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Show 0 U1IIUUB IIOUHOlt. MrIp.ir """J !;;r,,cl"rr' like -niHonneil r H' fraab- HICC THOM.i TELLS Hie CX- r. r...l L!at or hlllnl, I.Jrcd ,jaiiiin.-MMjitur lijur.il. a. '" 1T ,",',TI " 1Mf-1.lljrtT..O.Mrt.l" ....hia-ii J" n-Tho brldgo "Taints wiMightlrou atructun. 5rt.'nul.lnJ. m Iton work. ?K.ppiomI.mw very mawlvu. Viiiu lelwieu the two la la n M jfttt. rim height of Ihutru.. '"iwi lo havu f rmrd a bills J Mcenlholcr. w IU'-J1'' i.Vtlmbore hid I"1"1 conalructaJ. C&of Ihlilaleowork tho lomtruo ".of the l Iruaebtgiiimllwny E.-utbetwopltra and lli-i war. SfturtS.! froni 11,. middle boll-' ?, i-Tvo ncllone of tha louder Ironwork bad been couitrucled. 5ia at tbl. wna au earalue know li CTfm" aa "travclir." wlilcli SJ-dtoexieud ' atructure Itoin ntindh Tho traveler m full of ...illirMlblauiornlugandaomu cf So" it- mar 111. top, nearly IUJ iTiaiovethe water In Lfcklng river. Si Holier, of tliu falirwork were 1,'mi abtut ten Incliw '!". M t.J ntli beaten and bad uvldently Ml UKll I atoll". " ' B "l ' ton wrl.liliiR liuiBlf"!" "I10" '""' Sid tent. ThlrO-alx mm wero ta tbo traveler nt 10:T when Ut anful crh came nml no olio at.ll how many wen. working Hot. TUB craah eiiiin llko u liolt Lalietvru. HuilJinl Ihu biameo tin bteko (! crnliJ Intu tile river Uimr.nmiM of julu., under which wrre a acoiu r iu(- rbe debrl tiMtbo ditp alnain from bauk to ii-l. I'toilo Mini both Miortaaud ttm atrial a. 0" '"" "' kltla nuJ the v ! I iriculni! l lie l-!Jn u lllioul , ucahn li'Oil. rtiliuoikliailittii kluutilil'T ouJ liIIU KoIqk ou "Mllitliour of Iho orolJcnt thero virv k rvw other workmtu on tliu til ctDturthu rciur. wlilcli Iravrv m iruivli, r am n;; llu-tlctliai lulell Itntoiy. lliici' 1 uoiiioi wn woiklug wttubilJgt. Jlewl 'im flru tiling I knivr I mm fill. in. I liorJ iiocTicklnclliilcr, uo tuts, only I kuo I UK"liii!oi! iibxlhi llytljn totMuk UMul . niji.II hi tlio lullcm of Iho mrt, ilout twenty fin t from dborir. I ;iittmUnJoii tlio l nuJ mw KtiiJctlitn It nt iw.'iua,but ilon't Im Ibrtr nmin." Ai i coltnKi' on Tlinri)l"ti ktrnt, iipctt,i(.t.'(iOyimli from tlio brlJgf, in log bu 'J ii It. Itvuy nun Ik trolbtr WII Isui Itity. Mia. Cilbtiltit llatr, tlio occuiitut of tlio nauttmltiu inolbfi-lii'Uw of John Eubr, lio ltavi a vrlilow mid two tlilijrro. Tlio two biotlnii wrro talwn um to illo. John Uleil lint. Hlr lt( liotlier mlJ to 111 wkIii; Uon "lijn'tiry Annlr; John UI Ht well." Whim lolJ time John won ml, ho uloi "thon lwanttoUlo lu." Tboio wrro hli lut wordi. In Ibi lime homu was C H. rcltcri of Inaton, 0. 111! lack ti InJutcJ nml Miukottu titil. IIomIiI tUu crmh clrni vlthtut waruliiK "Iliard no imnj," bo aalil, "an t only Luow no vtrt going down. 1 icriniblfj on lAaitlnibirj and ome ono rrkn.uit mo In licit." tbiilu Wllkerion, whoio liomoU at LmiUtIIIf, Ky. vrni wutklnic cu tliu wIec on tliu itwiKitt appiotib, aiij mi itio fliiit olio to tboiticuo. Ho yi tlm Units I of the filiowotk i' k.J down tlmlil, allil uVdythlllK vit dovu In a lioap. Wllkumn iTtdmrny tii, nml lliun went itlv. In? for tlio drad. 