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Show Ainusrinriit Niilot. Tli Hlcux Uncflt l tho nut at-Irictlon at-Irictlon at the Tlitatro tomorrow night. It la a novel entertainment, nnd nl tlm olject ol It It to aid the Indian brave in nt talulng mi am for Iho trauaporla. Hon of their famllloa to thla illy, It !.-lervm !.-lervm tobolllrrally palronlred. Tbo following local talent will takupntt In tbu evening' exirclaet: Ml Kunuy I.lrcoluanl Mitr.Uuoru I) rypr, William (.live, Walter KImmt, Dr. Iorln Hall and Arthur I'ryor. Audrnn'a ora coml( i "Ollrclt" la the gnat attraction at Wiiiiderlaud thla week. Th California Oi era com. pany ha by IU erforinaniiaelab-ilahed erforinaniiaelab-ilahed n rcrutalliin for food acting, men tun uAMitrin. The tale of tcita for tho icrfom. nncri at the Theatre on rueeday and WedLtxday next of "A I'alhhn II malice" anl "Heaullruramil," com-iiirnceiouHiturday. com-iiirnceiouHiturday. Thu renowned actor I likely to have full liouiet. |