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Show TO-DAY'S Ti:iiKllA3IS. Kixi.jMn Kanii. Junet lo (he ltei uhhcAiiN lii J rrySlMpn'n dltrlct iioiiilt.itoi for ( uiigrt"4 V, I. Lnmt of Medicine Lodge, Jerry' home. A tar.rfn.r.il Thlnl I'nelr tl l(e Coihicana, lex,, June 10. The lnt teturtaRiiiake It I rotable the election of J 1. Ita rl er, (ho Third Tarty can dldatclo Hnavt 1.. Mill' Tnc.ut rttal, over Juigei.. I. Anthony, llemocrat the l(nui IVnetf'ai I'nriy. WtcillM, Katn, June la.Atter tioriiltitl!iif L D. Weill dk tor go7tr rtor early thl uioriilnK the l'cIt'i tarty convention chotett I). VltiCent for lieutenant Kvcrnur by acclami tlon. Vincent wanted tu nominate auothtr caudidnte. The HI. I -tit-, i latform wai endcrmJ with tho folljwliifc anion k other nddl-tlom. nddl-tlom. "Oovttnnient is only ot where (he InJ ury to one la thu con tern of all; it at pub tc need ahbuld be aupplltil by public R;emlr; that thoKvernmeitt hould (rtvlte public; tiltptionon, tfltRmth Hue, pcilalmr--enjy, and at Heart) m iracthnht, reu delivery of mall to all people " f The i latform condemn the U B rieuiteIorderNtlnKWeikly ajmetits the AU'trnllaiihillrtllll, the tleitlon of railroad imnil-lDitir by thu vulo ofthrc?1e. UVorw pruMom for ills alhd rlir'iJtn(lo)ir, tale (aid by coinpanleff and tte the tlrt Hen on their projerty. A rtmlutton favorlnic woman tuUir.e wai a!oled. Ad Jjiirned to 10 o'clock in the morula. In Dittr ftf rrrr rr l'rr-lt(iH. Tacuua, Wiulin, June M. The IVj le'a lUrty riUlu conve illon cliotw ileleKa'f to tho Omaha contention The platform diclaretlu fitorof Writ, verfur 1'realdent. Ilii-U ul (he rnlr. Ht. Tier riuim mi, J tint 1ft Tho coiiimltiloiifr etieril of llietulnn section of the World's Fair with ht a-hlManU havti uttrled U r Chkao to make tlio nenary arrtit;uaieut. Ituftftla contemptateN making a Krtat exhibit from all puts of thu itufueuf a mot varied anl Interectlinjcharac ter, coni rising twelve tllvlsloui. t ller l.ltlnri. IUiiast, Juno 111. The UMer UnlotiUt committee meets here on hrld..y lu the lminenne hill prepare I for the purr oet to take at tlon hi the matter of Utnler'j ponlllou on the tro il liideitudeut IrUh rtrllimeut and executive. The ajr to tw read on that occasion Is on the council' course ol mIt reilslanc Thi, It la uuifttJ, will Uke Ihu unit of reiuil to allow eleotlofitoba.)j that the mayor of IMfail ul llcl butn (he writs tit tliHtlon anJ thu general refusal to jay tax en tuvled by thu Dihllu Kovirumeulle carried out, Hit wrltir holds that th ' I ri-ce.Ie.it donot Juotlfy the Ittll'ati Koveruineut In Inttrftrittf with the arinyand thinks la a tlfrt betwieu Ulkteruud the rijuth of inland the former would have tuobiwtof It. M harlmi In irrre I ninlii-. Wakiiinutux, June 10 It Uau nounted at the HI ate I)rrtmeut that thu 1'reildeut haa decided toajl0''11 Alt4Ut Secretary Whrtiu to aun ree.1 lllalne at the head of thu But a Department until March, A Ilbrl ami n Duel. I'AUia, Juno 10 Drumont, charged with criminal lltel, was found uullty and sentenced to threw months lm irlfonment and n fine of 1000 franca The JlMiUmWt, I)etity lajucrre, challenged Manmls Ue More to flint a duel; the latter In evidence at the Prumont trial, hnvln; atcuied the former of accepting a bribe frjru the llankof Trauce. The UltlihrTrnM. Krw oiuc, June 10 The directors of tho wul'ky trutt declared a dlvlden J of one aud a half jr rent earne I. One per tent. Is to I j aid lut the balance mirvedftr HtlKtlon, etc. The rice of f i Irlts Is Hduied one cent. Allunlererl eeitletl, Voru:, 1'., Juno lo-W. H. Ualn-ton, Ualn-ton, theiuurdenr of Mrs. Btrohltitnsr. was hauled here this mjrntiit;, Thu lnelorlehlmllered lij a lliirrl. Madhiu, June 10. A hurricane at Daialona shattered two factorlea J Ight dead have been found and many aro frightfully luured. In latter or Ire Iiiki r Hlttrr lluur, Mont., June 10. The 1W pie's arty Ktatu commlttie ndoj tod a platloriuin favor of free coIusko of ill. vtr; election of I'resldtnt and United States Bcnators by potular vote, riftrlctlounflminljiratloo.dtnianda the forfeiture of tho Northern raclDolaud Kraut, Moutuna, for failure to ion sttua wlthlu tho spetlllel lime; aiks the Kuvernment to maintain IrrlnaUon renrvolri; provide banks for the ito plo free from control of monopolies DeleKaks to the Omaha onvvntlon were elected, William Kmicd, of Itoulder, was uomluatedfor.tfoveruor: llarvt) Ctillom, or Ilutte. for lUuton ant tjoverujr, Colonel Tlwardu, ct Uozemau, for member of C'ongtcss, riUCAuu, JuuolO A statement Is publUhed here that thu chalrmat ahlp of the Hetubllcan .Nullonnl committee tonuccted (MArksun, bis boeu ollirbd to Laud Commltvilotier Carter. A dlnaatLh frriiKt. Paul quotes 1.. I). Weed, U. Hdltrlct attorney fur Montana tu the sauie tihci and says the oiler was made by Harrlnon himself. New Vork dispatch iiuotu John t -New,aaylnic thU Central Horace I'orter or .New Vork, will rot ally bu the man. |