Show KAY VLLE KINKS Snow fell here during Thursday night AVilllsm White Hen Ueywood DrCartwright and William L White were among the visitors from Salt Lake during tho week Farmers arc happy Since tho late storms prcspccts for good crops are brightening Tho remodelling of the steps in front of our meeting house dds materially to the good looks of the build ng Lev i Taylor Jr has resigned his position as assistant Superintendent of the reform school and returned t Kaj grille to engage in the millinery and dry goods business with the now Jlrm of Wcssels Co trm The quarterly conference of tho Davis stake Is being held here to day and will be continued Ito I-to morrow Among those present from Salt Lake are Apostle Heber J Grant President Jacob Gates anJ Edward Stevenson I Is expected that George Q and Abraham H Cannon will be with us tomorrow Mr Mcso Johnson gave the last of a series of lesions on the science of elocution last Thursday evening He has been teaching a class of about tlfty members here and with each lesson his abilities a an elocutionist became be-came more marked We hope to sec him return at some future time and resume his teaching of this useful science The Music hal was crowded to Its full capacity last e igln bv people who had gathered gath-ered to bear the n top of the emotional i drama East Lynne t the Home Dramatic club under the management of Mote Johnson In tho phraseology of tho times It was a grand success and many nero the congratulations showered on those who took part The play will be repeated here tonight and it is probable proba-ble that next Saturday evening they will go to Farmlngton Farmingon Last Wednesday was a gala day in Kaysvlllp tho occasion being an annual Sunday school jubilee All the district schools in the vicinity were closed to give the children the privilege of participating in tho festivities of the day At 10 oclock In the morning between three and four hundred merry brightfaced children clothed In their Sundaybest cathored at tho music hal and aften lstcning to a short humorous humor-ous programme they were treated to a free lunch The afternoon was spent Id I n rand r-and a grand ball in the evening closed the days recreations M Kaysrllle Dec 0 |