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Show Francis I. Illnlr of Miwwonri Repudiated. the rich ei t and most populous city of the Mississippi valley, he was universally known as an enterprising and energetic citizen, and through his instrumentality the railroad system of the State has been established, so that St. Louis has in reality become the centre of rail communications between the two oceans that form the boundaries of our domain. Blair's difeat gives evidence of the determination of the Democratic party to maintain its organization intact, and it cannot be otherwiso construed than as a penalty for his departure from the traditional customs of the party of which he is an ornament. He has shared the fate of his predecessors, who have cut loose from the tyrannical rule of party. However, his name is enshriued iu the hearts of all who respect manliness in the advocacy of an incorruptible administration of public affairs, and independence in the vindication of justice and the maintenance of constitutional rights. We reiterate, that the loss of Blair's services in the councils of the nation will be deeply felt by the country that he has defended in the field and iu the forum. , r The defeat of Francis P. Blair as fvuator from Missouri, is an eyent of National importance. We wight The country hay it is a calamity has few meti of the nerve and stamina of Blair; few men who have shown t lie moral courage and disinterested patriotism which have distinguished his political career. In this sense, we look upon his retirement from the national councils with regret. The main cause of Blair's deposal, we attribute to his. industrious exertions in securing the nomination of Horace Greeley, at Cincinnati. As an influential member and leader of the Democratic party r he showed a lack of judgment in using his influence to break up its organizition. Ife left his seat in the Senate to inaugurate tho coalition movement, which terminated disastrously. Mr. (Ireeley, the illustrious leader of a forlorn hope, has gone to his grave, hcart-brokeThe most eminent and honored statesmen who wpouscd his cause, have met with untimely and there lingers in the of all w ho cherish the recollections connected with the name of a d party, a feeling of toward the abettors of its disruption. ; Mr. Blair, has been censured for the course ho pursued in discarding his party allegiance. If he has been guilty of dereliction of duty to his associates, he has not covered from the lofty sentiments which animated him in opposiug. centralization and usurpation of authority. A truer advocate of the sovereignty of the States, and a firmer opponent to the invasion of the rights of the Ter ritories,' as guaranteed by the Con nitution, has never occupied a seat in the august body from which he will withdraw at the end of the present session. Louis V. Bogy has been nominated by. the Democratic legislative caucus as successor to Blair in the United States Senate. His election is assured, as his party friends have an immense majority iu the Legislau. bo-po- m .; ture. -- Tbii erening "th man with the nnprononncable name," aa par local advertisement in the Jbnction, will open a new saloon under Graves' building on the new Oroesbeck block, Salt Lake citj. ' The individual in question is no less a person ilian Ouiseppe Guilielmus Jacopo Dernadetti Rosini Mateo Iticfirdo Fusilini Scrrio Beerino Ilotspicealo Coffefordeoreriio Sangiov-annwell known to all frequenters of Tbii. Margett'a select saloon. Sangio that's his name slightly abbreviated is starting on his own mug hook we mean and will oe doubt drive a flowing business in the'Groesbeck basement. a, U. N. It. U. Bishop M. W. at Thatcher, Esq., and Merrill arrived M. to-da- y from Cache valley. They called to see us this afternoon and reported the Utah Northern in running order to Mcndon. The gr iding is completed to Logan, the track is laid for a considerable distance east of Meudon, and in ten days will be finished to Logan. If the company will then go ahead and connect Ogden, we will say they have done the piop.r ihing, r Sec G. Whitehead' Advertisement. !My Re-Iin- g AGKi).