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Show which shall be by him consigned to an agent for sale, or" when appraisers shall be of the opinion that the invoice of any goods, wares or merchandize, imported does not correspond with the market value of such goods in the principal markets of the country, the exportation although such invoices may state a lower cost of such goods, it shall be the duty of the collector to ascertain the actual market value of such goods in. tho principal markets of the country at the time of shipment, and assess tbe duties where they But iu accordingly. have no market value, the dutiable value shall bo fixed by reference to the cost thereof. To producers or manufacturers, or by reference U the cost in the principal markets of goods most, similar thereto, there shall be a.lded to the value aa ascertained the usual amount for profit, and also the cost and charges. The dutiab e valuo is to be ascertained by the proper officers of customs. Geo. II. Boutwell. (Signed) Washington, 12. Several private bills were disposed of, and the House in committee of the whole took up the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill; the pending question bring the amendment offered by Smith of New York, yester day, forbidding the payment of judg ments of the court of claims for cotton capturud before July, ISGj, except special appropriations are made for them. Gat field replied to Smith's speech yesterday, repelling the idea that any judgments had been paid by Die Secre tary of tbe Treasury, except in compli ance with law. He cited tbe unanimons decision of the Supreme Couit, to the effect that the receipt of a pardon relieved a claimant from all difficulties in BY TELEGRAPH. Fpe. ial to tlia Oudk Jujctiow by th Atlantic and I'aeifle Tlegraph Company. Trains snowed Tip Wisconsin! " in in Maine! Earthquake ! The Jews in Rouinania! ces The Deceased Emperor Lying in State! . Prodeed-ings- ! Congressional AMERICA. Milwaukee, 12. Iowa from division of the tbe Ilcporl Milwaukee and St. Taut railroad My tlmt sleighs have eucceeded in reaching t lie train snow bound between Conover ' BiidHidgeway and have rescued the p.mengcrs. Superintendent Prior telegraphs that 'there are eight freight traim snow bound between McGregor The snow i packed so tight that snow plows have no effect on it aud it will have to be shoveled out. All that can be seen of some trains is hc top of a brake just protruding above the snow, and nothing but the top if the smoke stack of nn engine marks tbe whereabouts of others. The and ranges between twent twenty-fiv- e degre s below zero aud the wind blowing a perfect gale. The drivers who drove tbe team of relief were bad- regard to loyalty that whenever the ly frozen. United States Government holds proper which it has forcibly seized, it holds 'Minneapolis, 12. ty The storm on the St. Paul and Pacific it only Qs trustee and mu.t restore it. T'.ailroad, was the severest ever known. Smith did not ask t bo House to throw At a elation called Kirk Haven there itself in the teeth of decisions of the were several farmers in town, and when Supremo Court, but, if the Supreme tbe storm first burst upon them they Court was of opimou that disloyal claim I"ft for home with their teams and very ants like Love, of Goorgia, who was a tew have been heard from. One wagon .confederate loan comrnissioae' , who had was found containing Mm. Saland and a already recovered $474,000, and Lamar, boy frozen to death. Many teams of of Savannah, were to be paid, be subbwtU oxen and horses were found frozen mitted that at least it should be on the in drifts and the fate of their owners is report of those judgments to Congress ufiknawn. so that Congress and the country should New Orleans, 12. know. In the McArdle case. Congress Tbe fusion Legislature fully organ- had deprived the Supreme Court of juize! yesterday. Six Scnaters from risdiction. He adnion shed Congress, Pinchbeck's Legislature, appeared and (he Supreme Court and the Adtninislra look seats, an event which creates a tion that the people were behind th'm. lively stir in political circles. The' A- determined that the loyal people should ltruists assert that other Senators will bo raid first. The discussion was con to day, probably tinued at length by a large number of itjsert , Pinchbeck the breaking up quorum. The seceding members, and the amendment was fi Senatoii publish an address to the peo- nally rejected, there being only thirty ple, giving athcir reasons for the eight affirmative votes. llandali moved an amendment provid