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Show Hit js a v i: it v i i. u i, u ii k. IK ! In the educational movimrnt In H EH lollllca now In irogrera throughout H XEkI tl1' 'territory, we know f no mote HI SHSl uteful work than thu little took r- H HSl int y litued from the ptera uuder the MH JEj title of rhe rractlcal Politician.1' It H iJ glvea a luccluct account ot tho fouu H 5 JSi datlon and prlnclplra of the g'eat KC l.v(f polllliiil parth-a ot the country and jj fairly deOueathelrdltlrleurea. Thlala RI"fils u' ion" '" ,s"y ,'1'"' 1'1'1 Hltl " iBIltwtl ,lrw lu l0"v'-' l''B vr' information IKiifiH lhat many new aludeula In ultllcx Up lonllkaltf a'rt' -'vlel1- lauea and alao pakt fHlfa!lt dltputet between tho purlin are SOflvflli treated of. A Hat of the chief oftlcera JR'l ' Ta of the nation, from the beginning Wti ) ' down to the prueut, fotme a utelul IB ' feature of the wotk. The manner of fl ' tlei'llng the I'lialdent, Vice 1're.ldellt, 'rj Uenatota and Ueprtientatlvea la cleitly ''ft uncrlbiit. And the clualng part ot the i r Ufcl. la devoted lu a uarialiou ol tho organlotlonof pattlea In Utah, and a revla-w of the local political altuatlon. It la wtlttin lu good ityle and the book la neatly bound. All the political cluba In the Territory ahould aecuto It, and our youug tropic, 4irtlcularly, will find It n profitable book to real. It la written by .Mr. B. A. ICcnner. Wy rtcjmmend It to everybody Interealed lu the tut Jt ell of whlr.i ll Ireata. |