--M- W. S.Cogeswell is r. en- Having in unguarded moments made statements concerning Dr. P. L. Anderson, of this city, not warranted by the facts, I d horeby offer an apology to the Doctor, aud make a true explanation of the case. Mr. Fr6dsbam, a and respected citizen, having died rather suddenly, and having received some attention from Dr. P. L. Anderson, 1 stated that I believed the Doctor's medi cine killed him. This statement was made in haste and without- due reflection, and as I have since become con well-know- n - and had no for making it, I hereby just grounds apologize to Dr. P. L. Anderson for the misrepresentation, and publicly declare that the Dr. was not at all to blame in the matter, but on tho, contrary did all that was possible under the circumstances; Mr. Frodsharn refusing to take the medicines he prescribed; the deceased only took a few doses of any of the med icines, and they were harmless. The particular medicine which 1 thought was poisonous he did not take any ot All of the medicines were compounded by a competent druggist of this city, and did not contain such ingredients as I thought and represented. I am sincerely sorry for any injury I may have occasioned Dr. P. L. Anderson, and am now certain it was undeserved. V. E. Boesskl. vinced that I whs mistiikcn d90s3-o- t gaged as leading actor at the Salt Lake Ogden, Jan. G, 1873. theatre and will soon reappear on the Ogden, Jan. C, 1873. boards of that establishment where he will En. Ogden Junction: doubtless be received with welcome and Dear Sir I wish to state to the citiapplause, as ha is a genuine artist and zens of Ogden and vicinity that I araper-fectl- y made & very favorable impression dursatisfied with the treatment my ing his former short stay at Salt Lake. husband received from the hands of Dr, We learn from the S. P. L. Anderson. The roports that have L. Herald of this morning, that Wm. been in circulation are entirely false Brannan, who escaped from the road and undeserved. dU0s3-5- t gang of prisoners, has been Amelia M. Frodsiiam. lie stole a. horse and struck into the A mountains, but was caught on his way to Kcho, about two o'clock on Friday. His Booker C. Murphy, a well known feet were badly frozen. He is now in Working Xoblcman. incidents of the late Fifth Avenue Hotel fire, was one of no little interest to those wM are acquainted with the character and reputation of the Earl of Caithness. He and his Countess, who is more familiarly known as Lady Fanny Sinclair, were guests at the Hotel during the conflagration which was so disastrous In property and life. These notables had been in the city of New York, for nearly two months and fouud ample opportunity for bcholdiug the grandeur of America's magnificent metropolis, and enjoying its princely hospitality. When the fire broke out, the Earl took off his coat, and became an active assistant to the firemen. He was assiduous in his efforts to save tho place in which he was sojourning, and his visit to our country will be ever remembered by him as a witness 'of one of the most tragic scenes that has come under his observation during a long and useful life. ; The Earl of Caithness is a Scotchman and a nobleman, who has contributed largely to the advancement of science. He has been a patron of every enterprise that looked to the elevation of tho ncchanics of 'Great Britain. For twenty years he has devoted himself to the improvement of agricultural machinery, and his invention of farming implements has added to, the facilities of his countrymen iu tilling the earth. His visit to the United States was for the pur poso of examining our foundries and machiue shops. He expressed amaze ment at their magnitude and diversity. JVrhaps his experience at the Fifth Avenue Hotel may also be instructive, as illustrating the recklessness of our people in exposing life and property to destruction, by tho erection of ginger-brea- d palaces. .';. Stove! Move! Jut receiT&l, two car loaiU of new coal stove 72-t- f Z.C. M.I., Os'Wn Urauch. Among the Col. Bogy is a native of St. Louis. This is the first instance in which cnc. who was born on Missouri soil has been invested with senatorial dignity. He is iu tho prime of life, and for thirty years has been an active participant iu the political contests which have agitated that State. For a long period he was a member of the Legislature, and an eloquent exponent of the "doctrine of the States Bight's wing of the old party to whom he .is indebted for his election. At the time that Benton was a candidate for the House of Representatives, after