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Show She jiUn Juurttou. Vd SATURDAY, PuMlshwl eyety WEDXESDA by the Oodbx rtiaisHi.NO Company. Oniric TV. uU Penrose, Editor. Bumiuu8 Marmgor. OODEIY, UTAH. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1873. A " ' Hoard of Trade ' manlcu7 Dc- - It is suggested that the Ci.y of Ogden would bo benefitted by the establishment of a oard of Trade. Few towns in the United States con- y we saw Jack The Hunters. some of the at sale offered for rabbits meat stalls in this city, :any persons fond of such diet had better get in their supplies at once. For the. Nirarods of Not content Ogden are after thera. hens the out with clearing they are sage When will their after the rabbits. At the present satisfied! be rapacity rate we shall not need to enforce the game lawB. Next spring there will be no game to kill. Think of it epicures! The party of hunters returned yesterday with ono Jack rabbit. Tko gentlemanly agent of the A. and P. was the "bloody murderer." Jake was there, as silent as ever. The baritone was un fortunately absent, as he'was preparing "his toilet for tho ball. After expending a quantity of shot and powder, the party returned in triumph with the rat bit. exalted place among his countrymen, if lie had devoted b.ui,! time and To-da- tal-cu- ts to"a useful carecr'Ainalloyed by the disgraceful schemes with which he is known to have been connected Jsow he returns to the shores where he first saw the light of day, and pleads for sympathy and commisera tion on account of his destitution. A just retribution has overtaken him in an hour when he finds that he wants friends in need. Upon his conscience rests a burden which is heavy to be borne. The riches that he has robbed from innocent child rcn, he has squandered, leaving un told misfortunes and sorrows upon those who have been victims to his wiles. A moral and lesson are in culcated by the life of Edwin James, On JIarriKjrc. Happy relief for young men from tlie effrcta of who should have been an, ornament Errors and Almses m early Hie. juhiumiwi reto marriage removed. New stored. to society, instead of being a suppli method ofImpediments treatment. Xw and reuiarkalda remedies. Books aud circulars sent free, in sealed ant for mercy. envelopes. of five thousand taining inhabitants arc. without an institution which regulates market prices, fur the purpose of preserving a j ist balance- of trade. This city is surrounded by a country which abounds in mineral wealth, and iu rich, agricultural resources. We need a.schcdule of rates by which firmers can be thoroughly informed Corn Juice. if the fixed valuation of the produce The Commissioner of Internal which they bring into our markets licveuue reports that the number of Also, it is desirable that the worth distilleries in operation in the United cforcs, which are yet concealed in States is nearly three hundred. Durthe earth among our mountain re the last month there was an in .rions, may be decided by assays ing " , but a diminu which would test their actual value crease of thirty-fivein their capacity, and a decrease r.nd richness. A board of trade tion in the revenue which adds so largely founded on a proper eystcm, would Government in contribute largely to the facilities to the means of the tho alleged reduction of tho national earnestly required by pur commcrela debt. aad industrial interests. a population - Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION', No 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, I'a nn Institution having ahifch reputation lor honorable condui t and professional skill. 