arbitrary pawers in organizing n Legislature by unseating members tout no money be paid to any rail ing wio are well known to be legally elect road company for transportation of mails V I, and putting defeated caudidates in or troops while said company was in de heir places, and in bribing the return- fault for interest on bonds iseued by ing board with fat offices to make false Government. election returns in order to secure the ' Sergeant made a point of order that election of Kellog to the United Slates there was nothing in the bill to which the provision could apply. The chair Boston, 12. man sustained tbe point of order and At Showhegan, Maine this morning, excluded the amendment. Subsequent tbe thermometer was thirty below zero. ly natulan found an item for continA elight shock of earthquake was felt at gencies in the War Department and the Itrunswick, Maine, this morning at five point of order against it was over o'clock. ruled. Holman moved to amend the amend Joseph A. Whitman, a lawyer, is under arrest charged with forging a mort- nient by repealing the law under which gage note for ten thousand dollars; and the Pacific Railroad Companies were re(.tiering the same. TLe accused is al- lieved from the necessity of allowing leged to be implicated with Chavles cuarges against tho Government for Canada, on charges of fraudulent trans- transportation te be withheld from the actions. amount of interest paid by Government Dcuths for the week, 207; fifty-sion bonds given or loaned to the com liom small pox. panies. Virginia City, 12. Sargent made a point of order azoinst II. L Robey shot Wni. Is'cv-- n Holmun's amendment, aud it was ruled mie in the left leg, shattering the knee out of order. e joint and large bone of the leg. Holman appealed, but the decision had just stepped out on 0 strait was sustained by a large majority. from the barber shop when Uobey tired Sargent opposed Randall's amend with a shot gun without- u word passing ment, and argued that even if it were between them. The cause ii the shoot- adopted it would only .be applicable to ing is said to be family affairs. Robey an item or ij12,000, to which it was atwas examined before Judge Marple tached, and would not be otherwise and committed to the county jail in lt binding on the executive. He denied of twenty-fiv- e hundred dollars bail, that the legislation which relieved the rsewsome's log will probably have to iaoifio Railroad Companies was trot be amputate I. through in a surreptitious manner, as San Francisco, 12. charged by Randall. Holmnn declared The steamer "CoMafiica" arrived Ibis that the section referred to had been a ternoon in tow of the "Constitution." read in tho House to day for the first At midnight Dec. 20, she b eke her lime, and that the House had known t runk pin, and, on the following day set nothing whatever about it. Fvcrv dol iiiil for MantauiHo. She arrived there lar withheld from the Treasury under it lccemb.tr 23d. On January 1st sighted had been wrongfully withheld. Instead tlie "Constitution" which came along- of repculing it indirectly, .it should bt side, and on January 2d took on board rep aled by a direct provision of law. t ho 'CMta Ilica's" passengers and bg-ig- e blotting it out of the statute book as a and sailed for this port with all on mensure which was never put there Wild. r ghtfully. Beck, whose name had been Salinas City, 12. mentioned in connection rr'.tu the names V'e had a heavy rain farmers of Dickey and Logan as a committee of are puehing ahead with all speed. conference, through which the section referred to became law, he said he did Stockton, 11. The new steamer Hattie," built in not recollect having signed a conference tUMp!acc, left fur San Francisco this report, but expressed the opinion that evening wit ioQ tons of wheat owned by uie sectiou oomplaiued of was only curPel era & Sttwart. rying out the plain provisions of the law About" $o00,000 have already been organizing the Pacifio Railroad ConiDa subscribed to the Stockton k Visalia nies. He suggested that the discussion :u i row ruage railroad. . go over for the present, and he should A ring has been. formed by a few be able to look into the matter. The butibcra of this place for the purpose of suggestion was concurred in, and the committee arose aud adjourned. cumroiucg toe meat market. :; The diplomatic correspondence accom Washington, .11. The following instructions have been panying tlie President a message is pub for the guidance of the officer of lished. It appeals to our Government vu I.W8 at various parts of the