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Show or flour paste. Cu out the rough piece, place tbe paten under, and on the edge put the laste, then Iron with a Lot Iron until dry and thi hole will be hardly noticed. sins eons ye TS the When polishing a stove, put the wear. jb An the smiles ye sun on with a paint brush and blacking the Thats polish with a shoe brush. Cover tha Bhlne everywhere. hand with a paper bag to keep It from SEASONABLE DISHES. being bruised or blackened. Press out the ribbon on your hat I very fine a with a curling iron when it becomes Cabbage Salad-Shr- ed Small head of cabflage, add a chopped mussed. Dnlon, seasoning of salt and pepper, then pour over the vegetable the fat from a slice of fried, diced salt pork, the little brown pieces of pork are an addition to the aalad. Heat a half cup of vinegar boiling hot in tbe fryIUE weather's either most to ing pan in which the pork was cooked, , mild, and pour over the cabbage. jmos'.m pznna&z ffourrMums Er to outrageous rough. slice two And altogether too much rain. Heidelberg Cabbage. Fry will deny, hunter's chief aim should be to spot of diced bacon; when brown add a Er iot halt rain enough! . James Whitcomb Riley. 1 think, the difficulties that atthis animal and avoid being seen by chopped onion and cook until brown, tend the shooting of mountain It He should then take a careful note then add half a cup of vinegar, a THE VIRTUES OF MENU MAKING. sports- of the country, and by proceeding sheep. To the of salt and a few dashea of man who gauges his suc- slowly and cautiously, and by keeping red of pepper. Add a small head In the arrangement of the dlnnet cess by the number of heads se- In the ahadowa if possible, he should shredded cabbage, cover and cook menu, we would without much thought cured, irrespective of their value, it be able to approach them easily alowly for two hours. upon the matter, consider the anange-men- t cannot, ol course, appeal; but to the enough and select the beat tread. There Flower Salads Scald ripe tomatoes of the course more a matter of who can enjoy and Is another point that should be remem- of small, uniform size, then peel and custom than of good reasons founded wild and the la and when the that that appreciate Imposing bered, sheep chill thoroughly. With a sharp knife the upon physiology of digestion. In which his quarry lives, and frightened nearly always try to escape cut the tomato into points, beginning country The canape appeals to the sense of finds his greatest pleasure In pitting down the mountain-aide- , so that they at the blossom end, then press open, his own skill and cunning against should be approached, whenever the remove the seeds as much aa possible smell, which is of such importance In the digestive operation. Caviar, anthose of a worthy foe, this form of wind allows of It, from below. and fill with seasoned riced, chovy or agy combination used for the If most a to of of the all other shooting yields exciting. Owing scarcity egg yolk. Serve In a neat canape appeals especially to the sense arduous, sport. But today the number food, the ruminants of this country green lettuce with a boiled dressing. of smell, which stimulates a flow ol of mountain sheep is fast diminishing, have to depend almost entirely on the of Beef Chill, Brown a few pieces and It is exceedingly difficult in Ameri- cacti and the young shoots and green round steak In a little suet, add a saliva, the taste of oyster, clam, lobca to find and obtain a good, or even bark of the meaqulte and paloverde shredded onion, a chopped green pep- ster, is also stimulating to the flow moderate, bead without an extraordi- trees for sustenance. They are also per and a piece of red pepper suffi- of saliva. The next course In an ordinary dinnary amount of traveling and hunting very partial to the ocotlllo (Fouqulera cient to make it warm enough for the even then succcsa la not assured-wh- ile splendens), and when the latter begin family taste. Add a pint of tomatoes, ner Is soup, and here we find a reathe short open season for sheep to flower late in April, the sheep come cover and simmer for a half hour. son for Its being. The broth, which contains meat extractives, is one of presents an added obstacle. Nor is down from the mountains to the edge Season with salt when cooking. of a the plains and feed almost entirely such trip by any meaus Inexpensive, three- the most powerful stimulants to the Marmalade. Use Peach for American guides have a way of on them. This diet seems to agree fourths of a pound of sugar to a pound flow of gastric juices. The entree charging for their services which is with them excellently, for they are of fruit Boll the pits in water until which follows the