68-6- The IIotkl. The Railroad Hotel will not be opened this evening as was expected. Mr. Q. S. Erb is making every effort to have the house in good order Take by the middle of next week. your time Mr. Erb, be patient Brother Chapman. AVIiiiein Je::ns. large quantity wanted at Branch. ' A Z. C. M. I., Ogden 7o-t-f -- The following is the amendment coffered in the House of Representatives on Thursday last, by Hon. Wi II. Hooper, to the bill introduced by Hon. John Taffe, Chairman of the Committee on Territories, for the admission of Colorado as a State ef the Union: Sec. 1. ThatthoConstitution and State Oovernmcnt which the people of the Territory of Utah have formed for themselves under the name of the State of Deseret be, and the same is hereby, accepted, ratified, and confirmed; and the said State of Deseret shall be, and is hereby, declared to be one of the United States of America, and is hereby admitted into tho Union upon an equal footing with the origiual States in all respects whatsoaver. Sec. 2. That until the next general census shall be taken said Stale of Deseret shall be entitled to one Representative in the House of Representatives of the United States. Sec. 3. That sections numbering sixteen and thirty six iu every township, and where such sections have been sold, or otherwise disposed of by any act of Congress, other hinds equivalent thereto, of not less than in legal ono quarter section, and as contiguous as may be, shall be, and aro hereby, granted to said State for the support of common schools. Sec. 4. That fifty entire sections of the unappropriated public lands within said State, to be selected and located by direction of the Legislature thereof on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-fivshall be, and they are hereby, granted in legal subdivisions of not less than one hundred a id sixty acres to said Siate for the purpose of erecting public buildings at the Capital of said State, for Legislative and Judicial purposes, in such manner as the - , , g ('fti-to- d. na-liv- a - v 57-- 5 tf , . to-da- OLIAM Ml , 500 Pieces ruts Lawn, Percales, ChamforaTs, - Empress Clotli, Merinos, : - Scotch Ginghams, Alpacas, Armures, Wool y x. Dc-Lain- cs. sub-divisio- - &rair, Panaitia and Hllh Hats and Caps. e, HOSilS! COTTON -- srhalt prescribe. Sec. 5. That fifty other entire sections of land as aforesaid, to bo selected and o Ladies' Trimmed located as aforesaid, in legal as aforesaid, shall be, and they are hereby, granted to said Stat3 for the purpose of erecting a su'table buildinc for a penitentiary or State prison in the THAW manner aforesaid. . .. Sec. G. That seventy-twother sec tions of land shall be Bet apart and re served for the use and support of a State University, to be selected in manner as aforesaid, and to be appropriated and applied as the Legislature of said State may prescribe ; for the purpose named, and for no other purpose. ; bee. i. That five per centum of the proceeds of tho sales of all public lands lying within said State which shall be sold by the United States subsequent to tne admission or the State into the Un ion, after deducting all the expenses in cident to the same, shall be piud to the said State for the purpose of making anu improving publio roads, construct-inditches or canals, or to effect a general system of irrigation of the agricultural land in the State, as the Legislature shall direct. ', ; ...,. Sec. 8. That from and after of the said State of Deseret into the Union, in pursuance of this act, the laws of the United States not locally inapplicable shall have the same farce and effect within the said State as elsewhere within the United States, and said State shall constitute one judicial district, and be called the district of Deseret. GO ODS. o . 200 SUI TS - OF GENTS' . springs summer Clothing. g A Large Stock of GentsVXadics' anJ Children's n s SHOE 8 Of all kinds. . . NEW BRANDS OF Tweeds,;; Cottonades, Crime in Salt take. s be-rea- 0(IDiCITY. Child's Hall. The spiral stair case Legislature leading to Child's Hall is an improvement to one of the best public halls in the city. C. Williamsons brush added to the beautiful finishing of which gives SATURDAY, 11. an cntranco by way of Main Street. The Viels&itudcs or an UnNo Last Theatre. longer is there any need of going night, considering certain Liiie. the many outside attractions," in the by the back way. Edwin James, a barrister of mark way of parties, there was a good house Stinger & Co's Sitper. About ten cd ability, was,- by a decree of the at the Theatre. The playing was excel lent and the comicalities of Mr. Y. Mar select couple'sat at supper last night at English Bench, expelled from the and Mr. J. C. Graham kept the the restaurant of Stinger & Co., during bar iu 1801, 7 on account of derclic