Show ha fell at his poet president J golden kimball of th the c southern out I 1 aern mission Alls sion has just returned from kaysville kayt Kays ville whither lie went to take par part t in the obsequies of a young missionary who had been brought home from his 1 labora bord a corpse walter II 11 birlon barton was born in kaysville Kays ville april 15 a and rid d died aed at mccomb b city miss sunday feb 1 18 1891 1 of pneumonia anon ia ile ho has lived bcd in kaysville Kays ville ever since liis his birth having re all his education there lie ile has bern been a member of tho the church of if jesus chrit t of latter day dav saints from his infancy in ili company with 0 A williams lie he ent auth last fall from some pome cause or other lie contracted a pulmonary disease aisea s e which enaid his days on earth l lder george A smith knitli berit eat south after the remains lie he was called to po go on a mission says the eagle b arid and belie believing vinc a that as tle the scald scriptures say he who will not leave home lands and all for the sake of god is not worthy y of him tile the dutiful hoy boy made the necessary preparation 1 ond started out lie felt very very sad bid and sorrowful to po I 1 0 o away away EO far from his dear friends relatives and homo but lie he felt that his work was needed |