Show MAZUMA MILL WILL I TREAT ORE OF LESSEES LESSEE Three subleases subleases have been let on t tupper tie ie upper two two levels of ot the Mazuma Hi a amine mine by the Mazuma Mines Ines r which holds a lease upon all al of the wor ings according to the Seven Troug s Miner A pump has been installed and s soon son as the workings are drained t te main leasing lesing company Is to com men e work In the 3 and 4 levels as well wel tj Is Isto s sto to sink the inclined shaft shat deeper T e have already taken out h hore ore for a mill mi run and the Mazuma m mis Il Ilis is to be started up at once The ore or bo be boIs b mil y Is said to be b larger on the 3 level thi n a nIt ait it Is 15 above with wih no diminution of ot t ti e average values value and the company I a counting deeper work upon handsome results from tro t ti I e |