Show C ai w ril aim S CM S h NE this quality is neler more no patent in tuan man or than blien shown in his bis nr fr her clinice choice a ical lu luellig illig lila bLi 1 insl it i ulder ishO tIld come tho the local ro 0 o that pace lice ill may av ho be kept ni mi ith the doirs tile busy laiq y wot corll 11 ll it lie a paper like 1 t ic il i ivra ill all tile llie latap labeet home news Cs ca well as all the general il news political news and marlet market ne with se acas f malle li mitor iala on current topics no one can ge get t along without his homo p paper 1 pe r tim rho newspaper sh should oulI be au supplemented ap pp Il by some periodical HOOT hom which will lio he derived amusement and during the evenings at home bottle ix chero here every article is anad and digested such 1 I 1 paper to fill every requirement should possess these qualities fisit it should ile be 1 I i clean whole duale paper that can F macly be taken into tile the it should le be illustrated with timely iuga lecul id A alper that is entertaining and instructive N wink bile ol of sound bound principles I 1 its ita I 1 noral moral tone all should be beyond question third A V bel helpful paul piper paper one that tells tile bouse housewife wife of homo me thoughts and expedit cices tices and leeps lier her in touch with social asaye and fashion fourth A paper abounding in original f character gilt sayings unctuous limmor and brilliant wit nit filth it should contain good stories and pleasing matter for voul people that tile the children may always regard the pa paper per as it a friend airth literary selections and stol ies suitable for older people should be given for chev too like to enily a leisure hour seventh Sev elith in choit it i bould be a good allaround famil 1 amily v journal a weekly visitor halt ahall bring refreshment and pit liquia to every ber of tile the household we ive offer to supply our readers with just tuch huch a paper one of national repa tation and circulation it is alie famous DETROIT FREE M E PRESS the lar larg gistAnd stand best family weekly in america the rree free press lias has just uen hicen enlarged to twelve large se pearn en column paes each week it ii ia justly famed tor for its great areat literary merit find and humorous features to ech each yearly subscriber the publishers are this year giving a copy of PORTFOLIO OF TYPES this artistic production twenty photographic plates axil inches representing the lirange peo people le that were arwen on the mid ajay Pai plaisance sance the fares aid fantastic dress will be easily recognized by those who visited the fair others u ill fand in thein an in ill te resting study the price of the free dreps preps is one D dollier allar per year we ve undertake to to tarnish furnish T THE fa E IL THE WEEKLY DETROIT FREE PRESS including Inc ludin premium midway each one year tor fort lees ikes thin than seven bents a week will procure both of there most lost excellent papers and fur niell abundant reading mailer matteri tor or every member of the fain family alv you can call not 1350 to better advantage tanta e in nn other way can call 1 ou get as much for tic io little money subscribe Sab scribe now do ed cot delay bring or send bend your subscription to TUE TIIE JOURNAL publishing cologan uto ENDS av urdu gac etche ZE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE thi following do isal actuated tuat cd in paid or such buch tripti ther of ait L AW not sold to thereon lestore file acty or of eilf lio will bo riold at pantie auction vt v the hl t bidd bidders irs in govern in tomtit y 1 1 oi flat fiat min atluri orty forty amil aro a mil each cach aw g aill runt t dior 1 of the county court noue ligues lu in loran city tn in mai bald count on oil the day of april 1831 A comme commencing 0 ng at io 10 wet oe k n i ili 0 16 11 1 M s li t il U all g i ie ii 1 4 S N BA ot alien f I 1 i ia in i i i 1 tabt i 1 ow I 1 I N s1 sa 1 1 I 1 10 aull 11 1 11 4 0 a SE 11 1 J 4 ar 1 ll 11 n r 1 0 e urel 1 kows auly ly sar pay silo 1 acu R RI alt i of sulla oin eniy sy my not leso thim te ten r rr r acet ti wot und and take not law than two or 1 mire lre than mug bearil to pay tile baliff ce 0 p 4 in 01 lial annual j gaii nt anil ana th lh luiser he be bin rei po for or crat elect 11 how wilfully many ji 7 abw ho he r luiree i upa he abom abo a luotto lo 10 on nil all deferred apty pty meats nt at tile ibe ritti f eight por per cent var sm vaut vau t be paid annuel y in advance unit anil inn I 1 1 l I 1 ot pi iffa entert whai iao doo nna 0 alx il lx lor full lj 11 luaulu 10 and till thu land will 11 loo in i n euld act d oh lundri at file of CM all PJ jacw lel it 1110 sed wiliie I 1 flit i the ull ina nl ni olvce room 18 7 gilck blu as JW jilling ll fowl 11 julji sul ji trept tr pt in salt taa Y al city 7 mil and no loi lanco cin c in bo be hold nl id public fi or r prieto ail lor loo loi lian lain lim kalua dated feb