Show Hollister Townsite Sale Reduced rates via Oregon Short Line to Hollister Ida via Twin Falls for sale of ot town lots on Oct 2 Tickets on sale sal Sept 29 to Oct 1 I limited to Oct 6 City Ticket Office Main street Utah State Fair Fall Rates Va a Oregon Short Line Tickets on sale from Utah points north of ot Ogden on Oct G 6 to 8 inclusive limited to Oct 15 From Ogden and points south Oct 2 to 9 Inclusive limited to Oct 12 Knights of Pythias Attention Funeral services of Brother William WilliamJ J 3 Griswold will be held from Eber W JV Halls funeral chapel today Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day at p m AH An Knights are urged to be bc present T H BIDDICK C C i We guarantee the purity the wholesomeness and even t tI I t the ti taste of X t r ri i When you buy a package of Roff from y ybur tu dealer he lie gives you his personal per onal guarantee backed c f f by us that you will like j I 1 If after you have save used at least half the package ao cording to directions satisfy you S take it back to your grocer and he will vill give your 4 money back cheerfully i is made of ot whole grains gains g and fruit It I is isi kJ i d carefully and scientifically prepared and is recognized I by food experts as one of the gre greatest od r L r v beverages on market today 1 1 i Drink r rl rI f l t I It I t builds b Ul ld S you up J 1 at our booth at the fairand get a free cup curl of this invigorating and health giving drink Made by College Pure Food Co Logan Utah SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE w T 1 If you dont dontI I eat Royal Table Queen how do you know which is the best bread on the market Baked in iii Bread Breal Pan PATENT APPLIED FOR NOTICE THE rHE A ALABEL 4 LABEL I II r JO k I I I 1 NOTICE NorrICE fly THE p i GROOVE We Ve ship anywhere in the country Buy Two Loaves for lOc lOe 1 Oc Serve them on your table and let their inimitable GOOD QUALITY argue arguer our r case fair it in It will mean another steady customer J r 1910 VELIE AUTOMOBILES AUTO Notice to Water Users sers STATE ENGINEERS OFFICE SALT Lake City Utah August 31 Notice is hereby given that John A Bagley and F M 31 Lyman jr whose post postoffice po postoffice t office address is Salt Lake Lako City Utah made application In accordance with the requirements of ot chapter Session e lon Laws of ot Utah to appropriate one thousand 1000 cubic feet teet per second of f water from Sevier river Juab county Utah Said water was to have been diverted by means meane of ot a dam and a canal at a 2 point which bears north 16 degrees 50 minutes east 2645 feet distant from the north orth quarter corner of ot section 17 township 15 south range 2 west Salt Lake base and meri meridian meridian men dian from where It was to have been conveyed for a distance of ot feet and there used from April 1 to September 30 I inclusive of ot each year to Irrigate acres of land la d embraced In sections s 1 to 36 Inclusive township 15 south range 7 west sections 21 23 28 and 33 township IS Iii south range 8 S west sections 1 I 2 3 I 1 4 9 10 11 12 14 H IS Iii 16 17 20 O 21 22 38 S 29 30 31 township 15 south range 5 S west vest sections 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 IS 19 15 24 21 2 25 36 Ii and 36 96 township 16 south range 5 It vest est sections 1 to 36 Inclusive township IP 1 south range 6 west sections 1 to 3 36 Inclusive town township township township ship 16 south range 7 west sections 1 to 36 6 inclusive township 16 range 8 II i west sections 1 to 36 inclusive ve township 17 south range 6 west sections 1 to 35 36 Inclusive township 17 south range 7 west sections 1 to 36 26 inclusive township IS 18 south range 6 west Salt Sall Lake Laka base and meridian In addition to the quan quantity quantity quantity of ot water above mentioned said applicants applicants applicants cants intended in ten lied to appropriate te two hun bun hundred hundred bundred dred thousand of water which was to have been stored stor d in a reser reservoir re er voir embraced embr ed In township 15 IS south range rang 2 west and township 16 south range 2 west westI Salt Lake base and meridian Said water I was to have been stored whenever avail available available available able during the period from January 1 to December 31 inclusive of ech e ch year and released during the period from June 1 to September 30 inclusive of ot ech year and allowed to flow down the natural of said stream to the point above specified spec tIed fled where It was to have been diverted conveyed ed and used In the manner m and for forthe forthe forthe the purpose aforesaid Said Sahi application was approved by the state engineer March Marchis 18 is 1907 and until March 1 L 1910 was al allowed allowed allowed lowed for the completion of f the works necessary for the appropriation tion of the water The Sevier River Lard Land and Water company the assignee of Join A Bagley and F M lL L Lyman Jr by Its secretary J 1 JD JD D Landes Laudes whose postoffice address Is Salt Lake City Utah intends to tarry fenny out the scheme outlined above except that application application application cation Is hereby made In accordance