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Show i; .radii: :, ' """ ""' V.IR .77. . ,, ' ., ; iii t f 0SEi, .... ... ... -- w- . ., UTAH, .W12DX12SDAY, JAXIJAJIY 15, !S7tU BY TELEGRAPH. OGDEN DIRECTORY. ', ,1 A ( a. io. .... PUBLISHED SEMIW Vi:i)XESDA Y and SA TURD 1 guX: i'J"JL"aa"SM-uJi;:- . .. . . respond with those of the western cal endar, the Government adheres to their tli OodesJvkction by the Atlantic aud old names for the years, the present year being known as the sixth year of ratine lelegrapu Oonipauy.J Meidi. New York, 10. Victoria Woodhull lectured , . on "nakea trutn ,' at the Cooper lnsii- tu!e, it being the history of her recent An order was trial and imprisonment. issued for her arrest this p. m., for VOL. IV. Street disaster, rendered a ver- and many of them will come to London, dict that the victims died of suffocation where Prince Napoleon, Trincess Ma- from fire, caused by carelessness, and hilde, Itouher, Fleiiry nnd others ore Special to censuring severely the use of benzine in expected. The - news ; was received AIUUVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS. such establishments. Thev censure hroughout the provinces with great Dunn & Co. for this, and Anderson and regret, nnd much eympathy is expressed Proceed6.30 , doul.le p.m. daily; ,7.m. Salt Lake City, Archer for failing to inform the Em- for the Emperor. The London journals 7.30 a.m. Weit Through Mail daily. - 6.30 p.m. mgsl Mail daily Through ployees of the fire escape. E.t, publish highly laudatory obituaries. C!.n.i0 in the Tweed case is comple Ihe A dispatch from Chisclhurst says 4.00 6 a.m. jory doublfl p.m. daily .H't Lake City, "Woodhnll More 4.00 p.m. ted, and the case set for next Wednes- geuie is more composed, but still very West. Through Mail daily 6.00 a.m. ': Kasl. Through Mail daily much prostrated, aud sees no one but day. MAILS. Ham AND .indecent publications through has been brought against the St. near relatives. The arrangements for Suit feuding CLOsiyo. thj mails. Mrs. Woodhull, on coming Joseph and Denver City railroad com- the funeral are not yet decided. It is Cache Countv, Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd 4.00 p.m. forward, danced around the stage tor a pany, by Messrs. Vibbiard, Jay Cooke said that the Dean of Canterbury Catbe- jSunilaVs'lPailv'to Lupin 4.00 short time, her face in a glow of excite & Co., who claim $100,000 for railroad dral Las ottered, County, Tuesday und Thursdays ' 2.110 p.m. Pioche! p.m. subject to the approval North OifdHii, Mondays andThursday. ment. She sail the otneers were wait- iron furnished. s una of the home office, the crypt in that lluutsville, M'edufSilnys 7.30 a.m. The ing to drag her to a cell, and all she Washington, 10. cathedral, beneath the crown of Thomas was wanted free said she She Lvnno, l'lain City and Slateraville, health Summers Senator continues very a'Beckett, as a temporary tomb for (he speech. w Calender! 3.30 aud Thursday Mondays never blackmailed any mortal soul, and feeble and gives great anxiety to his remains. Jt&uher, Flucry, and several i.di. Kiverdale, Wednesday ami Saturdays herself and he r sister were fighting for friends. ' ..Vlma and Wednesdays other well known Bonapartists h,ave ar Uouperville 11.30 a.m. Saturdays bread and butter. She asked if we were Apaches! Gov. Booth, of California, Ss! in favor rived at Chiselliurst, . OFFICE I10UKS. free Americans.' She had been told pre of conciliatory measures towards the ore re Utmeral Delivery, from 8 a.m. to 6.3 p.m. being Telegraphic dispatches vious to entering the hall, by ptominent Modoc Indians. In response to the ceived from distinguished persons in all Suudav, 3 p.m. to 0.M0 p.m. on HE0ISTKY DEl'AKTMENT" men, that they would go her bail, but benato resolution information will soon quarters, the de pest symOpen from 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. refused for fear of their names appear be sent in fhowing they t ave been very pathy withexpressing the Empress. MONEY OFFICE DEl'AHTMEMT. ' ' a.m. to U p.m. . Opon from