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Show I m i. ... ty ifr. . . THE EAST DITCH. i I The rc is no doubt but the execu tionofthe programme in cam irur o. ;? the arrargemeuis (or ihe est ditrh wd be t'H b) all tlie citizci s who u , wa er therefrom, and add. greatly ti th ; comfort of both man and beast, a.- WJll as to make the heavily loaded mes laugh by wetting their parched B roots, in return for which they will Qg bring forth their bunches of lucious KS fruit to cheer the hearts of old and IB young. Now let us have the law which re quires the water free passage from tovo until six o clock every morning! to be carried out that the people in the lower parts of town may secure BR their fresh water for the day's use. jB without, just at that hour, havinir to wait for the mules and horsea to be served first. We have noticed a gen-eral gen-eral rush from ail the stables and cor- R tfals at the aame time, and men, women &nd children standing with pails on iRnRB ISHRI. ' .i- tuttEBtifc ' - L. tsumtn in. mi tr rMil.i 1 heir arms, anxiously awaiting the muddy current to pass so as to pet some that is passably clear to cook bieakfast with. Now it the animals must be served first () why not make some arrangements to let them get their feet washed and have their till undisturbed, even should it be neces sary to hae a police stationed on each street to prevent their receiving so many rocks and clubs bein? hurled at them when they are peaceably pursuing pursu-ing the even tenor of their way and obtaining what the law aliows them to have unmolested ? |