soup. Is merely negaltogether out of proportion of their always in the best of condition at this j it is flavored with them; skim out and atively valuable, saving time which time of year. I do not know of any add the peaches, peeled and quartered. allows the gastric juices to be sevalue. Mountain sheep, however, can he animals, either in Africa or America, Cook a half hour before adding the creted in sufficient quantities to act found In the very northwest of Mexi- whose meat Is so delicious to eat, and augar, then continue cooking for one on the heavier foods which follow. The dessert, which follows. Is usuco, around the head of the Oulf of it Is far nicer than that of the prong- hour, atlrrlng often to keep it tropa ally of very different food stuff than California, In Lower California, and horn antelope, which .Is much prized burning. Large peaches canned whole make that which has preceded it. rarely In Chihuahua. Further south by the Mexicans. The old Idea that foods were The dryness of the climate In the very charming desserts in the winter they cannot go, for the torrid beat churned and mixed In the stomach and waterless deBert of the Tlerra Sonora desert is largely responsible with the addition of whipped cream. and then expelled la quite correct Caliente (hot country) prevent their for the way some of the horns are Scientists tell ua that only the food further progress. Therefore this re- spilt at the ends, which often spoils an which Ilea next to the mucuoua lining head and otherwise reduces perfect gion forms the vanishing point of the of the stomach Is acted upon by the genus Ovls In America, and the study Its length by two to four inches. It gastric juice, and that the first food of these sheep Is all the more inter has the same effect on onea fingertaken Into the stomach takes that poestlng on that account, writes L N. nails, whlh become very brittle and VE allua sition and remains there until exor break provoatthe split in slightest Life. cess Dracopoli Country rams horns of old cation. The the la mixed with troubles, more or pelled Into the small intestines. Each Of the mountain sheep found in who does the beet addition of food takes Its position, so Mexico there are four species or sub- are especially dry, and are often much And Its the one That gits more kicks than all the that the last eaten lies In the center, surworn on their scarred and upper re-i- ." species: Tbe Ovls mcxlcanus, whose Riley. In the photowhere It is not reached at all by the type locality is the Lake Santa Marla face, as can be seen stomach Juices. If It Is pastry, the we ram of but tbe shot; biggest graph HELPFUL HINTS. district in Chihuahua; the Ovls canatime Is occupied by the action upon It densis gaillardl of the Piuacate moun- this .is due to the blows they receive so When hemming children's dresses by the saliva, which digests starch, tains In Sonora; and the Ovls nelson! when fighting among themselves bead exhe to It Is that to head. fully prepared on the machine, uee fine cotton No. and Ovls cervlna cremnobates of Mountain sheep are not the only 100 la good. When the hems or tucks pelled when the time arrives. If the d Lower California. The of are to be ripped to lengthen the skirt center food could be reached at once these is now almost extinct, for they trophy that can be secured In this Inthe gastric Juices Its digestion for its fauna la al- the fine thread will be easy to rip. A by psed to Inhabit a country which was teresting country, would at once he arrested, as the gasas and Its most as remarkable flora, will pull It out plentifully supplied with water and jerk the alare confined to this lo- quick Soda, unless well sifted, will al- tric Juice, being acid, destroys easily accessible, and they were soon many species not kaline of the saliva. The whole procelsewhere. found cality and are food. In Dissolve In be almost streaks exterminated by ways ess of digestion is so wonderful and animals are the puma it In a little water before mixing. sportsmen. They are distinguished Among game little-knowour menus are eo well arranged to a and concolor) (Fells cream a eoda into little that the of ears Stir sise and their by large follows Its laws, that menu making aa of of the the tlgre speclee jaguar be not has changed a bit and It will molar teeth, while their forehead Is we follow it Is really a science of a the Mexicans (L. lynx ruffa), bay noticed when used In coffee. noticeably less concave than that of Texas collared the of local living. right variety no where are Ovls there canadensis. These the typical Pantry shelves, peccary (D. angulatus aonorlensls), doors, can be kept free from dust by sheep have been rightly, 1 think, the black and the white tailed deer