Show PlA PLANS S ARE ARf LAID fOR GREAT CROWD Forbes Field at Pittsburg in in Readiness for Worlds Series Oct 5 With the aim lm of hav hay having havIng hayIng ing the distinction of Seating a greater number of persons than has ever eer attended a single game of baseball the manage management management ment meat of the National League baseball b club Is busily busH perfecting arrange arrangements arrangements arrangements ments for the thit opening of ot the worlds championship battle between the Detroit Americans and tie the Nationals here next Friday At Forbes field additional seats and a false fence located some distance from the present boundary are being con constructed constructed constructed From present indications it is believed from to persons will attend the games here Friday and Saturday Spectators are coming co from Portland Ore San Francisco and Denver There Ther will be delegations from all al the cities em embraced embraced embraced braced by the major leagues More than newspaper men from all parts of the country count will be here to write accounts of the battle In addition there will be more than telegraph operators present pr sent It is said aid that OOOO already has been placed by and a greater r amount is said to be awaiting takers The average betting is about even |