acc with section chapter 62 Session Se slon Laws of ot Utah 1909 to change the place of diver diversion diversion sion zion to a point from which the southeast corner of section 22 township 14 H south range 3 west Salt Lake base and meri men meridian meridian dian bears south 45 degree 32 33 minutes east 1406 1400 feet distant from where It is to tobe tobe tobe be conveyed to the above described lands and there used during the periods and for the purpose above named The is designated in the state st te engineers office as No 1367 1267 All protests against the granting of said Mid change of point of diversion stating the must be made nade by aft affi affidavit davit In duplicate and filed n this office within thirty 30 00 days after atter the comple lion Ion of ot the publication of this Uris notice CALEB TANNER lANNER Stat State Engineer Date of first publication September 1 I 1009 1109 date of completion o of publication September 30 1909 t Notice of Assessment MOAPA GARDEN COMPANY COMP NY Office and principal place of business B Salt Lake City Utah Notice is hereby given that at a regularly and duly called meeting of the directors of the Moapa Mapa Garden company held on the Mth day iday of ot Sep 1909 1209 at the office gf of f the man manager manager manager ager of the corporation D H ii Livingston Boston block blok Salt Lake CI y Utah an assessment of ot 10 per cent per pr share was levied upon the capital stock of ot the cor cm corporation corporation Issued and outstanding payable pa able ableon on or before the 22 day of or October A D I L 9 to tl the act acting actIng ing lug treasurer D H Livingston 1003 Boston block Salt Lak City Utah Any stocK atOc upon which this assessment or any part par of ot the same half remain unpaid on the day of October 1909 will be delinquent and will lie le advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment pa ment Is made before will wM wll be sold on Wednesday the day of o ot November A D 1909 1900 at 10 a m at the theOffice theoffice Office ot D H Livingston Aforesaid to pay the delinquent assessment assess ent thereon together with costs of advertising ad and costs of ot sale J STOKES JR Secretary Moapa Garden Company Office Templeton Salt Lake City Utah Theres special information in inthe Inthe Inthe the classified ads today If or peo people pIe who COULD the money for a first pay nent on come lome real estate U PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult county clerk or the respective signers for Car further information Notice N to Creditors rS ESTATE OF JOHN M deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at m 1 First avenue Waterloo Salt Lake City Utah on or Ot before the eth day dy of ot January J Ur UrA A D 1910 DAVID M 11 BERNHISEL Administrator of ot estate of ot John M Bern Bem bisol deceased C G B D Diehl attorney for administrator Date of ot first publication Sept 4 A D 1909 Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF E B L DAVIS DE DEceased DEceased ceased Creditors will present ent claims with to the undersigned at S Judge Judg building Salt SH Lake City Gity Utah on or be fore tore the th Mth day of ot July A D MM ANNA DAVIS of ot estate ate of ot B H L Davis de B E W Senior and E B V Higgins at for estate tate Date of ot first publication Sept 8 G A D 1900 Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF JOSEPH DAFT DK DE D ceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at room U Newhouse building Salt Lake City Utah on en Jn or before the seventh day of January A D 1110 11 EMMA EtIA F DAFT Administratrix of at the estate of ot Joseph Daft deceased George Y Wallace 0 Jr attorney for ad Date of first publication Sept 6 A D ll Notice to Creditors STATE ESTATE STAT OF EMMA El IA A LOWE LOWS DE DPi Creditors will wUl present claims with vouchers to the under undersigned d at the of office flea of Powers to T 7 Her ald aId building Salt Seit Lake City Utah on or before belore the day of ot January A D 1910 DEWITT B LOWE Executor of estate of Emma A Lowe de Date te of ot first publication Sept 3 a A D 13 Powers I Marioneaux attorneys IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court probate division in and for Salt Lake county Utah Department No 1 i In the matter of ot the estate of ot E B C deceased petition of ot K IL B executor praying for the admission to probate of ot a certain c document purporting to be th the last will and testament of ot E B C deceased and for the grant Ing of ot letters lett s testamentary to H B Mer M has been set for hearing on Fri day the d day of ot October A D 1903 1900 at 3 p m In at the county court house in the court room of ot said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah witness the clerk of said court wIts the seal thereof affixed this day of October A D 1008 1900 19 MARGARET ZAN Seal Cork Clerk By L I P Palmer Deputy Clerk Cleric B E B E i Corfman Cortman Attorney tar for Petitioner IN THE TH DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division In and for Salt Lake County State of ot Utah In the matter of ot the estate of ot Gus GWI tave Nielsen Nielen deceased who Is la some