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Show '-Suicides number two a day in JSew 'Yoik. ... , A burning lake of sulphur has been discovered in the Indian Territory. ; . The wheat crop for 1878 in Tenn. is ; ; estimated at 8.000.000 bushels. In one county of Kentucky the peacli crawers estimate their peach crpp for too year at 100,000 bushels. -Fifty one metals are now known to ex- " ist, thirty of which have been discovered within the present century. Four hundred years ago but seven were known. The Lansing ( Mich ) Republican states that bo;us half dollars were being palmed v off on some of the citizens in that vicinity. ' The coin had a tilvcry look and ring, but ,i an uneven surface. Indian troubles are becoming numerous in Idaho and surrounding Territories and the rnili'ary arc. try iig to put a stop to their -t-preda tiona, but find it a task that is quite irusome, The Yankees bfatthe Britors at Henley; Hen-ley; in the Rowing Match, and the !rish f jcptnrtd the Elcho Shield at Wimbledon. . Our English brothers will have to prt-es forward else they will loose thtir long ; credit marks. Coun'ert'eit trade dollars are being: v. nade in the S'aten. of tin, bismuth and rla&s. They have thn wpipht and ring oC I 'he eenutiiB dollars and chu only lie detec- f ted by biting them, -when ibe filass in thim ' "i1 emits a cracking sound. Ex. ; 'BRR Sunstrokes are numerous in Missouri, New York and Illino.s, many being fatal, and the thermometer ranges from 80c to lt'3 in the shade, and one day in Chicogo I10J- In our 'sunny land of Dixie" it is not ihcommon for our f onconductor thennom-ter thennom-ter to go up to 10G in the sha 'e while the ther thermometers go as high as 110 and occassioally evrn higher, in the shade, and there has been no sunstrokes reported yet, from any part in our section of country. l- Lrrd Beaconsfield Returns from the Congress and is met with loud cheers and i grand demonstration stopping travel on ( ill the streets in the vicinity of Trafalgar ,,. quare. Charring Cross, W est Strand and Whit Mull; Flags, and flowers flying and hp cheers and shower of boquets were rhmense. The honored Lord says: The -m.M.ace to the ind-pendance of Europe hd been removed and the injury threatened r.oihe Br.tish Empire terrnitiated; congress iad res ored to the Sultan two thirds of his possess. ons. T |