United to instruct our Ministers to ask the Gov n'f; Whenever any goods, wrra, or ernment oiheers of all European powers sliaU be imported by for the protection of Jews from outrages T.aimiacturoje or producer tUsregf, or and persecution n (loumanja. U is and Austin. , ther-jnotuet- er x To-da- y New-rfom- - de-liu- . ,. , to-da- y; . i - officially represented that the ill treatment is not conuected with the religious question, but that it concerns labor, and that the Roumanian Government nnas u difficult to preserve pifblic tranquility, and at the same time satisfy public opinion. The Roumanian people call on the government to prevent the country from being overrun by Jqws, and tbe authorities are afraid to do so through fear f offending the tolerant spirit of Europe. Tbe country consequently is in constant agitation, which serves the aims of those desiring to render stable government impossible, and thus facili tatcs the absorption of Roumania by neighboring powerful States. Our Consul, at Bucharest expresses a hope for the early attainment of the resul's desired by our Government, through the action of other powers directly partaking of tbe political control of Rouinania. ,. .The committee on elections examined a number of witnesses iu the Caldwell senatorial bribery case. It appears evident from the testimony that money was freely used to secure Caldwell's election, but not, so far as testified, through the d rect agency of Caldwell. The price of votes, it appears, varied from 800 dollars to 2,000 dollars. The amendment to tho Indian Appropriation bill which passed tbe Senate yesterday, providing for the appointment of five inspectors with extraordinary powers, has a deeper meaning thanappears. It is considered that the practical effect, if the amendment becomes a law, will be the aboltion of the Indian Peace Commission. The inspectors will have all powers that the Peace Commission now have without apparent autagonisin. New York, 12. United States the of Judge Benedict, District Court, day before yesterday, in the case of the brig "Monte Cristo," confiscated by the Government, decided that the claims against the vessel for the informers and other fees can be paid from the registry of that court instead of waiting to receive them through the Treasury department at Washington. This decision will facilitate the reception of dues very materially, saving months of delay. Thomas C. Durant and Mr. Crane, and of the Union Pacific R. R. company, have been summsned before the Credit Mobilier iuvestigating committee. Clias. II. Nelto Congressman Brooks, son, and C. K. Garrisen, of California, residing in this city, have been also subpecn-cDurant has commenced suit against James Brooks and Oakes Ames to recover Credit Mobilier shares alleged to have been fraudulently obtained or unlawfully appropriated. The suit against Amei is said to be based upon the of members of Congress and others that they never received any shares, while directors declare that Ames represented that he made such distribution. The specie shipment for the week is $2,005,233. At St. Marysville, N. Y., last night, Mrs. Otis Crane and three children were killed by a falling tree. The Sheriff denies the report that an attachment has been placed in bis hinds to seizo the effects of the St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Co. in son-in-la- w d. this city. The manufacturers of American cut nails and spikes, of the Atlantic States, at a special meeting here yesterday decided to reduce the wholesale prices 50c per keg. y is one of the coldest of the season. A Washington special says the Senate Finance Committee has decided that Secretary Boutwell has no authority for issuing any portion of the forty-fou- r millions of legal tenders which he claims as a reserve fund. This leaves the Treasury with but four and a half millions of available currency. The Secretary says if Congress endorses the action of the Finance Committee, it will o .use a contraction, as the Treasury will be compelled to keep a much larger currency balance on hand than at present. Philadelphia, 14. Eight boys escaped from the house of refuge Saturday night. The old library was removed this morning from Independence Hall to the vestibule where it will stand in the fu ture. Thirteen strokes of the old bell were given to commemorate the change of location. To-da- . By Dasorot Telegraph. ' St. George. 