast year, bacon, which decreased just densely wooded mountains. ment at the Philadelphia navy yard h of one per cent, was the only Monday by the Cramp Shipbuilding Rioters Wreck Houses. one of the fifteen articles of food that company. The Wyoming, which is a showed a decline, while nine of the housef sister ship to the Arkansas, will be Ireland. Five Coleraine. fifteen advanced more than two per were wrecked In a riot at London commanded by Captain F. L. Chapin. cent, varying from 2.4 per cent for milk derry Saturday between the factions She will be placed in commission next to 18.6 for round steak. disputing over home rule following c week and will participate in the naval Of the fifteen, only eggs, butter, meeting of Unionists in Guild hal. review In New York harbor next milk and sugar were lower, but the presided over by the Duke of Aber month. price of three of these four la normal- corn. Nationalist.! r'.oned the torch-hearerWlckersham to Leave Cabinet ly lower In summer than In winter. and bandsmen of the Union ists. Washington. Attorney Genera! WOMAN LEADS ROBBERS. will retire George W. Wlckersham Italian Prince Dies-Pari- s from President Taft's cabinet or Gotham 8cene of Bold Robbery Coma March 4 next He will leave his post Prince Louis Murat, mitted by Automobile Bandits. of the king of Naples, died whether Mr. Taft is reflected to thr grandson New York. Led by a woman, autoafter an operation. He was presidency or not This, it becamr mobile bandits rivaling In boldness the Sunday, 61 years old. known Monday, la the statement that taxicab robbers of Paris and the perMr. Wlckersham has made to friendt petrators of similar crimes on the lowin Washington and New York ant) ALEXANDER MOORE P. er east side of New York, on Sunday which has been reiterated by Mrs. secured $5000 worth of loo', in broad WIckesham In the capital. dnyHght from the jewelry store of George Richman, 711 Second avenue, Peace Congress Opens. .lust across the street services were Switzerland. The nine Geneva, f:oing on in the Reformed Episcopal International congress teenth peace of .scores Hutch church, and people here Monday with the ringing opened were passing. up end down the thorof tlje liberty bell" cast some yeare oughfare, yet so rapidly was the roh-lcrago from the metal of cannon, swords committed that no one noticed and bayonets presented by various naunusual. anything tions on the initiative of I)r. of Newark, an American deleBank Directors Must Be Active. gate. New York. A ruling of great Interest to country banks was laid down Cancels Coal Claims. Saturday by Lawrence O. Murray, Dennelt Alaska. Fred Juneau. comptroller of the currency, in an ad commissioner of the general land ol ilresi delivered here to a gathering of flee, has ordered cancellation of tht national bank examiners. On nr.d aftcoal claims In thr twelve Lippy-Davi- s er October 1, he said, he desired that Tbe claims were district. river Bering nt the examination of all country banks located by Mayor George F. Cotterii) shall of directors board the and Thomas S. Llppy of Seattle ami lie convened and the examination of their assistants. assets made in their presence. o two-third- one-tent- s y Mm1-Dowe- ll Will Compete With Tobacco Trust. New York. A $30, 000. (mo tobacco company, now in process of formation here, is reported to have the financial support of Daniel G. Reid, chairman of the Chicago, Rock Island St Pacific Railway company and veveral of his associates. Mr. Reid is now in Kurope. but is expected to return about October 1. Want Diaz Again. Mexico City. A secret petition asking that General Porflrlo Diaz return, take over the command of the combined federal and rebel armies and seize the presidency of Mexico, is being here. Suffragettes Roughly Handled. Ixtndon. Suffragettes who on Saturday attempted to break up a meeting addressed by David Lloyd-Georg(he chancellor of the exchequer, at Wales, were roughly Ltanystumdwy, handled bv tbe crowd. Recommends Bureau of Health. Washington. A national bureau of health was strongly urged by Presi-Pdn- t Taft In his address of welcome to According to an unconfirmed report, the fifteenth international congress Alexander P. Moore, editor of the 3f hygiene and demogarphy on Mnu Pittsburg Leader and husband of Lil- lay, and also by Dr. Henry P. V1-tot- t ambas-sador lian Russell, will be appointed of Massachusetts, president or to England In csss Roosevelt le .he congress. elected president. Three Miners Killed. Typhoid in Oysters. Hobart, Tasmania. As the resulf Df a fall of Washington Oysrer beds In tons of earth from Hie bay, Long Island, and Hie Po- roof of the Mount Lyell mine Balm-damiles down tomac river, seventy-livthree miners were killed outright from Waxhlngion, are endangered by tnd five seriously Injured. Severs' typhoid germs, according to Hie de- sthers were buried. ment of agriculture. part Wife Murderer Executed. Suffragettes Plan March. Horton Monday morning. In ihe !: A march of liberty" London. at Charleston. Chester B. state prison the last demount ration planm d by Hir 33 years old, expiated in the Jordan, suffragettes of London The Mint pleclric chair the murder of Ills w ife, be made early In tk-:- !.cr :i: i vaudeville actress, in their home la route !!' r from I.'i d "i n to be. t1 ' :,t:e. Somerville four years ago. it o ; T.i':i-buri'l- 1 4i |