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Show I HOME ITIEEMIS. I -0 "ANE'S AMANG YE TAKIN" NOTES-" Weather warm. GRAND GULCH FUENACE ig closed for a season. PINE VALLEY crops look well; they have finished watering wheat in that section. ' PILLS are not highly recommended for chicken disease the old hen takes them quietly, one by one, thinking them peas, then turns up her toes. THEY gathered in front oE the Post Office and began telling the troubles thev! had to endure in keeping 'bachelors hall' since their wives had gone to see their 'dear ma," or ''relations,' and after consoling con-soling each other the beat they could, one said; 'well, aint going to stand it much longer, I will have my wife home soon.' .INVITATION. When anything transpires in your vicinity that you think interesting sketch the particulars on paper and for ward to the Union for publication. If it is not stylish, nevermind, we want the facts of cases and we will dish them up and make them readable Don't wait for some one else to send it, but forward it. yourself. WATER. we learn that the water was turned into the new flume in the eastern part of St. George on the evening of the . lLth inst. and that the committee consider P it a complete success. The flume is 650 1,, feet in length; the water is Z inches deep, I . , leavii'g 3 inches for any surplus thai rffiftr ikw; ,na.v bo added hereafter. The velocity of I'HHp the svater is abo.ut fi o miles per hour. WINDSOR CASTLE We learn that J the stork belonging to what is. known as ' the Windsor Berd is spread over a section of co-mtry 90 miles long by 60 wide, and they are running throe darips in that section. sec-tion. Hurrah, we may look for some butter but-ter and cheesn sometime from that quarter. SANTA CLAR i Bishop M. Ensign reports 38 families; about 430 acrs of land under cultivation; small gr,ain all harvested; har-vested; fruit crop abundant; cotton crop looks well;vater more plentiful than usual at this season of the year. Bro. Ensign says among part of hip peich trpes he cultivated and they are n third larger than those th at were not tilled. BUNKERVILLE, situated 50 miles S. W. from St. George and 35 miles from St Thorn-: containing ten families, presided over by E Iward Banker. Thpy are working work-ing upon the United Order principle They have under cultivation 150 acres of land, watered by 7 mils of ditch. Ninety-six Ninety-six .acres of wheat, a heady harvested, es timnted at about 3.000 bushels. The have planted 40 acres of stubble corn the present season. The settlement was commenced com-menced in January 1877, are p-ospering finely and report themselves well pleased , with their location, St. George Tabernacle Meetings. Sunday, Julv 14, 1878. Addresses delivered by Elders A. Nelson, Jas Keato, S R Wells. D. L. Hendrix, A. W.Ivins, Moroni Snow, 0. H. Worthen, Orson Hobbins, D. H. Mc-Allister.and Mc-Allister.and Prest. J.D.T. McAllister. Sunday July 21. The speakers were Prest. H. Eyring, Bp. M. P. j Romney and elders C. Smith and Wm, Burt. j. "J! , . Wu noliea that the codling moth is infesting the, apple crop considerabh this season. Hot. The thermometer registered register-ed at 2 p. in. jesterday in the shade 102 and we removed it to the sunny side, and in less than five- minutes it rose to 125 Ripo grapes is one of the luxuries lux-uries of the day now in vogue. THE TWENTY-FOURTH passed quietly in this city and all enjoyed themselves well. At daybreak cannon were fired, arousing those who were inclined to be sleepy, and at sunrise the Martial ana String Bnds serenaded our prominent citizens, discoursing sweet music that was delicious to the ear. At ten o'clock service ser-vice was held in the Tibernocle, and speeches, songs, music, toasts, &,c. &c. waB th" order of the day. At 8 p. m. a dative was given on the public square on o 'ancing floor provised for the oceassion. and the little folks hid the privilege of enjoying en-joying themselves until U p. m., when the elder oms took their places, keeping it np until half past eleven o'clock, when the party was dismssed. |