Show A PLAIN aus au I 1 S TIU 4 aji A eald Ef LD tho the lino line drawn when the or crat at li has labar free of cc cast st ti T I 1 tile ho tariff auie of tle lle new IS cw boll world lain at lower bottle I 1 I 1 b by trade and at a work I 1 atik a careful reader of theartic the articles lesof of tilt the discus lon as presented s anted hy hv you in tile columns of th htiu ile ro 1 und appreciate them VL very ry much the wilen bill proposes to cut cul tins thu tariff ou on glues glass hollies bottles 1 I do 10 not think is lionie oi of the iho target langei firms perhaps iii it a mo Jeratt reduction but there are it a of small concerns controlled oled and operated b it lire re enireb qu quito it a I 1 kinle I 1 t I 1 ae ca I 1 it I 1 ti lidid aid taki taken a f quire from five to tot yearn to get cairis started 1 find morr 1 isk tu to rail I 1 think than most branches brain ties of 0 industry quitt quilt a few have bad lurk luck kind and go under I 1 do not kno iknou of 0 any ally I 1 bruet list t 1 t mats to control tile prices of boblie chit country rrie ai ie lill if n nut 11 get tilt then inu jivu fit c by the wil aon oil bill if I 1 nude atai id it ii right talo take edwash Boda od wash ash for I 1 do not think a cut of tooru brorn 60 60 per cent to 10 30 per cent necessary pec essary I 1 ala aiu told that germany puts in in pint beer b eer bottles at a 11 gross and the duty it a giboss frat makini mak king iii taj we gut get as 1 l os a noss to for makiji them tile cost coat of manufacture 1 vot isid rodt brilly moret more lian our wages I 1 judge it I 1 thourl be pleased audi interested if you would give us a column it in the world on oil I 1 this hu abject yours very truly bert 0 BROWS 1 rn in 1893 we imported im ported poun pounds dg of pint bottles costing aar abroad oal on which ta the duty duly was I 1 12 1 2 cents per 19 18 or 31 percent if germany puts puta in a gross of pint leer beer bottles at then the duty by percentage is these bottles cost abroad 1845 cents per sound H aid nd t the fie 14 1 german bottles at would weigh gh pounds and the duty at 1 12 1 2 cents per pound would be fi figured ared by weight or percentage 0 the duty 1 is 8 2 33 you have hake b been een lied to about the duty being bedric only your employer receives from the people for your benefit for every gross of bottles you make ile he pays you you lie ile is stealing from the people and he is robbing you congress gave him permission sion and par passed S ed laws lawa enabling jiichi to collect this tax of per gross gross from the people on the ex pres i condition t that hat it was all ail for you au every cent and that lie he would pay it to you von in addition to foreign L ile he promised that you i ifould I 1 0 uld receive tile 2 33 per gross aa a the difference between tile the foreign wages he could afford to pay day you an and d the wages you required instead of paying you foreign wages wage t with a added d ded he pays you rio no wages not a cent and steals all but of the voted d by congress for you you are arc entirely supported by the public as a public charge you do not earn one cent of A wages tile the is a dole of alms your em employer plover does nt contribute one cent towards your support nor do you support yourself by your labor you iro are a public pauper supported by a public tax whom your employer harthe has the privilege of compelling to labor for his private benefit you are too sen sensible sibe to be offended ded at this plain speaking 01 for no is is meant and the truth must murt be faced let us assume that you have a right to be supported by a public tax that tho the people sho should uld contribute for your kul duport port what you now receive answer these questions ions I 1 why should they contribute more e tha alian n you get lor e very every received by you 2 why should you not receive this money for your support directly li from the treasury why should a middleman be employed to receive and only hand and you vou 3 why should you be compelled to work for this middleman what right has lie he to your labor au any ay iy more than ho he has to the labor of the inmates of our almshouse suppose he be sent to an imsho uEe for ten workers and they were furnished tb the 0 state support supporting ingy them ind and when they had produced for him 1000 gross of bottle he should send a bill to the count county y trea treasurer gurer for 90 for providing ng them with work what would you think of his gall dall and what would you think of tile the county treasurer ier who paid it for each 1000 gross lie ho now receives and they aro arc made bp public paup ers supported in their own homes by a public tax instead of a public 4 why whir should this bounty or gift by the people I 1 be e 9 given iven to irlas irresponsible pon sible persons for distribution as they please casc to whom they please d h