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Show A HIDDEN DANGER It is a duty of 5Jv kidneys to rid tbs blood of uric add, an irritating poison that ia contfaa wmp I wry Tha kidney evcrrtlone were unnatural. Thera waa Is memos acruas my letna Iloan's Kidney Pills were brought to my alien Lion and they eursd me. Gat Doan's at Any Dray Store, SOe a Baa DOANS nnasi 1issidms GWUdLJ e hzunssl pisstb. Mease Falls to Bsetore Dm Ual to Its Tootnna Maa. PmtwU hair felllest BURTON Id. $1; GnM, priM: Uulds Bilvw, Bllvui Qifiili SOe: Kmc or Copper, f. Msiilltitf ktvIomi mad full piico list meat cm application. CkiBinu mad ouiiiri work solicited. lsiivliUe Un(r urn Urfconm Rational Baam KpNlHwa T&cs W. N. U, Sait Lake City, No. no" trouble in 39-19- 12. collecting Lawyer Probsbiy Was Willing to Pay Mors Than 10 Under the Circumstances. A noted lawyer of Tennessee, who labored under the defects of having a high temper and of being deaf, walked into a court room presided over by a younger man, of whom the older practitioner had a small opinion. Presently, In the hearing of a motion, there was a clash between the lawyer and the Judge. The Judge ordered the lawyer to ait down, and as the lawyer, being deaf, didn't hear him and went oa talking, the Judge lined him flO tor contempt. The lawyer leaned toward the clerk and cupped his hand behind his ear. What did he say ! he Inquired. "He fined you $10," explained the clerk. For what? For contempt of this the clerk. GOOD DEFINITION OF SNAP Man Enters Wrong Flat and Shoots Man and Woman, Then Discovers Mistake. Nesr-SIghte- ?lnlSy CO. Buffalo. New York E. ?or Fourteen Years. Restored building and was sniffing tht To Health by Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's odors and looking leisurely around, stepped up to a stamp window. Vegetable "Sell postage stamps here?" she inIrrir-uthe Sometimes tent than EARLY Compound? MUST (IN PLANNING quired. man has never seeu tin- - woman be "Yes, ma'am." the "Sell 'em In any quantity a body The City Eeautlfu! Is a Matter of fore they are brought together, or After fourteen years of Elgin, IIL number of pounds, sows, precise for from female comwants?" Wise Tiought Extending everything suffering pigs to be handed over having been I am at list Yes, ma'am. What" plaints, Many Ycaro. by that time settled. restored to health. "Cot any of the one-cen- t kind?" recolIs in This illustrated personal I employed tits In the iskening to the imperative "Yes, ma'am; how" best doctors and "I don't want em torn apart. I need of i Afferent and better method lections just published by an Irish was visiting with an even went to the want em all In one piece." of city i atlng America Is following woman. She in hospital for treatthe prec drat of other nations. Con- aunt a cottageflue the neighborhood, "Well, how many?" mahogany chest of "One-cen- t ment and was told tinental European cities decades ago, and admired a kind, remember." there was no help for and Eng and South American cit- drawers. "Yea, ma'am. How many?" ' 'Twas for that I was married.' me. Bat while takGive me a nickels worth. ies mori recently, changed radically of the cottage. A mistress said the ing Lydia E. Pink-hatheir and "Here you are. Now please " their imsildpal regulation! adseen and also had farmer young Don't try to hurry me, young man. methode'of building cities. The splenVegetsbls struck. Them Compound I began Ive as much right in this building aa did results of thetr activity are now mired.no A bargainbutwas to was bride the was money, to improve end I you have." apparent U every citizen and visitor. a couple of sheep a yearling continued its use until I was made well " Handing the clerk a 5 bill, she wait In the !t:ca of Germany especially have Mrs. Henry Leiseberg,743 Adams SL ed patiently for the change, picked the remit are large and convincing. bullock and the chest. The prudent man measured it, and then I feel it my up the stamps, folded them, placed Transport ion and highway systems, young Keanscysville, W. Va. to write and say what Lydia L them In her purse, and walked leisure- water ffoits, harbors and docks, in- turned and asked: duty it? is "An' which o' tlilm little girls Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has ly away. dustrial and commercial development, She was the oldest unmarried I made him earn his money, anydone for me. 1 suffered from female parhomes, better Negation, public "nixt the doore," as the phrase was. and at times felt so miserable way, she muttered to herself. ticularly fiT families of small means An' so I wint." she said, and was weakness I could hardly endure being on my feet. such 1 great municipal subjects as Tit Hits. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's HARD ON PATIENT. these lava been handled with skill happy ever afterwards." Vegetable Compound and following your and experience supported by law and ECZEMA ON FACE AND SCALP special directions, my trouble is gone public authority. Words fail to express my thankfulness. curThere are many misconceptions recommend your medicine to ell my rent about town and city planning, but 4400 Utica St., Denver. Cola "My I G. B. Whittington. none is further from the fact than the eczema came first with pimples and a friends.