gctts audience convulsed jvjtli laughter for a the recess of tho Ogden Social party, tion of duty as a member of the pro for the enjoyment of a repast.. Stinger good two hours or so. I'offciou. He became implicated in This evening t here is an entire change & Co., and the ladies who assist them disgraceful afliliatioiis with certain in the programme. "It is positively the in the culinary department, are splendid caterers to epicurean tastes. All litigants who were endeavoring to de- last night of this deservedly popular as they must appear in Salt say so. prive, by fraudulent means, infant troupe, on Monday evening. We would Willard Literary IssTiruTios.-r-A- n heirs to a largo estate. Even the Lake advise everybody by all means to attend., association was organized last night at crime of forgery was charged against as a more legitimate entertainment is with the laudable purpose of Willard, him, although the accusation has seldom offered the'Ogden public. Mr promoting intellectual culture and adnever, been fully sustained. lie came 1 Margetts will appear as Toodles and vancing educational interests. 0. W. to the United States' and made appli Taraxicum and Mr. Graham Ward was elected President, Charles cation for admission' to the bar of will sustain tho excenlric role of Rodney Wright, Vice President, Abraham Zun- farce of New .York, which was granted under Ilicketts, in the del, Secretary, and John I Wood Treas'Hit Ilim ha has no Friends," both urer." An Executivo Committee was pretest. His character was exposed comedians being ably; supported by appointed to prepare an order of exerto severe criticisms, and ho was sub from the Salt Lake prominent artistes cises, aud requested to report on Friday " ' ? jetted to the objurgations of all who Theatre. ' ' next. Lectures on literary and scienf j paid any regard to the dignity of the tific subjects will be given during the Pried l'eaclics. A largs mmntity of dried loaches. irod or nn American bar. On ono occasion, wc pared, wtutd Uuuiediatoly, at X. C. M. I ,0,lon winter season. ' A reading room will also bJicvc it was when the anniversary bo formed in connection with the Instiof the early settlement of 3Janhattan Complimentary Last, Nioiit. The tute, where periodicals and journals celebrated, in .accordance with dance give by the Ogdcn Social Club from nil parts of the country will be ' last evening, as a compliment to Mr. placed on file. the customs of the exclusive and Jas. W. Young, was decidedly successful. scions of the KnickerbockAbout fifty couple engaged iu the festivOat Huktebs. The Nimrods posi er founders of the principal city in ities of the occasion, which was made tively deny any insinuation that they the Union, James entered the hall, interesting by the presence of a select did not get that sage hen by fair means. in which were assembled the leading company of ladies and gentlemen. The We cannot say, but a farmer gently Mr. James of the by' his ensupper,, prepared Shively, intimates that their intent was unques personages city. Upon trance with a frieud, who tendered at his popular hotel, could not be sur tionably foul. him an invitation, Van Buren, Iloff-uu:- i, passed. It was sumptuous, and the ta bles fairly groaned under the burden of MisiiAr. A young lady in crossing and others who were prcseut, delicacies and comfits which were spread the U. C. track this morning tripped proposed to retire, if Mr. James was with great prodigality. The next party, against a stone, which was covered with permitted to take a tnat anion? ecu-- t we understand, will bo given . on the snow, nd fell, her head striking a rail. lemon who disclaimed any acquain- 22d of February. That is a long time to Several gallant gentlemen came lo her relief and picked her up. A little blood tance with one who was stigmatized wait, gentlemen. :is a criminal. Mr. James was discomChildren Cry lor McT.nin'H letting from the forehead was all the CiuhIUhI r Oil and Candied Vormiliige Kon- fited and made a sudden exit. I lis ca- uoim. iney aro no nr ion 9 moiliciucn and war- damage that was done. We heard the ranted liaimk-sH- . Price 25 reer was a failure, notwithstanding 7,. C. M. I. auil all tlminis. couts. For