13. Young. A. F. MacDon-ald- , Elders Js?. W. E. F Sheets and A. M. Musser, have just returned from a missionary and busiuess tour to Pine Valley, Fort Ilnmblin, Hebr.n, Clover, Panacea and Piocbe. Interesting meetings were held all the places except the latter. Weather clear and warni. - FORMS. London, 12. : Sample of California --- es-io- n lS.tiK..(; s. - To-day- 's to-da- y j out-hous- . f e. . to-d- aj FOR SALE, CHEAP. doulilo-roiime- d state. Paris, 13 Some of the journalists of this city, M. D. HAMMOND, JIain Street, Ogden, especially those connected with the Francais and the Eveneroent, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT will probably attempt a demonstration AND WAGON WAREHOUSE. on the day of Napole;n's funeral. The police are instructed to carefully watch TI1K for, and instautly check, any illegal manifestations. Le Temps states that Marshal Canrobert and ien Frossard are the only army officers of high, rank who have applied for permission to the funeral. It is not probable that funeral services will be held in Taris. Feed Molasses, Mills, Corn Shellers, Le Bien pubbcly denounces the assumpGrinderi, Cutters, Mills, Fanning tion of the title of Napoleon Fourth, by Emery A large quantity of the Prince Imperial, as illegal and inoffensive. The news of Napoleon's death caused no excitement, in Corsica. The and Fittings of every kind. family mansion of the Bonapartes, in zijutciu, is urapeu in mourning. ue FAR-FAME- D SCHTJTTLER WAGON at-teu- d Sulky Horso Rakes, Buckeye Reapers and Mowers, WAGON TIMBER 47-- tf Berlin, 13. W. rjSARCB. It. J. FOWtRB. The Prussian Cross Gazette, contains a bitter article against Eng& land. It considers Ihe invasion of Khiva by the Russian troops, the negotiations & of Prussia with Portugal for the acquisition of the bay of Goo, and the meaMACHINE SHOP sures taken by the United States in reto "as the Sandwich Islands, gard 'so many ni'acks oo the prestige of England. The article alludes to Russia Black- Makiuff and the United States in 8 brunches. iu rll complimentary Smilhillg terms, and intimates that those powers Office and Forge 1J Blocks gautU of tb combined with Germany might divide Utah Hotel. the world betweeu them. i to-da- y, PEARCE "The remains of the late Emperor hav been placed in a coffin, the corpse is dressed in the uniform of a Field Marshal, the upper lip is bare, the moustache having been cut off to facilitate the taking of the plaster cast. The beard which remains is brown and bushy, the features stern and careworn and have theexpi of pair.The'grand Cordon of the Legion of Honor lies across his breast. The hands, which are are disposed of in an easy and natural manner, tho right clasping the If Adam is accountable for "conleft, on the fourth finger of the left hand his ring with several diamonds is placed sequential damages," he will have a there by the Empress, a is also, a email rough tiuio of U, . 1 rluic mill silver cross of exquisite workmanship "IIIIUII, on the and his on breast, which lies of holly. The town has been very cjuiot all corpse are placed three sprigs violets is susof Over the head a crown coffin is the day after the exciting scenes of lat pended, at the foot of the Emnight. The body of the niuidorer brass camp bedstead ou which the the at side either McCrory, niter hanging an hour anj peror died. Seated on a and a is coffin the of priest a half, . was removed to an underta-Uerlower end of the room, At one o'clock to day it was religeiise. The furniture as well as the whole mansion, is unosia a coflin and taken to the tentatious. The body will lie in slate on placed in a job wagon, without a Tuesday in the entrance hall of the chap- Cemetery to admitted el. The public will not be single follower,- except the sexton Ceremonies will pro- and driver. view the remains. A subscription was bably begin about noon on Wednesday. on taken the street to defray up The Empress is overwhelmed with sorrow. Her prostration is so great as to The funeral of Allen, the' murderalarm her attendants. The Prince Imperial does all in his ed man, took place at four o'clock The Empress followed to the power to comfort her. grave by a very hir.i from condolence of has received letters of the town, notwithstanding0 tho Emperor of Russia and King of portion aud mud the rain. and Italv. Although none but relations developments show tkt intimate friends of the deceased arc ad mitted. Chiselhurst is crowded with visi Allen had been his murderer's mut tors. Priucess Mathilda Rouher Pietre intimate friend, loaning liiui'niouey and Doctors Conneau andCervisart were and him on the very making presents present, Father Goddard attemptedfeel-to tbe of day tragedy, having given hiui preach, but was overcome