Show HOW TO OVERCOME THE DANGERS EXPOSURE EX-POSURE Francis ORielly the well known liveryman livery-man of No Is Prince street New York street says of AllcocKs porous plasters For the lat lortytwo years I have been engaged in the livery and hacking business 1 am greatly aided by my four boys Wo are much exposed to time weather and we have found AJleocks plasters of great service We use them as chest protectors pro-tectors placing ono on tbechcstand one on tho pit or the stomach They not only ward off the cold but act us a tonic Wo aro frequently affected with rheumatism rheu-matism kinks in tho back and pains in the side but one or two of Allcocks plasters quickly cure us My wife and daughter have been using Allcocks plasters fr weak back and think the werld of them I have now been using them for twenty years and always have a box in thebouse i d t i |