Show What Do o You Think of the Best Known New Pianos Worth Selling for I Well W e l this is just the kind of Bargains that are being offered every day this week by the tho Consolidated Con Music Co Main St This City The above offer is not on a Second Hand Instrument It Itis Itis Itis is on one of the regular line instruments just in from rom the factory The reason for the big cuts in prices is that the big company is remodeling its enlarged premises s and stocks are in rather a disordered condition To offset t the consequent inconveniences and stimulate trade trad just at this particular time unusual and unequalled bargains are offered the people Buy Now ow If You Ever Intend to Buy at All It is not believed that such Prices on Similar Values will willEver willEver Ever Again be offered in this State This company certainly certainly certainly does not intend to duplicate them Theres a Ne Necessity Neg NeE g E cassity for them right now which may not arise again Ten T n Dollars Will Take TaIe One Home Just because the prices on Pianos ianos and Organs are ridiculously ridiculously ridiculously low dont run away with the idea that you must pay cash This company is big enough to extend you all aU the credit you want and they will make the payments very easy for you Buy Today Regular Line Live Pianos Are Selling Like This Sample for Mission Style tyle Instruments and Pianos Instruments Best Known Makes fakes Instruments Best Known Make Second Hand Hanl Piano Prices Unmercifully Slashed i Bush Gerts 1851 I Chickering Sons Hardman i Winter Co Lindeman Upright makers Chickering Bros I name withheld for New N eT Style Estey Est y Organ Goes This Week Weel at itt t 76 This is only a starter There is Kimball Parlor Or Organ Organ Organ gan to be sold at 67 Another of the Very Best Sellers among the Kimball line worth will be offered to the first purchaser for 59 And then there are four Special Organs made by the largest manufacturers that will win be besold besold besold sold this week at the remarkable price of 58 These or organs organs gans Bans are all new and from the regular lines Second Hand Mason T Hamlin Organ Oi O ait for fol This is an exceptionally good bargain Other SecondHand Second SecondHand SecondHand Hand Organ Offers are Estey for 2750 in in perfect ct condition 90 Newman N Bros Organ in excellent condition condi condition condition f tion for Burdett Piano Cased Organ for 43 Packard Organ in good condition for 54 No ex excuse excuse left for not inn at these cuse use buying prices price I Greatest Piano and ant Organ Sale j Greatest because never before have such remarkable bar bargains bargains bargains gains been offered to the public and because no nG other music house is now offering any inducements that ap approach approach approach those being offered by the Consolidated Music Co CoAn CoAn CoAn An Unequalled Sale No ATo o Time Tinie e for Delays Belays e You r Sou Buy Today Tolay These bargains are being snapped up by the shrewd and careful buyers those who want to make big savings on the purchase of pianos or organs Its your loss if you do not buy now Get busy make up your mind and come comein comein comein in today Off All Small Shall Goods Edison and Victor Talking Machines and Records except excepted ed All Band and Orchestra Instruments Music Rolls Bolls etc will be sold during this Great Remodeling Sale at just off the regular prices All new goods are in perfect condition conditi n Better buy now while youve got such sucha a big advantage Copies of the Latest Sheet Music to Be Sold at lOc IDe Two Tro Big Bin Companies Consolidated The Music company and the Beesley Music company compan Y the two oldest music houses in the state have consolidated and formed what is now known as the CON CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED Mu SIC COMPANY eO IP N W V Clayton is pres president president president ident Royal Wc W Daynes manager Alvin Beesley assist assistant assistant assistant ant manager The company is enlarging the store at 1113 Main street in this city and when all the improve improvements improvements improvements ments are made mad it will have a floor space of feet A marble front with huge plate plat glass windows will be in installed installed stalled The basement will be excavated out under the sidewalk and be lighted with the prism glass lights The new establishment will be the handsomest music house in entire west and nd one of the finest in the country Attend the Remodeling Sale Now N ov On at the tile Big Store Main Street Just Below Beloy First South East Side Sid I M EiL M IN AND SUCCESSORS TO T To BEST MUSIC IN