Show railroad perplexities RAILROAD matters are getting into a state of chronic chronie agitation all over the country owing to the intense M competition that prevails nearly every region where a solitary line formerly operated and made business pay is now threaded treaded by ono one or more others anxious to tho the trade wo we doubt it there is 13 any enterprise of another class in which more powerful struggles gleB gieb of men and means are exhibited than in railroad building and operating all efforts to patch up and nud maintain an understanding regarding rates where a considerable number of companies are ara interested appear unav unavailing filling the lato late meeting of agents and representatives of different ditt aront roads roada lu iu san ban fran cisko hai has fallen short of its objects object one company represented at the gathering having recently do cladd that they would not be bound by anything that was done in this locality the undercurrent battle continues and al nil efforts at an understanding between the two anam rabin competing lines iines the U P F and D fc B R Q have amounted thus hus far to but little an am amicable isable iett lement being apparently na as far off as ever men are constantly on the stretch atter atler busi bubl ness nesb and their positions are no sine cures every once ina lna in a while something transpires tran traD spires that creates a ripple of ct excitement among them as was the case yesterday when the A R G announced to certain merchants a freight rato rate from the missouri river biver to this point of fifty cants cents a hundred this thib threatened downward leap was followed by an intimation from mr mcconnell that if it were carried out the U P would establish a twenty five tive cent rate we understand that the notion action of the D B R 0 is the result of a proposal from them td the U P to pool the profits of the two roads being declined it was probably thought that a tremendous reduction would bring the U P to their term terme there is a good deal of discussion ro as to the general effect of sweeping freight rato rate reductions some inc inclining in to the opinion that it will be detrimental while others othera take tahe an entirely opposite view we ve are in elined dined to believe as a whole that the result is and will be ba during its ita continuance ti nuance beneficial the consequent cheapening of goods of general conen emption must be a local saving aggregating be gre gating a considerable amoun amonn tand there is not much fear of s shippers apers generally losing to any great extent by tho the fluctuations this Is not likely to be the case as long as it is to the interest of the railroads to eee bee that they do not the greatest if not the only lostra are the railroads theine therne themselves elves and the great public feel a good deal ilke ilku the woman whose life partner was engaged in a determined struggle with bruin go it bear go it husban husband dehe bhe she eln ein exclaimed the question of future peace or war between tho the rival roads will probably boon roon be settled the leading officials of the U P company were expected to arrive in this city this afternoon when it was under stood ethod a consultation between t he the two companies on the subject would be held and a decision reached the three points to be deliberated upon are a settled rate pooling or warfare wa rare |