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Show Ii' . Hfyc gult gate f ibttnC; Issued every morning by Salt Uilte Trlhuno Piibllalilng Company. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daiiy and Sunday Tribune. celc...$ .28 Daily and Sunday, ono month...... jJJ ; Daily 3nd Sunday, tliroo months... 3.00 Dally and Sunday ono year l-5 . Sunday Tribune, ono 'year 2.00 Sunday Tribune, six months J-w Seml-Weckly Tribune, one year.... ) S. C. Beckwlth Special AGency. Sole Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern or-- or-- flee. Tribune Building. Now York; Wcot- crn office. Tribune Building. Chicago. Buslneus communications should be - addressed: ad-dressed: "The Tribune. Salt Lako City. Matters for publication, to "Editor The Tribune.. Salt Lake City. Utah." . . Wiero The Tribune Is oil Sale." Murray. Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., Ind. phono 177-1. Ogdon, Utah Branch office. Broom hotel Erovo, Utah A. V. Roblson, 27 B. Center Naw York Hotel Imperial: "Wa101!", torla; Hotnllng's, Broadway and i-"r. ty-elghth street. . . -. n. Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket or-Chicago or-Chicago Auditorium Hotel: Palmer House; Van'e Book and Exchange. 'Waahlnfrton New Wlllard Nowb Stand. Omaha Union Station News Stand. Knnsns City Toma News Co. r, Portland Bowman Kewa Co.; Oregon JjOs Angeles B. B. Amos. i San Francisco Amos News Co.: Foster J 4 Oroar; Ferry Bldg.; , Hutchison (J News Co.; Parent'8 Stationery Co.. I N" WheatJey. , i Seattle Acme News Co.; A. Keyn. ( Denver Brown Palaco; Kendrlck book 1 and Stationery Co.; H. P. Hanson; Har-3 Har-3 vey Nowb Service. ,, 1 .Bolse Idanha Hotel; Boise Book ana Music Co. Pocatello Chaffe St Co. . J Bulte-John G. Evans; Keefo Bros.. F. u. J News Stand. Entered nt the Postofflce at Salt Lake ' ' City as jecond-clags mattor. |