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Show PUBLIC OPINION. Commit mciilionu under thin head tiro published at the responsibility of the writer, and we wish it to be distinctly i understood thai we do not pretend to ' father or espouse the ideas herein, Tiik ; Bi"ii,kk is a newspaper of the people 1 and on all proper subjects l hey can ex- press themselves through our columns. 1-K.l.l U- o-cd as there I- but one ill the three : I. '1 lie li.-t i-oiiiuiiiin-; tlit: laret numbt-r of wouls will be awarded lirst pn.e. and hi on in, order of uiiTil. Kaeh Mm n it i- rcc-Ui-.l will -he numbered, and if lo or more tie. the (ir-t , received will In- awarded lir-l pn.-. mid mi on; ; therefore the helH-Ilt of sending in t .it ly Hill readily ho seen. 1 .'i. Kuril li-t tuiivi I... acomipamcd hy Jl for six months sn lfcr 1 1 it ! ni to The A tit leu li tirisl. , The follow lug gentlemen have kiu.llv eon- 1 -enlcd lo net as jn.e-: J. li. M .1 1..111.I.I. City Clerk, IVlerhnniiigh, Canada, ami Ci.un.Mi..n-Ciih-llil. IVIcrhornii-h. Dm- last competition --"liol f1,nil prize nil rl.;lit "-M. M Itrniulon. ViOieouver, It. C "Thiinl;-. for f.MM) .ri.-e."--C. W. Cn 1111 i o--.'tmin . I). .mil. I. 1!. C. -I'ii.e reeehe.l O. K."-.l. U. ' Hiilille, We.-t Sii.erlor, h f"tm .rie reeeie.l. 1 Ihiinks." (i. V. li.iljerl-.oii, ToroiUo; 11ml '.Ml 1 olliiTh. In Unfleil Sti.li." ami Ciininhi. This is Nli Lii'lTKKY- ineril only will eouni. Tlie reputation for fiilrne-- cnineil hy Thu Airi- i ax j !;ir-a.,f I I'.nirrinUlnirYniineMnn: Trnn ft C" Initrni-iM "iVin'i ".'-V j.--V.' 1 . . "t" i rc-".. , ."-'i. i . i J t . . '.V, ' ". i i.'i rT.if 1' "ii a mrmiHl ur:it.i, i ,. !1 If I .! ... t I n it.,,1 I r i.. in-jiri : t H... l.i.. . 1 in 1 n.iJ.. .t nu.-ti 'l"rmV f.: Mi... I Ii..:rm 1 -1.1.1 . n' r-..J.-rT If -..J.., If ...,, i:..,.lr,..,,.U. ,.;-, l i,j l.i"M.".m-'y run lV".M:r "'a l"lir new" ll'nll TV ii.l Li llinr i.ivtM..; iiiiii.j. .!.i',.!..rrit.",f! U) ll.pw.l'ii" Tl',1,' .-Mu.'! nC-'uvi.Vb'ri'iV--'.r! Jr't'.'l Vu!" o- .l...T,-rTw,.ik,T ll;-ir.ii,-.. ,.! .-irne-fr to .- t,..r -..i.I .--.,.,'.. ,..r .xr l,.t;,-.,.- .ulturint 111 the m.-t is ninple uimriniiee ihui tills competition will l.e coiiliiete. 111 like miLiiner. Semi "I- Hliiinp for full purtleiilnr-', lo TIIK AtikICUI.TUKI.sT. i'elerheroiiih, Caiimlu. ,.N.l,.t!i,l -..,k M !... t....i,. rou. 1. ti...:i.-r to ruw rrj",?!;1 v"t" -j Vui V"uau -i ,u TICLi:.!: C O., ltox 4(H, Augutiu. Maine. b7i'"m" '"' VEGETABLE Ul.OTCIIE-S. it L.Vt'Kli 1s. etc. lem.ni; the .skin -.. !:. . li ..1. I l.r.iw ifuL iddress A. 1. STI.MI'LI,, l-J Ann St., NVw York. Janother ARRIVAL. 0 SHOES: ( 90 pair Jlen's Shoes lU If 2. 00 pr pair 1.50 pair Ladies' Shoes at 1.2.5 pr pair .LL, 120 pair Ladies' Shoes . . . . at 1.40 pr pair 120 pair Misses' Shoes ... .at 1.15 pr pair J 150 pair Child's and Bahies at G5c to 90c " -- v J (jUUUj. Dry Goods, Clothing, , 0 Cloaks. HAVE . . YOU . . . guessed? BOOTHE & PEIRCE. Deafness C;(tiM Itr 'nred by loeill aiilir;tlions, us they eanitol reach the diseased jiortion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by eonsittilioual remedies. Deafness is mused by an inflamed condition con-dition of the mucous li ni of the Kns-lacliian Kns-lacliian Tube. When Ibis lube gets in-f in-f lamed you have a runtbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it a entirely en-tirely closed, deafness is I he result, and unless Ihe inllamalion run be taken out and this lube restored lo its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; for-ever; nine cases out of ten are caused . by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed in-flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by ealanb) that we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold, by druggists, 75c. 43-5 UHANDS AND MARKS. Owiicr ami lirvolet- of cattle, hordes ami -heep mil rea.hly m-c the l.eiiem of a.h ,-n i-i n Llieir bramU ainl ear iimrk- lit tin., eoluiiin. Hy iiiseriiim Ihem tn-re, every ..toekiinin ami evtiay ponml Ueeer in the coiuiiv ill l.e-onio ae.iialllteil with vonr marks. It' will .ieeiil imp.nimli-1 ami e.tiay ponml -ales. If tilth column be puLroiiieil tu juIil"y n, we ill tnake iirrain.'emein that everv'ctruv ponml keeper in it.