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Show MUS I O (9gdcn $unctiw, Pobli8hl ftvry WEPSKSDAY OCDEK by the and BATCfcDAT rCBL!.IL59 Cmitajit. , . Oni Cent for Two Ounces." Postmasters in receiving and all in depositing matter of the uties p third class for mailing, should be careful to comply with the law a$ regards ictigltt. For instance: a paper weighing the least fraction oter two ounces and upon which only one cent is paid, cannot be forwarded. Large numbers of such papers, paid Hiort, are now accumulating in the LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WHOLESALE DltY Western Postal various olEces. 11ETAIL DEALERS IN G0O33S, cnwcI,u;o.S) Brands of Imported WIXES and L Q UORS. Tlie Only Iniii IJemedy The Best ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SPLENDID Patent Mangles & Ironing Machines I Price $30. All for Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ea-- f. Inflammation of the Kidney. Inflammation el u the lilaUler, Inflummativn of the Bowel. of the Lung. Pore Throat, Difficult llreathaic. Palpitntiun of the Iloart. Il.merU, luii.lai hn, frunn, Iiiptberia. Ctt!4irrk,1nflu-uxa- . C'n-swlin- Trmthache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. ! at n;iIo Next Toor to Savage's Gallery 3Iain Street, Salt Late s&d-a- City. lt TEEHUNE'S Cold TATENT A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW Chill, Am Chill. i i.l..(i..n of the READY RELIEF to the where the pain ar I art or jwrt exist Tiu- - TOYS. dttfh-ult- ee ! STAYNER'S MUSIC STORE, n. Iti.-U-nt o G Tluit instantly t(nt the moul exrrwiatiujr paiux, lunmnnuttiDBS ami carea loners turn, wheihcrof the Lung. Stomach, UutreU, or other !;inl or organs, by one application, in ft rm on ? twenty ni.i.uti, no matter how violent or the pain, the Rheumatic, i nil rm, ripjilot, orvou, Neuralgic, or prostrated with msv (suffer ill alUird and Examine. Call Washers and Wriagers and $9. Trice Only IS A CURE FOIt PAIN. the firrt and f n lav W Please Iiisicians, KTF.RY " ery low ! Selling Stoves aiid Tinware, Drugs and Jledieliies, Ktc., Kte. NOT ONE HOUR It irn AND MERCHANDISE. lints ana laps, Xofions, after reading this advrrtiifnnFnt neM anv otw iH'rKKR WITH PAIN. RELIKK & CI.OTIIIXG, HARDWARE, C'roekery, Boots and Shoes, RADWAY'S" READY" RELIEF I 'l'KM THE WOHVr 1A1 V lu from One to Twenty .Mi mi ten. RADWAY'S HEADY HAS JUoT RECEIVED AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF will alTurd auJ comfort. Twenty drojii iu half a tumbler of water will iu tew moment rnre Sinr Stom- Spa--. ai h, Jlearthurn, NeK Hoailafhe, Uiarrliea, Vyrn-- t rr. Colic, Wind in the Bowel, aud all Internal Cliicago Scliuttler Wagons. t'ran, i'ain. hr,nld alwsva carrr a Wile of RAD-READY RELIEF with them. A few Urvjt r oaiiu frnia fn water w,l j.retent r si.kne than Ertnch Rraudy jh.infre of water. It ia cv Hitter a a timuliu t. EEVEK AX I AiiUE enre.1 for fifty cent. There is tiot a remedial atetit iu thi wxrld that will cure Fever and Apie, ami all oilier Ulirku-- , Kiliuua, Skarlet, Typhoul, Yellow aud other rer Hided t.y fculwav'a I'ilU) aa qnirlt w KAPWAVS READY RELIEF, fifty cent per Uttle. Sold I t Druggists. PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Corners. Talented August 8,1871. Traveler AY S SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. o Wheat. Barley, Oats, Tearl Barlev, Flour, Dran, Shorts, Eggs and IIIITED TO ANY POINT ON SHORT NOTICE. .Butter, ' ' " Health! Beauty! ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY PURCHASED TO Orderg addressed to recme prompt attcniioa M.THATCHER, ORDER. Strong and Pure Rich Rl.wd Increase of Flush and Weight Clear Skiu and JDcaulifui Cutii-- j - lexiou aecurvd to all. ..... k ' will Ssarsnparillian itesolvent . eTOtf LVIOST Werintendent H. B. CLAWSOH, Has i!ide the uiot auuLhiog rnre, o qnkk, ao rapid are the tbanv tlia tody underjroin, undTr tUe iiirtiK-ii.- r of ibis trulT wmi i; ine.tli,t EVtlir DAY AX INCKF.ASB IN FLESn AND W EKiUT lit hEEN AND FELT. login, EXTANT. M(-l- !( EAT ltl.OOlk PI ItlFIER. Every drvp of the tARlAPAlILLlAN KEaoU TKNT mmmnuk-aithrnnsh the 1)1. od, Sweat, I nne and, other fiui.ts and juice of the tvsiein the vigorwf life, f.r it repair tie wste cf th new and an4 BMteriuI. Scrofula, ldy with C'oiif uinptiori, Clauduiar disie, I'k-er- iu ihe Throat, Moutii, Tumor, Ncdea in the Cbnd ai.d other oj tlie ytem, Sxre Eye, Strum-oil.!v-ha- i pe from the Ears, and the wort f,.rnm ff Skin Ernjitiot,, Fever Sore, Scald Head. Riiig Wonn, Salt Rlicum, Krjrpelar, Acne, i:i.u k l?ii, woriu in the Fiwli," Tuuior, Canter 1a iL Woial, mhJ all wfttkeuaiR and inful i.n haijte. Xicitt Sweat , Letts of Sperm, aud all of the Lie principle, are within the curative, ratine of this i jer of M.lern n.em;:ry, and a w ill U' it fur prove to any itron day" !iher of thea fv uuk ?f uLicaee it jpotvutuing ts ure them. Iftlu at;er.t, daily Verotuing reduced l y the wao'esand deeomit!tii n that i rontiuually pro-aiid r.ii"i, mkxs1k in arretniK thee lejm'M the Mine with new huteri:il made lrum k th SARiAPARLLLIAX thi. , a.'vhy Wiil and due ftture. Not only doe the Sarhiparillian Eesolreut all known remedial aaenu in the cureofChro. ,.r, Scriitukui, CoMratituiion.il and Skin d:e,tse, t it is the onlv pitive cure for KIDXEYand PLADDER CUMPLA1MS, I riuary and Womb o:ea.es, OravH, Diahete.. lin-jy- , Str.ppage of Water, lncotitiiicuce of Vriise, UriKbt'a Iimw, in and case all where tUeieare All'utnitjuria, k'iu-- t or the vatw i tUtfk. v'lundv. wisM Kith ruitaiicea like the white of an rf' i r threads l;ke vhit eilk, or Ure i a im.rl.id, Slate Street, formerlj 46," IMPROVED CAB I IT E T w AND EG AN O Z. C M. I. I IN CHARGE OF . :mwm&0M0BMB 3 wa-te- s, ft H. v ex-e- ; Roltin Cloth. IclPel Vater lVItcel.., Cheese Factory or . - Year th CurptI ReMIeii(. Ittla liukr.rr, Mas.. July 12 Grow ' 18, irwr: I have h.vl (.Karuin Tui:ir in the. All the doctors naid "tliero ovaries and a not he,p for it." I tried eveiythiug that vm T(VomnHiide 1; l.nt heljd Die. i w,w"nr Re,dTeiit and th'.nht I would Try it; kut had no I laith in if, had Miflered for twelve yeii.of I tKk ix ottles of the Reo!vcut, and one hox Kadway' Pilin.aud two ltt!ej of your Ready Rebel; and there i not a i:n of tumor to le wen tr fcdt, and I feel Wtter, smarter, and lmj pier tbau I I ave for twelve year. The worst tumor wa iu liie leit side of me bowel, over XUe pra;i. I wr'te thi to you for the of other. Yon can puV E.--Ji it if !.u clittca. HANXAll P. KXAl'P. c., Grand An struments, - and n . . Tha Factory having just got fairly running since the TO THAT OF THE BEST PIPE OF THE SAME CAPACITY. TLB. CLAWS OX, Superintendent Onr celebrate I 'Vos Celeste" "LouU t'atent," "Vox Humana' "Wilcox Talent," ' "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or ''Clarionet" Stops, and . All tlie Late Improvements' Caa be Obtained Only in these x .... Organs. ' : . , , ... . . ', .SHI.NGi.Ei THE BEST , " A '".," Thu t if five Different Styles, SHINGLES, OP THE EEST STOCK OF FURNITURE SAWKPAND thCITlovrcst u icea, at , '' f v For. the Parlor and the Church, ''. : : Hrst Material and irortonansTiip, . Xhe i ,. ' ' FI1EEM .. - ' AN'S Volume and tone of ., t"1 Unequalled. Quality S ST jSL Tj Tj, 1 R C ESV t 'rJOO !Do!!nrg.iVv,! OaDOTYALLEY. -- ' 1 I FACTO R V A N D W A R E ROOM S , m F;e well-know- d "SCHUTTItEB WAGON," In- ORCiJAXS I..