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Show I.1IXCD FEEDINO. lletr In ll'ntl..u. I noli In the lint liltei.Ua Wheat Iran l inioof tbofewmito-rhl tbofewmito-rhl that can lie purchuMil nn I foil nut to tbo atock on tlio farm It la ono of tlio few tunU'rtal that ran lio fed bl alotk nnd it return nearly Ita full iiIuo lu tlio tniiiinrr It Mill h. lp tu lunku Imiho nnd nuintlo In our gn.uinir etiKk.uiid lumv tun 1) fill Uuuiiid-liiiilok'otntlitui. Uuuiiid-liiiilok'otntlitui. Willi nil tho clMm of .link hnp. pattlo, bonicanTil I if It inn lm will tun good n.Uitlittfgoln making np n gnn.1 nrlet . Cuuillned vilth ehonf unta tt inakee a frnu1 latloii fir .beep, bomeaur tattle. With oil or lurmneai, urittlurlui) or gxd tom fort.br, It raikm on. of tlio bint ration, fur milk cm. during Ho wirtir With mm and oil meal it Iiiaki. n pxxt feod fur the 1 rnnd M i and the fcrmving iga. .umbiiutl Kith oil iihmI it make, u (.ou.1 (nx ulth bay, k hent or out .Irnw itr i orn fuldi r, li na-ctifu na-ctifu try materially tlio nmntint t.f gr tin mi OKiiary In keep in a gin. I, thrifty condition, with tlio ndtniitngo that in filing tho quality of tbu iuuuuruv,ill bo itiiprot oil. With thu rough foola, audi ns com. fo.1.1. r, ftrnwimd h.i,tho lt rtaulu cm Ijd .tuirod If tiiceo aro flnt run through u f.l tuttir. 'lliey can Ui tnoro thoroughly mixed togt tber than if tho rotighuiwK U ftil Klmle, while thcra wlllboleMitKaaio In fi odin tbo rough-lie. rough-lie. It can Ui pitn.li nt.l in coneidera Mi tjiMtititlLii and if etorttl in n dry plitowill keep without tbiniagr, U bl ery luiirtant, Iuiiti r.to ketp it dry, or It will mold and .n4I. Whirothrro 14 cotieidcrablo roughnc nu but littlo grain, bran iauluuM.l to an nth uubim In fnillyg and often thla tbtM of foo.li c in 1o nH.1 win n i f other, nioro or li a would 1m wotted, wbilo a littttr Mirlcty tauU .upplliil to tho itiKlr, nnd thli will help to l.crp In a good cnudlti n, i.Htlully lu tbo wliittr, ruriwra Homo Juurn.il. llnmo nl Iho hot hrrptnt. Tlio iinitlnn of tho "hront ici .or-ptttM .or-ptttM ha of Uto cotno lwfuro ua w llh an cpi.coj.il r-atictlout but whnleter may bu tbo explanation of tho,arIou.a pear-ancea pear-ancea whlth Into gitcn n certain cur-Mity cur-Mity tonUlltf lu tho cxUtciico of an unknown mnrlno uiomttrof eomo kind, that imall m .i atriwula oiiat U moat ci r-tain. r-tain. Tlioy nro all marine, and with tho t xit ption of one or tw oii-eclo. nevt r quit tho water. A. might lo tJiecte.l under euch clautiiataiicv. tht) brhu ftrth th. Ir ) oung olit o, nod theeu can aw lui in i,o.in an I lio) arohorii. Mr. lloulcugcrtella u that tbtir homo It c.ai ntlnlly tho oatti of tho Indian IX.CMI and tho tiopirjl kirl. of tho weal-trn weal-trn Patillc, from tho Tcndm gulf lo Kow Uuluei mi 1 Nuilh Auitrall i. One tlictlca, howtver, rnntca from neat and mutli Afrlta to the weettrn coaat of tro Iral America nnd extenda northward to Jaiin urtd uottthward to Ktw Zealand. Zea-land. 2uartcrly Jlovlow. JIr. OruuiK.ro Why, Ilrilgct, I l.onnlof tbo death ofoor Tim, )onr iiuubnul, and that jou wcro married ngalni and uow, oor girl li It jwialblo 3 our .itoud bu.baud too? Ilridgct (in detp uiournlngOli, no, liuim. Ilea all light. Hut 1 nlwuja pnnnlao.1 nieaelf, whliiivrr I could nf-ford nf-ford 11, 1 wud put on momln for poor dour Tim, nnd U'a cry well oil 1 nn itiiitn, alnro Tin mAriled Ihla time, muni. Harper a llnzur. I couomj- 1.1 1U.II Vrelal.l Tr.lnl. A German engineer concludea that If tho lecd iiiitcad of tbo load of freight tralna lo lucreaat-il flora fourteen to tw tnt cbjlit mllta J r hour tbo oiik.ii a pereir mile nt tho bight r apced would 10 oiu fourth leiu for repaira and only ononfth more for fuel. Now jork Tltuti. A ltli..ll. lltlile. "Cabby, drhoinii to Vcfour'a In tltno for tin bori. Heali Imuijutt," "Notao 1 lud, gnv'nor. If Ilrown Ilesa hear ou iho vouldu t butlgo au inch." |