A THE TH TATE STATE AND I dU qt V 1 F ko C dI rY and other pianos J 0 Pioneer Roofing Furnished laid and guaranteed by b LAMBERT PALER APER P CO Conference Rates As usual via Salt Lake Route Three Utah county two Tintic and three Tooele trains See Sea nearest agent Pupils will be enrolled in classes Sat Saturday Saturday and Monday Monda Oct Oot 0 O and 11 n nt t Dancing Academy E First South Both phon s Sick Headache And n Indigestion Indig n stion The Former Fonner Is Very Frequently Caused by the Other The nerve connects the stomach region directly with the brain brainand brainand brainand and when the stomach Is out of or order the th head is almost certain to be affected through reflex re lex of or sympathetic irritation Ir Irritation Irritation The headache of ot dyspepsia and Indi ge is of ot every variety from the dull est and least defined to the most acute pain Sometimes the whole mass of or the brain seems racked with anguish at others the ache is confined to the back or front part of the head The first form is usually of at a confused contused character and is often oft n accompanied by dimness of at vision and a mild mUd vertigo or rush of blood to the head The Tho victims of this symptom complain of a swimming or lightness in the tho head and dizziness or a sensation sen of motion while the body Is still sUII and specks or flashes of or light be fore the eyes Persons subject to Indigestion and other forms of stomach trouble are very fre frequent frequent quent sufferers from headache and In Innumerous Innumerous Innumerous numerous cases a sick headache Is the only noticeable symptom of Indigestion present pre ent in others there are as well The majority of people regard this head headache headache headache ache as a separate disease instead of a symptom of ot which it usually Is and they attempt to treat It separately and make the mistake of en to obtain relief through the use of headache powders tablets pills and seltzers the tho use of which is extremely dangerous as many of them contain such drugs as caffeine etc which depress the heart brain and nerve nerva centers and lower arterial pressure and many a person with a weak heart has be become become become come dangerously ill HI shortly after taking one of ot these headache remedies They also Interfere with the digestive processes and actually make the dyspepsia worse than before In order to get rid rill of or the headache ot e indigestion and most headaches are caused by stomach trouble one should endeavor to reach and remove the tho cause and the headache effect will soon be re relieved I STUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS do donot donot d not cure the tM symptoms they cure the cause of or the headache which perma perms permanently I removes the tho symptoms Thy di dl digest digest gest Best every atom of floS fo f od in the stomach st I cure all forms of stomach trouble and an anthe the headache and other disagree disagreeable disagreeable able symptoms and untoward effect 1 is s quickly gotten rid of Dont make the mistake of or trying to toe I cure curo your dyspeptic or nervous headache e through the use of headache powders I tablets etc Use common sense goo good d judgment and one or two of Stuarts Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets and you will wm be agree agre agreeably agreeably ably surprised at the rapidity with which the headache will be relieved and cured cure simultaneously with the relief and cure cur of the stomach disturbance Purchase a package from your our druggist today for 50 cents and send us your our name nam namand e and address and we will forward you ou a atrial atrial I trial free Address F A Stuart Co 14 Stuart Building Marshall Mich 1910 VEL E AUTOMOBILES IAN AN ODD MISTAKE THIA T AT T WOMEN MAKE I Women are Inclined to fall tall into a mis mistaken mIstaken mistaken taken idea that any pain about the hips or in the small of the back ia is fe te female female male weakness and must be endured as a trouble peculiar to the sex Such patience is noble but too often oUen unnecessary and unwise Kidney weakness In man or woman will cause backache sharp twinges when stooping or pains fits tIts of ot blues nervousness diz dizzy dizzy dizzy zy spells headaches urinary disorders and swelling of or the ankles or limbs This Is the point Do not worry over supposed female weakness until you are very sure it Is ia sot snot ot Kidney k disease dl d ease that thatIs thatIs Is causing your troubles The nature of or a womans life lite and work makes her fall an nn easy victim of kidney sickness The bending and stooping of ot housework the tight