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Show ChRONicU Paqe Six ModAy, Items , for the Chronicle events calendar should be submitted two days before the event by 4 p.m. at the Chronicle offices, Union 240. The items should be typed or Drinted leciblv on a form obtained from the Chronicle. Please note that the calendar, or parts of it, may be cut due to space limitations. Today p.m., "Newton's Principia: Understanding the Gravity of the Situation, Fine Arts Museum, lower level. 10 a.m.-- 5 Noon, Museum of Natural History Dialogues with Authors Reading, Paul Brooks and Edward Lueders, Museum of Natural History. Noon, Magnetic Cannon Contest, Whirly Bird Contest, Engineering Week, information and rules, MEB 229 1. 2 --4 p.m., One-weintensive seminar, "The Arab Minority in Israel," Sociology ek Conference Room. 2 p.m., Concrete Frisbee Contest, Engineering Week, information and rules MEB 229 1. 3:15 p.m., "Visualization of Scientific Phenomena," Opening speaker, Edmund K. Miller, EMCB 104. 7 p.m., Frontiers of Science Lecture, "The New Superconductors," Theodore H. Geballe, Stanford University, JFB 101. 7 p.m., Marriott Library and Museum of Fine Arts Lecture, "Science Without Scruples: Newton in the Age of Reason, " John L. Heilbron, University of California Berkeley and Cornell University, Marriott Auditorium. 7:30 p.m., Gymnastics, Utah vs. Cal-Fullert- 8 p.m., 9 p.m., Huntsman Center. "The Dining Room," PMT. Reynolds Lecture, Ed Firmage, KULC Channel. Tomorrow 9 a.m.- -- - 1 p.m., College of Health Well .one of the best comedians David Letterman working today." ". . -- He's done Carson, Letterman, HBO (he has a recent special), etc. Care Program Heart Check, OSH Auditorium Lobby, Fee: $5. p.m., "Newton's Prinicipia: Understanding the Gravity of the Situation," Fir e Arts Museum, lower level. 10 a.m.-- 5 Noon, Women's Resource Sack Lunch Seminar, "Adult Children of Alcoholics " Jill Sanders, Western Institute of Neuropsychiatry, Union 293. Noon, Student Paper Contest, Engineering Week, MEB 2291. 1- -3 p.m., Marriott Library Booksale ' p.m., Concrete Cylinder Contest, Marriott 216. 1 Engineering Week. 2 p.m., One-we- ek Student Tickets only $6.00 seating is reserved. ASUU has set aside most of the best seats for students. These tickets are available at the Union Front Desk ONLY, and will be released to the public on Wed. Feb. 24th. Tickets also available at all Smith-Tioutlets. All x intensive seminar, "The Arab Minority in Israel," Sociology Conference Room. 2 p.m., Pine Wood Derby Contest, Engineering Week. 2:15 p.m., Algebra Seminar, "Multiplicities," JWB 240. 2:15 p.m., "Some Hot Properties of the New Superconductors," Theodore H Geballe, JCB 101. 3:30 p.m., Algebraic Geometry Seminar, "Jacobian Varieties and Trisecants, III " JWB 240. 4 p.m., Biochemistry seminar, "Regulation of Adenylyl Cyclase in Yeast," Warren Heideman, SOM Classroom C. 4 p.m., Chemistry department seminar, "The Reactivity of the Pentamethylcy-clopenBon- correction Chemistry 2006. 7:30 p.m., Biochemistry Progress in Research Seminar, "A Persistent Untranslated Sequence within a DNA Topisome-ras- e Gene," SKH 216. 7:30 p.m., Fiction reading, Jeanette Haien, author of "The All of It," OSH 21 5. 7:30 p.m., "The Religion of Isaac Newton," Harold Bauman, Fine Arts Assembly final elections. It also incorrectly listed Susan Hopkins as Susan Hokins. The Chronicle regrets any misunderstanding. 1988 FINAL PRESIDENTIAL FORUMS Monday Feb. 22 Noon Union East Ballroom Chronicle Tuesday, February 23 Noon Union East Ballroom Sponsored by: d: Some Recent Results," Sponsored by: Friday, February 26th 7:30 pm Symphony Hall 22, 1 953 Auditorium. On Friday, Feb. 18, the Chronicle incorrectly reported that Kevin Crellin and Nader Vafaie would proceed to the ASUU JEIREY SEINFELD FcbwjARy ffl asuu |