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Show B SKI TOURING II THE UINTAS with Call the Outdoor Program, March CABIN-BAS- 5--6. 2722 Classifieds begin on page 11 6REAT FILM SI People. Politics and Cinema. Theatre 180--R - Spring Quarter. Mondays. 6 30-- 9 45 p.m. Register Now! 222 SU-T- Why Net? 1 visit. S3 00. 10 Visits. $25 Oft 677 So. 7th East 533-898331 SITTING ONLY FOR SALE Guaranteed lowest prices in Utarj. Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. Sunglasses at unbelieveably low prices!! Stop by Prima Marketing at 2520 South State, suite 38 or call at Open 10MHz 1210 33 9:00-5:0- Monday-Frida- PC SPEED) COMPATIBLE. IBM-X- more: $895 640K, 2 Floppies, Monitor Mono. 1095 Color. Free bundled software Feb. 29. (801)392-547Other when order by 223 Config. available. & MUST THIS 6 pc. Living Room, $550. 19' Hitachi color TV, remote. $175. Sanyo comp. stereo. 4 speakers, cabinet: $185. VHS Video. $135. AT&T Answering Machine, $55. New wood 0 or desk, $125. etc. Call SELL BY ENO MOVING! WEEKS! OPPORTUNITY. MAN Applications available in 234 Olpin Union. 226 SAMPLES every hour in the Park Gazebo, Tuesday. March 1st from FREE GOURMET COFFEE noon to 4:00 pm. Prizes, balloons, entertainment by the Teresa Ellis Trio. Come and join us. University Food Services and the Coffee 31 Development Group. MEET ALL THE MEN YOU WANT FREE CONFIDENTIAL NUMBERS THE SINGLE SOURCE . "You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish." TALK TO 14 PEOPLE AT ONE TIME. 24 In excellent condition. 49tMIN 3353 SOUTH MAINSLC S33.500 - Assume FHA loan at 9.5 on balance of $30,000 with monthly payments BL garden level condo close to tennis courts. Darlene, of $301! Cute 224 WOOD REALTORS. DORM CONTRACT at RICH Van Cott Apt. Call after 2:00 pm. 224 FOR SALE. 9 BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 2 BORM. West Capitol. Hardwood fl., wood stove. Less than 50K. Must 224 Miyata Ridge Runner, 21" frame, 18 speed SuntourMountech Comps. BIKE. MOUNTAIN 2 401 0 TOLL IF ANY BRING - , OR Salt Lake Frame. 3345 So. 300 ME YOUR POOR. TIRED. started? Call Tutoring Services, ask for Dee Wolfe. The most eligible bachelors on campus. If you think you've got what women want or know someone who does - pick up an application for the U's most eligible bachelors auction in 234 Olpin Union. 226 CHANCEI TICKET TO P ROOMMATES 225 FOR SALE: Olin Mark III skis; 190 length with Look 77 bindings. Also Brother electric typewriter with correction. Call after 5:00 pm. 226 3 SALE: 30x60 Selsi Binoculars Quality. Asking $100. Call Dee, FOR Salomon - High bdrm in a 3 bdrm apt. $150month plus utilities, phone installed. 2 BLOCKS FROM U. 1 FEMALE TO SHARE Newly RESPONSIBLE remodeled 2 bdrm house in Sugarhouse. 5 utilities. $200 plus evenings. 12 228 APT TO SHARE WITH FEMALE GRAD STUDENT. 5 min to Univ. $180 plus 12 utils. Quiet, laundry, cable TV. Eves. FURNISHEO 204't (special Edition 1200 s) with 747 bindings. Used only once. S140M0. INCLUDES FREE HEAT. 2 bedroom apt. Cooler, deck, eazy access. PROFESSIONAL U 13 years U of TYPING. 90tpg. experience. correct spelling. I JAN, AND YARD. LARGE HOUSE 229 home Westminster Area. $150mo. plus 12 utilities. Cable included, own phone. 222 ROOMIE TO SHARE Diamond ring near Newman Center. Call Jeff to identify. FOUND: 225 Glasses with brown plastic frames near Bookstore or President's Circle. LOST: 222 Reward. Cal Heidi, 2 BEDROOM APT. Close to U. Fantastic view. $165 plus 12 utilities. 222 Extras. Dave, NICE. QUIET 3 BDRM HOME. wutilities. min drive to U. $150mo or Tom, , SECLUDED MILLCREEK EAST BENCH. 10 Call Jill 224 AREA DUPLEX TO BE by serious student. $150 month plus utilities. 224 SHAREO 12 PERSONAL WISH YOU HADN'T HAD THAT ABORTION? ROOMMATE WANTEO to share 2 bdrm cabin near Jeremy Ranch. Need to talk? For free, professional, counseling, call Martha at 222 SUMMER with a leading JOB OPPORTUNITY ROOMMATE r. 224 Furnished condo, own Pool, tennis, more. No NEEDED: bedroombath. smokedrink. after 4 5:00 pm. TYPING. 311 EXPERT TYPING. Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing Service. Expert word processing. ). PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM PC w 311 S WRD PROCESSING. 25 yrs. exp. 15 yrs. at U of U. BA English. Close to DONAHUE EDITING 311 Campus. I I 1 L Aguirre, The Wrath of God UNION DELI nran SCHOLARSHIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. n 311 etc, accurate. Medical school costs are rising every day. They're climbing faster than many students can handle without the right 32 kind of financial help. If you're a medical student, the Air Force may hove the best answer for you. We offer on excellent scholarship program that can ease the financial strain of medical or osteopathy school and allow you to concentrate on your studies. Participation is based on competitive selection. Let the Air Force moke an investment in your professional future For more information, call . INC. major brokerage firm with over 30 offices coast to coast, will be holding a seminar for career positions Sunday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the "Willow Room" in the University Park Hotel. Interviewing will follow on March 7,8 for our Phownix AZ. home office. If to explore an want you exciting career as a Sales Rep. in the Securities Industry , see the Placement Center, ASAP. A PHYSICALLY IN AIDE FOR HANDICAPPED MALL Salary, room & board. Valid license. Week days call after 6 pm, JOBS. Get the true ALASKAN A And desire the CHALLENGES: Programming, Leader- money in Alaska. Call Layne, 224 Feb. 27th, pm. Hogle Zoo 12:30-5:0- 0 Concessions. 226 2. PLUS FREE ROOM AND BOARD WHILE BEING A MOTHER'S HELPER. AIRFARE PAID, VACATIONS AND GROUP INSURANCE. CALL HELPER'S WEST TODAY FOR STUDENTS. EAL Gymnastics Instructor for Beg. to Intermed. boys and girls. Evenings. Call after 3:30 pm. 226 7 ii!!t!D'umHiHumuaiiiiii 39 MODEL: Earn highest paid commission! Print, runway, TV. NO EXPERIENCE. ALL AGES! 328 HERITA6E YOUTH SERVICES, needs single persons or couples to provide specialized foster care for troubled youth. Call Gary at 222 PART TIME CAR LOT EMPLOYEE NEEDED. $3.50 an hour. Mark Miller Subaru. 3734 South State. 268-373-4 ask for Mike. 222 Must love life, the water, little girls. Art, music. Send cover letter with three references to J. Nutting, 300 Sedgwick WANTEO: LIVE-I- Drive, Syracuse, NY 224 13203. 34 (801) WANTED: Male 6U b. 11AJ &0. 364-34- S S Ws A wv vv TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT s (MIi& iiiirnimlrYiiii i o J Premiere ' EE COMPUTER ANIMATION days to see Feb Last two 5:15,7:00,8:45 H Q MATEWAN S S powerful film JudHh Crist Feb24,Mar S 445,7:00,9:15 2nd U.S. EROTIC FESTIVAL Weds. 11:00 p.m. S S S S S 3 S A S Q S DOGS IN SPACE. Thurs 11:00 p.m. ROCKY THE HORROR Sat 11:00 New Calendar and University ID discount Fri, Ask for q liimiiiHDiiiiimiiiinmiiiimiiDiiS GROUNDSKEEPERS Start thinking about summer employment now! Primary Children's Medical Center, has positions available for summer to May 18. Beginning May 16, positons Grand Finale is upon us. University of Utah Professor Ed Leuders, author of Clam Lake Papers, snd Paul Brooks, former Peterson Field Guide editor and author, will be reading from their work today at noon at the Natural History Museuam. They will later particpate in a dialogue on Natural History Writing at 7 p.m. this evening in the Fine Arts Aud. Both events are free, and the thoughts shared should COSMIC AEROPLANE BOOKS 258E.. 100SO. OPEN EVERY DAY. be temporary full landscape experience needed. Must be able to lift 1 00 pounds, and work on call as necessary. APPLICANTS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FEB. 15-2MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 8 AM TO 12 NOON ONLY. PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER 320 12th Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 6, Phone be priceless. will time through September 1st. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, and have a valid drivers liscence. Prior 521-165- 1 (Located at Primary Children's Medical Center Annex, off 1 3th Ave. and F street) Equal Oppportunity Employer MFHV An IHC Faculity 63 Prepare for: April 23rd I.A.P Deadline Feb. 22nd. SPRING QUARTER CLASS Classes Begin Feb.27th Economic Development of the .. Middle East Suite 2 363-444- 4 1, Hall Lounge-Fe28 & REMEBER: Infomrmation Sessions-Balli- f Mar. p.m. Application Materials available at the Office of Residential Living, S1 14D Van Cott Hall. APPLICATION MATERIALS DUE MARCH 1 1 BEFORE 5PM IN THE OFFICE OF RE2 SIDENTIAL LIVING. For more Information call b. 1- 581-629- L2 tffutm S 22,23 . Groundsdeepers. These positions will begin on a part time, temporary basis April 1 6 NATURAL HISTORY AS LITERATURE The 71 COLLECT 590-- 1 Economics 390-4 Credit Hours 11:00-1:0- 0 BuC 203 p.m. Salehi-EsfahaHaideh UF ni big 355-956- PART TIME SEASONAL HELP WANTEO. MUST BE AVAILABLE BY 11:00 AM. Applications taken ship, Administration, Counseling lus-iii- 224 facts about RESIDENT ADVISOR you meet the QUALIFICATIONS: 2.3 min. GPA, Preferably upperclassman or graduate student. Seek personal growth. Able to work with people Hfiy any driver's 2:00-7:00-9:- 00 OSH Auditorium CHALLENGE YOURSELF. . . BE Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing wim SHERWOOD CAPITAL NOON FRIDAY JOBS-ID- Choose your own schedule. Day or Nite shifts available. We have our own training programs - No experience necessary. We are looking for neat, energetic individuals to staff the opening of a new restaurant Kitchen, Bus, Wait, Host, Bar, Cleaning and Repair. Apply in person at 5718 S. 1900 W. in the Midvalley Family Center next to the Bowling Alley. Monday - Friday, 11:00-5:0- 484-461- 6 s LIVE Call 1 ASUU Presents Featuring: Pregnant Birthright 1 WordPerfect files. your chunked-iForeigngraduate students welcome. 225 INTERVIEWING-Hirin- g LDS students for summer employment. Earn $5,000 - $7,000. Karole. 37 Guaranteed income. NOW i Need a Friend?. i editsword manuscripts, 41 92625. 226 hrJfJrJrJrJrJfJf?I processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Will also editrevise Day or night. Fast and M-- i l WP. Resumes, term papers, s INFANT. I 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 years experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, WORDPROCESSING-Thesi- FOR MY for info. Wheelwri-te- r manuscripts. Fast. Accurate. Call Dorene. 311 ENGLISH TEACHER NEEDED S 330 FORMER 9 I printer or IBM Set. II, 90epg. double spaced. Fast, accurate. Please call: Sue, WORD PERFECT 32 311 211 East 300 South. ). NANNY s FRIDAYS ONLY FILM $5.000-$10,00- 0 (5627). 311 Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA. Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley, WORD PROCESSING. LIBERALRESPONSIBLE M or F TO SHARE nice LOST & FOUND , POSTAL JOBSI $20,064 Start! Prepare now! Clerks-Carrier- s! Call for Guaranteed Exam Ext. 192. 4 229 Workshop. (916) S 222 226 226 224 educational publisher. summer earnings. Referrals and leads provided. Guaranteed income, excellent traing and experience. If you are 18 years and older and interested, call TYPING 224 & accepting applica- LDS Fruit trees, hot tub. gym. Married alumni need roommatehouse sitter. $180mo. 229 or 9 NOW Island, SC 29938. 39 LONDON. USE BY JULY 4. $500. 222 tions for summer jobs, internships and career positions. For information & application, write: National Collegiate Recreation, P.O. Box 8074, Hilton Head Includes 4 days skiing in Jackson, snowmobiling in Yellowstone, & accomodations. Call now for reservations. ANOTHER 2 Cruiselines, Airlines RESORT HOTELS. SPRING BREAKI ROUND-TRI- Small Bartenders CLASSES 25 hr. course. Amusement Parks WANTEO: 224 ULTIMATE BRIEFCASE- - ride your bike and still arrive in style. Come see it at the Union, Tues & Weds, 9-or call 223 BARTENDING TRAVEL 222 Jenny 311 evening classes. Call Incredible. OVERSEAS J0BS..Summer. yr. round. Europe. S. Amer.. Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-200- 0 mo. Sightseeing. Free info. Write Corona Del Mar. CA IJC. P.O. Box PART TIME AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets. Delta, Western, etc. Up to $350 ea. 311 DIAMONO. SNOWBOARD: Burton Cruiser 165. Need cash fast! Sacrifice for $165. 