-M- rs. The above ere only two of the thounotion tbit comprehensive plans are rash on my face, then on my scalp cononly for large cities. The reverse is ears and neck. It itched so bad that sands of grateful letters which are nearer the truth. In big cities the I could not sleep. I was a mass of stantly being received by the Pink ham fixed sores and my eyes were so I could Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which-hoconditio tin are comparatively clearly what great things Lydia EL and uielding. Comprehensive not see out of them. It broke my with our present lim-x- , heart to look at my face. Every bit Pinkhams Vegetable Compound does charters and the hampering of skin came off where the disease for those who suffer from womans Uls. V or d was. 1 suffered awful between the states, can have only If you want special advice write te Influence in larger burning and Itching, and whatever Lydia E. ITnkham Medicine Co (confYour letter will -elleving only the worst civic part of my body it was on would be idential) Lynn, Hass. be opened, read and answered by a '.cb. ameliorating merely the swollen. I treated for three months woman and held In strict confidence icte forms of congestion, cor-- and would get better for a week, and jut the gravest mistakes of then I would be as bad as ever. Imaglna-lanulnsf. Wide, many-sideI saw in the paper about Cutlcura. so far as large Amerl-itie- s so I sent and got some Cutlcura Soap are concerned, must be con-fo- r and Ointment. I had the eczema for the present mainly to the ea- five months before I began to use Cult Can quickly be overcome by rn of those cities and to the bet-e- cura Soap and OlntrrMit, but 1 got well CARTERS LITTLE of what are really separate in a short time after I started to use UVER PILLS. Young 8urgeon (In hospital aftev on the outskirts, them. It la a sure cure aa I have not nunltles having just removed the patient's leg) Purely vegetable popula-ranglnYou a with since. with small It cities troubled been with it act surely and Does the operation meet with your the have from 2,500 to 100,000, ought to see my face now. I gently on the approval, doctor? liver. is different Comprehensive plan-i- j such a nice complexion, as soft as Cura Head Surgeon Very well done, only or replanning may be to them of baby's." (Signed) Mrs. Mary Glendln-nlng- Biliousness for a slight mistake. HeadDec. 23, 1911. reaching and permanent service, Young Surgeon Why, whats the Cutlcura Snap and Ointment sold ache, ere is scarcely anything in the matter? oiler places that may not be throughout the world. Sample of each DizziHead Surgeon You've amputated and Indigestion. They do their dut . Skin Hook. Address ness, anged. In small cities, for example, free, with the wrong leg. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PklOL ilroad approaches may be set right post-car- d Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston.1 Genuine must bear Signature water Adv. eliminated, ado crossings recor commerce for redeemed onts Willis's Strategy. tum or both, open spaces acquired Uncle George, I wish you wouldii sections. en in built-u-p Willie any more nickels. satisfactory afreet plan can be give Why, that's all right' Jane. ThP tried out and adequate highways ran right up the front tablished; public buildings can bo little fellow Live Stock and Miscellaneous stairs to put the coin in hla savings ouped In at least an orderly way. bank." d a park system, made up of well "And he ran right down the hack stributed and well balanced public to the nearest candy shop." stairs for outlined be can gradual In great variety for sale ounds, All of at the lowest prices by 4 systematic development. Not What She Feared. ese civic elements, indispensable George has told me all tile sem-toner or later to a progressive corn-unitWESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION ill-JCMCAOO W. Adana S- tmay be had in the small city of his past.' Mercy! What did you think of ith relative ease and at slight cost, j d. bringing HOWARD George A. FHriuiiiKhain, the widely known writer, toys there is no country In the wot Id where marriage, at east in the peasant class, is more s matter of bargaining, and yet shows a higher average of stability and con- Fed-era- new strength to weak kidneys and relief from backache and nrinary ills. A Utah Case Wra Janes Crooks. First St.. N. W.. American Fork, Itleb. esya "For ever ten rears 1 was afflicted with kidney complaint. eum the pain In my back waa so severs Uat I almost fell to the Saor. N EVERYTHING The elderly person with the spec tscles. who had dropped into the Whan the kidneys tail, uric acid causes rheumatic attack headache, dizziness gravel, urinary troubles, weak eyes, dropsy or heart disease. Doans Kidney Pills