'Ilio flut dead man u Jtmri J. Join Hon of llano Uo Oner, lid, 'lliU man had a m'liir lujuiod at Cajova, W. Vn , to bat becomo Innano from In 'IM iicv.l wlillo at vorl for B I d Iln file had aueit llalrJ I Iron , Ui tai ir.o mi iho lilljo looking y Ititlmooy anioDK tbo mnn on tho oili. Inmioxtniautbat Wllkeiion iiKUrd by dlTlnirwai Andrew IlalrJ, f the conlractort, who airlvol bri tbli tnornluK, and wna on the Miljew'JJihU brother Inapocttni; tlia '"it. llalrit brothera wrro cupful fo Ike iricnt bildKo at Munlfhli, and '" bJ much oiilencelu bridge lunt mro tlxtytlcht reron on "4 about tbo btfJijo Hh.n It fell. Tb following ! a revlied Hit of tho KlrXKIIANIl 5IIS.1INU. C. D. C'hamrolx, Thoma Downi, a iflilrown limn about 40 yeara of M,t. v. lloby, ):imer Harbor, ' lolnCW. I'eafenboch, Dick (lor in Jii, Jiboaiid I'rauk Adami, Hjberi and ?reflalrJlC'!iarlti(lrnbra,l.ilw. 7 J .?"' Jam" Jobnion, Deunli liar. , L. A. N olan, Charle a Hull, Cba. jJ'e, William Ilutlon, 1'atilok Mur. rijr. UlsaiNU, Mirtla Luther, doorso Iturko, X. rorton, William Wualing, Kred. iriodl, I) Ck Adam., John I'hlllli.., ,'11"7 Oilorni.. Uiborna Uprubibly "tally Injured noil nlmtteii othera urn mere or leu Injured. I Mrv, "' nrlc M f Ilt Ro, tu. 'orinll). Bvhacum-, Juno lo.Cliarlia A. fa!!',",, th Vnlon Tlioolcglc il Hem. ei X 1!T',il an addroii at a bauiiuot .mJ. '"oyti-rlan Hotlul Union of IhJ if ,-V7 Vo'fc' ' -""il!" "14 ci; rlVE hl' "rvnt ''ay on Iho l'. " wait bo bad roluaed nil Invllnllon. KlS V IJ!"ch or '""" l'y I" I'"'" ll'f!i"iJ h.? "'"Htlit ho woul I kvcpntlll I'i 1. 1. ,' " V ""m, "l'roibjtirlan tlir. t"!l",,,MC,'lr uailfnlooJ that A f7Jn " n"n-ty wlUioutillver1iy. Wh ... S" ony. ''eo',',, lonfoiin I unity "tt ""il'utiiilly, aud lu attcniiitlng to force uniformity really create a 01t. .Ion. Unity demand, ratlily, anil In unlfoiinlty ihiro tail bo none, Ibme-forono Ibme-forono unity." Mfeaklnnof tho tiioicd toTiilmi of tho coulcnign of faith, ho All It italtcil luddenly without itreut loadil. and ileveloiinl a 'ontrful but blind foric, ihowlng the .iilar nnsl uf ro-lltf ro-lltf from the enl of IboioTiiitocnth century, Hliall I tell you what our ntiinlinl Ii now?" bo cojtluued. "II I. theology theolo-gy in laushtlu n.auy.umlnarli' and many of tbu ifuclrlnei of tbo Woil inlnlatirconfreiiluii am wholly liiiorr.l; llmtlanhyn chatmu U UomaiiJoii, for comlitiiipy mu.t bmitber ruililon or a new cici-J of church unity." He ild II reiroul I coniolldato thn dlll.tent klnda of churcbri woojulJ apare ti,iW mlulitora. Ilnrhera liter n rirn, QUTIlllIF, Okln., Jul o 15. To o. ra mob Yblmco lait nllit Holly, Iho uegro, wai taken from Ihla city to Oklihonn mid IIriJ In Jill. Today tbo aheiitT rerelvid a nieiiino from Okhbouin, tiylnif that thn lu gru mutt be takenauay, na trouba we likely to be made in hli acrounl. Ihu ebcrlir I'li-u lent n dcruly ti brlnit tho necro baik. AIkiuI 6iKl people Kath irodat tbo di pet upon thu arrival of the tralu, dolermWd to tako tho irlaoi.ir, but they wnoin vented by Ihu United Hlatei mirahataii I n atrong guard, w ho buarJeil the tralu 1 1 fore lu arrival he-e. Tim ueitru will now bo laken to l.analng, Kan , foraife ktep I"?. M,Kllli lor I fin.lnn. Nrw Vnrk, Juno 15 Jobu C. New rnlkd for lAndon to lay. lUuiairk Alul Ir.l In Vlftmn. llrm i.i.Juui' 13. It la n lulled that I'.nirur I'laucla Joih nml the tier. man l.mtaiaaJor Kill leave Vienna prior to thu lliarraick w uldlng lnordor toavolJ umbarrAiiiueuta. Ilri'm.i.lalllx ol Ureal llrllaln. JuMuM, Juur ain. Imrd Ilauuan aul Sir John H. I), riiimipou have Uon appointed rupieHUtatlvrH if llieit llrualq lu tho Jleilng ara mil. t allon. |