ome times known as Gustave and andas as Gustave Nielson Notice The petition of George Al AI bert Nielsen administrator of ot the es tate of ot Gustave Nielsen deceased who ia Is sometimes a known ae a IF Gustave Gustav Neil Nell sen sea and as Gustavo Gustave Nie on for an order of ot sale of ot real and per personal personal property of said decedent and that all persons Interested appear be bf before before fore the said court to show cause wh whan whan v van an order should hould not be granted to sell so much as s shall be necessary sary of ot the following described d real and personal estate of of said deceased to wit Personal property 36 U shares h res of stock certificate No no of ot Big Cot Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Tanner Ditch company Real property Commencing at a point 98 rods north and rods rot wet wo t tot of ot the southeast corner comer of the south southeast southeast southeast east quarter of ot section 16 township J 2 south range 1 east t in Salt Lake coun county county county ty state of ot Utah and running thence west 45 rods thence south 2 rods rod thence east 46 4 rods rode th nce north 2 rods rod to the place of ot beginning has bei u set for hearing on Friday the d i iday day of October A D 1901 at 2 p m in at the county court house in till the court room of ot said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this thu d day iy of October A D 1909 1108 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Cler By L 1 P Palmer Deputy Clerk Benjamin L Rich Attorney for Pe Ps Petitioner Petitioner IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division in and for Salt Lake county Utah In the too matter of the estate of ot Henrietta R deceased Notice The petition of Oliver R executor of ot the estate of Henrietta HeD etta R B BOstler deceased praying for the settle settlement ment mont of final account of said Bald Oliver R B BOstler executor and for the distribution of the too residue of said estate to the tM persons entitled has been set for hearing on Fri Fr Friday day dav the d day of October A D 1908 at 2 2 p m at the county court ourt courthouse courthouse house in the court room ream of said Hid court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said aid court with the seal thereof affixed this th day of October A D tOO lEO MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk ClerIc By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Young Snow Attorneys for fOt Petitioner IN m THE DISTRICT COURT PRO FRO PRObate PRObate bate division in and for Salt Lake conn coun ly ty state of ot Utah In the matter of the estate estate and guardianship of Mary E helpa Jensen Chester G 0 Phelps Alfred T Phelps and Violetta Phelps minors Notice The petition of ot Emily mily Phelps Christen Christensen sen praying for the Issuance to herself of letters of guardianship on the person and estate of Mary E Phelps Jensen Chester G Phelps Alfred T Phelps and Violetta Phelps minors has been set for tor hearing on Friday the day of October A D 1009 1909 at 2 p In m at the county court house in the court room of ot said Court ourt in Salt Lake City Salt Lake coun county county county ty Utah Witness s the clerk cerk of said Hid court cort with the seal thereof affixed this day of September A D 1901 1 MARGARET ZANE Seat Clerk By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Cleric B Attorney for tOt Petitioner Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF B F SAUNDERS DE BE DEceased ceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at suite mite s Newhouse building Salt Lake City Utah r lh on or before the Mth day of ef July A 1 I D 1910 1919 EDGAR L CLARK 1 Executor of estate of B F Saunders deceased decea eclE E H Ryan and M J M C Warner Wanter attorneys attorneys for executor Date of first publication Sept S A D 1909 1001 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRObate PRObate bate division In and for Salt Lake county State of Utah In the matter of the estate j f t Ste Stephen Stephn Stephen phen Tyne deceased d Notice The petition of Emma Kauna Tyne praying for the issuance IS to Lewis Her Herrick Herrick rick of or letters Jetters of administration in inthe Inthe inthe the estate of Stephen Tyne deceased has been set Bet for hearing on Friday the d day of October A D B 1909 1109 at atZ atS 2 Z p m at the county court courthouse courthouse courthouse house in the court room of said court courtin in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk cIrk of said Kid court with the seal thereof affixed this tills day of October A D un Ue MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Cler By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Dean F Bayton Attorney for Peti Petitioner Petitioner Petitioner CHICHESTER S SPILLS PILLS v THE UlA DIAMOND L e I Ailt k your l D t for f c Diamond Brandy Bran In la Red and ud GoIt boes bo es sealed with Blue Ribbon RibbeD 0 me Toke ToLe no other Bor n of or your roar lri Ai 1 BRAND PILLS 1 tot far 85 25 2 yean 7 as net Dot Safest SOLD SOD BY DRUGGISTS ERE Furnished rooms are totally unmanageable without want advertising k c |