by his 100 but the alow hours before the leave pulpit. ings and compelled to at Chiselhurst shooting. There was not the slightBvncdetti arrived M. and was received by the Empress. est provocation fur the murder. Olliver and Marshal McMabon are expectwas abusing a third partj ed here to morrow. Princess Murat and McCrory in Allen's saloon when the latter enSuite arrived this alternoon. ureal numbers of people from' France are ex- tered from the. rear door, ;uid, accost pected to come to the funeral, South. ing McCrory, asked what was the Eastern and Northern railways of matter. McCrory answered, "I would Fiance have reduced the rates of fare as soon shoot, yt'u as any otio for tbe poorer classes who are atteuding just the funeral. It is reported that the else," aud opened fire on him with a Prince Imperial has already assumed navy revolver in each hand. Alleu the tide of Napoleon IV. The report is, threw up his hands after the first doubtless, incorrect, but it is true that shot, exclaiming, UI am unarmed : the Prince is now addressed as Pire by for Hod's sake, don't kill me." Mc Tho ini- all the visitors at Chiselhurst. fired again, one shot penetratEmCrory that is the gaining ground pression peror died from the effects of chloro- ing the chest aud uiie going through form administered to assuage pniu. the skull, making a wound from Madrid, 13. which the brains oozed out. AUm Additional reinforcements for the army then sank in a sitting posture agaiut-- t of Cuba have sailed. tho A manifesto 'numerously couuter, with his head resting signed has his breast, insensible; but the the on reforms proposed appeared against in Porto Rico. It advocates the gradual murderer, not yet satisfied with hit abolition of slavery, and strongly opbloody work, fired another shot, into poses the policy of the government in his victim's abdomen, and then coolregard to the Antilles. walked out of the back door and ly Rome, 13. The Pope gave an audience to a large took refuge iu a sxiall group of visitors from abroad; among When taken from his cell bv the whom were several German ecclesiastics. lgilantcs, the murderer showed He addressed the latter, complaining of the treatment the church received at fight, but a rope was instantly throw u the hands of the European powers, and over Ins neek and he was dragged to ended as follows: The Governments the scene of his execution. The strike at the church, which is stricken Vigilantes were composed of .the best as Christ was struck. It is the duty cf ' in the men men who, community the Governments to defend the church, ) of the wearied whereas they rather seek to destroy it, uncertainty of tint, and with it morality. law, were determined to mete out .... London,' 13.' justice themselves. McCrory had The uniform of Field Marshal, which been previously acquitted of two or clothes the remains of Napoleon, is the three cowardly murders, aud would same worn by him at Sedan. The body lies in state from noon to 4 probably have been again turned p. m. The condition of the Empress is loose in our midst . such that she is unable to attend the fuThere is but one expression neral. A strong detachment of Metro- in regard to last night's proceedings politan police is sent to Chiselhurst to it meets with unanimous approval. preserve order to morrow and WednesA determination is expressed to keep when the crowd of spectators is exday, it be to immense. Emil Ollivier pected up as long as murderers are allowand Cardinal Lucien Bonaparte arrived ed to escape through the meshes uf at Chiselhurst yesterday evening. Dep- the law. utations from the city of Bashia and Ajaccio are on the way to attend the fur neral. A political conference will be helJ at Chiselhurst, on Thursday, when the expediency of a formal proclamation ABOUT 110 ACRES OF LAND, compluto, ' acrns foiiced, and uikIit from the Empress and the status of the A good Orchard in benritg condign; Prince Imperial will be considered. It cultivation. betwdon three and four acre oniinciitlY adntel is thought Prince Napoleon is opposed fur a vineyard. AUo a II0USK, to ihe views of the and the Granary, StiiLle and other improvement. extreme Bouapartists, in regard to the To be sold cu tire or in part to suit purchaser!. For particulars apply to future position of the Prince Imperial. Mm THOS. READ, Hooper City, Arraneements have been made for the admission of 200 persons hourly, to view the remains of Napoleon while lying in ... Horse FOWLER, Cattle Doctors, SHOEING FORGE, Jloller 1 VForK nd done cheaply and thoroughly. Mek Animals mkilfullj treated, |