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Show . The person that borrowed a volume v; of Millenml Star some years since will save Publication by RETURNING Uic .same to J. W. CAKPENTER. B j JOB PEIHTIHG- ' A ILL NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED B '.St. fficonjc nion' Office H AT BED ROCK PRICES! H ONE BLOCK WEST OK POST OFFICE. I HH M IH Catalogue with descriptions and prices will be ready to seiyj out by the 18th oi HH August. Forwarded free to all old custo. 9H wiors vvittiout application. Sent to all others who apply, for the price of postage. 2 cents. J AM lib V1CK, Rochester, N. Y. B jttst aajcaiTBDi B DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMI- I GALS, AND DRUGGISTS' SUN- I DRIES. ALSO CROCKERY; fl GLASSWARE, AND TABLE I CUTLERY AT I JOHNSON'S I HEAD OF Mk STREET, ST. GEORGE, UTAH. B' B BHiBBBrr - FOR SALE!! We have a good 'Franklin & Diamond Dia-mond Sewing Machine at this office, for sale chenp. It is in. good condition condi-tion and is adapted for fancy, as well as common sewing. Call and see it for yourselves. Price $20, J. W. Carpenter. JOHN itfl. MAGFARLANE, Surveyor and Attorney at Law. Office iti Courthouse, St. George, Utah, ltf PURE HOME - MADE DIXIE WE! For Sale by Thomas Hall, firnt house North of the Temple, St. George, Utah, ltf E. T, RIDING, PROFESSOR OF SNOBOLOGY, St. George, Utah; l -6m . . , . Seventy-five page? 300 Illustrations, with Descriptions of thousands of the best' Flowers and Vegetables in tbe world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in English and German. I Address James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. i TIClK-'S ILLUSTRATED Each Number contains Thirty-two pages of reading, many fine Wood Cut Hlustra-! tioiiF, and One Colored Plate. A beautiful i Garden Magazine, printed on elegant. paper, pa-per, and full of information. In English and German. Price $1.25 a year or five copies for $5. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrationo,- and .via; Chro-7o Chro-7o Plates of Flowers, beautjtully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cents ,in pttper covers, $1.00 .in elegant cloth. - Printed in English and German. ,, Address, James Vick, Rochester, N..Y. JOSEPH ORTON is Manufnctur- ing Boots and Shoes at his old stand adjoining his residence 2 blocks west of Public Square H (KRepaira neatly executed. H St George 'Hotel, I Next Door To Post Office. H MEALS REASONABLE. H JOHN PYNIM, PROPRIETOR I ALSO AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN Fish Bro's. Wagons, Timbers, Plows, Reapera, Mowers, Extras, etc , etc. ltf '. , , , An independent Seini-M on t.hly 9 Newspaper Published at St. Geoige, H Utah, by I 3. Wt. Carpenter, proprietor, I Its Proprietor will study the inter- H ests of the people in Southern Utah. H and ever strive to aid in the develop- H H rnent of "wealth, honor and righteous- H H neBs, and shall always " 6ght for the H right and oppose the wrong. H TERMS in Mvance: I I Copy 1 year, post paid $1.00. H I Copy 6 months " 60. H 1 Copy 3 months " 35. H $griO Copies for the price of nine. H jRaies of Silver Using: One line one year $1.00. H One line six months fO. One line three months 35. Special terms for large advertise- H ments furnished on application. H Send all orders for Subscriptions or H advertisements to J..W. CARPEMTER,' I . Publisher "UNION,' V, , H Box 561. ' St, George, Utah. f' I Ml ll |