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Show social and church affairs in the town, and had been with the bank for many years. CRIMINAL Tells "I Inquired very minutely Into tbe How He Planned the method of opening the safe. I learned that it required two men tbe cashier Deed and Sought to Close and a clerk who each had a key to Knowlof Avenue Every different doors. Without both of them being present the safe could not ba edge Leading to His Guilt. opened. This looked like a promising The Detective Shows How lead, so I pushed my Inquiries in that Futile These Efforts Were and direction. I learned when the cashier How the Old Adage, Murder bad opened tbe safe on Monday mornWill Out, Always Hdds Good. By HENRY C. TERRY ing that the other clerk was not present It waa evident then that the cashier had both keys. The president (Covrriciit btW.Xm Kaboa would not believe me when I told him THE LOOT OP THE KINGSTON waited until banking hours were over of the state of affairs. It was a strict Ha rule of the bank that tbe keys held before going to deliver them. NATIONAL. found several of the clerks busy clos- by each man should not be surrenHAVE ofter wondered what ing up the books, and he showed that dered to any one except by order of Mr. Sherlock Holmes or be waa a genuine book agent by the president. Monsieur Lecocq would starting in to talk against time. Dill "I then centered my attention on hare done if confronted knew what he was after, and he got it, Cashier Bell and began to weave the with the problem of the rob- after waiting an hour. Bill aaw that net closer and closer about him. I bery of the Kingston Na- - the cashier, whose name waa Dell, learned that Bell had requested the locked up the vault He used two sets clerk to give him the keys about a tlonal. The detective of you say, is never real-ice- d of keys, one for the inner door to the week before the robbery. Tbe clerk In real life. Here is a Bmall safe and the other for the big was going to attend a ball, and the story that proves the op- iron outside door. He put the keys cashier had told him to let him have posite. I doubt if either of the fa- In different pockets. Bill was close the keys, eo he need not report as mous sleuths of Doctor Doyles or enough to the keys to remember them early as usual at the bank. The clerk Qaboriau's imaginaUon would have if he saw them again. Bill followed gave up the keya. The cashier did not proceeded more Ingeniously or more the cashier to hia home, which was In return them, although the clerk asked1 cotfor them. Then I learned that Belt successfully to the final unraveling of the suburbs, in a neat two-stor-y the tangle than did Detective Price. tage, and the preliminary work waa had been speculating through a broIf you don't believe that the old ad- over. ker in Wall street, and, as near as I "It would have been easy to take the could get at It, had lost about $3,000 age about fact being stranger than fiction applies to the detection of crime, next step, which would he to get the in a year, which was news to the bank follow the mystery of the Kingston keys and open the safe. That la what officials. robbery with me as it came from the some thieves would have done, but - Ml found out that the cashier had I had a better trick up my sleeve, held several interviews with strangers, lips of the principal actors. which came out of my caution, and and another startling fact that on the WILY MITCHELL'S YARN. would aid na in making escape easy. night of the robbery Mra. Bell bad It waa developed in this way: The awakened and found that her husband "A crook who is up to snuff, H said same night Dill found out about the waa not in bed. She did not know Wily Mitchell, who is noted among keys, we made a call at Cashier Dells where he was, and had not thought of other things for having been tried and house after the family had retired. asking him. There were several other acquitted three times for murder, "and We did not care to disturb their slum- suspicious circumstances against BelL wants to get along in the business bers, so we entered the house through I became convinced that if he did not without working too much for the a parlor window. Bill had located the commit the robbery himself, he must state, must be like a good general. room in which the cashier slept, and certainly have had some knowledge of He must always arrange his plans so I went there noiselessly. Either the it as to cover his retreat. cashier or bis wife had a beautiful "There were also many facta in Some thieves are so constituted that snore, and I need not have been ao Bells favor; but the bank directhey do not mind going