278-689225 WANTED W. RETAIL 23 openings in housewares Sporting Dept. Flexible student hours. Scholarships. 32 $9.25 hr. EARN 225 Justin: Because we've broken up. I entered you in the U's most eligible bachelors auction. Maybe this time you'll find Mrs. Right! EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, textbooks & dissertations for logic, style & 311 continuity. Winslow s. WILL HELP PAPERS ANO ESSAYS YOU GIVE THEM NEW LIFE. Need help getting 2726 eves. Half carat (.55) BC solitare on 14k Tiffany Wedding Set. Good price. $1400: make an offer. Kris at U. ID. 226 WE RESEARCH bottle cages, rear rack. Excellent Condition. $200. Call Ford. Bring c Resumes, 226 Student discounts. ELSE CHEAPI ANYTHING HOURS A DAY. 31 1 after 6pm. $225offer. , .. 3 EDITING 225 LICENSE WEDDING QC O READINGS BY JACKIE. YOUR DIPLOMA. I O to j 268-4726. 63 up after those 9 weekend parties or anytime. Lynn, between 10:00 am 9:00 pm. 224 FRAME -- reports, theses, dissertations in English or Spanish. Can pick up deliver. Beckie. sizes. Discount for Faculty. Call Downtown Storage, 226 114 TYPING. WORD PROCESSING PROFESSIONAL ACRYLIC NAILS ANO TIPS. $25.00 New. $12.00 Refill. Call Lily. wattch. THE BEST. Prescision Cutting. Newest Styles. Discount to U. Students. Call the Mane Tamer at 311 TAME YOUR MANE WITN PAULA. BACHELORS: Let me clean 0 BL 401 TOLL IF ANY. 1 O Term Papers Thesis Resumes Letter Ouality Printer Excellent grammer editing Negotiable rates 44-0985 222 49CMIN. 3353 SOUTH MAINSLC o PROCESSING. PROFESSIONAL TYPING 311 TAROT CARDS WORD 9 O SERVICES. Typing by English A., former teacher. 80 page. Also 311 resumes. 268-114- 6ET A TAN FOR THE WINTER AND START ONE . Klskirtsi M FOR SPRING BREAK AT 2ND AVENUE TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call PSYCHIC 1 24 HOURS A DAY SEPARATE MEN'S & WOMENS LINES LDS PREFERENCE ONKYO INTEGRA Free information session Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 41 Thompson for information, 29W 800 South. Uitl kf THE QUIE2AKS Check spelling, grammar. Word Perfect AZ Letter quality 225 printing. Carolyn. WORDS EXPRESS. Quality word processing. Fast service. 20 years experience. Resumes, 311 thesis, term papers. 484-47IBM COMPUTE! NEEDS WORK! Typing, word processing, writing. Rates students can live with. Fast, accurate service Nothing too big, nothing too small. The Phrase Maker. 328 9 p.m. TYPING. SERVICES All I"" 81 Professional, PROCESSINGTYPING. reasonable, accurate, fast turnaround, tree 37 pickup and delivery. Call 225 LIBERAL. NONSMOKING MALE. Medical Towers, $202 50. utilities paid. Available 35. 6 or Todd. 226 MINI STORAGE. LfH CiU 90CM. iiy Mrviei WORD Call before 7:00 am PERSON TO SNARE comfortable Harvard area house. $165 or so. 7 Call eves. No couch potatoes. 224 students, 1 328 TYPING WORD PROCESSING tut ck. tptilli Urn tawL ENLIGHTENED EATING DISORDERS: OUAUTY Accwiu. 7. WOMEN 1 plus 13 utilities. storage, must love LOOKING FOR ROMANCE? Here's your chance! Be a part of the U's most eligible bachelors auction. Chinese algae eaters, elodea plants, 99C. 10 gallon aquariums. Only $9.99. Complete gift sets, $47.99. 50 gallon sets, $219.99. Sal Lake Aquarium. 4689 So. 2300 East, WATERBED SEMI WAITED to share 11th E. and 15th So. ROOMMATE furnished home approx. Rent. $150 per month Washer & dryer, yard, cats. No smokers please or after 5 00 pm. 226 ARE YOU AN UNATTACHEO Platies. STEREO SYSTEM: 350 amp., pre amp, tuner, tape deck, 1 and speakers. yr. old. New: $3500. Will sacrifice for $1,800, obo. Call John, rm. 202, at 222 LIBERAL FEMALE Ballroom. 9am-4pOver 2.000 Job Opportunities ranging from desk jobs to Resort work. For more information call 222 TROPICAL FISH SPECIALSI Mollies, WOULO PASS UP A OUCK Come to the Department of Recreation and Leisure Summer Job Fair, Thursday, March 4. in the Union GOLDEN DIAMONDS: FtbitARy 22, 1988 MowdAy, Paqe Sixteen ChRONicU EDUCATION CENTER We've moved to Trolley Corners E |