help the kidneys light off nrie FOSTER-MLBUR- fJ COULDNT HAVE DONE BETTER1, Elderly Person at Stamp Windqp Would Not Bo Hurried While Mate Purchase. ing Five-Ce- stantly forming acid i MADE HIM EARN HIS SAL ART A number of players and playwrights were discussing the question of what constitutes the snap" so persistently demanded of the dramatist by the manager of today. I have talked to so many managers on this subject," said one writer, but none has been able to give me any very definite notion as to Just what 'snap' is. I ran help you out," said Etigene Walter. "I have an Idea for a one-ac- t play that Just bursts with snap. Ill give it to you. Here it is: Play opens with man and woman in drawing' room, seated side by aide on a sofa and embracing each other passionately. "Enter to them a man with a suitcase and an umbrella. He Is, of course, to all Intents, husband unexpectedly returned. "Husband nA sooner takes in the than he yanks out a revolver and shoots both man and woman. Then he takes out his glasses, puts them on, looks about him, and suddenly gives s start. "Merciful heavens!' he explains. 'I'm on the wrong floor!' n plan-peciail- y nar-Inlte- g The Wretchedness of Constipation nt Poor Girl. How long have you been married?" "It will be six months next Thursday." And do you still regard your husband aa the most wonderful man who ever was born?" Then the poor girl broke down and sobbed piteously. When she could trust herself to speak again slie laid: "No, Charles has disappointed mo urt," said Im afcfrald I have terribly. mv I wre-reck- a g , 82-p- Electrotypes a them?" JFLUENCE I was awfuly OF TROLLEY CARS Defined. Annihilated Diatancs and Made Comfortable Living Eaeier. avs In Largs Measure "What's a 'moral victory, pa? Any tight you win where the loser gpts all the money. "Judge. For cities . were developed backache Rheumatism1 Sir. Wuiflnw Fowtliinjz hyrtip fur i hiMrrn imet'hal compactly, lor UUHIIICMS etlbiur. iflillirguoiMt mluitM iiiflamum Kidneys and aneacted In the Immediate presence pciD. ruitN wind colic, Sftc a Iwlik. Adv. In came the Then f the principals. AGENTS WANTED orricre. elephone, making imesible easy and wtl bfilim never fails to work out In nidi. Hell ilttclf. ICtrfiY Heredity m ,ulck communication between distant the matter of red hair, hut it fre- Write today. mutd m.f iviu imi.r ints. This influence alone tended quently falls down when it comes to FOR ALL o the spread of city areas so far as brain. EYE PAINS Pettit 'outness districts were concerned, but V it has remained for the trolley car to Anee"r'3H. practically annihilate distance so far j ti residence is concerned. This has resulted in figuratively bringing the country into the city, for one may Ixw Angeles force, to the center of In day ii disappointed." of old . - Bladder Evolve 'r i ,v . l j from many points wiihout the munlcl-- 1 boundaries as quickly as he may reach the same iroiut from some parts V the city proper. One insy even fame as milckly from Santa Ana or Ijiny of the I teaches. Thus has the olley car matin a great change in ,e growth pf the land, both In city id country Los Angeles Times. pal cl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Sand for Childrens Playgrounds. The writer would much like to see wns. villages and the smaller cen-r- s of population furnish sand-plie- s r the children. A few loads of sand on Id cost but little and mean much a considerable number of children, he local schoolyard might easily he and the 4ed for vacation playing nd piles built there. The school ustees would even be justified In rnishing the sand from the general nd. It is the duty of public ofll-,1- , in see that the children get all freedom and enjoyment possible .d the free range of the school ounds, together with an ample pile sand, will do much for the little tea. Bears the similat ing (he Food and Regula ting (tie Stomachs and Dowels of Signature of Promotes Digestion, Cheerfulness and Rost Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral hi Not Xarcoth: fOMOrSiviUMMa JBvjw i t. 7nnphm Jmi ii A'tthrth $?ts Att 'I If ifififimiat -- In - kitm frtd ' tt'txkiyrrt ;A' A Proportionate Park Areas. The city of Txinilnn has reserved a ttle mure than 10 per cent, of Its rea for park punmses. or 7.544 acres ut of a total or Tl.ODO acres contain-- I in Hie rniinty. These figures do Include a number of parks w ithin sy reach of the metropolis, some of era very large In size. Richmond italns 2.459 acres and Kpplng acres, and both are Immedl-lcontiguous to the city, making a al of mors than 15,000 acres re- ved for the pleasure of London's ! lions. Few Important cities are well provided with public parks. Always Bought ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT AVcfit: table Preparation for As 'e A fetor pcrferl Remedy forOorwhpa-lio. Sour Stomach.Diarrtiuea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and LOSS Sleep of Facsimile Signature of The Centauh Compaxv, NEW YORK. For-5,55- 2 y J j j n Use For Over Thirty Years |