putting up an inexpensive window scribed is a new species; hut the er three are only or local and the pronghorn antelope. shade, which can be pulled down One of the principal charms of when the shelves are not In use, and varieties of the true Ovls canadensis is the variety fastened with n hook at the bottom. in this country typlcus. It would be tedious, there- hunting met with. For the deer When a few lemons are found to he OU have more than likely ao- fore, to go fully into the minute pe- of scenery tired. culiarities that differentiate them from are found in abundance In the Santa hard and dry, do not throw them When you didn't when you could. the well known Rocky Mountain sheep, Catalina mountains, among the pines away, but cover them with boiling That Jes the thing you didnt do beautiful water and let them stand an hour or as they are of interest only to the and silver birches of tbe Wee jes the thing you should. foot-hill- s In Oro. del the Canada lynx, will when be found almost -- Riley. two, zoologist, and not to the hlack-tailedeer can as good as they fresh ones. There la one point, however, puma and the scene but the here HOUSEKEEPING HINTS. To Fry Liver. Parboil the liver In a that makes the Ovls canadensis gail- generally be found, lardl a particularly fine trophy, and is quite different and the vegetation little sweet milk, roll In crumbs and Hunting fry In butter or bacon faL Tbe parA delicious way of preparing egg for that is the remarkable bulk of the becomes more characteristic. is difficult, as there is but little cover boiling an Invalid Is to beat the wh'te until Improves the flavor. greatly horns, which are much bigger and Stale cake crlBped in the oven stiff, then turn In the yolk ax 1 beat more massive in comparison with the and days past often without a chance for a shot. makes a nice addition sprinkled over all together. It is simpler than beatbodily size of the animal than those It would be Impossible in a short puddings, custaras and whipped cream ing them separately, and the bulk la of the sheep In Wyoming and the article to describe In detail the vari- desserts. Flavor them with a few the same. Add flavoring, milk, salt north. ous animals that live in the Sonora drops of rose. and sugar before serving. Not Wild or Shy. desert, or to mention the beBt hunt-- 1 or If a little farina is When frosting cakes, butter a hominy rice, At present In the Plnacate mounIt Is undoubtedly the mix It with an egg, piece of manllla paper and pin round tains and In the Sierra del Pozo In finest game country In the southwest left from a meal, Sonora there Is a large number of today, as It haa been untouched, and a little milk, flour and baking pow- the cake, then pour In the frosting der and bake in gems or griddle and have it as thick as you like. It them, and they are not very wild or therefore unspoiled, by the ordinary cakes- will not run off. The paper collar can asshy, they have not been much mo- traveler. But although big game Is Very useful dress hangers may be he removed when the frosting Is cold. lested by the Indians and not at all plentiful, good trophies are not semade from a barrel hoop. Cut tbe When emptying feathers from one by the white man, for the country la cured without hard work and much In three pieces, wind with white pillow to another, sew the two openunknown, and haa a bad name owing patience. The heat Is Intense and hoop n loop to hang It by ings together, and the feathers can to its extreme aridity and lack of wa- water Is very scarce In parts abso- cloth, and fasten In the middle. then be shaken from one to the other ter. It was in this region that my lutely so that no one Dust cloths sure made of n yard of without losing any. brother and I obtained some excellent should contemplate a hunting trip to hemmed In kero-- i cheese cloth Worn out cuffs of shirts or shirt heuds, some of which are 'shown In the Sonora desert unless he Is pre- sene and allowed to dipped are waists make good holders, as they are dry. They the accompanying photographs. and discomfort probably nearly as good as the prepared clothe. pared to face small and easy to handle. The button In the daytime and during hot actual hardship. When Ironing n shirt waist, try holes are used to hang them within weather the sheep are always found turning (he sleevee wrong side out easy reach. high up In the mountains. They come gnd lronlcg the waist first, then fla Plckpackete Suspend Business. d A down to feed during the night, but dipper set Into a Has anybody bad a pocket picked In Ish by Ironing the sleeves. The waist a good double boiler and Is makes return the to Invariably rocky ledges Stockholm recently? One Is curious to can be Ironed about the shoulders