sale liy gallants say that they would willingly see such accidents every day. his admitted abilities and undeniable Ikaiio Itkjjs. Among the bills passed legal and literary attainments. rceutly by the Idaho legislature, the The Old, Old Story Again. :We informed that Edwin tire r with interest by fallowing will A Boston rarer tells the cheerful stnrw dames has now returned to his e many of our readers: j of who- stepped into- a l.oroo a rhvsician . I to v. ,U town 31, the of incorporate it land, and has applied for reinthe car other and after day, using his Frnuklin, in Oneida county. . statement. Spurned by the people nostrils a moment or two, exclaimed in By Mr. Hatch, H ,11 Go. authorizing avoice loud enoucrh for all nassanprs in among whom he had cast his tortunes the county commissioners of Oneida this in car has got hear, "Somebody in the hour of adversity, he Becks' a county to bridge Cub river. me smau pox. lean smell it. Those who afraid of it had better tret out." return to tho favors and position CSrent ICetliiefioii in Price With areone exception the passeutrera Of all Suinnifr Z.C.M.I.OxdeiiDraach. Uinl;t which he once occupied' in his own moved out speedily. ., The exception was a middle-oge- d A Stciest of Fowlkr. Mr. W, country. As. a melancholy commenwho had a large bundle in her woman ' tary upon the insecure tenure of Critchlow, last night gave an interest- Ian, The phvsician asked her what tho lecture at Mound Fort on phrenology. package contained, and she told him it place and position, the life of Edwin ing U examined several persons i"n accord- was none of his business. He made it James presents an example which is ance with ruled and satis- his business to investigate, however, and found that the bundle contained not often brought to public attention, fied all whophrenological were present, with an analy- the corpse of a young, chili that had have occupied an sis of their different temperaments lie, might died of the small-poside-splittin- Mr. Hooper's Amendment. ! Jeans, Captain Burt nresenfed In (U Tlin Council on Tuesday night, the followiug increased list ot arrests lor criminal of--, fences, for the year 1872; and .reported that the .indications were that there would be a still greater number of offences against the law in 1873, owing, no doubt, to the largely, increased number of transients, necessitating increased jail accommodation; Tickings, Denims. Arson, I; threatening arson, !; assault and abusing, 51; assault and battery, IOC; assault with deadly weapons. 17; assault with intent to commit ' bodily injury, 2; burgary, S; contempt of court 5; cruelty to unimals, 2; passing coun- A Car JLoad of terfeit money, 2; Domestics, Stripes, JUST RECEIVED, mr f T 1 tUUKI m distuning the peace, drunkenness, 388; drunk and the peace. 140: escaped 'from jail, 1; fighting, 100; discharging fire arms, u; iorgpry, i; obtaining goods under false pretences, 14; furious riding and driving, 12; keeping gambling houses, 13; gambling,-forty- ; keeping houses of illfame, 29; insanity, 4; insulting ladies, G; indecent, exposure, 10; profaue language, 22; insulting language 5; grand larceny, ; petit' larceny, 00; keeping saloon without liceuse. 110; carrying on business without license. 40; iri dis-turbi- ; im mm v AND FURNISHINGS. Louis Iron. . 7: Locks, Harness Trimmings, - Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. s . lacivious cohabitation,. Go; .14 murder, attempted murder, 2;, nuisance, 4; A FULL STOCK OF prostitution, 20: perjury, 1; personating an officer, 1; attempted rape. 2; receiving stolen goods, 3; resistiug an officer, 23; robbery, 11; Sunday liquor Etc., Etc. ,i j selling, 24; obstructing the streets, 3; 0 swindling, 6; riding on the sidewahs, 5; Air Orders addressed to D. II. rEER, threatening, 20; vagrancy, 24. This makes a total of 1,481 arrests for Ogdcn Cily, will have prompt the year. t , ,i attention. There was paid for fines, durin the year: cash, $13,537.75; labor. $3,542; 2; ; ; GftOCEBIES, , , , i , - total, $17,079.75. And $11,800 was as sessed in fines which remain the cases bcin carried to higher unpaid, courts. 5- L, II (raid. - II. B. CLA TVSON, ' tiupcritUaiiititi, .I.1''-. ' . . j |