- KMlt, t 'aehe mi.l oilier a.lj.n-enl coiiiiiie- take llu paper rr-'iihirly. Culs, can l, a. lilies-es ami deai.i i t lolls inserted al lea.oimblc terms. Christian Olson, DBA I. Fit IN STOCK Jt BEEF CATTLE. V Old ear-matk: Right ear oQ short: nan miner crop m leu. .Also use 1 brand on left ribs. Call's Fort, Hox Elder county, Ut nit. O. Box 82. vj u Tsnnrnur'c? ODAwno Liver Complaint Bill loudness. The chief symptons of this disease are depression of spirit, foul coaled tongue, bad tasting mouth, disagreeable breath, : dry skin, with blotches and eruptions, sallow complexion and yellow eyes, tired, aching shoulders, thill pain in right side, fainlncss, dizziness and irregular bowels. This complaint in all of ils forms can be cured by taking Dr. (hum's Improved Liver Pills as directed, and a lingering spell of sickness will often be warded oil' by the use. Sold at 25 cents a lxx by Boothe it I'eirce. dec-jan. Coiisiimpiiaii Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, Imr-ing Imr-ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy mid permanent cure of Consumption, lironeliitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Alllctions, also a. positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty lo make It known to his MitlerhiK fellows. 'Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sufleriii;s, I will semi tree of charge, to all wlio desire it, tins recipe, re-cipe, in German, French or English, with full direction for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, S-D l'owers' Block, Rochester, Roches-ter, N. Y bw-10. Mr. J. P. IJIaize, an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly nar-rowly escaped one of I be severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern pari of that slate during a recent blizzard, says the tfaturduy lieriew. Mr Bliuze had occasion lo drive several miles during dur-ing Ihe storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was unable lo get warm, and inside of an hour atier his return he was threatened with a severe ease of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Biaize sen! to the nearest drug store and got a buttle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses, lie says the effect ef-fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kepi on taking the medicine and Ihe next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Biaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. won-derful. 50 cent buttles for sale by City Drug Store. JAPANESB CURE A now Hint Complete Treatment, consisting of Suppositories, (liiil'iient in Capsules, alo in llox and I'd 1 ; ii Positive Cure for External, I lilermil, lilind or Bleeding llebiiii;, Chronic. Recent or Hereditary 1'iles, ami many other diseases and female weakness; it i.-- always a ifreut benefit lo the general health. The lir-t diseuverv of a invdieal cine reudcrilif an operation nilh the knife umieeessarv hereafter. This Remedy has never been known lo fall. II per box, i; for ?"; sent by mail. Why suiter from this U-i rlWc disease dis-ease when a written guarantee is positively jriven Willi r. hnxes. to refund the money if uoi cured. Send stain, for free Sample. Guarantee issued by A. ('. SMITH A CO.. wholesale and retail re-tail lJnii::.'ists, sale iigts. for Utah, Salt Lake, City. II. 11. UUU1UL UlVflilUO. Vfl Mybran.l X appeals on RICHT THICH of lio.-v; on RICHT KIP ol nil llu. Address. I'.ox Killer P. U.. Utilli. LEMAN JOHNSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. 1)0 t j ' ifi ; :M . y ' r HJ V T. b on Icfl shoulder. Cattle brand same. Hrigham City, Box Elder county, Ut. It Is a General Remark "Till! B.C.E.Co. Are producing quite as good and trustworthy light as is enjoyed by The best spring iwedieinp is a dose or two of St. I'atrii'k's J'ills. They not only physic but cleanse the whole system sys-tem and purify Ihe blood. For fiale In-City In-City Drug Slo-o. me denizens oi ine more populous cities of our Territory." TRY IT AND Be Convinced HENRY PULSIPHER Kims one of Iho innst prompt and Uolinblo Job Wagons in llio City. Good and Honest Terms to Suit All. Coul onK'i-s a sKviu!ty. T.oave woril at tlie stoic of Hootlie A