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Show COPPER- BREAKS IN THE LMM MARKET New York Prices Remain Virtually Vir-tually Unchanged: Tin Registers Reg-isters Slight Advance. vy44H"'I"HvI-II T PEICES OF METALS ? IN NEW YORK MARKET y X Silver . ... 53ic 4- Copper (electro) . . , .51S.5013.75 --. --. Lead, dull ?3.705)3.75 j YORK, Jan. 30. The London tin market was unchanged to 5s higher, with spot, closing at 124 5s and futures at 125 5s. Locally the market was quiet, but a shade higher at 527.75(5)28.00. Copper had quite a sharp break in the .London market, spot closing at 61 2s 6d, and futures at 61 15s. Locally the markot was dull, with lake quoted at $13.S2.(fi!l3.S7; electrolytic at 513.50 13 75, and casting at 513.250)13.50. Lead was unchanged at 15 In tho London market and at ?3.703,75 locally. lo-cally. Spelter was a shade lower at 20 10s in London. The local market was dull at $4.45j2-LS5. The ICngllsh Iron market was lower, with standard foundry quoted at 4Cs and Cleveland warrants at 47s Gd. Xo change was reported In the domestic market. Closing Stock List. Sales.) H. L. Clse Adams Express 160 Amalg'd Copper 29,900 oli 503 51 J Amer Car &. F 600 30; li02 30i preferred SO Arner Cotton Oil GOO 33 323 32a preferred 35 American Express 105 Amer II & L pfd 1-ii American Ice 600 17B 17 16S Amer Linseed Oil 9 preferred 29 Amer Locomotive . . . tJOO 37i 37 37$ preferred 100 91 91 D02 Amer 5m & Ref.... 21,400 675 66J G7 preferred rfOO 914 91 91 Amer Sugar Ref 800 113a 112 11SS Airier Tob pfd cert.. 400 SI S0J SO Anaconda Mm Co... 1,400 33 321 322 I Atchison G.100 72 71 713 preferred 200 S7 87 87g All Coast Line 700 891 6SJ G8fc Baltimore & Ohio.... 2,300 37B 87 87 preferred 37 Brook Rapid Tran... 13,000 4GB 4oi 4U Canadian Pacific 100 150 150 150 Central of N Jersey.. 175 Chesapeake & Ohio.., 600 29 29J 29 -Old Great Western,. 1,000 5 J 5 5 Chi & Northwestern 10G Chi Mil & St Paul... 8,000 3133 112 112J Chi Term & Trans 5 preferred 15 C C C & St Louis... .1.600 oli 50 olj Colo Fuel &. Iron 1,100 101 191 19J Colo & Southern S00 25i 24i 25 1st 'preferred , 52 2nd preferred 200 421 42i 41J Consolidated Gas 99 Corn Products 13J preferred 6"a Delaware fc Hudson. 3,000 1521 150s 1514 Delavaie Xc & West 1 500 Dsnver & Rio G '200 206 202 20 preferred 1 .' 58 Distillers' Secur 500 32J 32i 32 Brie 600 loi 15 lot 1st preferred 200 813 31i 31 2nd preferred 21 General Electric 1191 Illinois Central 400 131J 130J 130'rf Interna tl Paper 100 105 10J 10J preferred 500 61 61 605 Internal Pump 100 19 19 12 preferred 100 6SJ GS 672 Iowa Central I 113 preferred 200 295 29J 29 Kan City Southern.".! I '-" preferrad I j 50 1 Louis & Nashville I 1.000 9S 97 973 Mexican Central ' 1,100 101 185 19 Iinn it St Louis ' 300 241 24jl 24 M St P & S Ste if.. . 400 92i 92l 92 preferred 130 Missouri Pacific 200 44 43' 433 Mo ICan & Texas...! 400 23i 23 23 preferred 55 National Lead 700 391 39 39ft N R R of MeX pfd... 200 49", 495 40 New York Central.. '.,500 97 J 963. )7g N Y Ont &. West 7 32 Norfolk & Western.. f 100 66j 06 6G preferred '. 79 North American 48 Pacltlc Mail 100 26 j 26 265 Pennsylvania 13,100 1131 1125 113 People's Gas 600 85 S5 35 P C C Sz St Louis 70 Pressed Steel Car 201 . preferred 77' Pullman Palace Cur 160 Reading 118,500 102J 1005 10J S I 1st preferred gg : 2nd preferred 100 SO SO 781 i . Republic Steel 165 1 . preferred : . 400 6S OS 68 j Rock Island Co 500 1-j 13J 14 : preferred 800 271 27X 27A : St L & S F 2d pfd... 100 293 29fi 29 , St L Southwestern j 14 1 , preferred 100 312 31Z 31S ' Southent Pacific 3,900 732 73d 73'il i preferred uj . Southern Railway 400 11 n 11 preferred 100 33 33 33 ! Texas & Pacific 100 19 IS 19 i T St L & West 14 ; preferred 300 35S 35 34J Union Pacific 48,200 122g 121 lnr,i preferred 3 United States Exp j 15 United Status Realty ss United States Rubber 100 215 "11- "16 preferred I. . . j si United Stutes -Steel.. 31,800 2Sj 272 ''8 preferred ..... .... 5.700 92g 0U1 92 t. Car Chemical I 71 preferred gj) WabaslI 100 9 '9' 85 preferred Wells-Fargo K::p I. . ! .' 310 Wc-Etingh Electric .. 200 45 45 44p Western Union ..... 500 -563' 55 55 W heeling & L Erie j. 55 Wisconsin Central ..I. I 1... 13 preferred j " .jq I Northcni Paciilc- .... 20,000 126J Ihh'l 1252 i Central Leather 400 1S8 1SR ISfe , preferred ..... .... 200 83 83 S3 Great Nor pfd. -U00 1211 120 120 Intomatl Metal 2,300 8i So S ! preferred -too "'S ' Sloss Steel tqq 40 j j5 j Total ualc3 for the day. 383,400 shares! New York Money. j XEWiaI,9RK' Ja"- SO. Money on call I easy, lift per cent; ruling rate, 2; cloning bid, li per cent: offered at 2 Time loans dull and easy, sixty davS. 4, and ninety days 4: rtx months. II. Frimo mercantile paper, oifffOJ nrr cent: sterling exclmngo firm, with actual ounlness In bunkera' bills ut 4 87 lota' 4.S7.20 for demand and l.SB.ROiffi-I.SS.sr. S" 50ixty"day s- Commercial' nllls. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroads. Irregular. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. Today's statoment of the treasury balanceu In the gtmernl fund nhoww. Available cah balance. 5203.085,730' r;old coin and bullion, bul-lion, 530,lio,3o0; gold certincatus, ?42,30S,-690. ?42,30S,-690. Now- York Sugar. NEW YORK. "Jan. 30. Sugar Raw, quiet. Pair roflnlng. 3.30c: centrifugal, .96 tost, J.iOc; molaHsoa sugar, 3,05c. Rellncdr iiteady. Cruahed." 5.00c; powdered, pow-dered, 0.00c; granulated, 4' 90c. St, Louis Wool. 4 ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30 Wool, atoady. Medium grades, combing and clothing. 2128c: light fine. 1920c; heavy fine 15(160; tub washed, 26finiie. Liverpool Wheat. LIVERPOOL. Jan. ifo. C1op: Wheat -March, 'la 5','d; May, 7s Cd; Jul v.. 7s OSd. |