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Show SPENT LAST EIGHT YEARS m MISERY Boston Banker Says His Life Has Been Hopeless for That Length of Time. j .Carieton H. HutcJiinson, a landing banker and broker of Boston, with offices of-fices at 8 Congress street, in that city, nan recently come out. with a very strong Btaloment. Jn the widespread dissuasion over Cooper's new "theory and medicines which hao spread over the country so rapidly, Mr. Hutchianon has taken" the j side of those who sav that Cooper 'n theory in correct and "bis medicine all that no claims. Mr. Hutchinnorj 'a emphatic statement is as follown: "Anyone afflicted with chronic ill-hoalth and a goncral rundown run-down condition caused ny stomach 1 trouble, who does not try" this man j Coopor's medicine, is very foolish. . T say this aftor a moat remarkable oxpe- i rioncc with the medicine. 1 "I hoard of Coopor's success first whon he was in Chicago, as I have, a private wire to thai, city in connection with my business. Latf7 whon he came oast, 1" learned more ol hira and his theory that stomach trouble causes mogt ill health. I have had no faith in anything any-thing not. prescribed by a physician for . each particular case after careful ding-I ding-I nosis, but after eight ycara of constant snffetiaff, durinji which time I spent over $150(1 with absolutely no relief, I felt that it would at' last do no harm to try tho medicine which I was hearing hear-ing so mnch about. "During theso eight years I have been forced to go without solid food for fire and six weeks at a time. I always al-ways hHd a our stomach, wns troubled with formation of gas, and led tho usual miserable life of the dyspeptic. I was dnll, tired, nervous nnd gloomy all tho time, and was always constipated. "I havo taken Coopor's modicinc st comparatively short time. For the past month I have wot had the slightest sign of otomnch trouble. I can out anything any-thing with no bad effect whatsoever.' I have h fine appetite, am gaining flesh very rapidly, am cheerful, full of cnor- Sv, and my nervousnc-BE has disappeared, ty bowels aro imperfect condition for the. first time in eight years. "1 don 't hesitate to say thnt f would not take $50,000 and be back whore T waa. My relief and thankfulness is bo-yond bo-yond description." Wo sell Cooper's famous preparation described in tho above statement. F. J. Hill Dnur Co., SO W. 2nd Sonth street. |