haw th plo pari 1 I i W vii 1 s 1 hicl i 1 I alky apy in he permit lal 1 tn inn 1 fr I 1 s t 1 cald it ill A I 1 Z rt t 4 tila it wily why hii ill till tiny v 11 hiar the ile iwer gian 11 1 t 1 bipin if III of lucain M tin till T coll 11 whom I 1 1 all 11 the he people of f the ilca states must still port it capital ital for a man to get s posit position ion your employer has it tea e 9 a man inan without money a I ng ing ahill hill light 0 to attain it but why yuld buld the possession of a certain certai n aunt of money give ive a man this f ver er over men w without 41 t hout money I 1 plutocracy government by r ney n to be preferred to damoc r v government govern mert by i men low your employer employ er receives bis election ote cion is a minor question e he receives receiver it directly ft F a the Treas myor indirectly by a s at higher prices does not 1101 affe f the principle what Wha he petis is 1 pl 1 by the people in taxes either tahe lc he trea treasury ry or to him rut but it ix is ow a and n d always 1 has been a s sj idle it if it were e not the mor morcy ey w id lie collected by the treasury tren tre bury abury a ar hai paid by I 1 the he tre treasury abury to you a ar ho would 1 0 uld b have ave to pay you you for wages let us it was 11 wap at 11 managed an aged under treasury ry su ir vision as ar the sugar 1 bounty is lien hen ten tell of you had produced 1 la 10 10 gross you would want your pa it he would certify to tile treasur ais that he wanted 2330 to pay y for the difference in wages it wild be sent to him then iche pl I 1 ja you 1380 of ilin il in bullof full of all flau ils and kept an ail agnit agent treasury would find it out ail arrest him for stealing it finds fu s and for awin adling you out of y yi r foreign wages appose the government ito to pro tc certain men with money to bt b id d mills should offer to furnish fur ish t alim n with labor free of cost to su 51 port rort their workmen by a tax on th ile ie pie PIC it is what the govern lu it does now for men it is wl t no man in the congress ob jet j ei to ut your employer is not satis sati fie fic with this to have your labor fr arc of cost to hove have you supported by tax of LM the exact amount of bur aur wages is not sufficient to sa sai fy him lie ile L demands more lie ile cants to be paid for providing the th work kyork which costs him bothin nothing to lave done when the people pa yon on for making his hia arc i of bottles he demands 95 for lett let ng ng n you do it the people do no not abject to paying you the the anc object to dying him the 95 th rh y dr draw a w the line there they sa a aber there e is is no reason why you ta ch ht ill ild boril work for him when they su ort t you u and that it will be aara to i their hei r advantage to pay you vou tl ti 1139 IV thou som 0 ham pf af 0 p pensioning chinor you at full wages a d lettin letting g you 3 take a rest they will s F ve e nearly half the expenses they a 0 now un under der for your maintain a cc they save 95 out of every 33 30 3 in t taxes axe s levied ostensibly fur for y ur support the wilson bill will give ive your ar the P protection equal tu the fi it I 1 amount of your wages under i you will cuntin tie to be a pauper g bythe state compelled t i labor for a rich man a plutocrat 01 0 forfeit the states support lie mil avii have pauper labor power lower of selecting it but he will not abt be paid for finding work for it et it do wo we shall save the 95 but 3 u will ill get thel the 13 1 18 8 unless lie he steals some of it it will be paid to bm for you and you guht see that I 1 get it all every cent As s for the question of raw mater nl if you vou will send 10 cen cents ts to tho the tariff reform I 1 club 52 william street for no 21 of its library glass and the tariff you will find and full information formation iD on this sub let there is a 1 duty on eoda boda ash aeh let orz fa C cents per hundred pounds on oil salt al cake of two cents on fire clay of hi ree cents it is too small to be ye taken into account and any lly slight 0 increase in cost of this kind e except apt iu in lead g glass 1 ass is more than counterbalanced by cheaper fuel which is one third the cost of production tho the lead trist tr will be hurt by the wilson bill have ave tile the people of the united states no ri rights ailts by what amendment were they made the serfs of the he tariff lord and each one compelled to labor four extra hours per week to blip port paup pauli ers rs that plutocrats should haire late lat e theia labor freo free of co coat t would they not lie be cravens indeed if granting Dg that they aub bitted longer to paying by cetra labor abor ono day ti work in iii each week in taxes to ten these plutocrats when the total cost of ippol ting the 1 10 paupers haupers is is only and aid the t le plutocrats demand MUM 0 0 yearly more than is required T E W |