Show Making Money Out of Kochs lymph Special to THE HERALD Examiner Cable BEHLIN Dec 6Thcre is proof that Kochs lymph is being utilized by outsiders Yesterday Yester-day a janitor named Jlyer was accused of sell in to foreign doctors five grammes of fluid which it Is alleged was Kochs lymph for ItO marks Dyer denied the theft but he lives In good style in the same house as Koch and is worth half a million marks which ho has not earned in regular reg-ular service at tho hotel The OJfcial llnzettf prints a dispatch from the Russian minister at Berlin warning consumptives consump-tives against coming here on account of the exorbitant ex-orbitant fees which physicians are charging for treatment and tho remarkably high prices hotel proprietors demand for accommodations Sunday the Emperor received a barber named RIeger who lives in Glogau to obtain a report of Uiegcrs secret diphtheria cure which is stated to have worked wonders among pa tleuts of Glogau and neighborhoodQ srhe Kaiser has promised RIeger an opportunity of making an experiment with the remedy at the Charito hospital under the supervision Profs Koch and Bergman |