fobs 8 hl I 1 to locile kimsil 1 blaids ails 11 vw a chann in id fats 1 atit f duard ot of integ rinn ta DR LIVER LIM AIL L A mild ONE PILL FOR A DOSE A aft V trout of ili ahe bodille each dy day Is in bel belttle ahll anin supply apply what the system flem lacki mitte k it cure n F ye add nd clr clear the complexion better than coo oo 00 they 01 ol mildly neith pi acrive arive nor iltanen alber puts piu GO do to convince yov you ol of their merits w will mail fr drw or a rull box lor for 25 cents domo mod hod co Philil delphia for sale lv bv riter laos drug drift co lo lor law r are still in effect to eastern points via the rio granjo grande western ry remember the R G W V is noted for the elegance of its equipment its new coaches its fine chair cars its colonist sleepers and its new and artistic Pul pullman cullinan linan double drawing room il boom palace sleeping cars which runs through to chicago without change chan fre 0 speed safety and comfort Com rort its well earned motto two main line fast express trains to the east daily g MARSHALS SALE pursuant to oil an execution to tome tile di bv the 1 fourth judicial Judici 1 district court of the territory of IT itah tali I 1 shall expose at public sale at the front door of the county court house in the city of logan county of cache and territory berri of utah on the day of march 1894 at two p in ili a ill 11 ll tile right title claim and interest inter cat of irenr henry v W jackson and henry C jackson jackon of in and to tho the following fol foll lottin oling described describe lien estate situate lying and leihn in tho tha county of cache aal Teni tory 0 of utah and a 13 d particularly deseri ped as follows to uit it at co corner coner ner 0 tile the so southeast south h east a et quarter of the north northwest west lii arter ter of if be section eleven 11 in township nine 0 9 north of range rane ope aoel 11 5 itt of the file sAlt Lake meridian united surveys for or utah territory arid running 11 ing baht forty duj loda thence seventy two 1721 rude rods thenie e west frt brt 0 rods thence north seventy t tonj 0 72 cods to the place of beginning begin also aleo begin nim nl at a point sixty seven and one liali 07 cods st sl from the ceist corne of the southeast south east quarter of 01 section eleven t ill I 1 I 1 in ill to fibbio nine 91 of range onel one 1 eastok east of the alio salt lake I 1 lliter states for utah running thence west thirty and 1 une I e liala 30 0 1 2 1 rols rods thence north geenty civo and one half 75 7 i 1 a rods thence east unity fan anil one half ani iu j rods rod thence south seventy anc leill 75 73 egl 1 rods to tile pl place cc of beginning brinnin being a part aart of tile salt said east fuai ter of said sac aw lion eleven 11 in town township iship nine 9 north of range one I 1 I 1 I 1 also Ms all of mock block five civo 51 5 plat r I 1 iradi Bu survey also all of lot 8 in block 10 16 plat plata A paradise townsite survey to lie be sold us its tile property properly of henry W V jackson and gienty C jackson at tile suit of robert W V shipley et ct al aci ins of sale cash dated at losan logan utah february ibue NAT ANAT M BriG TrAM U S Ma marshal rahal ayt lly T N E 1 U S marsi Mars ial lial pro program gram of sunday school visits I 1 feb providence pro evidence apperley A p perle y and 1 lowe owe millville milleville Mill ville keese anil 1 I Mit 1 i t to tofi I 1 mar r h lib ath college ward an am howo 11 rum apperley and nil qt QI i anney tin cy mar h I 1 ith paradise ormsby ornesby anil and mitton litton mitt aon aion rcck o and qu quinney it i e march ach mendon apperley al ann mitton milton wellsville 3 a and il wc march ormsby and apperley App eiley nowton newton quintiney Qui tiney and lowe april clarkston clark ton ormsby and reese tren trenton ton mi mitton t toil and Quill ney april 1 ith south lewiston Lew Lewi itoi lowe and mitton lewiston A p parley pai ley and reebe april richmond ormay and quinney Co Cove veville apperley P and nd lowe april alyde park or ormsby I 1 by and mitton greenville reese Rc escand and quinney ney may ath logan ward ap and mitton legan 2nd and ward reese keese and lowe may logan aid ward ormsby and lowe lon logan ith ward apperley and may lo 10 logon aa n ith ath ward mitton Alit toll and chinney logan ath ward and reec may lo loan glogau 0 an jtb ward ALoer lev and ree se south wells vile v fl ie I 1 milton litton and lowe lone this pro ram leaves two of the S S sup ts free cach caci sunday for the making 0 of special visits TIME TABLE LEAVE LOGAN no 10 salt lake express a 1 N no 16 points north of cache J 10 p m ARRIVE LOGAN no 9 from salt lake 6 10 p in I 1 no 15 from north of cache J 8 a m NV W WOOD SIDn agent U P ry ity 0 the mii fair the midwinter mid winter fair at sar san francisco will soon be opened the management ina lent have been carefully elected the best of the worlds fair exhibits so that those who were unfortunate