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Show Summons. TERRITORY OF UTAH. I Col'NTY uf Dux Elueh.J Iii tlie Justice Court. Plymoulli Precinct. Coiisolidulccl Iiiiiloiiient Co., I'lniiitiir, 1 DeimuKl, vs. ( Jl.S3.-il 7,. Ooltrin, DefiMKlmil. ) To Z. Coltrin, Krei'tinjf: You ure hereliy huminnne-l lo be and iippi-nr before ine, tbe undersigned, nt my oflice, In Plymouth Precinct, Box Kldt-r County, LUiih Territory, to im.swer a complaint filed nninsl you herein by suid lnintiir, on or before the l.rith dtty of June, IS'J'', nt 10 o'clock of the Suid action is brought lo recover from you the Mil tn of $li.Jl mid costs, nllet;ed to bu due pluinlifT from you as follows; On two promissory promis-sory notes, dated April iMilh, ISU1, made and delivered hy you to pliiiniill', payable November Novem-ber 1st, 1891. For further parilcularK see philn-l philn-l ill's complaint now on file at my otllce. And you are hereby not i tied thai if you fail to ho appear ami answer as above required, the plain! ilf will lake Judgment n.ilnsi you for the sum claimed, lo-wlt: fl&i.-l-l, with interest uud costs of suit. To the Sheriff or any Constable of said county, fi reeling: Make legal service and due return hereon. Uiven uuder my hand this: Hth day of May, A. D. 18'J2. F. W. RICHARDS, 11M Justice of the IVicc. |