to Jail for a careful in my operations. I found the tors became convinced, after carefully five or so. Punishment of that sort cashiers trousers, removed the keys weighing all the evidence, that he waa has no terrors for them, and, while and returned to the street, where Bill guilty, and he waa arrested. I never saw a man who took his arrest so liberty is sweet to every man, they waa waiting. take their medicine, and rather enjoy "We went to a secluded spot where hard, and Justly so, as it afterward prison life. I always had a horror of it was safe to flash a lantern. There turned out. He had hearing, and going to prison, but it was never quite I took a careful Impression of the so strong a case was made out against strong enough to lead me to become vault keys and the key of the front him thatThe was held for trial. honest When the big door closed be- door of the bank in wax, and all the "Shortly after this there was a lire hind me every time that I entered Jail measures necessary. I then returned in the house of a Mrs. Libby Larsen. It gave me a chill, and I never got over to the cashiers bouse and replaced the Being a bit of a fire fiend, I went to It until I was out in the sunshine keys in hia pockets Just as I had found see the country boys work. They did again. them. We closed up the bouse and such good work that they saved the "So It naturally happened that when went home. house. I went into the place, and in I was In active business, It was my I Immediately went to work on the a closet on the second floor I picked special desire to do everything in my keya. They used to say I waa the beat up a piece of wax. It would not have power to keep out of Jail. I always keymaker in tbe world. It took me been noticed by any one not familiar paid a great deal more attention to about a day to file the keya with the methods of thieves, but I saw y after a laying plans for a "Tbe night after we had called on at a glance that it had been used to robbery than to the work itself. For Cashier Bell. Bill and I paid a visit to make an impression of two keya I that reason I used to get into quar- the bank about two oclock in the slipped it Into my pocket and made a rels with the men I worked with. morning, when we knew the police- careful examination of it in my room. They did not like my caution, and I man on the beat was taking a snooze The impression showed that the keys have pulled many times out of what in a bakery. were of intricate construction, and the looked easy Jobs Just because I could "The keys worked like a charm. thought flashed across my mind that not see my way clear to escape. It Five minutes after we entered tbe they were very similar to the keya of was my notion that any bit of work bank I was inside the vault packing the vault in the bank. I obtained the would not pay, no matter how much stuff. I took all the keya without telling any one my busithe up green money there was in It. if it were fol- money and such bonds as appeared to ness. and found hat they fitted pers contract with be lowed by a negotiable. I worked lively, and in fectly. This was new light on the g line. the state In the minutes closed the doors of the mystery. It seemed to be convincing "It was this trait of mind which led twenty vault and walked out with (340,000 in proof that Dell had accomplices probme into the Kingston National bank We were in time to connect ably the strangers he had met my At the time when I ran withgrip. robbery. After riding "I could not understand, however, a freight train. against this trick I was a fugitive from about ten miles we left the train, how It was that a wax impression Justice, with the charge of killing Ned crossed the Hudson te Rhlnebeck. and had been made of the keys which Bell Wallace banging over me, so, natural- took tbe first train to New York." had In hia possession. Why go to all ly. I had to go a bit slow. There was this trouble when the keys themselves I no doubt about my killing Ned. but could be used at any time? DETECTIVE STORY. PRICES had to do it to save my own life. I "I took a peep at Mrs. Larsen withknew that I would be acquitted if I out cannot are her knowing it. I tell you I gave "Mistakes that something were pinched and held for trial; but "no when I recognized her as Ansaid be Detective a Price, avoided, Jump I hated to go through it all, and I In nie Skidmore, tbe wife of Bill Skidbe. how careful matter you may made up my mind that the best way are mis- more, a well known bank aneak. At out of it was to keep under cover un- probably nosoother business often ss in police work, last I began to see daylight. Annie til the clouds blew away. I got