Show imah LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS rom wom 5 8 DAILY OCT 23 attain continued the case of P F P hintze of big cottonwood indicted by the grand jury of the thina thim district DIat riot court on the of jass last november for unlawful cohabitation has again been deferred the around alleged for the continuation is the absence of witnesses it la Is thought that tho the casa case will not coms come up before february wanted at sit tho the tithing office the following named persona persons who camo esmo in the last company of balents saints will plenge report themselves at the general tithing obice as aa soon as possible pos Bible in regard to particular famines A G peterson C nilson A lenin AK larson Binga ninga IJ jennil I 1 lebl lebi swenson Swen bon boa linburg H W hedin 2 avenson Bv enson I 1 i T Y 51 X 11 1 I A on oa monday ghr tho the Y M M L I 1 A of thoele tooele was wag organized with john W tate tato president nells nelia john eoa and nna veter eeler clegg counsel Coun fiel OK oro ohn sohn E johnson secretary ephraim gowan Arsi assistant stant secretary john dunaj dunn corresponding Correspond eg SecrA secretary tary laty soseph joseph tate Tre aie greanier anier st it Is ia expected a good work will be dione rione the coming winter A good spirit prevella prevails pr evalla in all the meetings of the Ithe young folks folka and the time is mio ulo ail ril laken taken up with an interesting luter esting eating veath death of an old oid citizen robt J golding an old oid time tima or of salt lake and a man who has been a prominent figure antho in the conman ity died at one this morning at hib his residence ju in the ward the cause 0 of his hia taking off was paralysis he was a man well ti id in ia years buning baning been born ime Ite ambe embe list 1821 1824 in fayette founty count giu aiu fiu nty indiana he joined the church of jesua christ of iatter litter day saints at nauvoo illinoi illinois Illi 1111 noie noi jn in 1814 the year of the martyrdom of the prophet and patriarch joseph joeeph and hyrum smith laten later be lra came to utah he was for gor fora rora a number of years collector df salt lake lako county the funeral bes beg over his remains will take place at the golding residence on wednesday oct to which the friends of the family are invited the railway hailway rall rali way tlona tiona A number of the theUn Union fon Jon pa eitle kitle railway magnate 3 were expect aci eci sd act in from the east this thia afternoon but up ap to 3 had not arrived the object of their comine Is said bald ti t bo be to consult with the tho officials of the denver rio blo grande railway j upon t tho c subject of tho the proposed pooling of the tho freight issues of the I 1 two lines it is reported that should the union pacific company refuse to comply with this proposition which originated with the rival corporation po ration the iatter latton will forthwith cut their freight rates down to per irrespective of class or quantity of freight on the other hand the U P railway officers have signified their intention it la Is eid bid of supplementing such a arendac tion by one lower still viz to per perc cwt cat wt the meeting of tho the magnates today to day is to decide the question one way or the other growth of carp dr J D M crockwell hands bands ju in the tho following in looking over I 1 nind nod that carp three years old weigh from four to six bix pounds at elx months old in the warm part of the year they will wili in measure esauro esaure from 10 to 12 inches in length at two summers growth I 1 bay say bummers summers for they do not grow much envery in very cold weather as they mostly lie he torpid ike the s toad they gather in ili A galvanized iron or tin cylinder shaped bucket holding so some bome 15 1 gal ions Is placed in every choey closet c excepting where the water vater flushes flashes the closet and the contents run ran into the se sewers were and taken away every second or third night between sumet sunset and sunrise and aud another empty one left in its place tho the full bucket are placed in an oblong covered wagon ony ons containing some bome 20 partitions with lids lida opening outward and ura uia upward at each side bide and hauled two miles milea to the outskirts of the town to abond abone and manure establishment where the sewerage to terminates Mi nates what is not used here hero ia hauled to the operation cooperation co farm a lle lie arslie ile further farther out where the best of crops are raised of course each closet is supplied with two buckets where neither water for flashing nor tho the bucket Is available ashes aro are into tha iha closet pits pita and hauled at regular inter intervals vals vaia to tho filth depository 0 8 walsh tinsmith who was a member of the wolverhampton wolver hampton town council some somo three years ago may give giva more par ticul ars als if necee bary eary A human fiend the ogden pilot details the particulars of a fiendish act perpetrated at eagle bock roch idaho on tuesday last A wretch named waiter walter mcdonald McDo formerly of ogden who has been acting as bartender for llouis jlouis ells eils of ragle raele bochi Bocki rockier or bome some time about 2 a m forced his bis way into the eagle hotel kept hept by mr J H lingo and going to the room of the young lady employed emp loyes demanded admission it was dented denied denied him and he then burgt buratt jhc ho door open th the young lady occupants of which there were two suspecting his diabolical designs attempted to escape from the room one of them succeeded but mcdonald Mo Donald donnld caught the other and forced her at the tha point of a revolver to accompany him to his room down town where he forced her to submit to b his bis Is wishes upon attaining his beastly object he fled fied the town deputy sheriff winn was absent at malad attending district court but being