so pan and precipitous cliffs, which are their easy to manage. the visitors to the Olym- much easier this way. favorite haunts, scon after dawn. Here know how If the embroidery hoops must be ham Cut Swedish from and bacon the the rind have capital games at to make them tight enough, wound they bed down in tbe niches of the pic M. Xavier Paoli, the with n pair of shears. It will waste lava or under some overhanging fared, because of kings," vouches much less than trying to do It with a wind with twine, as they hold much "conductor French boulder for the rest of the day; and better than when wound with cloth. knife. that there were no j so well does their coloring harmonize for the fact Athens while the pockets One may patch a hole In a carpet in Olympic with their surroundings that not even picked in progress there. When Just as well as one in a curtain, using were games the trained eyesight of the Indian can evident that the games detect them. The hunter must, there- it became would draw large numbers of foreignIn the field. He should. fore, he early New Zealand Leads. all the time, but In other seasons t Athena the pickpockets held a If possible, camp high up the moun- ers to are put on at night and remove land the of New butter and Zealand, one and themselves, pledged tains In the sheep country, for this meeting the some Is In in morning. So universal has this advance business as long eggs, 11, to suspend respects will give him the best chance of suo-ees- and become that Un as the games lasted In order to pro- of other countries In the matter of tom of covering Consul-GenerVice States domestic animals. Is for not It of care their Henrj tect the reputation country. When these animals sre moving And M. Paoli says they their customary there for stock to be Baker recommends that Amerl kept shout they are not difficult to see, for word. London Chronicle. housed, even In winter, but some pro- manufacturers make a apodal cat their white rump patch la most contection Is necessary for horses and for the market. spicuous and can be detected at a cows in cold or wet weather, espeAdvancement In Philippines. One's Best Always. great distance. The secret of success cially at night For this purpose, can- la not to be In a hurry. Like nearly ' vas covers are used, particularly when Do the best you can where you si all other animals, they have always a tbe Philippines for centuries, tbe first the eulmals are left out In pastures er and when that is accomplished Gi ( sentinel on the look-ou- t when they.'are modern mill was opened only a few posed to severe weather. During the will open the door to a higher sphei feeding, generally a ewe, and i'he winter the covers are kept on most or Henry Ward Beecher. rfiarch INDOOR NEW FROCKS ALMOST ANY NUMBER OF GRADES TO" SELECT FROM. One New York shop which devotes Itself entirely to indoor gowns refuses to entertain the elaborate bouse styles, showing little costumes of a sort any woman might wear or copy for use In a modrst home. Silk and .wool fabrics In a.l of the new whites e are made up In style, the bodice treated to rolling polo collars and cuffs in color or black, and tbe belt of tbe same. The sides of the skirts show the panier influence, some of tbe side breadths being gathered to bulge out, or tbe garment displaying a definite tunic, parted at tbs middle front and drawn back in two skimp puffs, ending In a little flattlsh bunching at the back. Other akirts display the separate tunic with tha looping very low at the. aides, these falling sometimes over plain skimp skirts of the same silk that trlmi the collars and cuffs. These demure and yet coquettish frocks suggested the needs of the business woman who wlBhes to make a nice appearance at the boarding house dinner and be dressed for evening collars. , In the shops where busy women of medium means must always buy both practical and fine clothes the simple frock for afternoon and evening wear seems very closely related In style and material to the akimp and dainty things one has seen all summer. With sleeves set In or cut with the bodice kimono fashion, high waist line, plain scant skirt and low colcuffs or flat sleeve lars and bands, those dresses sell in autumn challies, silk trimmed, from $8 up. and In Bilk with appropriate deckings from $10 up. Here and there one If capable of the most clever changes the addition of a chiffon peplum jumper or a fancy eash arrangement turning the plain thing at once Into some thing of the utmost elegance. In unmade materials suitable foi simple and smart house frocks there are many bargains, from the very fact that so many summer textures ran be used. Silk la always useful for the dressy house frock, as It Is correct for both day and