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Show SOUTHERN 12 Present stlon of Slate CuT CapC 13 Receiving MONTHS END PRICES Oldham, Powell & C- Quilting Outings, per yard l2lc 10c BATS COTTON 1st quality 25c, 2 for 2nd quality 20c, 2 for 3rd quality Woolen yarns, jir 45c 35c 15c 20c Hi Aviator Caps, Knitted floods, Hoys' Sweater ('outs lor cold weather. FRESH MEATS - I t J j 18c 15c 15c 15c ... ... 25c Maple Corn Flakes, 3 pka Ground Wheat given full strength, best food for hogs, per 100 . . $1.60 Before buying your winter flour get our prices. TEA8 35c Luneta 30c, Lipton T'.ree Tea 25c, all others 20c per . package. e We were fortunate In buying a ear early In the season. Fruit Jars and fixtures are scarce In the market. See our bargain prices. ' EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. DRAPER Bryan is showing age but lost none of his eloquence in .v . The Consolidated Wagon and chine Company may rent the on Main street soon to be vacated the dry goods department of the Sa The COlNTY ENTERPRISE is Attend the Sandy Commercial Com. Commercial Company. printed in Salt Lnke City and entered pany Slaughter Sale. in the Post Office at Sandy where we W. E. Waldorf of the Salt maintain an offee. A. Robert Larson is the democratic Our editorial rooms are at 17 Eagle Block. Salt candidate for representative to the Creamery Company is making in Sandy every Wernesday. Lake City. legislature. Dont conruse the COUNTY ENJ. P. Jensen reports business good TERPRISE with that of the Fake in the implement business. papers. dispise Fakers and their crooked methods. The threshers are busy In all parts of the county and results are pleasing Don't allow your daughter to visit to the farmers. the Fake chairvoyants who poison their minds with Indecent talk and Lucerne cutting Is now the order of try to Bell them some cure all medi- the day. V ... ... ... cine. . The fruit crop is prodigious. The Sandy Commercial Company will continue their Slaughter Sale of The Sandy fire department have .dry goods. Oo over and see them. sent out Invitations to the depart, ments in other cltlea to attend an en. Slaughter prices on dry goods at the tertainment to be giveno In their ward Sandy Commercial Company Store on meetng house on Frday evening Sept. State road and Main St. 27, and a dance In the ward amuse, ment hall. The State Cup won by the If you don't attend the Slaughter Sandy team will he formally present, Sale, you will miss bargains that are ed to them as well as the cup given not likely to lie offered for years to by the Eureka team. The public arc come. j cordially invited to attend. Following , is the program: The matter of choosing your presi- 1 Selection by Sandy City Rand. dent Is a hard one to decide this year 2 Invocation James Jensen and it appears to be uo mans victory 3 Opening Address. .. .W. W. Wilson 4 Solo Clem Crajio just at present. o 5 Reading E. Jorgensen FRATERNAL NOTICES 0 Selection Band Accica Lodge No. U0, A. M. F., meet 7 Solo Mrs. Louise Fetersen in f. O. O. F. Hall 1st and 3d Sundays 8 Recitation Lucille Nelson of each month at 2 p. m. 9 Violin Solo Herman Bjork Levi O Olcsen, W. M. 10 Recitation Laura Anderson E. A. Gildner, Sec'y. 11 Remarks Bishop Kuhre ... j ( . COUNTY ENTERPRISE Sandy. 6 Lara Monson has resumed ness at the old stand. Is his bu G. A. Pierson, R. F. D. Carrier No. 3 taking his 15 days vacation and he is missed on the large route he covers. Wm. Halstead the Sandy sub.rar. Is taking care of Route No. 3 In good form, during Mr. Pierson's ab. sence. rler Mr. Pierson the tinsmith is getting out guttcrfig and othr- - tin .work for the Bingham and Riverton schools!. The Sandy Commercial Company disposed of over $1,000 of their stock at the recent three day Bale. It pays to advertise la the COUNTY ENTERPRISE. The greatest dry goods bargains on earth at the Sandy Commercial Com. pany Store every day until the stock la sold. Uneasy rests the head that wears a crown. Who will be our next president? . . . Everybody is Doipg t. Husehers Cream of Roses FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE. Is it not about time the City Council printed the City ordinances so that people may know something about the way the city Is governed? Pbarn)ay R EG I NT Eli ED DRUGGISTS. Jensen and Kahre will supply you with coal for your winters use. EXPERIENCE IS EXPENSIVE when you ride a wheel that needs repairing. Life and limb may be endangered, and when by a little foresight and small cost your wheel esn be made as good as new if you bring it to Carlson's. We will keep your wheel In good condition at a small outlay. If you have one that needs repairs bring it to us. We also handle Automobiles and do general repairing. We have new and gerund hand Automobiles from $250.00 up. 