clothing worn the strain of childbirth and worry of rearing chil children children children dren the indoor life colds fevers and constipation all wear and weaken the kidneys Backache or any such irregularity as the too frequent desire to urinate pain painful painful ful ul or scalding passages or sediment in inthe Inthe Inthe the urine is good cause to judge that you have weak kidneys Then begin using Doans Kidney Pills which have brought new life UCe and strength to thousands of or women It is your duty to self and family not to Overlook the Real Cause of Common but Mysterious M tei Aches and 4 Us lIs Tells A Story st JY H t fa r b rc i t ty d I y I ac a crr neglect nor overlook the first symptom symptom symptom tom Dont wait walt for a serious case of diabetes dia diabetes diabetes betes dropsy Brights disease or grave to develop Doans Donns Kidney Pills PiUs is a simple vee ver ve remedy yet very quick In Its In healing and strengthening action on the tha th kidneys It contains nothing of or a nar narcotic cotic poisonous nor nature na nature nature ture and can be taken by any man woman or child of or even the most moat mo t deli delicate cute cats state of or health v SALT LAKE CITY PROOF Mrs Elizabeth Sellers Brown Browns 9 court Salt Lake City Utah says It was about two years ago that I first took Doans Kidney Pills PUis I had bad cur suf suffered for tor quite a while from a weak wea 1 back and pain across Cross my shoulders an I hips I was ores finally told that I hall hal lumbago and that Doans Doana Kidney Pill J would cure me I began taking them theIn and was helped so grey gr fly itly that I con continued continued continued their use until I had f Intone I Ithe ithe the contents of four boxes By th t time every symptom of or kidney com complaint complaint plaint had left me I still sUU take Doan Doans i Kidney Pills occasionally and I fm find l that they keep my kidneys lu In goof good working order rt r t DOANS KID rt r Ii t lour Sold by all an dealers Price 50 so cents FOST RU RN Co Buffalo N NY Y Proprietors ts JUrn is I I A Great Conference Unloading Sal l lAt At THE PEOPLES CASH STORE Continues every day this week Conference rence End nd State Fair Visitors should take advantage tage lage of the extraordinary bargains in all depart PURCHASE NOW and leave leaven your our Parcels Parce with us until you return home W quote a few of our grand bargain n among hundreds of others MILLINERY Mil I Hei I In the e Domestic Dept DeptA A Styles and find Modes Pu Pil Push I ow cases S 11 c Ladies Ladles Hats H ats trimmed d from 2 98 sh E ts t S 1 49 C Cretty Pretty retty P dressy d line I me Misses and an d Girls G Pil WS rea d y t 0 wear 1 1 98 Wh tUl H lJ te to Color C 0 I or Spreads S prea d s from f rom 78 c cLadies Ladies CLOTHING Latest Style Suits SPECIAL S Ss SA 16 to 20 values at 1198 s worth 30 sale 1850 A selection Me Mel MeYo Im s Suits large going at nearly cost price up to YOl Yo ng Mens Suits worth 12 sale We carry no last years goods only re reliable Bo Boa s Suits and Furnishings at lowest liable goods p ices ices BLANKETS In n the th Shoe Dept Depts We Defy De Competition Bo Boos s and Shoes mens and cl cJ ild ren thousands s to choose from f and i A 1 l rge line 1 me of 0 f W Woolen 00 I en Dress D ress and an anese d Skirt These Th ese are grand gran d values va I ues G going at the very lowest prices A 11 splendid sp I en dd I line 1 mew while hl let they I ley last the latest lat latest est Cotton Wool sizes size worth W Wool Batiste worth a yard at 1 to go at See fee Our Windows lain dows Inspect our store and be convinced con and you will surely purchase l NOTE SOUTH OR o STREET l v h Clot ing Store I I Mullett Clothing Compan Compani Clothes for Now i When t you buy your Fall Suit or at you want to be certain cert in of one tiling t ing in You want to be certain that t tle le suit will look as well on you after ou ve worn it a while as it did when you rou bought it In order that it its s will w ill d this it must be all wool and it itI I must be made b by hand as much asa as a greatly 4 I r 4 t possible e adds greatly 4 to bot bol i the wearing rearing re ring quality and the h al a appearance of a suit of J x clothe The more I ship shin ii i 1 1 a suit the better bett r it adapts it itself itself itSelf self t your ur figure and retains its 1 1 4 Li shape r We Ve V e er hi h ve ye them Prices es to 50 V A ga k 4 1 our show windows values value Mu Mn leU lett Clothing CO FRED A SLADE President t pOO sn W Half Bl BI ck sk West Vest From Main on Second South OUR I CAIL IL ORDER DEPARTMENT IS ISA ISA A WAYS IN WORKING ORDER 1 f t J |