The post mortem examination of the ing in the sewspitpers. .As long as she unjustly treated. Outside Door open from n.m. to 8 a.m. ehc would speak (ruth. At this could, on and Emperor's remains was concluded this committee ihe privileges JOSEPH UALL, I'octuiaster, Completed moment a number of people in the rear elections expect to appoint forenoou. The immediate cause of death Case! Tweed part of (he house began pushing forward three commissioners to take testimony was failure of the action of, ihe heart. Trains ' bo as to get a better view of the lectur Leave Ogden Daily until further notice, for Salt in Arkansas and Louisiana. The body will be embalmed and lie in ritvatS n.m. nnd 8 a.m. mid 5.30 p.m.M and while those in front imagined the ess, II state. Ihe date and place of funeral Boston, of 5 fo P.m. For the East, at 8 a.m. For the 'est, After a severe illness Taul Curtis, the are not yet appointed. police ha 1 entered the building for the It is probable, ii.tio p.m. a.m. and 10.1 o. a rrive from S alt Lake City. purpose of arresting those present, and eminent ghip builder of this city died at however, that the ceremonies will take m. and 4.4Ti p.m. and 8.15 p.m. From the East, some excitement prevailed tor eometime noon aged 2. He was born m place in the Roman Catholic Church near From Oie West, 6.o.' a.m. i i.M Mrs. Woodhull then proceeded to read Seituate,' Mass., and at an early age be the imperial residence. ' Prince Murat Salt Lake Cily Time. Assnmcs her lecture, at the conclusion of which gan the business of ship building. It is and Prince Charles Bonaparte have ar1 kC.Jrr she was arrested. Her sister has not estimated the whole number of vessels rived at Chisclhurst. llcliziou Services I EvcVy Sunday, in tlieTa'nTnafl", at 11a.m.. and constructed by him is over one hundred. yet been found. The report of the post mortem examCliild'i Hall, at in the 'id Ward ScltoolhoUMi.aiHl 10. r ban who all esteemed was He rancisco, ination ' by highly ' says, ihe failure "of circulation i p m. The News ; Robert O'Malley got into a quarrel knew him, and his decease is deeply re was due to the Emperor's general conEpiscopal Churoh at 11 a.m. and 77 p.m. Mil,r..llu riuiri'li utll a in. and li.lil. ' ' with. Win. Hill aud 6hot him, wounding gretted.' ' stitution. The bladder was found dis(Curdou's Hall), at 7.00 Si.irituuILst Lecluiv him in the head. Hill died this after JcsctioS. ' : ' ' eased and Ihe' kidneys affected.' The u?peciultotb p.m. ' ' Pioche, 10. noon from the effects of his injuries. A .', AMERICAN. other organs were sound and healthy; Oirden City Library The following cases were called in the but death was 'simply a At Geo. W. Turner's. Opeii eve J' day, Sundays charge of murder w as preferred against 'Washington, 10. question of time. xiepted. In the Senate, on iiioiion of Wright, O'Malley, who was arrested at the time. District Court yesterday, and postponed Tho Empress last night was calmer , The liabilities of George tntTord, who as below: , i andreccived several visitors from France. $1,000 was appropriated to pny the ex Si Ely Co. vs. Ken She went Etated are failod at Raymond Mining to 55,000. eclect of committee investi the yesterday, several, times to the room in penses F.S.RICHARDS, G. & S. Mining Co. ; and Ken which the cxclu been He had in rice tucky, dealing the fecnator ircly body lies. Queen. Victoria Ulay charges 'against..-37TJUH.IC gate and the Chinese merchants are eaid to tueky G. & S. Mining Co.. vs. .Raymond sent Colonel Gardiner to Chiselliurst ton. ' ' !' 7 & Lly Mining Co. On motion of counsc ' n Wilson introduced a bill for the ap be the principal creditors.' with an autograph letter. A telegram t tie ap CONVEYANCER. or tue tue 10, San lor Hearing Kentucny, Diego, commission on condolence has been received from a of of protiibito pointmcnt ad- -' Oppicb oy for an injunction and other or- the Pope. Cardinal Bonaparte is ex( Arizona, fGitiu has .The Tucson, plication to Ames and bill a ; liquorjegislation ry rrnnklin St., betwevu 4th A 5tl SlH. throw open ail Drancues or me array 10 vices from Camp Grant, to December 31, ders pertaining to these cases, was post- pected to arrive hourly. Prince Napo- -. which says: Gen. Crook received this poned until Monday, Jan. 20th. The eon comes by way of Germany, not g citizens, irrespective of race or color. e a dispatch from Major lirown, Kentucky vs. Hermes Silver Miniug Co., Morton.