'coPVkusT 47 So. Slate St., EMIL CARLSON, MURRAY, ... ... ... ... trust a stranger. -- i- ily day. Don't be fooled by traveling fak. era. Your teeth Bhould not be tampered with by inexperienced people. The proper care of the teeth is es. sential to your good health. Co to the regular well known dentist. Don't USING jrray Dr. Peterson gave an interesting lecture to the parents class on Sun. . DOING WHAT? - - UTAH. Don't niiss the Slaughter Sale' oi dry goods at the Sandy Commercial Company store on Main street and State road. The fire laddies Invite you to attend their entertainment on Friday night in the Ward house. Crapo ft Sons Co. have some bnr. gains for you this week. Call and see them, tell them you saw their advertisement In the COUNTY EN TERPRISE. ( . II. G. Marriott the blacksmith busy all the time In Sandy, FRUIT JARS and will be pleased to fill your orders at the usual prices. 1 HEATING ST0YES Our new stock of Heaters and Ranges just received. Old Reliable CHARTER OAK LINE. The 1 Don't Forget that we have a large stock of loaded SHOT GUN SHELLS. nt -- i- SEE OUR STOCK OF LINOLEUMS. 1 JENSEN & KUHRE Main St., Sandy, Utah. l. Dentist ' 8UPERIOR DENTISTRY office is in m INSPECTION OF PUMPING PLANT LEHI, 8EPT. 25th. One fare rates via Salt Lake 'Route Lehi from Salt Lake County points sale 25th., return 26th. Phone Midvale 148. Seventeenth So. &' State Sts., MURRAY, Utah. o Dr. Biorn the optometrist is Sandy every Wednesday. Nearly all the stores were closed cj Wednesday after 5 p. m. the attraction was the great commoner Wm. xV1 r' Bryan. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... have plenty of The southern Salt Lake COUNTY ENTERPRISE has no connection with s sheet sent out from Riverton. The L c i The immense fruit crop and the prices at which it is being sold, will induce the housewife to put up an extra quantity. Please remember that we are prepared for this and still We shall have a good reliable cor. respondent for Cresent Ward. h na LUMBER & Andrew Sjoblom will have the threshers at his ranch near Draper this week. We have made many staunch friends for the COUNTY ENTER. PRISE at Cresent. The bishop and counsellors .e1 West Dip felt highly elated afi distinguished gathering on their corner. . SANDY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... , , Oldham, Powell & (g., 106 to 112 o Peterson is down from, Alta CRESCENT on account of the miners strike The Sandy Commercial Con pany Bishop Jensen Is still suffering from will continue their Slaughter Safe for kidney trouble. a short time only. The primary class gave an enter, j Lnrs Monson was in Salt Ia1 on tainment last Friday night In the business Friday. i ward house. The program consisted of vocal and Instrumental music, dl. I. Tiie west end of town at tlelain alogues and addresses. A grand time and State road corner is a bulcen. was enjoyed by all. ter, a numlier of teams can alwi.ii be seen tied tip and at night It is a Imp. We have secured the services of a ing place for teams enroute norliind good ward correspondent, who will south. i keep up this column and bring Cres-eward before the public eye. Many Draper citizens were ln8.iuly to hear Wm. Jotmngs Wednesday The Sprout brothers are ranching Bryan speak. on the State road near Draper. II. H. GRANITE AND GLA8SWARE Call and see our bargains in these Mues. Wonderful bargains in Glassware. We guarantee everything we sell and will Refund Money to any one dissatisfied. Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right. Nee our announement each week. immensely. . . . Wasalch Lodge No. 3 of tlvlebek. 'leertain-meu- t are If you hungry after a society alls gave a very pleasant In their lodge room oirSonday meeting drop into Raddons corner and night. The program consisted cf vocal get a sandwich and hot cup of coffee. and liiHtrunuital music, reflations The Alta strike has not interfered and speeches. with ore hauling, new men being at Mr. C'leve Sidney and wife of Sait work at the mines. Lake prior to their departure for DenGo to the Slaughter Sale of 'dry ver, Colo., paid a farewell visit o Mr and Mrs. L. L. Raddon. goods at the Sandy Commercial Store. ON FRUIT JARS Pork Tenderloin Shoulder Steak lieef Pot ItoiiKt Itib Polling Peef ... Remarks Miss Pearl Wilson visited Brigham Presentation ...Member of Eureka Fbj Dept. on Peach Day and met her father on J.!i Band the Hi Selection following day and together they After the program the audisnje will went to a function at Smlthfleld and adjourn to the Amusecent .hail lor the then to the postmasters convention at Logan. She enjoyed the trip it grand dance. GROCERIES quality, Oldham, Powell ft Company have some bargains In glassware. Don't fall to see them. y land 15 YOU. DRY GOODS county enterprise 14 DRY GOODS, GOOD GROCERIES, MEATS, ETC., FROM A FIRST CLASS STORE, DONT FAIL TO STUDY THIS LIST, AS EVERY ARTICLE IS PRICED AT A SAVING TO IF YOU WANT BEAL BARGAINS :e SALT I docs not mean high priced work any more than it does the cheap inferior catch penny kind, but It does mean skillful, careful treatment of impaired teeth and knowledge and experience in restoring teeth that are gone beyond treatment, and it is work of this superior order that all patients of Dr. Gotham require. Good, careful, intelligent dentistry at moderate prices. APaC-V- l Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. |