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Show MoNcUy, Ftbuwuy 22, 1988 CbonJcIe wan street plunge ASUU Supreme Court Dlans will not affect jobs reveal elections A m BETHLEHEM, Penn. (CPS) Students of the class of 1988 generally are getting more job ofTers and higher By Lori Bona and salaries than last starting year's grads, the College Sharon Deckert Placement Council (CPC) reported Feb. 12. Chronicle elections reporters In its preliminary assessment of how student job hunting had progressed since September, 1987, the CPC found the The ASUU Supreme Court will announce its decision stock market crash of Oct. 19 has had virtually no effect on today on whether money political parties invest in must be deducted from their S 1,500 spending corporate recruiting of new grads, even those with masters of fund-raise- rs limit set by the Assembly. business administration degrees. Petroleum engineering majors are doing the best, getting Members of the Students Party, who brought the average starting salary offers of 533,432, said CPC complaint against Elections Registrar Elliot Lawrence, said they felt their First Amendment rights of free speech were spokesperson Dawn Gulick. The CPC, Northwestern University and Michigan State inhibited by Lawrence's decision. But Lawrence said his decision was made on a close University all publish forecasts of how many companies will visit campuses to recruit each year. interpretation of the ASUU elections rules. The court made its decision Thursday, but Kate Rhodes, In their forecasts, released in December, both Northwestern and Michigan State predicted the crash chief justice, would not reveal the decision, saying the Court would narrow students' job prospects somewhat as had not formally written its opinion. Erik Morgan and Miles Parker, Students' Party campaign corporations, worried that a recession would follow, said managers, filed the complaint Feb. 3 after Lawrence they were cutting their hiring by 5 percent. The CPC last week said preliminary feedback from announced the party would have to include fund-raisiplacement offices on 153 campuses indicates companies have investments in its financial disclosure statement. Lawrence said the party must deduct from its $1,500 not scaled down their hiring after all. spending limit all money spent on advertising its Jan. 29 fund-raise- r, any profits and the S400 fee paid to the band Irie Heights. Chris McMahon, a graduate student in political science, from page one who argued the case for the Students' Party, told the Court s. rather allow all parties to enter the final election than wait for there were conflicting rules concerning the ASUU Supreme Court to rule on the primary's validity. is elections He said the duty of the registrar to clarify rules Lawrence agreed that Singh and Ashwill's appeal would and to interpret apparent conflicts in ways that favor free postpone the final election. speech. "I told him he (Singh) would have to take it to the But Lawrence said, "In my opinion the issue is not free time. for a It on could that but long drag Supreme Court, speech. It's how we decide how much spending a party can was finally agreed on that allowing all people to advance into declare." the finals was the best thing to do," Lawrence said. Lawrence cited an election rule stating all money received Lawrence said as long as there are no major problems, shall also be publicly disclosed and through fund-raise- rs its skew will not final ballot the four on shall exceed the not parties having spending limit. results. He added that he wished Singh and Ashwill would "I made no arbitrary decision," Lawrence said. "In have informed him of their intentions before the Elections December the Assembly approved the rule and as elections Committee recounted all of the ballots by hand. registrar, I have to enforce those rules to the best of my Andrizzi and running mate J. J. Fernandez said although ability." in this election, an appeal was not there were mix-up- s McMahon argued, however, that Lawrence must justified. interpret the intent of the rule and not its substance. The "I don't think they have the interest of ASUU in mind as word "through" in the election rule cited above indicated Andrizzi said. much as they have their own that the Assembly was referring to profits and not gross Andrizzi and Fernandez said they are not worried about expenditures, he said. final the in other three to parties Lawrence, however, interpreted the rules to include the having compete against " elections. money invested. no there's "We won with four people on the ballot before, "If you interpret the rules this way, if you do a fund-raise- r, ," reason why we can't do it again," Andrizzi said. it's not really a fund-rais- er it's a But Tom Price and Trina Eyring, Students' Party McMahon said. McMahon also said money paid to the band was not used presidential and vice presidential candidates, said because themselves will consider their party is on the ballot, they to further the campaign and it should not be deducted as a Cares? Who the with a Party. compromise running, pending campaign expense. Price said, "There were definite problems with the way "There was no political activity on the part of the band," the elections were handled. It's impossible to judge the true McMahon said. But Lawrence said the purpose of the fund-raiswas not representation of the outcome." Paqe to decision today simply to raise money. He referred to the flyers the Students Party distributed to advertise the fund-raise- r. The flyers used the party slogan, "If the students lead, the leaders will follow," and Lawrence defined the use of the slogan as active campaigning. Lawrence also questioned what would happen if campaigns were not required to include fund-raisi- ng investments as expenses. "If students don't have to declare investments, then they can sell BMWs for a penny and call that a ," Lawrence said. McMahon said the Students' Party believes spending limits for candidates at the college or university level can be a fund-raiser- good idea. But if it becomes necessary they will fight the constitutionality of spending limits. He cited Buckley vs. Valeo, a U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court decided campaign spending limits were unconstitutional. ng a elections The Frontiers of Science lecture series at the University of Utah presents fund-raiser- self-interes- Theodore H. Geballe Stanford University m in Feb.22,1988 7:00pm 101 James C. Fletcher Building t," fund-looser- ENGINEERS WEEK SCHEDULE f BRU ARY Ml MONDAY FEBRUARY 22 er Magnetic Cannon Contest - ft Loo. I: i jinn; Whalvhnti Conies! ME B 2291 at Noon Flat Top 2528 Conie'e Fnshe-Coii'iini.eisi!, Coo'r d! 2 Co OSI B0FSAILS PLASTIC INCLUDING DAILY WEAR SOFT CONTACTS uV DPI NiHu ,S7V Ahf '' D' tiln'ood K ' ' Visuj t!ic:un Son ' FRAMES, .. INCLUDING EYE EXAM! EYE GUAM FROM LIMIT Previoui offer excluded CTL I Mil REMEMBER COMPUTE INCLUDES EYE EXAMI! 1 'V GOTECJLolE 99 LIMIT 1 EXAMI OjflES LIMIT 1 PAIR Intro, offer new otrrlont. only eg hbp km m mma t mwn w OUR NAME IS g AMERICA'S BEST CONTACTS AND EYEGLASSES MID VALE 26 561-13- 00 West 7200 Sovtii mm 0REM 1353 Soirth State St. 0GDEH 3735 Well PHYSICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY PHYSICS u AMAZING!!! Introductory offer now pottentt only 2 md EYE am u PAIR COMPUTE ... THAT INCLUDES CIBA Sofcon EW CONTACTS I Pnrr.vnr;:., Introductory offer new potienta only SOFT CHANGE OR ENHANCE YOUR LIGHT COLORED EYES BLUE BROWN GREEN OR AQUA ... ie, 627pflfl8fl Five 312R-- 1 Monday and Wednesday 6:30-8:0- 0 This class discuss the science behind photography, including light, lenses, films and development. Math requirements: 101 This class fills the Science Distribution liberal education req. will Index number :6063 Instructor: Richard Ingebretsen 19B8 |