his ejection from the Senate by his constituent?, Col. Bogy An Apolosji : :t To-Nio- ht. time-honore- A TUESDAY; 14. , s, f if point it along. i.i Fact. Look out for the school-ta- x collectors; they are looking after you they'll get you, too, or yi;r money whichever you please, my little dear. TiroGRArmcAL. The following has beeu hauded in for publication. Salt Lakk Citt, Jan. 13, 1873. EJitorg Herald: At the election of Deseret half-yearl- y Edwardsvillc and consulted with G. B. Burnett, attorney, who advised him to surrender himself to the Sheriff, which Lee did. A Coroner's jury was summoned, at which the following facts were developed : Christmas morning, Murphy, with a number of hired hands in his employ, drove to a saloon in the neighborhood, to reach which they had to pass the residence of Lee. At this saloon Murphy drank quite freely, and while there some persons told him something that a man named repair. or ImTissrrcTlioH, ljs!;oit,i;i nelie. l'aiu in tin' Shouiilen, Coughs, I'or 1 son-in-lu- ; i , : v.'-Wne- ! In vor.n? For lihciiitiHi im itn:l lirisnic liin-,ntiinuti-- lUul Gout, Dyspepsia or Judiestion, Itiiious, Heniitlent and l'Veer. ies of ih'j Itloo l. jvf, Kidiicy.i liladder, tir;se Ui'.terj hae. been iiud sneeessinl. Sneh lii.'asi.s ar eaused Py iliated liiood. v hicli h pre.d'neul by der unrenient of the Digestive Oran.'.. Inter-initiei- Iti-ii- ,' 1 1 For Skin JDiciM's, Salt HlK Pustules, il I Kruptions, 'J'et-1'- iini, l.Pitciies, Spots, I'miples, lioils, Carliuneks, fkire Kyes, Krysipebs, lteli! DLscoloratious of tho kni. Huiuoh svurf, aud Disea-s-e of tiic Skin, of whaiever naun! or nature, are. literally cIuk up and carried out of the system in :i tdiort time by the use f these Bitters, ono bottle in siith cas''s vill eonvince the most iucreduloua of tafir curative ctfwtH. St ;dd-llea- C IS. II. McIMAI.D O., Druggists A Gen. Agts., s.m Francisco. Cat, and I'iiiirliou Sts., &;or. Y.'asiuugiou sold G. UY all DftfruusTs l r, WHITEHEAD, FOUKTII STREET, Taken. CASHPAID for I-ITD-ES. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. y Mew Yrs lotice To the Country Trade. H. WALLACE, co rsririi: cnox m ? , w, SALT LAKE CITY, JJAS TIIE MOST Or STOCK COMPLJCTB at-a- . v-.,- tiii:tlc . t; bald-heade- ..Vt f Complaints, or old. hiaiiifd or H!i;iie. at llie(!a',vu .f womanhood, or the turn of lite, these Tonic I'.iiters display derided nu iitiluei;ee that a nmi Keii i:uirveiiieiit is sot;a pereeptitile. Ever-- offered to Candy Toys n the Tublic of Utah. of all Kinds; IIain and rauey Candies, Prize Candy, Pop Corn Halls. Prize Corn Sacks, Chewing Piic, Chewing Cluiu, ee. in your Orders at once, and get fur ilio UiliUnys. . J jour etc. g' II. WALI.CE, 15tf Suit Late City. T. S. WADS WQRTH, Main St., Hooper City Flat. Dry Goods, Groceries, and Gkxeral Merchandise. The Tory boct brands of Liquors, Tobacco, and Cigars. ALSO . ABiitcher's Shop where print JoinU and CnU canal vrajsbe Sttf obnwued. Notice! IVi-tor- - Ho;ni. Ti"!n-nes- of the Ciiest, ltizzitii ss, Sour llruehi-lin- s of the stoinacti, Had Taste in the .Month. Uilions Attacks, Palpitation or the Heart, inriaiiiinatiou of the Pain in the ivjrton of thi' Kidneys, and it hundred oilier jiaiiitul sympiiiiuH, are the ( iysp"isi;i. in t!iwe eomplalnu it has no eiual. and on .' liotrle v. ill prove a lietier jruar.uii"e of itx nu nt.s tluin a lo:i:r'hy - : -- Ilij., riIIXGS, I ,! tliei r citizen of Madison county, Illiuois, Four Doors from Z. C. M. 7.t was shot and instantly killed by Wm. GENERAL DEALER short but sharp storm Lee, ou Christmas day, at the resiWeather. last night Bright skies and pretty solid dence of the latter who lives on the Edwardsville" and St. Louia road, . ground this morning. LKATIIER and about equal distance between the two SHOE Takk Notics. Hay wanted on sub cities. Immediately after the shoot- At the Lowest Prices. Froduce scription at the Jcnction office. Brin ing, Lee mounted a horse, rode to - i iiu-i- the city jail. . - u!