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Show NEW STREET CAR RULE ENDS DISASTROUSLY With Salt Tinkers worrying over the new transfer rule rocontly nwt Into effect by the Utah Light and "Railway company here, reports fronv several Eastern cities vhero street car companies aro attempting attempt-ing innovations In tho operation of their earn show that at least one of the new arrangements ha ended disastrously. An attempt was made In Pittsburg last week to require street car passengers to pay their fares oit entering tho cars. It Is said the Innovation broke down before tho close of tho second day. Tho passengers pas-sengers offered SI. 32 and 55 bills .purposely .pur-posely ot conductors on entering the cars and rcfusert to move or; without their change. The tracks wero blocked with cars for long distances and service badly rrtpplod. |