over takes made to Kingston, where I had a solid and we are frequently unjustly crit- was stopping at the house of a neigh-I icized and condemned. bor, after being burned out. and friend, and In my trips about the place of because learned in this "I that she had received (100 by my wsy apeak I struck the bank. recollection of tbe pounding I re- telegraph from New York the day of "My attention was attracted to the bank by a story In one of the papers ceived when investigating the robbery the fire. The wording of the telegram I did not throw any light on the case. about a large sum of money which of the Kingston National bank. "To my surprise and delight, Annie, had been deposited in its vaults by know that I did not deserve all that I a but many thought people got, the great following day after I recognized some company that was going to build her, left Kingston, and went to Ala railroad and a water works. I knew I waa not abused half enough. "I was put to work upon the case bany. She showed her cunning in dothat this money was going to remain in the bank for several weeks, so I the day the robbery was discovered, ing this, as the same night she took wnt for Dill Noble, who was at that which waa on a Monday morning. A the train for New York. 1 knew from time running a gambling house in very singular start of things was this secretive movement that Annie East Houston street, near Broadway. found at the bank when Cashier Bell had something Important that she was Dill was always ready to take a hand threw open the doors of the vaults to trying to hide. I could tell by her All tho easy movements that she thought she with me because he understood my begin the days business. as was safe. I telegraphed for a couple were their at clerks 1 desks, we had present never and did and his, ways had any trouble. It was Just what Dill the books were kept in another safe, of detectives to meet me at the depot, wanted, for his bank roll had been hit which was In charge of the head book- as I could not tell what would turn up. "It waa lucky that I did ao, for In very bard. I had not been out of the keeper. Tbe cashier entered the vault house in the daytime because the mur- to take out some bills to put in tbe thq depot, waiting for Annie, were der of Wallace was very hot, and I drawers in his desk. A moment later Wily Mitchell and Bill Noble, two of knew that the coppers were making he staggered out and fell into a chair. the brightest crooks in the land. They a lively chase for me. I arranged with He waa not able to speak for a mo- spoke with her a moment I knew that ment The clerks gathered around they were making an appointment Dill for him to do all the preliminary work. He turned a book agent on him, thinking be had an attack of from the movement of her head. I short notice, which gave him a chance heart failure, to which he was sub- sent the two men after Wily and Bill, to visit the bank without exciting ject. He announced, when be got con- and I went after Annie. She went to trol of himself, that there was no a private house in Fourteenth street, dont remember what book it was money in the vault, but he did not say remained there two hours, and then went out with a gray wig as a disthat Dill was selling, but be did such that there had been a robbery. slick work that the clerks bought all the guise. "After a short consultation, his stock, and he had to get more bank war closed for the day, and "She was well known in this city. I books to fill the orders, jiM to make everything waa Just as It had been surmised that she was going to meet It appear all straight. found when I got there. 1 made a her partners, and was convinced of it "While Dili was talking books he careful examination of all (he windows when she reached the corner of iiised up the vault, and saw that the and doors. There was no sign that Greene street and Clinton place. I :ioor waa an affair, with thieves had forced an entrance. The aaw my partners taking a pipe on a a new and intricate lock, which had vault, according to the statement of house in Clinton plane, and I quietly lust come out, and waa believed to be Cashier Dell and all the clerki, was arrested Annie. I locked her up in the Hill got everybodys locked when they reached the bank. Mercer street station, went bark to j burglar-proof- . phis in the hank firmly fixed in his The paint on the doors had not even my partners, and arrested Dill and on the tnlnd, and the signs on the desk in a slight scratch to show that they had Wily when they appeared front of them indicated the part of the been tampered with. The deeper I street. They gave us the laugh, hut went into the affair the