-:- c lir'cri(inj ami renum Ixnion arc imt loiijr unwed, providivl tk airoyi'il by mineral poison or other mcuuh aiKl riie viral organs wasttxl bevond tli Christmas Tragcdj. Typographical Union, ISo, 115, held January 12, 1873, the following officers were elected for the next six months; Wm. Fuller, president; II. T. McEwan, Lee's J. E. Evans, recording Washiugtou Abbott,' had said him about (Murphy,) secretary; J. Isaac, treasurer; 0. F. Lyons, financial secretary; Jobn McFcl-rish- , which appeared to greatly excite corresponding Ktcrctarj; T. J. Murphy's auger. Murphy threw off Donkinsergeant i ms; Jos. T. Mc- his coat and hat, and taking his comEwan, B. A Ford, II. Oir, J. Priestly rade in the skngh with him, drove and II. M. McEwan, executive commit in the direction of Lee's resi' rapidly tee. And oblige. dence, where Abbott was at the time Yours, truly, residing. Arriving in front of 'Lee's J. E. Evan?. house, Murphy jumped out and ran Secretary. nto the dwelling, bursting the door S L. tltrali. open as he ran in. He made violent demonstrations toward Abbott What a Single Wave Can threatened to whip him. In and the Do. house were a number of neighbors was the noaiinec of the There is a vessel in Quecnstown and friends who had come there by harbor of 1,200 tons, which received invitation to eat Christmas dinner. but received a small vote. u01d Bulfrom a single sva a surprising amount Mr. Leo remonstrated with Murphy lion" was elected, and Frank Blair of damage. This vessel, a Norwe- and asked him to leave the house. succeeded him two years afterwards, At this, Murphy seized hold of Lee, gian, was struck by a sea or wave of J gy being his adversary. Such are io tremendous a character in the late violently shaking him, and telling him to Eay his prayers as his time the mutations of political life in this gale as to swiep that portion of her had come. Murphy put his hand in cargo which was 6towed upon the country. The Senator in prospective his pocket as if iu the act of drawing deck, in a moment into the sea; to f.om Missouri has filled many posia revolver, when Lee took from his carry off her cooking . apparatus, tions of lionor and trust, aud his remade of cast iron ; to empty and in- pocket a small pistol aud fired two shots at Murphy in rapid succession, cord is uDtarnlshed. jure her deckhouse, to smash her The Princess Beatrice, of England, bulwarks and stanchions, to wound Murphy still holding on to Lee with Louis V. Bogy is a descendant of does not always full in with family and bruise three of her men, and re- one hand. Murphy staggered out of nu early fcttler of St.- Louis, founded decisions ana plans, and her propos duce four more to a state of weak the door and fell dead ipon the and Ortez. cj by Lucledii, Chouteau marriage to the Marquis of Staf- - ness aud syncope; to break the mate's porch. St. Louis Times, pec. 25th. ford is a very improbable affair. She thigh and wash a seaman overboard, A gentleman ate two of-- , the fourth city in the was very much opposed to her sister and finally to fill the cabin aud dam- mince Daubury before retiring Sunday "pies Unuin. He h the principal owner marrying the Marquis of Lome, say- age all the provision?, so that tho night, and at about 2 o'clock next she. supposed when her time came crew were nearly starving when they was picked up by eleven of the Iron Mountain, which it is ing she ivould be offered -- a dry goods came into Quecnstown. All these morning d angels and pushed said, contains ore enough to supply 1'Ierk. ' dermany, that mcxhaustible injuries were produced in a moment ten through yards of lead pipe. . '1'rotest-ttnthe cutire world with iron for a hun field, of...royal husbands. by a siugle wave.''-- It not only clear . , ,f , , , A tourist who was asked in wha d red years. As the head partner of 5a nas rusea to contemplate, as ed tho decks: i but it extinguished in tho hearts of tbo .nHU's vtcrman?, . atia even a hope crew, who) part of 'Switzerland he, felt the hea vn. t .tlx ,. firm .,P the moment. they rere struck, never most,"' Replied I Vas 'going Cu ' c leadiuz Bankers ot i.' ..,tL.vw i r,ijr.vw " to "see . J hnd v ... .... expected rvui. again:'"' ivuiih ,1 j anti-Benton- Person can to IVo Icrs afcordinj mO JOPF.rH Mt'SC.KAVE, WILLTAM LEROY, MATKKK ami 1 JOHN CASIDY EDW ARD KieilARU ALLKN. You will take uotk pleaw has liwn dono yon, according w contract, on the Union ttar Mine, Cotton K toy on, Excelsior Ii;rict, Morgan coHuty, CtHta are hereby notified to '' Territory; imil your klune within uinety diiy from Ute of tn ' . TIMOTHY O'NKiL. uctice. UlnUih, Weber coXoY.2v,l37iTlm fr that labor w-- f-- Jt4. fl; Mni"prtiTt. J; Kil. MiUtier, f n. Tror, fcJl; John SM. Uitliird A ; lion, Cut-fiJy- |