-thto France. committee motion of On pass morning permitted through MARTIN; & Co. on elections f a9 allowed to sit during the stating that his command had killed 57 temporary injunction issued upon plain- M. Benedetti and Madame Cnnrobcrt tiff tiling a bond in ihe sum of $8,000, lave arrived at Chiselliurst. The Irish 315 aud 317 Clay St., Snn lranc'ieo. sessions of the Senate, while investiga Apaches and captured Zi, and. also capone loss and the hearing of the application to a of 15 with tured horses, only journa.g generally express sorrow for ting the charge3 'against Senator Card Wholesalu Dealer, anil :, show, cause was continued till Friday, the loss. The Bonapartist officers in tbo rima Indian. Captain Burns, from wcllJ of Kaneus. COMMISSION MERCHANTS with one troop of cavalry and Jan. 24th, , reach army have asked leuve to attend The ( presented the res The Record of yesterday contains the the funeral. Permission will Tima 70 Indians, assisted.; The fight oc olutions of the Massachusetts Legisla probably Wt lis, Fargo & Co have giv. be if, ihey agree to go in civil- fnrp. vonifitistrHtinw against the nassapo curred at a natural fortification on Salt following: granted, bulan 8 dress.' of Sumner s'oblivion resolution: ordered River, SO miles above McDowell,. It took en us a statement of the amount of AND 0TUER JT.0DCCK. , : ' ! ' ve hours hard work to dislodge them. lion shipped by them from Piocho for the ' brint-ed" ' Eugenie will soon issue a proclama the 31. Dec. to from 1872, Orant taken showing ending Camp year to tion Indian The:Apaches the amendment (o (he French people, announcing Stewart's Potatoes, Ecsb, Dried Fruit behaved bravely and obediently whole amount to be $5,270,721.17. This that she assumes the regcucy during her assist, the for bill, appointment Hides and Wool appropriation ' Inis th amount shipped by W., F. & Ca, son's of iusptctors of Indian attairs. was adop The Citeen says that the number of minority. SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO. ' include entire ' ' the course not does ; .' ted. It provides for not over five inspec dians killed ani captured by the troops and of Pavis,. 10 It mines of district. of the to amount few the mouths, Ely MacMahon product lo the I.im past ex Marshal California Aontf for and during at tors, reports JUyem' ?1,000 salary traveling Bhows average shipment, over $101,475 bur- 1 ijosf and .ilnrtiuoyav Wnd examine, twice tach over one hundred-- ' .1 is not affected q .: that the resident to visit army penses, , tiinijore CJieone. Atlanta, 10. per week. For the preceding year, elid- by the death of Napoleon. There are year, each Indian snpenntendency ana Vi'o refer Vy permisnion to D. II. 1'eekt, Ogden ' was Smith James M,, inaugurated ing Dec. 31st, 1871, the shipments from Bonapartists among the officers, but no the ngencies, inspect books ana papers, , F. & Co. amounted to An im this place by of of Governor Clmic to attention which supports the Napoleonic Georgia Qualities Pay particular and inquire into all matters connected an party Hutternud Clieese. Liberal Canli A'lviuioos inaile There witnessed the was, therefore, crowd $3,10G,2C4.y2. ceremony. mense to with' suspend any power dynasty in the army, lne Legit nniists, on CoHsignnients. Prompt Ueturns given.