more mysteri- that night I gave Annie the third debusiness that each man looked arter. ous It became. I made up my mind gree. She finally broke down and told "The next step waa to find out dosed up the vault This was a very that aoine one had robbed tbe bank all about the robbery and the part delicate thing to pick up without be- who was perfectly familiar with the Wily and Dill had played In it "They still pretended their Innoing inquisitive. The fact that Dill bad safe and the methods of doing busito deliver some more books at the ness. cence until I produced tbe wax im"I had a private consultation with pression of the keys. Then they were bank opened the way to get this He kept tab on the bank for the president and directors, and got ready to confess, and gave up the i several days, and found out the time from them the history of every man stolen property to lighten their sou- - j that each man left but he could not who worked in tbe bank, so far at they tence. I recovered all the money ex- - ! see from the street who had charge of knew it Every employe had a gilt-- i cept $30,000, and sent my humble apol- fbe vault. When the hooka came Dill edged reputation, was prominent in ogy to Cashier Hell. THE PARALLEL STORIES V FAMOUS CRIMES fle-tio- n, get-awa- aus-plcio- n. i lnfor-malion- v DRY-FARMIN- G Failures Not Always Dua to Scant) Precipitation, but to Lack of Scientific Methods. (By PROF. E. H. WATSON, State Expert of Wyoming.) g PUBLISHER COUNTY ENTERPRISE: Enclosed find for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) cub $ scrlption to the COUNTY ENTERPIUSEL In view of the past two years ol Name drought and the resultant failure oi State partial failure of crops, some doubt ai Town to the feasibility of li Wyoming has bean expressed. It U 1 year, $1.00; 2 years, $1.50 Anywhere in the U. 8. a fact that In those state! haa been practiced where for a period of 40 years, the past twe years of scanty precipitation have been followed by no especially dl Phone 1B7-- J astroua results. The reason for this U not that they are more favorably located than Wyoming, but that they have reduced their dry-farmethod! to a science. In fact, the State at Utah, for example, has a lower annua Then, precipitation than Wyoming. too, the larger part of this preciplta. tion comes In the winter, while In DENTIST eastern Wyoming 75 per cent, of out 116 So. State Street moisture comes when we need it most MURRAY, Utah that le, during the growing season. The' put two years in Utah have been exceedingly dry, and yet comparWe go to the Root of Eye Sight atively few crop failures have been Trouble and we accomplish great good. ot To the contrary, yields reported. Tho Root tho first principle Is a winter wheat ranging from 20 to SO ar.d even 40 bushels to the acre were careful examination and correct diagvery common. This ability to aecura nosis by latest methods. Wa thorgood crops under adverse conditions, understand oughly eye requirements however, has not been acquired withand prescribe glasses in accordance .o out severe losses In the put In fact, tho defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. former droughts were the schoolv masters that compelled the ere of those sections to adopt the very beat methods in their farm practice. wu They learned that FRATERNAL-HALL- , UTAH. MURRAY, safe in regions where the annual preWe will be at Sandy every Wednesday. cipitation averaged 12 inches. Some years it might be fnore; some years it might ba less. When moisture came in excess it wu stored up for future use in time of drought, and when the drought came good crops were raised. They learned, too, that deep soils were essential to and that And you will always have something the summer fallow and careful cultito spend as you go. vation were vital parte of the practice. Thus they have secured a repuOpen a savings account with us where it will earn 4 per cent annually tation that waa world-wid-e and that compounded in January and July, $1 brings each year from other natlona will open an account scores of investigators who study SANDY CITY BANK their method! of W. W. WILSON, President During the past summer in WyoHEBER A. SMITH, Vlce-Preming striking examples of proper and A. R. GARDNER, Cashier. eviwere of Improper systems tillage dent. Small grains on fallow land, or Utah. Sandy City, following corn or potatoes, gave good ylelda, while in adjoining fields the same kind of crop, disked in on oat or PHONE 50. HENRY G. MARRIOTT wheat stubbles, waa burning up. In school-muteBLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER uch cases drought la a severe Dr-3- . 