Show In the Senate WAsniNOTOs Dcc Paddock presented n rr tst Irom the Farmers alliance now in con i t nion at Ocala JIa against the passage of tbf Conger lard bill Shrmoa Introduced three bills cad one amendment all of which wore referred to the rjtfc committee The new bills are as lot j > u > To amend the law relating to tho refl i g und partIn or bullirn to amend the act au Ihtying the iccoipt of cold coin in exchange I T n > id i bars and a bill l authorizing the rcooi 6e J subsidiary i coins of the United State I The amendment is one to the Senate bill to cc ion Cucc iiio amount or United States bonus cc qed of national banks Sherman introduced an amendment to the bill I to reauoe the amount of United Slates bonds 10 be required of national banks and to restore to tbe channels of trade the excessive accumul 1 on of raoccy in tbe treasury The amendment 1 uts its compulsory requirements of deposits I crruitcd States bonds to the amount of 5000 of oomlb for each and national banI onts fCr cact every na1onnl pro rifled that the luntaiy withdrawal or bonds l < v the retirement of national bank notes shall not exceed 63OJOOU in any month The act f aJ no apply t deposits of bonds t secur crposlts ol public money upon United State bonds deposited or which may be deposited bearing interest Any national deposied elation making a deposit shall be entitled to re rfive tram the comptroller of the currency clr Cu sting notes not exceeding tho catig xceeln par value of the bonds deposited or actually paid in capItal ttocl of the back Another section authorizes the secretary of the treasury to issue United States notes coua t the retirement of national banks below a dir culation of 130OOJOOO cr Section 4 authorizes issue of United State bonds to an amount not to exceed 100000030 to I be redeemed at tho pleasure of the government an J to bear 2 per cent Interest They are t be 1 cold for lawful money or coin certitlcatcs and the proceeds to be applied to the redemption or purrhase of United tales bonds fo l btn The House amendment to the Senate joint I resolution for the issue of arms to the states of North und South Dakota Wyoming and N e i branka extending its provisions to Montana was concurred in The election bill was then taken the Senate up but adjourned before Gray finished his speech I |