I'eirce. TIIK "CITY HUM," Express - - Wagon Can Ahays be Fun ml Between the Depot and Tow. lis dVlivery of fivihlp, express anil l:ttrire in prompt. Kales renun:ilile uii'l sMtisfacloi-y. F Leave unlern nt Mrs. Tucker's, I hull' Murk west uf Co-op. '. N. 1'KIRCK, Proprietor. In ' I. vA I'll ' f i f till Horse hranil, lelt shoulder ; cattle, left hin; wattle on left thiu'li. Call's Fort, llox Elder P. ft., Utah. THREE MILE CREEK MT. LIVE STOCK CO. Address, Janiws Nelson, t'residenl, Box Kldor P. 0. Utah. Mexican Mustang $.3,500 IN KKH AIiDS. The Canadian AjrrienltnrlKt'a !ro(it Half Yenrly LKerurv tlompelH l;. The. Fifth Half Yearly Literary Competition Competi-tion of lHtt'J, of the Canadian Agriculturist, Agricul-turist, America's old and reliable illustrated il-lustrated Family Magazine, will close June Ittiih all letters bearing post murk not later than June :10th will count, no mailer where posted). The following splendid prizes will be given free lo persons sending in Ihe greatest number of words made mil of letters contained In the words "The Illustrated Agricullurist." j-Kvcrynne sending in a list of not loss than 100 words will receive a valuable present of silverware. ist grand reward !-'-"0 In gold 2nd " " grand piano, valued at VW ;ir,l " fJiO in gold 4th " " organ valued f.'HXl 5th " " flfXiingobl gent's gold watch full jewelled 7U) " " ladies' gold watch full jewelled btli " " :M "M 9th " " -' PnlJ 10 rewards of J10 each ?100 Next 20 prizes. 20 silver tea sets, quadruple J ; plate, warranted. Next .'-0 prizes, fiO sliver dessert sets, warranted heavy plulo. Next 100 prizes,-100 silver butter dishes, etc., warranted heavy plate. Next -0 prizes consist of heavy plated silver kettles, butler dishes, frnli baskets, biscuit jars, nugar shells, butler knives, elc., etc., nil fully warranted, making a total of fiK'. splendid rewards, the value of which will nggrafrnto .',. This grand Literary Competition is open to everybody everywhere. The following are the conditions: 1. The wonts miiFt be constructed only from letters In tbe words, "The Illustrated Agriculturist," Agricult-urist," and must be only such as nre found in Webster's I'tlubnUged Diet ion ary. in the body of the Imok, none of the su ppleineul to be nn-d . 2. The words must lie written in rotation and numbered 1. 2, .1 and so on, for facilitating in deciding the winner. 8. Letters rniuiol be used oftener than they appear in the words "The Illustrated Agriculturist." Agricul-turist." For Instance, the word "ei(K" cannot Liniment, j A Cure for the Ailments of Man j and Beast. i A Kng-tcstcil pain reliever. Its use h almost universal by the Housewife, the ' Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one rctjiiirinjj an effective liniment. 10 other application compares with it in efficacy. 1 lii.i v.-ell-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M s stam; I.immlvt. Occasions anse for its use almost every day. Al! tSmecists nd dealers have it. I I Bad Blood. -ilSi Imparcor vitiated blood 1b nf na times out of tan causad by iomo form of constipation or lndlgoi- f-S'Rr j tloa tliat cls up tlic ,yaWm CMiT" 7 when tbe blood naturally be-comei be-comei impregnated with thcel-fiS. thcel-fiS. fete matter. Theohl SarHaparlllni vVJr" attempt to reach this condition by attacking tho blood with tho drastic mineral " potash." The potash theory li old oud obsolete, Joy's VegctablcSaraaparilla li modem. H goes lo tho scat ol the trouble. It arouses the liver, kidneys and bowels lo healthful health-ful action, and invigorates the circulation and tho impurities are quickly carried off through, iho natural chnnucls. Z7 Try it and nolo ita delightful StfVV action. Chas. I -co, at Beaiuish's f Vfc"rj I hlrd and Market Streets, S. F., C y f writes: "I took. It lor vitiated xLj-y blood and while on tho first hot-Ue hot-Ue became courlnccd of Its incr- 'AA lu. for I conld feel It was work- (VJffi?! log a change. It cleansed, puri- j7j&iJ lied and braed mo up gonerally, and everything Is now working full and regular."" Inn's Vesetable lUy 0 Sarsaparilla I For Sale by Brigham Cilj Co-op Store "Woman's Work." tbe "Ameri-! "Ameri-! can Farmer" and The Bcci.f.k, ' all for the price of one paper. |