in not seeing the chicago exposition will still have a an n opportunity to suspect the foreign exhibits at san francisco tte rio grande western railroad in line with its usual progressive spirit will in connection with the so pac co put jn effect a low round trip rate during the existence of the midwinter mid winter fair the R G W ry ity as you know runs through to san francisco without chan change chanc c both tourist and first class 1 I pullman sleeping cars two trains daily alsan sunday I 1 Pro gramme the monthly meeting to be held in the B Y college march 5 1804 at p in singing to be furnished by the sixth ward sunday school first lecture on psychology by J 11 II paul second instrumental music elvde and earl third address superintendent ormsby fourth N vocal ocal music fourth ward sunday school fifth address sister taylor of filth fifth ward sunday school sub to conduct amodel sunday school miscellaneous business MIES Pro ro gramme IT corn W V T JONES an ali invitation is extended to the public to attend la grippe din during ins the pre prevalence e of the the past evaeon it was it a uoti cuble I 1 lid i c L that those who depended upon noon dr kins kings new DiB discovery COVEry not only had 1 aj a speed spee dv v rc covery but escaped all i ot the troublesome aller after effects 0 of the mahaily mal aily this remedy seems to have a 0 power potter in collecting rapid cures nut 0 only Y in in la grippe but bill in in all DIS 5 B of throat Th chest cheat and lun jungli arid and lias has cured of lima and fever of long ion c gauding Jiu try it an ind d be convinced it ithon wont diba disappoint point freo free trial bottles bottled at riter liler urus brus drug dingco co 6 williams australian allan rills pills if you are yellow billious constina con a id ed with ith headache bad breath crowt dropsy sy no appetite look out your liu liui i is out ou ol 01 0 order oue one box bos of these di eso pills w will ill drive a all the ca 15 avay aay and make a new being of you ari price cc 0 25 5 acts riter bros broa j drui drug co 0 W 0 ll fl ardman sheriff sharill Sh crill of tyler co W va appreciates a good allin and does docs not hesitate to say so lie ile was almost prostrated with a cold when lie procured pio cured a bottle of chamberlain s cough 0 rel fledy ho says it gave ino prompt relief I 1 find it to lie bo an invaluable remedy for coughs n and colds for sale by riter rite bros I 1 dru dingco co YU aj SHOULD amov KM THIS FA F FACT A C T TH AT fk C co 0 of ST LOUIS MAKE A 3 SOAR Q A P ca wal I 1 CH WAS 0 0 C faval A L 4 QUALITY alg T j groc t t M M U W 0 wa DW A R a wish to call the of tho the public to tho fact act that they mayo have cut atit prices on all siz sozos of f Con common linon glass the they also lil have cavel their usual stock of logo M R N la lug R nn which aliey are i selling cheaper than ever E ut V 3 X 7 D W A RE guta ED o alte rio grande western colorado Oo orado midland atchison topeka and santa fe railways the only line running sleeping cars between ogden salt li city and chicago without changa chan epand and pu pullman 11 man palace reclining chair cars between ogden salt lake city denver and chicago THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE EQUIPMENT unsurpassed S SCENERY 0 EN el ay U I 1 boll grollig PIS if so BO bo be sure and secure your tickets reading 0 0 SANTA FE ROUTE grandest and greatest railroad on earth ea rth leave ogden or salt lake on the evening train in order to seethe see tb the mi ITIC I 1 beautiful scenery in america I 1 0 train leaves rio grande western depot ogden at pm and sa i t lake city at pm H HO 0 BURNETT GENERAL AGENT PASSE MOET yoc salt lake cit YOU WANT L N A NEWSPAPER FROM THE metropolis OF THE PACIFIC COAST IS THE ONE GREAT WEEKLY OF THE COAST it IN TIIE THE FIRST IT GIVES cives evert event W ONE CE OF THE FOUR T ETCHINGS or DESCRIBED BELOW AND DELIVERS JT ir SAFELY AT UIS ADDRESS POSTAGE l PAID i THE BATTLE OF gettysburg in il colors by tho iha G war artist THE SIRENS lit in colors a painting famous tho iho world over CHHIST OR DIANA illustrating an historical event ol of early christianity 11 PEEK A BOO a first prize winner at tile tha paris salon filch etch of 0 ilidio li is aix s inches and abel are re olex antly reproduced la in ina fc sli Irol fille lB aery DC tho ibo great original bellber icile oo 00 of H bleb could not DOC be pure sed for besides beside there are premiums raina iti IN VALUE FROM filou as 25 CENIS TO TO BE distributed AMONG EXAMINER subscribers the th price ot of the lh KHI 18 1 1 iio 60 per P year rr including lb the premium picture and ail your thir ol of th ib 41 list or 0 premiums which ire are folly aill described la im the twelve pg pago mon win will to be scat eat ties free on B a on t to 0 W lt 11 laher S sit ii francisco Francl teo CC C C wo we will send you tile the E examiner and journal a 1 year for n ca cash s it I 1 alic J ill g go 30 UTAH 0 |