evening, whereas the most charming challie soems only correct for day wear. one-piec- While Thera la a Suggestion of tha Suatle, tha Majority of Gowna Ara of Round Length 8oma of the 8lnipleiL Although the street suit la generally tha llrat fall purchase, the women who dress tastefully and correctly In tha house also look for Indoor frocks at this time. There are grades In the new house frocks as In everything else. Soma roll-bac- CORDS ARE TO BE POPULAR All Widths and Colors Will Be Used As Trimmings This Fall and Winter. are too magnificent almost to be looked at, as well as a shade too eccentric with their varied looplngs or distinct panlers to seem suitable for any but the idle rich. But out of of suggested bustles the hurly-burlsome of the rear loopngs of the skirts are more than a mere hint of the old turnure the pointed trains, exaggerated tight sleeves and inordinately high and tight collars, there are features which all the world may copy to advantage. For example, the majority of the dainty gowns are of round length, and even If some looping of the skirt seems to be needed for the look of style every species of drapery is capable of much simplification. y Cords of all widths and colors will be extensively used on autumn and winter models. Not only as fastening! and buttons,'' but as trimmings, and also to weight the borders of the coats and skirts. Narrow cords with pipe edging and light and heavy cords will he used for ornamental designs In the braid style. At one time color wac the difficulty, but now the colors and shades are quite as numerous as those in silk, and cords have worked their way Into a position of great Importance. Waistcoats are again to be worn, but Introduced into frocks as well as coats, and these have cordlngi and buttons which come into full play. Blue serge and blue cloth will be principally treated in this way, and many and beautiful will be the colors and designs seen on the winter models. As 1 have mentioned before in these columns, velvet as well as cord and braiding will be greatly used, giving a very rich appearance to the plainest materials. Womens Wear. LONG SLEEVE MOST POPULAR Variety Is a Great One, But Most Frocks Are Made With Decidedly Long Ones. Since evening dresses and little dance frocks are In a class by themselves and presupposes the use of long gloves, their sleeves are less apt to low any decided changes. There is so little of them. In the first place. Rut fashion has given her flat anent afternoon dresses and suits. Here are some of the changes: In the majority of dresses the long sleeve prevails. Most of the sleeves are set on the garment about three Inches below the shoulder, thus giving a long shoulder line. the cuirass effect Some frocks or separate large sleeve over the set-i- n sleeves that are on the underbodice. Fullness la the keynote. There Is given in ruffles at the elbow. In wired puffs on undersleeves, In the general cut of a bishop or type. Shirring Is used on cuffs and on the under-arBeam to dispose of material In full llnea. Frills are shown on the edge of the sleevea and running up the outer earn. They also edge the upper and under lines of the cuffs. Fullness Is given to the sleeves of storm coats and evening wrapa by having them cut In one with the garment, dispensing with armholes, yet departing' from the kimono type by having decided cuffs and a fitted end at the wrlsta. field flower Linens and cotton voiles stand foremost in the list of fabrics for smart blouses. Leather handbags promise to have things all their own way rather than fancy bags. The dominant style tendency Is better described by directolre than anything else. Ulack and white rhantllly la a favorite trimming for the frock of soft satin, chiffon and pompadour taffetas. Skirts with becoming yokes, shaped over the hips and forming a panel at the back, are among the newest models. Embroidered net and oriental lace flouncings and bandings are lavishly used on Inexpensive frocks with effective results. Tones and shades will be mingled more freely than will different colors. Especially does this apply to evening costumes, which will very often be built of rich medium and even dark shades, lightened with chiffon and lace. Touch of Embroidery. If you wish to make your tunic very effective add a bit of embroidThis ery In the tapestry stitches. embroidery may take the form of a conventional border or It may be ol a floral nature, but It will most successfully add the new touch to an old frock. Wonderful blendings of color are worked out In these embrold are much used this erles, with the cruder, bolder east era effects as the most popular. NO hunter-naturalis- t, hard-cooke- d ! i- first-name- n sub-speci- d j - t, large-handle- |