apprised of the crime immediately started after the fleeing bruto brute it baj wag first dim cult to obtain a clue to the direction he had taken or hig big whereabouts but the officer finally succeeded bucce eucce eded and on saturday captured him near smithfield utah and lodged him in jail at logan the people of ragie engle rock rcck wore were wild with indignation when the crime was made known and aro sire reported to have made complete arrangements for stringing the dastard up as soon as 49 ho he was waa brought baek back fearing buch huch an outcome deputy sheriff winn is loth to return with him the district court is now in session a at malaj and it if mcdonald escapes a rope ropo a at t eagle rock bock his case will immediately be taken up by the court the young lady whose life is in irretrievably trieva bly blighted by his hellish act is of a good family and thoroughly respectable she Is ia utterly pros grated by the outrage and the utmost commiseration is felt for fon dorher her by those cognizant of the affair erom emu wednesdays dallys dally OCT 21 sandwich islands mail isiaih all mail matter for the elders of the sandwich islands mansion should be directed to P 0 box boz hono laiu lalu jalof oahu bahu sandwich islands sentenced for stealing louls louig cohn cohns the well known main street merchant for sometime past hali hab suspected one of his hla clerks of purloining goods from hig hia establishment neing being thoroughly satisfied as to the justlee justice of his suspicions he employed employ ed a detective to ferret out the tho matter and fasten the guilt upon the he one to whom it belonged the officer was wab not long in discovering the culprit and obtaining evidence to convict him and the result waa was that hat yesterday on an affidavit charging him with abstracting certain articles from the store was made out and hoaas he waa arraigned before the polica magistrate to make answer thereto this morning he plead guilty to the accusation and at two this afternoon was sentenced by justice spiers to thirty days I 1 imprisonment in prison men t and to pay a nine fine fl n a 0 of f nifty fifty dollars his name is william russell he has a wife and children in new york yorks from which piao ulace place he camu came in company with mr cohn about two months ago the I 1 latter iatter a tt 8 r paying hh hia tare fare and engaging him to work in his hia store funeral services the funeral services over the remains of tho the late ella olivia driggs daughter of benjamin W and hla his wife olivia pratt driggs drigge were held yesterday at 10 am in the meetinghouse meeting house at elea eles pleasant sant Grov grove when ewhen one of the largest congregations ever seen in that place assembled to pay their resa rera respect peov peet to the memory of the departed the town turned out en magse masse stores were closed generally sus sub and many public buildings were draped in mourning such was tue the profound and universe uni versel esteem in which the deceased was held the meeting was addressed by bishop george lial ilai halliday liday of san sau elder nephi pratt pratts of this tills cl city ly mra ra zinn zina D H young and B bishop isu john brown of pleasant grove all of them speaking in a ve vey veny y interesting and instructive manner eulogizing tho the many excellent cel cei lerit qualities of the deceased and tending to comfort the family called upon to mourn the cosof loss of a loving daughter daught 12 bister hister and friend an extended cortege cor eor tege including the Y ii M I 1 A who followed the hearse on foot and between 40 and 60 50 vehicles accompanied the remains to their lait last resting place the district telegraph system lut night a petition was presented to the tha city council ashing the per mission of that body to introduce the district telegraph system s now W in vogue in other placed east and west into sait balt lake labe city fi fon for forthe the accommodation of busl busi business neba neta men and tho the public generally As many of our readers aro bro unaware of the nature and operations of ruch such a system it might not be noisa to present a few facts relative to its workings elsewhere first there la is a central office from which all the wires radiate as in the case of the telephone to tho the homes or places of business of those hose who uee use them A certain sum per month is charged for the use of the wire wira and the in placed in the mentors ren torb tors house the central office is in communication muni catlon cation with the police pollee station the fire department and other pub lic ho institutions and also keeps employed numbers of messenger mess mebs engere whose services as errand boyn boys or 1 escorts may at any time be required by customers one of the latter if he be demaires a parcel conveyed to a certain point or an errand of any hind kind performed which would the outlay for the boys services which are paid for by the tho hour goca to the instrument and gives a signal by turning a crank or pressing pres slag ag a button and the message tho the nature of which Js is predetermined by tho the number of rings given gay say one for an errand boy la Is immediately transmitted to the central at once returns fg signal that the message is receive and will be attended to if a policeman is wanted the signal would be different say bay oringe tw two rings and if the services ol of firemen are required three rings upon the instrument might serve gerve to indicate the fact all this of coune course regulated by the rules of the company owning the wires and other paraphernalia pher nalia whether or not such a a system ast em gouid won wen id be Bervic eables in view of the telephone wires now in active use is a question yet to be considered the presenter of the petition to the city council was mr F D giles manager ger of the western union telegraph com banys office in thia city |