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Show I DEATHS 1 Norma Bushman Infant dnrghter of Theodore .ind Josie Bushnian died at 5 o'clock yeaterday at the home. 882 Thirty-second atreel The iaby was! bom in Ogden. Julv IT, 1921 The parents survive. The body will be hipped to Farmingtort for burial. Marj Jane Brown 62 years old, died at 1 o'clock yesterday at the home, 758 Twenty -fourth street following two year' Illness of BriBhts' disease Mrs Hrown wag born In England, Ocl .S, 1 869 and was tho daughter of the late Joslah and Sarnh Jane Small. Her parents becama members of the L. D. S. faith and migrated to th Cnlted States TiO years ago She n survhed bv her husband. Henry T. Brown and the following children .Mm Sarah Woolley, Mm Ieone Umar and Suni- , uel J. Brown, nine grandchildren, and 6n brother Samuel Rmnll Funeral ser Ices will be held Friday at 1 O'clock in the Sixth ward meeting |