-j;U- 1 justly-celebrate- ly EQUAI dni. !.t,mit S1 o We are expecting an immediate shipment of the moans of which the qua.utity or Vwlume of tone is Tcry largely nnd quality of tone rendered lypepi. j Combination Organs, SCKIBNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, . invention hain? a most important .bearing on the future epntation of Reel r.im-.in- i, r.e. Src. Mechanical population. Sead in your orders and we will do the best to fill thein at Manufacturer prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. FITTED "WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED PURGATIVE PILLS, tcitcd witli m,eiojjaiuiy pmn. purge, regulate, pitnfy.cleanfe and (tfetitrth.' Ra ea. lway"s pill, for the cure f ail diortVr i t lt"e Stomach, Liver, Rowels, Kiducyjt. Bladder Nervoua HeaiUvche, CoiiFiiiatiin, t.Vvtire. . Indetion. ltilioutneee, Ei!kna lnfi.mnition of the Row!t. Pile, oud all ; Ih Iiitrual .Viscera, Warranted to effect si potfitiva cme. Puttly vegetable, conno taining merenry. minerals ft deleterious B tKieeive the tidlowiu;; symptoms resulting from Diwirdcr of the l:pe.tive'Orpn-ConstipH-tion. Inward Pile, Fullness of the Rlood iu lit Hea.l, Acidity of the Stomach. Natea, Iftartburn, -t o; Food. Fnl!ut-- t or Weight in tut Sfoin-acl- i, Kmr iirih tut Sinking or tFluaeriT.s at liiePit of tlie Stomach, 'Swimmin;: "of the Head, Hurrie.1 aiid PirCcidt Riejthinc pruttcrina-a- t tle Heart, CLokins or Surtocating SeiiKatiou when ia a Lji?i(t Ptare. I'inmeNS of Vision. Iiota or Wel boiore the Smht, Fever and I)i:l Pain in the He-teticiency of Pertiratin, Yellow nes oj ie Skin and Eye. Vtua hi the Side. Chest, and euddeu Flutlie of Uet, Pnrnimr in ths Limt, Floh. Afedoee of Eadvray Piil w.i! fi ee the di ail IW r,lre. I rVe frnj i!i cent per x. v Drvjgttt ,v , Rl,AD and'Tnt-.- ' Sen4 pne letA Co No. 7 Maiden Lwtie, ter fta.np to L.ui-saNw York. IbferiMadtaB rtlt JUasii.. wU lc., Or any nrtlcl; from any State, that may bo needed ia aa Agricultural or !, DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT J'erutiiy l;u.te!e, Dairy Goods. Tlireshinj; JIaeliincs, Haehinc Extras, ' Force or other Pumps, Belting, Sorghum lills. Evaporators, hmi-aii- .u R ! Circular Saivs. ma 'ai k. hiliou appearance, aud l.:te lini;i-- t mid hen tHece w a prickiiur, huruiiig when l"4n water, mid paiii in the uall ! the Wk Mi t'ahdis the loin. Price, Jl.iw WttUMS. Vhe oniy kuewn, and t u r Remedy forWortnii I'm. Tape, etc. Ps. of Merchandise not usually kept ia stock, including . : Engines;, ,. Saw lills,. 2: NAISBITT .TV. TVill purchase any kind nd hy BMRTilMT, COIIISSIOl r Tumor f IU. CHICAGO, SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S wi-t- deix-wit- 40, 41-0- Di, wt CAS JI. TERHTJXE, Sole Manufacturer, THE irt ELEGANT AND DURABLE SHOW . ' C OR 6rn & CONGRESS SIS., DETROIT, : lEmBLMMri kmiiO; AiREssf x I ,il .ujil Hj vdl-W- j .$93-- 1 " j.' SiMaicwEiJb CLotuit .Organ Co., DiTK0Jt,;3IicmaAK.;; . r iS A Al 1 i Ju, ijr j: .ri'Aii:uM 'ai w . I vJOELSpH5S. - Groesbecik's 1'.';; ' - OrJor C!lel at th Mill t at ... . O Tvt.;t!ii.l". , Teams and Haulers Vanted on liberal wages.. i, |