- Orders with' them; iuorease in the shipments in 1872 over Clerical and Orleanist journals do juslice said Georgia will Gevernor The fill his and or rolicitvd. !?atiifat:tion guaranteed, place agtnt ; superintendent to perform her part m good faith, that of 1871. of $2,170,450.20, or but a to Napoleon's good qualities. L'Univers temporarily, subject to the approval ol . fraction less than 70 per cent: of an in- appeal to the Orleans princes to acknowthe President. The appropriation for.the as a member of the Union. .1873 would ' JNO.V.FARVVELLacCO., ,! Yunkton Sioux was reduced from 1, Cumberland, Md., 10, , crease. The same ratio for ledge the Count de Chambord as the WHOLESALE .NOTIONS, seven to send our up nearly shipments of heir to the throne of France. convicted Wm. Craiff. colored, legitimate 000,000 to $900,000. Adjourned. millions. and a half the so in Other was asred on motion of an In the House, journals speak bitterly or eu'o- hanged rilson, lady, raping t And .Woolens, i I i ' FOREIGN. their pro' ' lect committee number two, on theCrcd jail yard gistically of the ' deceased, as ' . t , Largest Stock West vt New 'York.: . it Mobilier matter, was permitted to sit o .London, 10 clivities run. ' is. 1., iu. t.i'i Kingston, Monroe auil Vraukiiu Sts., CHICAGO The Empress Eugenie and all the In the Assembly Bishop Du- Prof. S. A. L. Post, editor of tho New during the sessions of the House and ' " ' ' - died- at EllenvUle, household at Chiselliurst were present panloup spoke at great length, and was went into House and Odd the a York Fellow, employ clerk; at the bedido of Napoleon when he interrupted by nn altercation between committee of the whole on the legisla Wednesday, aged 42. LOGAN DRUG STORE. ative, The Emperor showed slight signs LaunentBichat, radical, and M. Deca-setidied. ..: t. and , executive judiciul appropria cuicajo, ia conservative. Bitter words were The Home woolen mill, Jacksonville, of consciousness toward his last moments, tion bills. After discussion the amend After the close of the sit Loss $100,000; and spoke to the Empress twice in ment to increase the 'appropriation for Hlinoia, burned exchanged. LOCATED IN LOGAN, CACHE CO., the bureau of education was rejected. insurance $12,000. HA isVINO very feeble tone of voice. The last in ting, two of the friends of the radical i;, prepared to aUcmd to the pwtife of 10. New dication of life was a emile when tne deputy cilled on M. Decaseus and defor the ' nud In the Orleans, agricultural appropriation 8uiXtiy Penand dis from The schooner 'Congress," Empress knelt and kissed her dying bus manded an apology. The result is un bureau, tlie item for purchase Roek band. She was completely overcome by known, but a duel is probable, liners for Texas, December was increased seeds of iiom 3, tribution port, pacola, have agreod foundered at sea in a ale, and all her emotions, and fainted at the bedside. and the thirtysub-corutnitte$50,000 to $75,000. The item appropri to had sum President' the to who been articles of The Prince bands were lost, except ?tvo 6eamen ation of $400,000 to pay judgments permitting Imperial, on ar from the boat. address small moned Mr in certain Vioolwich, a was of who Assembly clums court by telegr'ph essaped the spcci opposed by ' r CUE TrFF.r3 FOlt SALE THE rived at Chiselhurst fineeen minutes fied occasions, and giving him a reNew York, who denounced the liUtUlO, IV. IV cT Anti-- f o ug ca and i i t Tump, t r Smith, of A rupture has Susan Ik'Anthony was brought before after the deftlb. He was ereatly affect stricted veto power. deep or 8 a n.w wei.a. kls , . i..eul i oii.i . 1. payment of large euni9 of money t' ex- of his dead taken place in the left centre. At the I'rivi W, P with si I Hbl9 Iron pipinp. rebels. Withont action the House ad Judge Hall, Uuiied States Court, ed, and kissed : l'un:iB,l. aud flit) J upon roouldc teriti., it lourned. ' in charge of a deputy United btfttes father several times. The Emperor died meeting of the deputies belonging to M'orkshoi, idling: onicc, Ofjdcn. The appropriation committee Marshal, on a writ ot habeat corpus. Al peacefully, and passed away without the that party, M. Cheristophy, radical, was His deatu is elected pr.sident, whereupon Cassirner finished post office appropriation biu. It ter consultation of counsel, the hqaring ahthtest eien of pain. A Pernere and Lis friends , immediately embolism. or 21st till to the attributed was million case the of synocope postponed half additional an appropriates S. made will be examiaation held withdrew and joined the right. It is. mortem at be is which to the court inst.,' at Albany post for railroad postal car service, eeve 10. New said the Bonaparti.