Show THE GERMAN MISSION an aa blue letter from joan 11 squires THE GOSPEL IN miss fonaries ste from one place to about the time lie y learn tu la 16 lan 4 ua a e arp EDITOR chinkin it might inight bo be of interest to some of the readers of tim THE JOI NAL to learn something so about tile the swiss and verman mission I 1 hereby tender the following president J T J abo hns has had bad clargo charge 0 of alie ini stion for a little over two a at il 1 I a half years expects to return to his home bome in utah the latter part 0 febra february ry lie bus bas fulfilled a low long ind and useful mission and will be remembered with love and respect b the saints and his co laborers brother emil maeser maeer a sun son of J of maeser INIa of provo will be his successor taken alsoc altogether ether the i tints in this mission number nine hi adred and twenty two scattered t 0 i ou it C germany and switzerland a ax ae e fat y two traveling C elders boose business it is to visit the and spread the gospel to the b bt bot t of their ability by holding meetings giving b ivin b out tracts and conversing with the people for vie amount of work undertaken 63 tile the missionaries forty wois a very small awall number to be divided in such a huge laroe field As a genc general ril tiling tw elders are arc appointed to labor 11 ibo garue district but t thi 11 af are 6 s e I 1 I 1 V 0 vel i 1 l t i refy alo a ne in I 1 1 itherland ity erland and in the itic parts of if 1 reri ermany nany where the Lu Lutheria therian ii religion ion is believed in by the majori t U of the people the elders have tle tike privilege ot giving out tracts and preaching the gospel with as ID ch freedom as the ministers of 0 i er rel religions n s in n catholic districts it is more J to get to talk x ith the people and the elders are watched tery closely by vie tho officers one two elders have been banished t om the kingdom of bayern on 11 count account of their preaching prea last s turner in order not to be bothered 0 the officers tile the saints of nuren ivr had to hold their meetings in in the te forests here alere in leipzig 0 there are a twenty five saints they rent a orm oom and hold meeting publicly e every ery sunday afternoon tile the 0 s are well attended by bythe the faints and are often visited by 8 ra angers tigers C who come sometimes out ot curiosity and sometimes to seek itu I 1 it truth the cause is gradually ra dually e g awing win E each ach year adds add a target larger it aber of members last year there were two hundred rk 11 anti and sixty two wo baptisms per tort ned tit aliu saints sainta who join the c v are as a general thin tiling 0 verv s ficere in their wier and faithful fait fai lil ul in their duties they do all ditl within i power to help the R elders 3 in 1 dwir kr ir labors and to make things as aa pifa pita sant as possible the patience 01 0 the saints is often riad tied by tile alip 1 or of the eiders aboul time they get gel well weil dequair ted IV tit and like arb an elder 1 he Is is ell alvr called to another district or re teased to return home perhaps too ti his successor sor will be an elder cider woo does docs not under understand the tati language guage and will have to learn it act ure lie can call talk to them un under der such circumstances it is unpleasant both for the elders and the saints A missionary who corties over here NY tit no knowledge of the lati language guage has to spend from six months to out year in hard study before he can call speak in public to any any advantage tage 0 at all in III net fant it tales takes about lint much enuch time before be can mider understand stand what is said to liim hini much it less lesi say anything him himself seIr I 1 iders who do not have the privilege of taking lessons in the lang el oj uge e have to learn az ai a child does docs its mother tongue by hearing 0 others ol 01 hers speak it this is is a very 1 slow mow method and my oddice fouli l liv ir for an all elder to take lessons sif prible pu po sible ible before lie le leaves a ves home enat is if he cannot do BO after 11 IK gets eti et i here A little knowle knowledge doe of u lie he language before hand is isa 1 great help the better a person under standa 8 it and the better he c call in explain the principle i of elie gopel the better will be the imp he makes and the greater will be his hi success as a mif conary TOILS |