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Show : H ace e slarP e&e off m ' I an appetite that won't wait I m To sharpen a poor appetite 8z ' ; . Vv$ ' I that doesn't care for meals 1 y 'u f I Uneeda Biscuit 1 : . ' I So nutritious, so easily di- W . 7:; m gested, that they have become W . v fi the staple wheat food. - ? i K!if n motsmre I) I V M Wfr dust proof packages. M . ' -y. ' . I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY , : m Keep Cascarets in yow pocket, m Take one as soon as you need if. 1 1 It is old fashioned and wrong j to take harsh doses of physic. Si, We all live unnaturally. SI Our food is too fine, too rich and too plentiful. We eat too little fruit, too few green vegetables. We don t Hi exercise enough. nl The result is, our bowels get clogged ; for Nature in- mm tended us to live in a different way. Irf What shall we do ? 1 Shall we walk ten miles a day ? Shall we diet our- H ' selves? Shall we seek for more laxative, and less 3 costive effect in our food ? Iff Or shall we take Cascarets ? jgw One way will serve just as well as the other. M Cascarets re vegetable laxatives. Their action is as natural as the rfnffi action of fruit, of coarse food or of esterase. They are genUe. They persuade the bowels never drive them or ftfat irritate them. JjjjlJl They are candy tablets, and the dose is one at timejus as soon ffijjjff a you know that you need it. It is wronc to take harsh physic and to wait till you need a big dose. It is better to keep at your best, every hour of every day. And on ''SfiK Cascaret at a time fs sufficient. fflt' That means to keep clean inside. aSlff- " rfWtf, Cascarets are candy tablets. They arc sold by all druggists, t$5jw but never in bulk. Be sure you get the genuine, with CCC on eycrv tablet. The price is 50 cents, 25 cents and J Ten Cents per Box I KRYPTOK 1 Bifocal Glasses I jif 1 Two sights with but a single lens. The only means of correcting far fSgjj I and near defects of the sights without having visible division line3 be- C'Pr I toro the eyes. Our exclusive production. if I COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., IStSS 8 st". jStoroeriOKamaBity, Dallas, Portland. is Ou3JES TOH.I A. Bean the Vo Haw Always Bought Signature S , . of tuzTY -cuc&M Good news to lovers of high-grade Footwear 3rou can save 10 to 50 per cent on "Money-Back" "Money-Back" Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers, in all sizes, styles and widths, fitted by men who know how. Sale ends Saturday night. DAVIS SHOE CO. SPEAKING OF TRUSSES Avoid truss mistakes. So many who know little about them sell trusses. Trusses are a study one must specialize to understand- the merits, the advantages and. the way of obtaining best results. DRUEHL & FRANKEN, 271 Main. Bell 100 and 18S; Ind. 100. The truss store expert will advise ad-vise with and help you. You will appreciate and benefit by his services. ser-vices. Quality first," quantity second, price third when . you . deal at Druehl & Fran ken. Japan-China CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME. Four delightful lours from Sau Francisco, February 11, l!5. March 10, 24. Partios limited to Vi members. Programmes on request. THOS. COOK & SON, 32. Powell St., San Francisco. I Diamond Cluster Rings . 33V3 -m a , I ifl Diamond Cluster Brooches 33V3 H91A71inPAKPPQ ' I H I Watches . 20 t ttWWlW D I I Gold and Diamond Jewelry . 25 I J9 lEESZV?: : : 5 r i 1 Toilet Articles-all sorts '. t . 25 'lwels, Silverware aid watches. I jflfl I clocks 33 This fad shows that the wares 1 IH inMjn wescll arc eongMerefl nert to I H ! Ail Other Lines "from 20 to 33 cash as sssrfs mA that I M I : n 1 money pet m good diamonds, 1 H I watches and jewelry at fair prices is not "spent," but H I merely "invested." I fl I Consider welllhe following fads: 1 ffl 8 Leyson's is giving from 20 to 50 oft of regular I g 1 prices. 1 H : I . leyson's regular prices are always one price to all In I and mnst be lower than others or they could not main- 1 fl I tain one price, In I Leyson's goods are all high-class, made to with- I jfl I stand the, ordinary wear a purchaser is entitled io ex- I M I pect, rather than made to sell only. 1 H j Leyson's guarantee is unquestioned, having twenty- i9 I five years of integrity behind it and one hundred years I I J of integrity ahead of it (we expect.) 1 n ! Leyson's discount sale is genuine beyond the doubt 1 I of people who have confidence in anything. 1 m I Leyson's has too many goods for this season of the I H 1 year result the discount sale. 1 9 I ' Leyson's one price marked in plain figures, and from I ; 9 I which we are now giving from 20 to 50 discount, will ! M S ' be maintained absolutely after the sale is declared off. j . I Don't growl after this sale is over because we will j Jj 1 - , not give you a discount, The sale will end without 1 II 3 :' any notice. Come today, as tomorrow may be too late 1 '9 to "invest" in our splendid securities at from 20 to 1 II I 50 below par. I 9 I Phosne 65 for the Correct Time. :9 J Minin ri rMHBiirri 1 1 y Mk w i inn im n iiihhibi mm iiwititi im urn in in i miiii iiiiii m i 7 B 1 I Specifies P. & L. Varnish. I I The Painter J I Uses P. & L. Varnish. 1 I The Owner Buys P. & L. Varnish. 1 I The Reason: I i All linow it is the best. 1 I That's Sufficient. I Morrison, I Merrill & Co. I 2S Main Street. J ." P" 'Co. 142 MAIN STEBBT. A full line of professional mounts and supplies. Kodaks and Developing. BUY IN Westminster Heights THE MODEI SUBDIVISION ' ON THE EAST BENCH. PiiiMmmMMmM.M t iimiiin inwwwii I'.'fli m fl E SALT LAKE CITY 1 I mmm company.. I . ji The Leading Brewers of, E ; W The Leading Beer . r-j" 'C- "'g fe-'" -f? H JggABRgAi) mm li mm II ISrbad 11 Msad I 19 When the health department of your 2 ' 9 j Royal Milk Loaf always has a place on BREAD ! M j your table. Baked on the h'carth of v the - B Rt? overt, not in a greasy pan. The Crown 'J S?' label on every loaf. rcf,,H BRaA&l ROYAL BAKING COMPANY. IBfigAl) J II Wm I b j fblf rOYAL '9 to va '-c l'fft5 Jm |