-i-t deputies will also Btate in lie will lne bill WATCHMAKER ork, AND JEWELER, The be body to appropriates improved. Eu to funeral. the unite with the right. ral days previous The probable specie export IValcr hi Watoliou; Clock. Jewelrv, Silver and $30,000,000.i'lated hours at STREET. CK1DKN. bedside end several the a knelt million will be on a Kingston, 'Jamaica, 0. quarter. elections, genie 'The: Senate committee Repairing neatly don and7 all work warranted. will return to The cable of death the the a after engaged examined subsidy expedition say Emperor, dispatches this morning, . Washington ' y A in ' ; sent a mes England, as the effort to recover the Pacific for the ictoria in convermillion Queen annum, to his a prayer. of per in regard Sydney Clarke, Aspinwall cable' is temporally abansation with Senator Caldwell, during the Mail Co'e China service, is agreed to by sine of condolence; and tse PrSnceof Chi-e- l '' visited doned. Teck to and Prince Wales Rnd committee, houee his the appropriation Clarke when last day supporters ' ' Wales ; of The ' Prince hurst yesterday. Berlin, 10. Caldwell' and eleeted him. take effect July 1st. IF YOU WANT A THOMSOXIAH DOCTOIt - OR went over to y L Von Count of all the In the diet a af Thomsonidn Medicine", this Colonel has and Woodhull Cald Blood,: postponement requested Clarke tcstifitd that be spoke of answer to the interpolation inin London CALL ON DR. MURPHY, well's canvass as purely money transac ternoon, were recommitted to Ludlow French plays at the theatres in default ef $5,000 bail ns well as the ball which was about to troduced yesterday, Btates thai the protionss the other replied that success street-jail- , POST OFF.TB. KAliS ST., ' ; secution against, newspapers' was to get United States x commissioner be given in his honor. ., asked , wdex. br , would take away the stigma ' new the A U53gl-5a legal decision as to whether such calfrom Paris a ex whom before CxsOT.nnojtkPRi!, $i.(W. in says is dispatch partial Minister,' receipt Davenport, Mori,' Japanese ' there umniation of and a caused had u great impression, thecountry as was contained of information from' his Government to amination was dy-- ' Agents wanted All Of in French in the rise the in was .United a the X allocution, could be'legally iOA will are tn Proceedincs price slight papal begun VJ LU Qfif clasao. of working people, the effect that the western calendar in and circulated.1 Debate follh The . & 'T either rentes. agiiiHst-Phelp- s. Deputies published Dodge Court Bonapariist with.the States mak more at a be ld,; f money 'opted in.Japan beginning Wfrk fir nn in their ikV i was taken by the no aciion chamber left but National all or lowed, r.r one the recover Assembly .are morneuU, mwiica aoiiars. Timnnii 1. inmi4 of Cn.jiA . I,MV 8!,n '" ' PurttoulaMi Itktl house.- "" UnjfUieJ. t. mnnilm ami d:iv are changed to cor- - h..Xhe ijoroncr'i jorfi in ,! the - Centre upon the receipt of the intelligence on giinion Oj., I'ul'tlaid, Maiue. .SW.ly r i 7 t 51 . . 1,. It.'l li 'ml , Congressional " . -- y, to-nig- of the Arrest! Y to-da- t , ' Interesting Items from , Ki.-- Japanese Adopt the estern After the batur-day- p.m-3.0- 0 i , . Coroner's Verdict the Centre Street Fire! H ! in the Jury Details ' - Napoleon's Death! to-da- y the Eugenie ency of Napoleon's Death in France! : - , : ... NOTARY . iS , , , , 4 be-n- COM, .,..., i , llj Vice-Preside- ( butter; eggs nt . ' . ' - " - ! . , W-- to-d- ay f - oon-tin- ue sS3-3i- u , i GOODS . : to-da- y. :'.. . . 1 1 I . to-da- (il-l- y - f , jr; Dft. CROSBY; s, -- to-da- y. ; - Minli-oio- e, fcW-2- m 4 i e IM.STUAUT -- . 1 the-fac- to-da- y, 11 - 10-a- J. LEWIS, to-da- y. - Ware,-MAI- - -- - : '- ( 11-l- cREOVED.: ! . ' - Eulen-barg.-'- to-da- . Oiliee-OI'FO- SITE . . . :1 to-da- !. y, , sex,-youn- g 1 v & I $ ! '.. . : ! in f |