15 N. First Wait St near West Main but it will nevertheless bring to a knowledge of the truth thou who Equipped with machinery. Insist upon following methods common Wagon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire reDENTIST areas. lr.iurpid pairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work. i the meantime prospect! lor a Pipe Threading, 8awing, Lumber or MAIN STREET, Office, favorable year are encouraging. Food Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Over Moving Picture Show, crops will ba harvested. The soil will be worked scientifically and thereby H. G. MARRIOTT, MIDVALE, UTAH. t put into condition to produoe even N. First West St Sandy, Utah, 15 Latet Methods of Painless Cantlstry. during unfavorable years. And in Wyoming will no longer be CALL AND BEE MEL questioned, but will be acknowledged 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. Office Hours: aa a demonstrated fact dry-farmi- note-worth- y m J. Dr. H. SMITH dry-farn- Bjorn Optical Company dry-farmi- Save as You Earn g g. H. Brown r, g ten-year- stone-breakin- I SUCCESS WITH Murray jakery JOHN Silage In the Ration. X S7. HAZELGREN, Propi recent experiment at the Indiana 140 So. Stato St much station would indicate that MURRAY. aa twenty pounds of silage, together I make that GOOD BREAD. with clover hays, can safely and ecoHigh and Guaranteed Tailoring. Cakes, Pies and Pastry. nomically Is fed as a roughage ration. a Specialty. Have Ladle' line of Groceries, Candles, Cigar A Thera la some question as to what your next Tailoring suit made to order. Tobacco. and proportion silage should constitute Clothes cleaned, pressed and reof the whole ration. The experiments paired. We serve Coffee end Cakes. at this station Indicate that allage PHONE 311-Main St. opposite Smelter St. is destined to be a big factor in beef MIDVALE, Utah production. Tbe experiments at the Illinois station lead to a similar conA u ,asnussci EAR clusion. Supplemental Feed. Sklmmllk and buttermilk make valuable supplements to uae in conjunction with corn, where plge have a ran on good pasture. Either of thees feeds in conjunction with corn makes It possible to produce pork at a profit RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. SEALS, Before Hie Fall It la tbe Income from each sheep that should determine tbe value of the flock. Extra feed Increases growth of proper kind and makes larger animals U maturity. After the baying and harvesting Is completed change the sheep from the regular pasture. Ihe best time to fight weeds le the very first day they show their hesda , above ground. Give spinach plenty of rich nitnure of In the fall and a heavy coating mulch. It will keep all winter. If blossoms appear in the newly-se- t strawberry beds, pick them off; this will make the plants grow stronger. Thin out the turnips as soon as they are two Inches high, as those left will be less disturbed than when larger. Some gardeners pack cauliflower by drawing a fow of the outer leaves aver them and tying the ends at the tops. If rank weeds are to be plowed under It Is much better to hoe them first and allow them to wilt In the sun for day or two. Wash and dry the cows udder before milking, and keep 94 per cent af dirt out of the milk that usually gets In otherwise. In case some of the cockerels need to be eaten or sold on a fancy market It pays to put them in a crate and fatten them for two weeks. If from any cause a cow is very thin or weak aha should receive special strengthening food before calving. Wheat bran and linseed meal makf ;bf best combination to give a freshen lug cow. STENCILS, ETC. Salt Lake City, Utah. 65 W. 3rd So. St. Phone Was. 304 (We make Rubber Stamps ) U Electric C. H. BANKS Begins light during the nings of winter. modern and most most . is appreciated long dark eveIt is the most efficient THE COUNTY LICENSED illumi-nan- t. EMBALMER. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Phone 347. 144 and acquaint yourself with the many appliances that can be used from a lighting sock:t. They are both convenient and ecnomical. LI6HT & RAILWAY CO. F. G. FISHER, Local Agent, Pioneer Ave. SANDY, UTAH. IN A Murray Garage BODELL & CARLSON, Props. 111 So. State St. MURRAY, Utah Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing. Oils and Gasoline. Diamond Tires. Tire Vulcanizing. Second Hand Automobiles Bought and Sold. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LOOK Pictures That NATURAL POSE YOUR FRIENDS THATS THE State Street, MURRAY. UTAH. Become a user of electricity, UTAH UNDERTAKER. JUST AS KNOW ONLY Like You j YOU. KINO WE DO. Hwcr, Photographer, STUDIO, Phone, 16 379- - : SOUTH STATE STREET MURRAY, Utah. T |